that say "ya can take a ga prefix" etc.
The ACIP->Unicode converter now gives warnings (optionally, and by
default, inline). This converter now produces output even when
lexical errors occur, but the output has errors and warnings inline.
Our disambiguation is now perfect, happening when and only when it is
necessary. These are all illegal, so it shouldn't affect many
existing conversions. But if there were typos, it could.
(which I found on, not in order to bulletproof the
Tibetan Converter tests. They used to fail due to nondeterminism in the
Java RTF writer; they should no longer fail.
I've also changed it so that the Tibetan Converter tests run in headless
mode, which means that they'll run on the nightly builds server.
TMW->Wylie conversions with the new-and-improved TMW->Wylie
algorithm faulty.
Now I'm using it a little more than you need to, e.g. b.lha instead of blha is
generated because bla and are ambiguous.
'<' and '>'. The current keyboard implementation makes this an either-or
proposition, when fundamentally it need not be.
Added a <?Numbers?> command and an <?Input:Numbers?> command to
tibwn.ini; broke the numbers apart from the consonants. This facilitates the
new-and-improved Tibetan->Wylie conversion.
Tibetan->Wylie is now done by forming legal tsheg-bars. A legal tsheg bar
is converted into perfect THDL Wylie. See code comments to learn what
it thinks is a legal tsheg-bar, but it inlcudes bskyUMbsH minus the trailing
punctuation (H), e.g.
Illegal sequences, such as runs of transliterated Sanskrit, are turned into
unambiguous Wylie; each glyph is followed by a vowel or a disambiguator
I've made it so that the illegal sequences are as beautiful as possible. You
get 'pad+me', for example, not the equivalent but uglier 'pad+m.e.'.
mouse-clicked on the new Jskad window, you could cause an infinite
regression of requestFocus() operations because the menu would try
to get focus back. I grab focus from the menu now.
work on a Linux console, e.g. The JUnit tests will too, though 'ant
check' still fails because we don't sneak the -Djava.awt.headless=true
into the process early enough.
which means that the command-line tool can finally function with a headless
graphics device. Hopefully it will speed things up, too. It also means that
entering Roman text into the TMW->Unicode conversion and TMW->TM
conversion will be easy.
faster than TMW->Unicode etc.; this is because many fewer replacements
are made (i.e., more text is replaced each time a replacement is
I must find a way to still preserve formatting but do many fewer
replacements in TMW->{Unicode,TM} and TM->TMW.