Better tests. As part of that, I had to break TibetanMachineWeb into
TibetanMachineWeb+THDLWylieConstants, because I don't want the
class-wide initialization code from TibetanMachineWeb causing errors
in LegalTshegBarTest.
converts TibetanMachineWeb glyphs to THDL Wylie. Three-glyph and
four-glyph sequences with implicit "a" vowels are now handled
correctly, except for disambiguation w.r.t. things like b-la-g
vs. bla-g and d-wa vs. dwa.
pa'am, pa'ang etc. now work too.
Illegal Tibetan sequences now become very ugly, but "correct" Wylie.
Correct in the sense that converting it back to glyphs should get you
the glyphs you started with.
I also made a change to that I hope will clear
up problems with this feature when keyboards other than "Extended
Wylie" are selected.
Took nga out of the farRightSet [postsuffixes]; only da and sa belong
there, right?
I tried to get the system in a state such that I could run automated
tests of this stuff, but I ran into difficulties. I have some manual
test cases; ask if you're interested.
2. Added support extreme uses of 'a' like le'u'i'o
3. Now parses correctly syllables that have the particles "ang" and "am" added to them. Second works only in "roman script" mode. The converter from tibetan script to roman script does not convert correctly this combinations. ("pa'ang" is converted wrongly into "pa'ng" and "pa'am" is converted wrongly into "pa'ma").
now a preference.
In addition, Jskad now raises an error dialog when you try to "Save
As" to a bad place or open a file that doesn't exist or isn't
Jskad/extensions. If you're lazy, you can move them to
extensions/drop-ins, but the correct thing to do is to move x*.jar to
$ANT_HOME/lib [next to vamp.jar, if you're already set up for Java Web
Start builds]. This is a side effect of improving the nightly builds.
Nightly builds now feature an HTML summary of the JUnit test results,
a datestamp, and full API docs in two flavors.
If you use a patched vamp.jar [e-mail me] that can run when an X11
display is not available (there is not an analogous problem for
Windows servers, I suspect), all you have to do to put up a nightly
builds site is to set up CVS access so that no password is requires
using SSH public-key crypto ( documents how to do so well) and
then use the following daily cron job on your Unix box:
#! /bin/sh
renice +19 -p $$ >/dev/null 2>&1
su -l joe-user /bin/sh -c /var/www/thdl/nightly/
where joe-user is an unprivileged user who has installed Ant properly
(see the updated BuildSystems.html on the developer's site off of and set himself up a Jskad sandbox with a Fonts
sandbox underneath it in, e.g., /var/www/thdl/nightly/Jskad. Here's
#! /bin/sh
if test ! -d $DEST; then \
echo "$DEST does not exist ($DATE)." >> history; exit 1; fi
(cd $JSKAD && ant dc-nightly-build \
&& rm -fr ${DEST}/* \
&& cp dist/ $DEST \
&& cd $DEST \
&& unzip
if test $? != 0; then echo "NIGHTLY BUILDS FAILED on $DATE" >> $HISTORY; exit 2; fi
echo "Success on start=$DATE end=$DDDATE" >> $HISTORY
exit 0
into Jskad's JAR file.
Doing so required that I cut out a lot of fancy HTML code. The correct fix
is to use XML to store the meat and then use XSL to generate two forms of
HTML: one dumb enough for Java, one for use on the THDL tools website.
e-mailed to me. Tibbibl is an editor for XML-based bibliographies of
Tibetan texts. All I did was change the package from org.thdl.xml to
org.thdl.tib.bibl and add boilerplate; no changes to Than's code were
Tibbibl features a diacritic input tool which Jskad might want to
that I like unit tests, my Unicode conversion work is going to have to
be thorougly tested for reasons I will outline in later today.
Added the freely licensed JUnit 3.8.1 binary to the repository, along
with some README files. Added a new supporting buildfile,
junitbuild.xml. 'ant clean check' is now good to go (though it uses
the text UI for JUnit, and some developers may want the Swing GUI)
Also, I cleaned up build.xml a bit, including adding all buildfiles
(but not junit.jar and things like that) to the source distribution
('ant src-dist') rather than just build.xml.
I'm committing in order to sync with my laptop, really. This stuff will disappear
and reappear in better form later, after a holiday of coding and eggless,
alcohol-free nog.
and for this package only.
I'm committing in order to sync with my laptop, really. This stuff will disappear
and reappear in better form later, after a holiday of coding and eggless,
alcohol-free nog.
Added a new class, UnicodeGraphemeCluster, that can tell you
the components of a grapheme cluster from top to bottom. It does not
yet have good error checking; it is not yet finished.
Next is to parse clean Unicode into GraphemeClusters. After that comes
scanning dirty Unicode into best-guess GraphemeClusters, and scanning
dirty Unicode to get nice error messages.