The Manipulate class now includes: acipToWylie, wylieToAcip, and unicodeToWylie. They provide a simple interfase to David Chandler's converters that are used by the translation tool.
confused; many glyphs that should have yielded errors were not.
I've added a test case that transforms every TMW glyph save the one with
no TM mapping to ACIP. I hand-checked that it was correct.
ACIP->TMW is fixed for # and *. I never noticed it, but each needed an
extra swoosh (U+0F05).
Round-tripping would be good, as would testing real-world use of
Fixed ACIP->Unicode/TMW for BDE, which should be B-DE, not B+DE, because the former is legal Tibetan.
The ACIP->EWTS subroutine has improved.
TMW->Wylie and TMW->ACIP are improved in error cases.
TMW->ACIP has friendly embedded error messages now.
2. Added support extreme uses of 'a' like le'u'i'o
3. Now parses correctly syllables that have the particles "ang" and "am" added to them. Second works only in "roman script" mode. The converter from tibetan script to roman script does not convert correctly this combinations. ("pa'ang" is converted wrongly into "pa'ng" and "pa'am" is converted wrongly into "pa'ma").
Added a JUnit test for the new Trie that fails at present since the Trie is
case-insensitive. Running JUnit tests is not something our build system
knows about at present, but Eclipse 2.0 makes it very easy.
Fixed a few compiler errors due to imports I'd forgotten.