/* The contents of this file are subject to the AMP Open Community License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License on the AMP web site (http://www.tibet.iteso.mx/Guatemala/). Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific terms governing rights and limitations under the License. The Initial Developer of this software is Andres Montano Pellegrini. Portions created by Andres Montano Pellegrini are Copyright 2001 Andres Montano Pellegrini. All Rights Reserved. Contributor(s): ______________________________________. */ package org.thdl.tib.scanner; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.io.*; /** Graphical interfase to be used by applications and applets to input a Tibetan text and displays the words with their definitions. @author Andrés Montano Pellegrini @see AppletScannerFilter @see WindowScannerFilter */ public abstract class ScannerPanel extends Panel implements ActionListener { private static int dictCols=5; protected Label status; protected Checkbox chkDicts[]; protected Button cmdTranslate; protected TibetanScanner scanner; private Panel toolBar; public ScannerPanel(String file) { this(file, false); } /** Individual components that are to be shown or hidden through the menu. */ public ScannerPanel(String file, boolean includeToolBar) { boolean exito=true; setFont(WindowScannerFilter.getTHDLFont()); setLayout(new BorderLayout()); status = new Label(); Panel panel1, panel2; panel1 = new Panel(new BorderLayout()); panel1.add(status, BorderLayout.CENTER); cmdTranslate = new Button("Translate"); cmdTranslate.addActionListener(this); if (includeToolBar) { toolBar = new Panel(); panel2 = new Panel(new FlowLayout()); panel2.add(toolBar); panel2.add(cmdTranslate); panel1.add(panel2, BorderLayout.EAST); } else { toolBar = null; panel1.add(cmdTranslate, BorderLayout.EAST); } chkDicts=null; // Label copyright = new Label(TibetanScanner.copyrightUnicode); doingStatus("Loading dictionary..."); try { if (file==null || file.equals("")) scanner = null; else { if (file.toLowerCase().startsWith("http://")) scanner = new RemoteTibetanScanner(file); else scanner = new LocalTibetanScanner(file); } } catch (Exception e) { status.setText("Dictionary could not be loaded!"); exito=false; } add(panel1, BorderLayout.NORTH); if (exito) returnStatusToNorm(); } protected Panel getDictPanel() { return getDictPanel(dictCols); } protected Panel getDictPanel(int dictCols) { int rows, n; if (null == scanner) return null; String dictionaries[] = scanner.getDictionaryDescriptions(); if (dictionaries!=null) { n = dictionaries.length; chkDicts = new Checkbox[n]; if (n>dictCols) { rows = n/dictCols; if (n%dictCols>0) rows++; } else { dictCols = n; rows = 1; } Panel panel2 = new Panel(new GridLayout(rows,dictCols)); // panel2 = new Panel(); int i; for (i=0; i<dictionaries.length; i++) { if (dictionaries[i]!=null) chkDicts[i] = new Checkbox(dictionaries[i] + " (" + DictionarySource.defTags[i] + ")", true); else chkDicts[i] = new Checkbox(DictionarySource.defTags[i], true); panel2.add(chkDicts[i]); } return panel2; } return null; } protected void doingStatus(String s) { status.setText(s); } protected void returnStatusToNorm() { status.setText("Input text:"); } public void closingRemarks() { status.setText("Finishing..."); } protected void setDicts(BitDictionarySource ds) { if (chkDicts==null) { if (ds!=null) ds.setAllDictionaries(); } else { int i; ds.reset(); for (i=0; i<chkDicts.length; i++) { if (chkDicts[i].getState()) ds.add(i); } } } /* FIXME: what happens if this throws an exception? We'll just see it on the console--it won't terminate the program. And the user may not see the console! See ThdlActionListener. -DC */ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { translate(); } public abstract void setPreferences(Frame owner); public Panel getToolBar() { return toolBar; } /*public void setDefaultFont(Font f) { int i; status.setFont(f); cmdTranslate.setFont(f); if (chkDicts!=null) { for (i=0; i<chkDicts.length; i++) { chkDicts[i].setFont(f); } } }*/ public abstract void translate(); public abstract void clear(); public abstract void setWylieInput(boolean enabled); public void addFocusListener(FocusListener fl) {} }