/* The contents of this file are subject to the AMP Open Community License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License on the AMP web site (http://www.tibet.iteso.mx/Guatemala/). Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific terms governing rights and limitations under the License. The Initial Developer of this software is Andres Montano Pellegrini. Portions created by Andres Montano Pellegrini are Copyright 2001 Andres Montano Pellegrini. All Rights Reserved. Contributor(s): ______________________________________. */ package org.thdl.tib.scanner; import java.io.*; /** Converts Tibetan dictionaries stored in text files into a binary file tree structure format, to be used by some implementations of the SyllableListTree. <p>Syntax (Dictionary files are assumed to be .txt. Don't include extensions!):<ul> <li><b>For one dictionary</b>, to read the definitions stored in <i> dic-name.txt</i> and organize them into <i>dic-name.wrd</i> and <i> dic-name.def</i>:<pre>java -cp DictionarySearchStandalone.jar org.thdl.tib.scanner.BinaryFileGenerator [-delimiter] dict-name</pre> </li> <li><b>For multiple dictionaries</b>, to read the definitions stored in <i> dict-name1.txt</i>, <i>dict-name2.txt</i>, etc.and organize them into <i> dest-file-name.wrd</i> and <i>dest-file-name.def</i>:<pre>java -cp DictionarySearchStandalone.jar org.thdl.tib.scanner.BinaryFileGenerator dest-file-name [-delimiter1] dict-name1 [[-delimiter2] dict-name2 ...]</pre> </li> </ul> <p>-delimiter<ul> <li><b>If this option is omitted</b>, it is assumed that each line is an entry (no multiple-line entries) and the definition and definiendum are separated by '-' (a dash). Even though it is not required, it is highly recommended to include a space before and afterwards (to eliminate any possible ambiguity with regards to the transliteration of reverse vowels in <a href="http://iris.lib.virginia.edu/tibet/tools/ewts.pdf" target="_blank"> Extended Wylie</a>). A sample entry for the dictionary is: <hr> <pre>bkra shis - 1) auspiciousness, good luck, good fortune, goodness, prosperity, happiness. 2) auspicious, favorable, fortunate, successful, felicitous, lucky. 3) verse of auspiciousness; benediction, blessing. 4) a personal name. bde legs - 1) goodness, happiness, well-being, wellfare, auspiciousness, good fortune. 2) well, fine.</pre> <hr> <p>If this were the content of a file called "<i>my-glossary.txt</i>" the binary tree file would be generated with the command:</p> <pre>java -cp DictionarySearchStandalone.jar org.thdl.tib.scanner.BinaryFileGenerator my-glossary</pre> </li> <li>-<b>tab</b>: it is assumed that each line is an entry (no multiple-line entries) and the definition and definiendum are separated by '\t' (horizontal tabulation). One tabulation is enough; don't feel the need to "align" the definitions in your word-processor. A sample entry for the dictionary is:<hr> <pre>bkra shis 1) auspiciousness, good luck, good fortune, goodness, prosperity, happiness. 2) auspicious, favorable, fortunate, successful, felicitous, lucky. 3) verse of auspiciousness; benediction, blessing. 4) a personal name. bde legs 1) goodness, happiness, well-being, wellfare, auspiciousness, good fortune. 2) well, fine.</pre> <hr> <p>Here, the binary tree file would be generated with the command:</p> <pre>java -cp DictionarySearchStandalone.jar org.thdl.tib.scanner.BinaryFileGenerator -tab my-glossary</pre> </li> <li> <b>-<i>string</i></b>: it is assumed that each line is an entry (no multiple-line entries) and the definition and definiendum are separated by the character or string of characters specified by the user. A sample entry for the dictionary is:<hr> <pre>bkra shis ** 1) auspiciousness, good luck, good fortune, goodness, prosperity, happiness. 2) auspicious, favorable, fortunate, successful, felicitous, lucky. 3) verse of auspiciousness; benediction, blessing. 4) a personal name. bde legs ** 1) goodness, happiness, well-being, wellfare, auspiciousness, good fortune. 2) well, fine.</pre> <hr> <p>Here, the binary tree file would be generated with the command:</p> <pre>java -cp DictionarySearchStandalone.jar org.thdl.tib.scanner.BinaryFileGenerator -** my-glossary</pre> </li> <li>-<b>acip</b>: it is assumed that the electronic file is a transliteration of a Tibetan dictionary. It is called "acip" because it accepts Acip's comment codes ('@' to mark page numbers, brackets to mark comments, etc). Nevertheless, it still requires the files to be in <a href="http://iris.lib.virginia.edu/tibet/tools/ewts.pdf" target="_blank"> Extended Wylie</a>, so if your file is in Acip's transliteration scheme make sure to run <i><a href="#org.thdl.tib.scanner.AcipToWylie">org.thdl.tib.scanner.AcipToWylie</a></i> first. Definitions here can be of multiple lines, but with no blank lines in between. It is assumed that the definiendum starts after a blank line (except at the beginning of a new page where it could start with the last part of the previous definition) up to the <i> shad</i> (except when the <i>shad</i> is omitted because of grammar rules as for instance no shad after a "ga" suffix without a secondary suffix). Each time a new letter starts, it should be clearly marked in brackets ('[', ']'), parenthesis ('(', ')') or llaves ('{','}'). A sample entry for the dictionary is: <hr> <pre>@1 (ka) ka ba/ gdung 'degs don byed nus pa/ rkyen/ grogs byed @2 (kha) khyod dngos po dang de byung 'brel/ khyod dngos po las byung zhing/ dngos po ldog stops kyis khyod ldog pa/ khyod dngos po dang bdag gcig 'brel/ khyod ngos po dang bdag nyid gcig pa'i sgo nas tha dad gang zhig/ dngos po ldog stops kyis khyod ldog pa/ khyod dngos po dang 'brel pa/ khyod dngos po dang tha dad gang @3 zhig/ ngos po ldog stobs kyis khyod ldog pa/ kha dog mdog du rung ba'am/ sngo ser dkar dmar sogs mdog tu rung ba'i gzugs/</pre> <hr> <p>Here the binary tree file would be generated with the command:</p> <pre>java -cp DictionarySearchStandalone.jar org.thdl.tib.scanner.BinaryFileGenerator -acip my-glossary</pre> <p><i>Comments:</i> Notice in the sample text that at the beginning of page 2, "<i>zhig</i>" is not a new definiendum, but still is part of the definition of "<i>khyod dngos po dang 'brel pa</i>". Also the definiendum of the last entry is "<i>kha dog</i>" (the <i>shad</i> was omitted after "<i>ga</i>" suffix) and not "<i>kha dog mdog du rung ba'am</i>". Nevertheless the definiendum of the second term is not "<i>khyod dngos po dang bdag</i>" since there is no omitted <i>shad</i> after that "<i>ga</i>" suffix; the definiedum is "<i>khyod dngos po dang bdag gcig 'brel</i>". As is clear from the sample text, the tool has to make a series of "smart guesses" to try to figure out where each definiendum end and it's definition start. Such process is not 100% full-proof, so expect some mistakes.<br> </p> </li> <li> <p>Dictionaries in different formats can be processed together. For instance the command: <pre>java -cp DictionarySearchStandalone.jar org.thdl.tib.scanner.BinaryFileGenerator alldicts ry-dic99 -acip myglossary_uma -tab myglossary_rdzogs-chen</pre> <p>would generate <i>alldicts.def</i> and <i>alldicts.wrd</i> processing <i>ry-dic99.txt</i> as dash-separated, <i>myglossary_rdzogs-chen.txt</i> as tab-separated and <i> myglossary_uma.txt</i> in the transliteration format explained above.<br> </li> </ul> @author Andrés Montano Pellegrini @see SyllableListTree @see FileSyllableListTree @see CachedSyllableListTree */ public class BinaryFileGenerator extends LinkedList { private long posHijos; private String sil, def[]; private static String delimiter; private static int delimiterType; private final static int delimiterGeneric=0; private final static int delimiterAcip=1; private final static int delimiterDash=2; /** Number of dictionary. If 0, partial word (no definition). */ private DictionarySource sourceDef; public static RandomAccessFile wordRaf; private static RandomAccessFile defRaf; static { wordRaf = null; defRaf = null; delimiter = null; delimiterType=delimiterDash; } public BinaryFileGenerator() { super(); sil = null; def = null; posHijos=-1; sourceDef = null; } public BinaryFileGenerator(String sil, String def, int numDef) { super(); int marker = sil.indexOf(" "); this.sourceDef = new DictionarySource(); if (marker<0) { this.sil = sil; this.def = new String[1]; this.def[0] = def; this.sourceDef.add(numDef); } else { this.sil = sil.substring(0, marker); this.def = null; addLast(new BinaryFileGenerator(sil.substring(marker+1).trim(), def, numDef)); } posHijos=-1; } public String toString() { return sil; } private static String deleteQuotes(String s) { int length = s.length(); if (length>2) { if ((s.charAt(0)=='\"') && (s.charAt(length-1)=='\"')) return s.substring(1,length-2); } return s; } public void addFile(String archivo, int defNum) throws Exception { final short newDefiniendum=1, halfDefiniendum=2, definition=3; short status=newDefiniendum; int marker, len, marker2; // int n=0; int currentPage=0, currentLine=1; char ch; BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(archivo))); String entrada="", s1="", s2="", currentLetter="", temp="", lastWeirdDefiniendum=""; boolean markerNotFound; // used for acip dict switch(delimiterType) { case delimiterAcip: outAHere: while (true) { entrada=br.readLine(); if (entrada==null) break; currentLine++; entrada = entrada.trim(); len = entrada.length(); if (len<=0) continue; // get page number if (entrada.charAt(0)=='@') { marker = 1; while(marker<len && Character.isDigit(entrada.charAt(marker))) marker++; temp = entrada.substring(1, marker); if (temp.length()>0) currentPage=Integer.parseInt(temp); if (marker<len) { entrada = entrada.substring(marker).trim(); len = entrada.length(); } else continue; } // get current letter if (entrada.charAt(0)=='(' || entrada.charAt(0)=='{' || entrada.charAt(0)=='?') { currentLetter = entrada.substring(1, entrada.length()-2); /*out.println(currentPage + ": " + currentLetter); n++;*/ continue; } if (entrada.charAt(0)=='[') { marker=1; markerNotFound=true; do { while (marker<len && markerNotFound) { if (entrada.charAt(marker)==']') markerNotFound=false; else marker++; } if (markerNotFound) { entrada=br.readLine(); if (entrada==null) break outAHere; currentLine++; len = entrada.length(); marker=0; } else break; } while (true); if (marker<len) { entrada = entrada.substring(marker+1).trim(); len = entrada.length(); if (len<=0) continue; } else continue; } // skip stuff. Add to previous definition. if (entrada.startsWith("...")) { entrada=entrada.substring(3); len = entrada.length(); if (len<=0) continue; } // find definiendum ch = entrada.charAt(0); if (Character.isLetter(ch) || ch=='\'') { /* first criteria: if it is not the root letter of section it is part of the previous definition, probably a page change, else go for it with following code: */ // get first syllable to check base letter marker=1; while (marker<len) { ch = entrada.charAt(marker); if (ch==' ' || ch=='/') break; marker++; } if (status!=halfDefiniendum) temp = Manipulate.getBaseLetter(entrada.substring(0, marker)); // if line begins with current letter, probably it is a definiendum if (status==halfDefiniendum || currentLetter.equals(temp)) { /* Since new definiendum was found, update last and collect new. No need to update status because it will be updated below. */ if (status==definition) { add(s1, s2, defNum); s1=""; s2=""; } marker=marker2=1; markerNotFound=true; while (marker < len) { ch = entrada.charAt(marker); switch(ch) { case '/': markerNotFound=false; marker2=marker+1; break; case '(': case '<': markerNotFound=false; marker2=marker; break; case 'g': // verify "g " if (marker+1<len && Manipulate.isVowel(entrada.charAt(marker-1)) && entrada.charAt(marker+1)==' ') { temp = entrada.substring(0, marker+1); if (!lastWeirdDefiniendum.startsWith(temp)) { markerNotFound=false; marker2=++marker; lastWeirdDefiniendum=temp; } } break; case ' ': // verify " " if (marker+1<len && entrada.charAt(marker+1)==' ') { markerNotFound=false; marker2=++marker; } break; case '.': if (marker+2<len && entrada.charAt(marker+1)=='.' && entrada.charAt(marker+2)=='.') { markerNotFound=false; marker2=marker; } break; default: if (Character.isDigit(ch)) { markerNotFound=false; marker2=marker; } } if (markerNotFound) marker++; else break; } /* either this is a definiendum that consists of several lines or it is part of the last definition. */ if (markerNotFound) { /* assume that the definiendum goes on to the next line. */ s1 = s1 + entrada + " "; status=halfDefiniendum; } else { s1 = s1 + entrada.substring(0,marker).trim(); s2 = "[" + currentPage + "] " + entrada.substring(marker2).trim(); status=definition; while (true) { entrada=br.readLine(); if (entrada==null) { add(s1, s2, defNum); break outAHere; } currentLine++; entrada = entrada.trim(); if (entrada.equals("")) break; else { s2 = s2 + " " + entrada; } } } } else // last line did not start with the current letter, it must still be part of the definition { s2 = s2 + " " + entrada; while (true) { entrada=br.readLine(); if (entrada==null) { add(s1, s2, defNum); break outAHere; } currentLine++; entrada = entrada.trim(); if (entrada.equals("")) break; else { s2 = s2 + " " + entrada; } } } } else // if first character was not a letter, it must still be part of definition { s2 = s2 + " " + entrada; while (true) { entrada=br.readLine(); if (entrada==null) { add(s1, s2, defNum); break outAHere; } currentLine++; entrada = entrada.trim(); if (entrada.equals("")) break; else { s2 = s2 + " " + entrada; } } } } break; default: while ((entrada = br.readLine())!=null) { entrada = entrada.trim(); if (!entrada.equals("")) { switch(delimiterType) { /* this is needed to make sure that the dash used in reverse vowels with extended wylie is not confused with the dash that separates definiendum and definition. */ case delimiterDash: marker=entrada.indexOf('-'); len = entrada.length(); while (marker>=0 && marker<len-1 && Manipulate.isVowel(entrada.charAt(marker+1)) && !Character.isWhitespace(entrada.charAt(marker-1))) { marker = entrada.indexOf('-', marker+1); } break; default: marker = entrada.indexOf(delimiter); } if (marker<0) { System.out.println("Error loading line " + currentLine + ", in file " + archivo + ":"); System.out.println(entrada); } else { s1 = deleteQuotes(entrada.substring(0,marker).trim()); s2 = deleteQuotes(entrada.substring(marker+1).trim()); add(s1, s2 , defNum); } } } currentLine++; } } private void add(String word, String def, int defNum) { Link link, newLink; BinaryFileGenerator ultimo; String firstSillable; int marker = word.indexOf(" "), comp; if (marker<0) firstSillable = word; else firstSillable = word.substring(0,marker); /* usa orden alfabetico */ if (isEmpty() || ((comp = firstSillable.compareTo((ultimo = (BinaryFileGenerator) getLast()).toString()))<0)) { super.addLast(new BinaryFileGenerator(word, def, defNum)); } else { if (comp==0) if (marker<0) ultimo.addMoreDef(def, defNum); else ultimo.add(word.substring(marker+1).trim(), def, defNum); else { link = cabeza; while(link.siguiente!=null) { comp = firstSillable.compareTo(link.siguiente.toString()); if (comp<0) { newLink = new Link(new BinaryFileGenerator(word, def, defNum)); newLink.siguiente = link.siguiente; link.siguiente = newLink; return; } else if (comp==0) { ultimo = (BinaryFileGenerator) link.siguiente.get(); if (marker<0) ultimo.addMoreDef(def, defNum); else ultimo.add(word.substring(marker+1).trim(), def, defNum); return; } link = link.siguiente; } newLink = new Link(new BinaryFileGenerator(word, def, defNum)); link.siguiente = newLink; } } } private void addMoreDef(String def, int numDef) { if (this.def==null) { this.def = new String[1]; this.def[0] = def; sourceDef.add(numDef); } else { // if the word is repeated in the same dictionary if (sourceDef.contains(numDef)) this.def[this.def.length-1] = this.def[this.def.length-1] + ". " + def; else { int i=0; String newDef[] = new String[this.def.length+1]; while(i<this.def.length) { newDef[i] = this.def[i]; i++; } newDef[i] = def; this.def = newDef; sourceDef.add(numDef); } } } public boolean equals (Object o) { if (o instanceof String) { return sil.equals((String)o); } else return false; } private void printMe(boolean hasNext) throws Exception { int i; wordRaf.writeInt((int) posHijos); wordRaf.writeUTF(sil); sourceDef.print(hasNext, wordRaf); if (def!=null) for (i=0; i<def.length; i++) { try { wordRaf.writeInt((int)defRaf.getFilePointer()); defRaf.writeUTF(def[i]); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(def[i]); } } } private void print() throws Exception { long pos; ListIterator i = listIterator(); BinaryFileGenerator silHijos; boolean hasNext; while (i.hasNext()) { silHijos = (BinaryFileGenerator) i.next(); if (!silHijos.isEmpty()) silHijos.print(); } pos = wordRaf.getFilePointer(); if (!isEmpty()) { posHijos=pos; i = listIterator(); hasNext = true; while (hasNext) { silHijos = (BinaryFileGenerator) i.next(); hasNext=i.hasNext(); silHijos.printMe(hasNext); } } } private static void printSintax() { System.out.println("Stores multiple dictionaries into a binary tree file."); System.out.println("Sintaxis:"); System.out.println("-For multiple dictionary sources:"); System.out.println(" java BinaryFileGenerator arch-dest [-delimiter1] arch-dict1"); System.out.println(" [[-delimiter2] arch-dict2 ...]"); System.out.println("-For one dictionary"); System.out.println(" java BinaryFileGenerator [-delimiter] arch-dict"); System.out.println("Dictionary files are assumed to be .txt. Don't include extensions!"); System.out.println(" -delimiter: default value is \'-\'. -tab takes \'\\t\' as delimiter."); System.out.println(" -acip: use this to process dictionaries entered using the ACIP standard"); System.out.println(" to mark page numbers, comments, etc. Make sure to convert it to"); System.out.println(" THDL's extended Wylie scheme first using the AcipToWylie class."); } public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception { int i, n=0, a; if (args.length==0) { printSintax(); return; } BinaryFileGenerator sl = new BinaryFileGenerator(); if (args[0].charAt(0)=='-') { if (args[0].equals("-tab")) { delimiterType = delimiterGeneric; delimiter="\t"; } else if (args[0].equals("-acip")) delimiterType=delimiterAcip; else { delimiterType=delimiterGeneric; delimiter=args[0].substring(1); } if (args.length>2) { printSintax(); return; } sl.addFile(args[1] + ".txt",0); a=1; } else { a=0; if (args.length==1) { sl.addFile(args[0] + ".txt",0); } else { i=1; while(i< args.length) { if (args[i].charAt(0)=='-') { if (args[i].equals("-tab")) { delimiterType=delimiterGeneric; delimiter="\t"; } else if (args[i].equals("-acip")) delimiterType=delimiterAcip; else { delimiterType=delimiterGeneric; delimiter=args[i].substring(1); } i++; } else { delimiterType=delimiterDash; } sl.addFile(args[i] + ".txt", n); n++; i++; } } } File wordF = new File(args[a] + ".wrd"), defF = new File(args[a] + ".def"); wordF.delete(); defF.delete(); wordRaf = new RandomAccessFile(wordF,"rw"); defRaf = new RandomAccessFile(defF,"rw"); sl.print(); wordRaf.writeInt((int)sl.posHijos); } }