This Jakarta Ant buildfile is used to build Jskad, Savant, QuillDriver, Tibbibl, and the Translation Tool. The docs at are created using this buildfile, for example. Read the comments of this buildfile to learn more, or see THDL Tools]]> These API docs were created ${javadoc.creation.time}.Copyright © 2001-2003 Tibetan and Himalayan Digital Library. All Rights Reserved.
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${jnlp.codebase} Jskad THDL Jskad is a simple text editor for the Tibetan language, using the Wylie transliteration and supporting several virtual keyboards. You must install the Tibetan Machine Web fonts before using Jskad. ]]> ${jnlp.codebase} Savant THDL Savant displays foreign-language text, audio, and video side-by-side to help you learn foreign languages or just study. ]]> ${jnlp.codebase} QuillDriver THDL QuillDriver helps you develop content for Savant, another THDL tool. ]]> ${jnlp.codebase} DictionarySearchAppletAndJavaWebStart THDL The translation tool provides a Tibetan-to-English dictionary. You must have the Tibetan Machine Web fonts installed on your computer to take full advantage of this dictionary. ]]> ${compilation.time}