Project = Project ProjectDetails = Project Details Speakers = Speakers TimeCoding = Time Coding AdjustTimeCode = Adjust Time Code In = Start Out = Stop PlaySegment = Play Segment NewProject = New Project TitleColon = Title: TypeNewTitleColon = Type new title: NoMedia = No media MediaColon = Media: Transcript = Transcript Audio = Audio Video = Video NoTranscript = No transcript TranscriptColon = Transcript: KeyboardInputMethod = Keyboard Input Method TranscriberName = Transcriber Name TranscriberTask = Transcriber Task Add = Add FaceColon = Face: NameColon = Name: EnterNewSpeakerInfo = Enter new speaker info Edit = Edit EditSpeakerInfo = Edit speaker info Remove = Remove SureDeleteSpeaker = Are you sure you want to delete this speaker? Warning = Warning! Face = Face Name = Name SaveCurrent = Save the current transcript OpenExisting = Open an existing transcript OpenTranscript = Open Transcript OpenMediaFile = Open Media from File OpenMediaURL = Open Media from URL TypeMediaURL = Enter the URL of the media you want to open: SupportedMediaError = Consult your THDL documentation and install a supported media player. WantSave = Do you want to save this transcript? WhatToDo = What do you want to do? ChooseOne = Choose an option Play = Play Pause = Pause PlayPause = Play/Pause Mode = Mode Edit = Edit ReadOnly = Read-only View = View Previous = Previous Current = Current Next = Next SuppressTimes = Hide times Search = Search FindText = Find text ReplaceText = Replace text FindSpeaker = Find speaker FindTime = Find time Cut = Cut Copy = Copy Paste = Paste SelectAll = Select all InsertSpeaker = Insert speaker InsertOneTime = Insert a time InsertTwoTimes = Insert two times File = File New = New Open = Open Close = Close Save = Save SaveAs = Save as Quit = Quit Keyboard = Keyboard Preferences = Preferences FindHeading = Search FindReplaceHeading = Search and Replace FindWhat = Find what ReplaceWith = Replace with ReplaceQ = Replace? FindNextYesNo = Find next? StartFromBeginning = You've reached the end of the document. Do you want to continue searching from the beginning? TextFound = Text found. Replace = Replace ReplaceAll = Replace all NoReplace = Don't replace Cancel = Cancel MediaPlayer = Media Player SelectMedia = Select Media InfoShort = Info InfoLong = Information Help = Help About = About CheckIn = Check In SaveTranscript = Save Annotation As