THDL Tools Nightly Builds
Here you'll find last night's latest and greatest builds of the THDL tools.
If the builds failed last night, then you're actually looking at
builds that are a little bit older. The actual date these
builds were done (from clean repository sources) can be found here.
See here for results of the
nightly JUnit tests.
Today's Javadocs: [public (zip file)]
[private (zip file)]
Today's source distribution (for all the tools combined): zip file
Today's Java Web Start binaries (signed with a throwaway key, so
you have to trust that my server hasn't been compromised and click
through the warnings):
Self-contained (minus QuickTime for Java, minus Java
Media Framework) JARs that are not signed:
Plain Jane, bare-minimum JARs that are not signed:
David Chandler