package org.thdl.quilldriver; import java.awt.*; import*; import quicktime.*; import*; import*; import*; import*; //required for the QT4JAVA test import quicktime.std.*; import quicktime.std.movies.*; import; import*; import*; import quicktime.std.clocks.*; public class SmartQT4JPlayer extends SmartMoviePanel { //attributes private QTCanvas canvas; //this hands over screen real estate to //native graphics that quicktime can control private QTPlayer player; //this is the the client for the canvas //In my app it will get set to a // object private Movie movie; //this is the content used in //QTDrawable player's constructor private MovieController controller; private TimeBaseRateCallBack theMoviesRateCallback; private TimeBaseExtremesCallBack theMoviesExtremeCallback; private TimeBaseTimeJumpCallBack theMoviesTimeJumpCallback; private TimeBaseTimeCallBack theMoviesTimeCallback; private TimeBaseTimeCallBackStopper theStopper; //accessors public void setPlayer(QTPlayer player) { this.player = player; } public QTPlayer getPlayer() { return player; } public void setMovie(Movie movie) { = movie; } public void setMovie(URL movieURL) { try { DataRef movieDataRef = new DataRef( "file://" + movieURL.getFile() ); Movie m = new Movie(); m = m.fromDataRef( movieDataRef, StdQTConstants.newMovieActive ); setMovie(m); getMovie().setTimeScale(1000); } catch(QTException qte) { qte.printStackTrace(); System.out.println( movieURL.toString() ); } } public Movie getMovie() { return movie; } public void setController(MovieController controller) { this.controller = controller; } public MovieController getController() { return controller; } public void setCanvas(QTCanvas canvas) { this.canvas = canvas; } public QTCanvas getCanvas() { return canvas; } //contract methods - initialize public void displayBorders(boolean borders) throws SmartMoviePanelException { } public void displayController(boolean controller) throws SmartMoviePanelException { } public void loadMovie(URL mediaURL) throws SmartMoviePanelException { setMovie(mediaURL); try { getCanvas().removeClient(); setController( new MovieController( getMovie() )); getController().setKeysEnabled(true); setPlayer(new QTPlayer( getController() )); getCanvas().setClient( getPlayer(), true ); this.add( getCanvas() ); TimeBase theMoviesTimeBase = getMovie().getTimeBase(); // this callback is triggered when the rate of the movie changes theMoviesRateCallback = new TimeBaseRateCallBack(theMoviesTimeBase, 1.0F, StdQTConstants.triggerRateChange); // theMoviesRateCallback.callMeWhen(); // this callback is triggered when the movie ends theMoviesExtremeCallback = new TimeBaseExtremesCallBack(theMoviesTimeBase, StdQTConstants.triggerAtStop); // theMoviesExtremeCallback.callMeWhen(); // this callback is triggered when the movie starts theMoviesExtremeCallback = new TimeBaseExtremesCallBack(theMoviesTimeBase, StdQTConstants.triggerAtStart); // theMoviesExtremeCallback.callMeWhen(); // this callback is triggered when there is a jump in the timebase theMoviesTimeJumpCallback = new TimeBaseTimeJumpCallBack(theMoviesTimeBase); // theMoviesTimeJumpCallback.callMeWhen(); // this schedules the time callback once every 2 seconds // this callback is triggered at a specific time interval theMoviesTimeCallback = new TimeBaseTimeCallBack(theMoviesTimeBase, 1, 2, StdQTConstants.triggerTimeEither); // theMoviesTimeCallback.callMeWhen(); //Using the Timer class you can get rescheduled properly and get callbacks at the set intervals. It uses the same callback //mechanism of internally of the TimeCallback. //Its recomended to use this Timer class to do callbacks , which would take care of the time base time changes and //recscheduling of the tickle method . Timer timer = new Timer(1, 2, new Tickler(), getMovie() ); // timer.setActive(true); } catch(QTException qte) { qte.printStackTrace(); } } //contract methods - control media public void cmd_playOn() throws SmartMoviePanelException { try { getPlayer().setRate(1.0F); } catch(QTException qte) { qte.printStackTrace(); } } public void cmd_playSegment(Integer startTime, Integer stopTime) throws SmartMoviePanelException { //FIXME: need to deal with null stopTime try { getPlayer().setTime( startTime.intValue() ); int value=stopTime.intValue(); TimeBase theMoviesTimeBase = getPlayer().getTimeBase(); theStopper = new TimeBaseTimeCallBackStopper(theMoviesTimeBase, 1000, value, StdQTConstants.triggerTimeEither); theStopper.callMeWhen(); cmd_playOn(); System.out.println("Set start time to " +startTime.intValue() ); System.out.println("Set stop time " +stopTime.intValue() ); System.out.println("Current time " +getPlayer().getTime() ); System.out.println("Time Stopper's stop trigger " +theStopper.getCallTime() ); System.out.println("Player Scale: " +getPlayer().getScale() ); System.out.println("Movie Scale: " +getMovie().getTimeScale() ); } catch (SmartMoviePanelException smpe) {} catch (StdQTException sqte) {} catch (QTException qte) {} } public void cmd_stop() throws SmartMoviePanelException { try { getPlayer().setRate(0.0F); } catch(QTException qte) { qte.printStackTrace(); } } //contract methods - media status public boolean isInitialized() { return true; } public int getCurrentTime() { try { return getMovie().getTime(); } catch (StdQTException stqte) { stqte.printStackTrace(); return -1; } } public int getEndTime() { try { return getMovie().getDuration(); } catch (StdQTException stqte) { stqte.printStackTrace(); return -1; } } //helper methods - QT4J public void startupQTSession() { //Initialize a QT session and add a test image //These three try/catch blocks come from copyright // Apple Co. I'm using it to test that QT and QT4Java exist try { if (QTSession.isInitialized() == false); } catch (NoClassDefFoundError er) { add (new Label ("Can't Find QTJava classes"), "North"); add (new Label ("Check install and try again"), "South"); } catch (SecurityException se) { // this is thrown by MRJ trying to find QTSession class add (new Label ("Can't Find QTJava classes"), "North"); add (new Label ("Check install and try again"), "South"); } catch (Exception e) { // do a dynamic test for QTException //so the QTException class is not loaded unless // an unknown exception is thrown by the runtime if (e instanceof ClassNotFoundException || e instanceof { add (new Label ("Can't Find QTJava classes"), "North"); add (new Label ("Check install and try again"), "South"); } else if (e instanceof QTException) { add (new Label ("Problem with QuickTime install"), "North"); if (((QTException)e).errorCode() == -2093) add (new Label ("QuickTime must be installed"), "South"); else add (new Label (e.getMessage()), "South"); } } try { setCanvas( new QTCanvas(QTCanvas.kInitialSize, 0.5F, 0.5F) ); this.add( getCanvas() ); getCanvas().setClient(ImageDrawer.getQTLogo(), true); } catch(QTException qte) { qte.printStackTrace(); } } public void destroy() { QTSession.close(); System.out.println("Clean up performed."); } //constructor public SmartQT4JPlayer(Container cont, URL mediaURL) { super( new GridLayout() ); startupQTSession(); } public SmartQT4JPlayer() { super( new GridLayout() ); startupQTSession(); } // inner classes /** * This class extends the RateCallBack class and provides an execute routine * that is invoked by the callback when the rate of the movie changes * *@author travis *@created September 3, 2002 */ public class TimeBaseRateCallBack extends RateCallBack { public TimeBaseRateCallBack(TimeBase tb, float rate, int flag) throws QTException { super(tb, rate, flag); } public void execute() { try { System.out.println("--- RateCallBack@ratechange---"); cancel(); //reschedule callMeWhen(); } catch (StdQTException e) {} } } /** * This class implements a method that is called when the movie stops * *@author travis *@created September 3, 2002 */ class TimeBaseExtremesCallBack extends quicktime.std.clocks.ExtremesCallBack { public TimeBaseExtremesCallBack(TimeBase tb, int flag) throws QTException { super(tb, flag); } public void execute() { try { System.out.println("--- ExtremesCallBack@stop---"); //cancel cancel(); //reschedule callMeWhen(); } catch (StdQTException e) {} } } /** * This class extends the TimeJumpCallBack class to provide a method that is * called when the timebase of the movie changes (IE, if the user clicks in * the movie controller) * *@author travis *@created September 3, 2002 */ class TimeBaseTimeJumpCallBack extends quicktime.std.clocks.TimeJumpCallBack { public TimeBaseTimeJumpCallBack(TimeBase tb) throws QTException { super(tb); } public void execute() { try { System.out.println("--- TimeJumpCallBack---"); cancel(); //reschedule callMeWhen(); } catch (StdQTException e) {} } } class TimeBaseTimeCallBack extends quicktime.std.clocks.TimeCallBack { private int callTime; private TimeBase theTimeBase; public void setCallTime(int time) { callTime=time; value=callTime; } public int getCallTime() { return callTime; } public void execute() { try { System.out.println("--- TimeCallBack@triggerTimeEither--- called at:" + timeWhenCalledMsecs + "msecs"); cancel(); //reschedule callMeWhen(); } catch (StdQTException e) {} } public TimeBaseTimeCallBack(TimeBase tb, int scale, int value, int flags) throws QTException { super(tb, scale, value, flags); // setCallTime(value/1000); setCallTime(value); theTimeBase = tb; } } class TimeBaseTimeCallBackStopper extends TimeBaseTimeCallBack { public void execute() { try { System.out.println("---TimeCallBackStopper--- called at:" + timeWhenCalledMsecs + "msecs"); System.out.println("---TimeCallBackStopper--- callTime is: " + getCallTime() + " msecs"); cmd_stop(); System.out.println("---TimeCallBackStopper--- Player time is: " + getPlayer().getTime() + " msecs"); System.out.println("---TimeCallBackStopper--- Movie time is: " + getMovie().getTime() + " msecs"); cancelAndCleanup(); //reschedule //callMeWhen(); } catch (StdQTException e) {} catch (SmartMoviePanelException smpe) {} } public TimeBaseTimeCallBackStopper(TimeBase tb, int scale, int value, int flags) throws QTException { super(tb, scale, value, flags); } } public class Tickler implements Ticklish { public void timeChanged(int newTime) throws QTException { System.out.println("* * * * Timer Class * * * timeChanged at:" + newTime); } public boolean tickle(float er, int time) throws QTException { System.out.println("* * * * Timer Class * * * tickle at:" + time); return true; } } }