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{\author Edward Garrett}{\operator Edward Garrett}{\creatim\yr2002\mo2\dy6\hr11\min8}{\revtim\yr2002\mo2\dy25\hr18\min16}{\version9}{\edmins57}{\nofpages2}{\nofwords314}{\nofchars1790}{\*\company THDL}{\nofcharsws0}{\vern8247}}
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How to Use Savant}{\b\fs44  
\par }\pard \s15\ql \li0\ri0\widctlpar\aspalpha\aspnum\faauto\adjustright\rin0\lin0\itap0 {
\par Savant allows users to watch a video or listen to an audio recording while simultaneously viewing its transcript in multiple linguistic forms (Tibetan script, Wylie, English translation). The media and transcript are synchronized, so th
at the transcript automatically scrolls down with the media as it plays, and one can click from a line on the transcript to get that segment of the media alone to play back.
\par }\pard\plain \ql \li0\ri0\widctlpar\aspalpha\aspnum\faauto\adjustright\rin0\lin0\itap0 \fs24\lang1033\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp1033\langfenp1033 {\fs28 
\par Savant allows several modes of access. On the one hand, the video/audio has controls, which you can use to play, pause, and move through the media file. Whatever you do, the transcript will keep up with the video/audio.
\par Alternatively, you can control the media from the transcript. Two functionalities are available:
\par - }{\i\fs28 Single-click}{\fs28  on a line of text to play that line and those that follow it.
\par - }{\i\fs28 Double-click}{\fs28  on a line of text to play only that line.
\par The transcript window lets you switch back and forth between various modes of representation. In particular, you can turn Tibetan script, W
ylie transliteration, and the English translation on and off. (Note that our method of transliteration follows THDL Extended Wylie. For details, please visit www.thdl.org)
\par Savant also supports full screen video on most platforms. To watch a video in full 
screen mode, click your mouse on the video. The video should fill the screen. If you want to see the transcript or access the video controls, press Alt-Tab (or Alt-Tab-Tab - press as many Tabs as needed). Eventually you will get to a window which contains
 the transcript and an empty shell for the video. To return to the video, press Alt-Tab (or Alt-Tab-Tab - press as many Tabs as needed) again. To resume initial dimensions, click on the video again.
\par Most titles also have an additional "About the Video" window.
\par }{\fs28\ul Known Bugs}{\fs28  
\par - Some users may experience problems with video playback. This as yet unsolved problem may cause the video control slider to work improperly. In addition, sometimes the audio may not start in time with the video. If you experience such p
roblems, then we recommend that you listen to the audio rather than watching the video.
\par - When switching views (e.g. between Tibetan and English), the highlight may not always keep up. If the highlight disappears or gets confused, please pause and restart the video.
\par - Tibetan text breaks properly at whitespace, but it does not break properly after tsheg or other punctuation marks. This means that a line of Tibetan text will sometimes be improperly broken in the middle of a syllable.
\par If you find a bug tha
t is not reported here, please let us know. Send a message to Edward Garrett at eg3p@virginia.edu. If possible, please include the file 'savant.log' as an attachment. You can find this file on your desktop, or wherever you have placed the file 
\par }}