package org.thdl.tib.input ; import javax.swing.* ; import javax.swing.text.* ; import javax.swing.text.StyleConstants.FontConstants ; import java.awt.GridBagLayout ; import java.awt.GridBagConstraints ; import java.awt.Insets ; import java.awt.Rectangle ; import java.awt.Font ; import java.awt.Color ; import java.awt.Component ; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent ; import java.awt.event.KeyAdapter ; import java.awt.event.ActionListener ; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent ; import javax.swing.event.ListSelectionListener ; import javax.swing.event.ListSelectionEvent ; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock ; import java.text.StringCharacterIterator ; class DictionaryFrame extends JFrame implements ListSelectionListener { // // the fields to display .. // protected JTextPane original ; // .. the original text - romanized and tibetan protected JTextArea pronounciation ; // .. the pronounciation protected DefaultListModel listModel ; // protected JList entryList ; // .. list of dictionary keywords protected JTextPane description ; // .. sequence of dictionary entries protected JScrollPane descriptionPane ; // protected JButton closeButton ; protected Font fontSerif ; protected Font fontSansSerif ; protected ReentrantLock listLock ; // // entryList contains MyListElement-s instead of just String-s // (we want a number to be associated with each element to store // the position within description) // class MyListElement { MyListElement ( String theStr, int theData ) { str = theStr ; data = theData ; } public void setIntData ( int theData ) { data = theData ; } public int getIntData () { return data ; } public String toString () { return str ; } protected String str ; protected int data ; }; DictionaryFrame () { super ( "Dictionary" ) ; init ( null ) ; } DictionaryFrame ( Component parent ) { super ( "Dictionary" ) ; init ( parent ) ; } void init ( Component parent ) { listLock = new ReentrantLock () ; fontSerif = new Font ( "serif", Font.PLAIN, 12 ) ; fontSansSerif = new Font ( "sansserif", Font.PLAIN, 12 ) ; // // layout // GridBagLayout gridbag = new GridBagLayout () ; GridBagConstraints c = new GridBagConstraints () ; getContentPane ().setLayout ( gridbag ) ; // // children // original = new JTextPane () ; pronounciation = new JTextArea ( "" ) ; listModel = new DefaultListModel () ; entryList = new JList ( listModel ) ; entryList.addListSelectionListener ( this ) ; description = new JTextPane () ; descriptionPane = new JScrollPane ( description, JScrollPane.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED, JScrollPane.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_NEVER ) ; closeButton = new JButton ( "Close" ) ; closeButton.setMnemonic ( 'c' ) ; closeButton.addActionListener ( new ActionListener () { public void actionPerformed ( ActionEvent e ) { closeWindow () ; } } ) ; original.setEditable ( false ) ; pronounciation.setEditable ( false ) ; description.setEditable ( false ) ; // // add them // c.insets = new Insets ( 1, 1, 1, 1 ) ; c.anchor = GridBagConstraints.NORTHWEST ; c.weightx = 1.0 ; c.weighty = 0.0 ; c.gridheight = 1 ; c.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER ; c.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL ; gridbag.setConstraints ( original, c ) ; getContentPane ().add ( original ) ; c.anchor = GridBagConstraints.NORTHWEST ; c.weightx = 1.0 ; c.weighty = 0.0 ; c.gridheight = 1 ; c.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER ; c.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL ; gridbag.setConstraints ( pronounciation, c ) ; getContentPane ().add ( pronounciation ) ; c.weighty = 1.0 ; c.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH ; c.gridheight = 4 ; c.weightx = 0.0 ; c.gridwidth = 1 ; gridbag.setConstraints ( entryList, c ) ; getContentPane ().add ( entryList ) ; c.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH ; c.gridheight = 4 ; c.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER ; c.weightx = 3.0 ; gridbag.setConstraints ( descriptionPane, c ) ; getContentPane ().add ( descriptionPane ) ; c.anchor = GridBagConstraints.CENTER ; c.weightx = 1.0 ; c.weighty = 0.0 ; c.gridx = GridBagConstraints.RELATIVE ; c.gridy = GridBagConstraints.RELATIVE ; c.gridheight = 1 ; c.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.RELATIVE ; c.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL ; gridbag.setConstraints ( closeButton, c ) ; getContentPane ().add ( closeButton ) ; // // set fonts // original.setFont ( fontSansSerif ) ; pronounciation.setFont ( fontSansSerif ) ; entryList.setFont ( fontSansSerif ) ; description.setFont ( fontSansSerif ) ; // // we need F12 to toggle the visible state of the dictionary window // KeyAdapter keyAdapter = new KeyAdapter () { public void keyPressed ( KeyEvent ev ) { if ( KeyEvent.VK_F12 == ev.getKeyCode () || KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE == ev.getKeyCode () ) toggleVisible () ; } }; original.addKeyListener ( keyAdapter ) ; pronounciation.addKeyListener ( keyAdapter ) ; entryList.addKeyListener ( keyAdapter ) ; description.addKeyListener ( keyAdapter ) ; // // finish // pack () ; // // place the window on top of the parent frame, moving it slightly // if ( parent != null ) setLocation ( parent.getLocation ().x, parent.getLocation ().y ) ; setSize ( 500, 500 ) ; } /** * toggle the visibility of this window */ void toggleVisible () { setVisible ( !isVisible () ) ; } /** * close the window */ void closeWindow () { setVisible ( false ) ; } /** * clear all fields */ public void reset () { // // clear all fields // listLock.lock () ; try { original.setText ( "" ) ; pronounciation.setText ( "" ) ; description.setText ( "" ) ; listModel.clear () ; } finally { listLock.unlock () ; } } /** * isEmpty * * @return true if the dict frame does not display any data */ public boolean isEmpty () { return ( original.getText ().length () > 0 ? false : true ) ; } /** * set the original * * @param text - has the Wylie roman text * @param realDoc - ref to the actual document being edited * @param startPos * @param endPos - location of the text in the actual document being edited */ public void setOriginal ( String text, DefaultStyledDocument realDoc, int startPos, int endPos ) { AbstractDocument doc = (AbstractDocument)original.getDocument () ; SimpleAttributeSet as = new SimpleAttributeSet () ; as.addAttribute ( FontConstants.Family, "serif" ) ; try { doc.insertString ( doc.getLength (), text + " ", as ) ; } catch ( BadLocationException e ) { // this should never happen } SimpleAttributeSet as1 = new SimpleAttributeSet () ; for ( int pos = startPos; pos <= endPos; pos++ ) { Element el = realDoc.getCharacterElement ( pos ) ; try { doc.insertString ( doc.getLength (), realDoc.getText ( pos, 1 ), el.getAttributes () ) ; } catch ( BadLocationException e ) { // this should never happen } } } /** * set the pronounciation field */ public void setPronounciation ( String text ) { // // set the pronounciation field // pronounciation.setText ( text ) ; } /** * add a dictionary entry * * @param text - description as retrieved form TibetanScanner derived objs */ public void addDescription ( String text ) { // // add the keyword to entryList. we assume the keyword is anything in the // dictionary entry that precedes the first dash // text = handleSanskrit ( text ) ; listLock.lock () ; try { Document doc = description.getDocument () ; try { int len = doc.getLength() ; if ( len > 0 ) { doc.insertString ( len, "\n\n", null ) ; len = doc.getLength () ; } int dashIndex = text.indexOf ( "-" ) ; String keyword = text.substring ( 0, dashIndex - 1 ) ; String entry = text.substring ( dashIndex + 1 ) ; // // add keyword to the list box // listModel.addElement ( new MyListElement ( keyword, len ) ) ; SimpleAttributeSet attrSet = new SimpleAttributeSet () ; StyleConstants.setBold ( attrSet, true ) ; StyleConstants.setUnderline ( attrSet, true ) ; // // add entry to the list box // doc.insertString ( len, keyword, attrSet ) ; len = doc.getLength () ; StyleConstants.setBold ( attrSet, true ) ; StyleConstants.setUnderline ( attrSet, false ) ; doc.insertString ( len, entry, null ) ; } catch ( Exception e ) { } } finally { listLock.unlock () ; } } /** * called when entryList selection changes */ public void valueChanged ( ListSelectionEvent e ) { // // get the position of the dictionary entry identified // by the selected entryList item. // listLock.lock () ; try { MyListElement elem = ((MyListElement)entryList.getSelectedValue ()) ; if ( null != elem ) { int pos = elem.getIntData () ; try { // // make sure the part of description associated with the item // is visible; TODO this doesn't work quite well // Rectangle rect = description.modelToView ( pos ) ; rect.setSize ( (int)rect.getWidth (), descriptionPane.getHeight () - 10 ) ; description.scrollRectToVisible ( rect ) ; } catch ( BadLocationException ble ) { // // this should never happen // System.err.println ( "DictionaryFrame.valueChanged .. Incorrect argument passed to modelToView." ) ; } } } finally { listLock.unlock () ; } } /** * gotoList * force the focus to the entry list box * */ public void gotoList () { entryList.requestFocusInWindow () ; entryList.setSelectedIndex ( 0 ) ; } /** * handleSanskrit * converts the dictionary entry text so that romanized Sanskrit leters are * displayed correctly (long a vs A etc) * * @param inText - text as retrieved from TibetanScanner * @return converted text */ protected String handleSanskrit ( String inText ) { String outText = "" ; StringCharacterIterator it = new StringCharacterIterator ( inText ) ; // // we have three states // final int DEFAULT = 0 ; final int INBRACES = 1 ; final int INWORD = 2 ; // // state is the current state // word is the recently collected piece of text // wasBraces is true if we are just after a {XX} sequence was encountered // int state = DEFAULT ; String word = "" ; boolean wasBraces = false ; // // loop through the entire text, find whatever is likely to be a Sanskrit word // // the decision whether a word could be Sanskrit is based on two criteria: // 1. if it appears immediately after a {XX} sequence it's assumed to be Sanskrit // 2. otherwise if it contains a sequence of // in which case uppercase is likely to be a letter that needs conversion // for ( char c = it.first (); c != StringCharacterIterator.DONE; c = () ) { switch ( state ) { case DEFAULT: if ( Character.isLetter (c) ) { word = String.valueOf (c) ; state = INWORD ; } else if ( '{' == c ) { wasBraces = false ; state = INBRACES ; } else { wasBraces = false ; outText += c ; } break ; case INBRACES: if ( '}' != c ) { word += c ; } else { outText += "{" + word + "}" ; word = "" ; wasBraces = true ; state = DEFAULT ; } break ; case INWORD: if ( Character.isLetter (c) ) { word += c ; } else { // // looks like a Sanskrit word, let's convert it // outText += processSanskrit ( word, wasBraces ) + c ; word = "" ; state = DEFAULT ; } break ; } } return outText ; } /** * isLikelyToBeSanskrit * * the criterion is : * the word contains a sequence of * * @param word * @return true is word is likely to be Sanskrit * */ protected boolean isLikelyToBeSanskrit ( String word ) { if ( word.matches ( ".*[a-z][A-Z].*" ) ) return true ; return false ; } /** * processSanskrit * * @param word * @param forceSanskrit * @return converted word */ protected String processSanskrit ( String word, boolean forceSanskrit ) { // // // if ( forceSanskrit || isLikelyToBeSanskrit ( word ) ) { word = word.replaceAll ( "A", "a\u0305" ) ; word = word.replaceAll ( "I", "i\u0305" ) ; word = word.replaceAll ( "U", "u\u0305" ) ; word = word.replaceAll ( "S", "s\u0323" ) ; word = word.replaceAll ( "D", "d\u0323" ) ; word = word.replaceAll ( "T", "t\u0323" ) ; word = word.replaceAll ( "M", "m\u0307" ) ; word = word.replaceAll ( "N", "n\u0307" ) ; word = word.replaceAll ( "H", "h\u0323" ) ; word = word.replaceAll ( "R", "r\u0323" ) ; word = word.replaceAll ( "L", "l\u0323" ) ; word = word.replaceAll ( "z", "s\u0301" ) ; } return word ; } /** * unit test */ public static void main ( String [] args ) { new DictionaryFrame () ; } }