Tibetan Computer Company Keyboard #1 Apparently the same as the Tibkey keyboard except: - 'h' is a pre-post stack key, not a medial stack key DLC FIXME: U=cj and I=cg are hacks; clean up the keyboard code and remove them. has sanskrit stacking=true has tibetan stacking=true is stacking medial=false stack key=h has disambiguating key=false disambiguating key= needs achen before vowels=true has 'a' vowel=false is achung consonant=true k=q kh=w g=e ng=r c=t ch=y j=u ny=i t=o th=p d=[ n=] p=a ph=s b=d m=f ts=k tsh=l dz=; w=' zh=z z=x '=c y=v r=m l=, sh=. s=/ h=> a=? T=Q Th=W D=E N=R Sh=T 0=0 1=1 2=2 3=3 4=4 5=5 6=6 7=7 8=8 9=9 <0= <1= <2= <3= <4= <5= <6= <7= <8= <9= >0= >1= >2= >3= >4= >5= >6= >7= >8= >9= a= i=g u=j e=b o=n I=cg U=cj ai=B au=N A= -i=G -I= _=- = /=\ |=+ !=| :=% ;= @=! #=@ $= %= (=( )=) H=: M=* ^M=` // DLC FIXME: \tmw7095=__TILDE__ &=$