<HTML> <BODY bgcolor=ffffff> <P> <TABLE width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0> <TR> <TD> <FONT size=-1><B>CalHTMLPane v2.0 Guide</B></FONT> </TD> <TD align=right> <FONT size=-1><B>Example Tag Usage</B></FONT> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <HR width=100% size=1 color=black> <P> <FONT size=+1><B>1: Tables</B></FONT> <P> <BLOCKQUOTE> <P> <B>Column widths</B><BR> <P> <TABLE border cellpadding=6 align=center> <TR> <TD> <B>Synopsis:</B><BR> Table column widths can be expressed in absolute, percentage, or relative form. See HTML4.0 spec for details. </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD> <B>Example:</B> <P> <table align=center bgcolor=ffffdd cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 rules=none bordercolor=black frame=border> <tr> <td><FONT color=navy> <TABLE border=1 width=100% align=center cellpadding=2 bgcolor=sandybrown><BR> <code> </code><COLGROUP align=center><BR> <code> </code><COL width=100><BR> <code> </code><COL width=10%><BR> <code> </code><COL width=0*><BR> <code> </code><COL span=3 width=*><BR> <code> </code><COL width=2*><BR> <code> </code></COLGROUP><BR> <code> </code><TR><BR> <code> </code><TD>100 Pixels</TD><TD>10%</TD><TD>0*</TD><BR> <code> </code><TD>1*</TD><TD>1*</TD><TD>1*</TD><TD>2*</TD><BR> <code> </code></TR><BR> </TABLE><BR> </td> </tr> </table> <P> <TR><TD> <B>Rendering:</B> <P> <table border=1 width=100% align=center cellpadding=2 bgcolor=sandybrown> <colgroup align=center> <col width=100> <col width=10%> <col width=0*> <col span=3 width=*> <col width=2*> </colgroup> <tr> <td>100 Pixels</td><td>10%</td><td>0*</td> <td>1*</td><td>1*</td><td>1*</td><td>2*</td> </tr> </table> <blockquote> Column 1 requests an absolute width of 100 pixels<BR> Column 2 requests 10% of available width<BR> Column 3 requests that it always be set to its minimum width<BR> Columns 4-7 request proportions of the remaining width <LI>Columns 4, 5 and 6 each request one portion of the remainder <LI>Column 7 requests two portions of the remainder <P>Note that the eventual apportionment of widths to each column depends very much on the amount of space available to the table. </blockquote> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </BLOCKQUOTE> <TABLE align=center width=50%> <TR> <TD align=center> <A href="../CalGuide.html">Guide Index</A> | <A href="../javadoc/overview-tree.html"> JavaDoc</A> | <A href="guide-Tables-bordercolors.html"> Previous</A> | <A href="guide-Forms-style.html"> Next</A> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </BODY> </HTML>