/* The contents of this file are subject to the THDL Open Community License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License on the THDL web site (http://www.thdl.org/). Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific terms governing rights and limitations under the License. The Initial Developer of this software is the Tibetan and Himalayan Digital Library (THDL). Portions created by the THDL are Copyright 2001 THDL. All Rights Reserved. Contributor(s): ______________________________________. */ package org.thdl.quilldriver; import java.util.*; import java.net.*; import javax.media.*; import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.event.*; /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public class QDPlayer extends Panel implements ControllerListener { private EventListenerList listenerList = new EventListenerList(); public URL mediaURL; private Vector orderStartID, orderEndID; private Stack pileStart, pileEnd; private Hashtable hashStart, hashEnd; private Player player = null; private Component visualComponent = null; private Component controlComponent = null; private Panel panel = null; private JPanel vPanel = null; private Container parent = null; private java.util.Timer timer = null; private Time stopTime = null; private Time pauseTime = null; private boolean stillLoadingVideo = false; private boolean isMediaAudio = false; private boolean isSized = false; private Float to = null; /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public QDPlayer(Container p, URL sound) { parent = p; makeMedia(sound); } public void makeMedia(URL sound) { if (mediaURL != null) { cmd_stop(); destroy(); } mediaURL = sound; start(); } public URL getURL() { return mediaURL; } public void destroy() { player.close(); } public void start() { openPlayer(); } public Component popVisualComponent() { vPanel.remove(visualComponent); invalidate(); validate(); repaint(); return visualComponent; } public void restoreVisualComponent() { vPanel.add("Center", visualComponent); invalidate(); validate(); repaint(); } public Component getVisualComponent() { return visualComponent; } public Component getControlComponent() { return controlComponent; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public boolean cmd_isSized() { return isSized; } public boolean cmd_isRealized() { return player.getState() == Controller.Realized; } public String cmd_firstS() { return (String)orderStartID.elementAt(0); } public boolean cmd_stop() { if (player == null) return false; try { player.stop(); return true; } catch (NotRealizedError err) { System.out.println("NotRealizedError"); return false; } } public boolean cmd_isID(String theID) { System.out.println(hashStart.containsKey(theID)); return hashStart.containsKey(theID); } public boolean cmd_play() { if (stillLoadingVideo || player == null) return false; if (player.getState() == Controller.Started) return true; if (pauseTime == null) player.setMediaTime(new Time(0.0)); else player.setMediaTime(pauseTime); if (player.getTargetState() < Player.Started) { player.setStopTime(Clock.RESET); player.prefetch(); } player.start(); return true; } public boolean cmd_playFrom(Integer from) { if (stillLoadingVideo) return false; if (play(from, null)) return true; else return false; } public boolean cmd_play(Integer from, Integer to) { if (stillLoadingVideo) return false; if (play(from, to)) return true; else return false; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public int getLastTime() { Time t = player.getDuration(); long l = t.getNanoseconds(); return new Long(l / 1000000).intValue(); } public int when() { if (player == null) return -1; if (player.getState() < Controller.Realized) return -1; long currTime = player.getMediaNanoseconds(); return new Long(currTime / 1000000).intValue(); } private boolean play(Integer from, Integer to) { if (player == null) return false; final Time startTime = new Time(from.longValue() * 1000000); try { if (player.getState() == Controller.Started) player.stop(); while (player.getState() == Controller.Unrealized) ; // player.stop(); if (to == null) { stopTime = null; player.setStopTime(Clock.RESET); } else { stopTime = new Time(to.longValue() * 1000000); player.setStopTime(stopTime); } player.setMediaTime(startTime); player.prefetch(); player.start(); return true; } catch(NotRealizedError err) { System.out.println("NotRealizedError"); return false; } } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public void openPlayer() { try { player = Manager.createPlayer(mediaURL); player.addControllerListener(this); } catch (javax.media.NoPlayerException e) { System.err.println("noplayer exception"); e.printStackTrace(); return; } catch (java.io.IOException ex) { System.err.println("IO exception"); ex.printStackTrace(); return; } if (player != null) player.realize(); } public synchronized void controllerUpdate(ControllerEvent event) { if (player == null) return; if (event instanceof RealizeCompleteEvent) { System.out.println("received RealizeCompleteEvent event"); if (visualComponent == null) { if (panel == null) { setLayout(new GridLayout(1,1)); vPanel = new JPanel(); vPanel.setLayout( new BorderLayout() ); if ((visualComponent = player.getVisualComponent())!= null) vPanel.add("Center", visualComponent); else { isMediaAudio = true; stillLoadingVideo = false; } if (!stillLoadingVideo) { if ((controlComponent = player.getControlPanelComponent()) != null) { if (visualComponent == null) //no video vPanel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(400,25)); vPanel.add("South", controlComponent); } } add(vPanel); } } parent.invalidate(); parent.validate(); parent.repaint(); isSized = true; if (stillLoadingVideo) player.start(); } else if (event instanceof StartEvent) { StartEvent se = (StartEvent)event; Time t = se.getMediaTime(); long longt = t.getNanoseconds(); Float from = new Float(longt); float f = (from.floatValue() / 1000000000); from = new Float(f); t = player.getStopTime(); longt = t.getNanoseconds(); to = new Float(longt); f = (to.floatValue() / 1000000000); to = new Float(f); if (timer != null) { timer.cancel(); timer = null; } timer = new java.util.Timer(true); timer.schedule(new TimerTask() { public void run() { //this is specifically for the MPG stop time bug if (stopTime != null) if (player.getMediaTime().getNanoseconds() > stopTime.getNanoseconds()) player.stop(); }}, 0, 15); } else if (event instanceof StopEvent) { pauseTime = player.getMediaTime(); /*messy problems require messy solutions: if the slider is present, dragging it while playing creates a RestartingEvent, and if I set the media time here it messes up and barely plays at all (maybe because it cancels the previously set media time? - I don't know). but it seems that if you press the play/pause button on the control widget, then you need to set the media time upon stop (probably because of problem noted below, namely that you get weird results if you do player.start() without setting the media time.*/ if (!(event instanceof RestartingEvent)) player.setMediaTime(pauseTime); // player.setStopTime(Clock.RESET); stopTime = null; System.out.println("received StopEvent"); if (timer != null) { timer.cancel(); timer = null; } if (stillLoadingVideo) { System.out.println("received EndOfMediaEvent"); stillLoadingVideo = false; player.stop(); if ((controlComponent = player.getControlPanelComponent()) != null) { if (visualComponent == null) //no video vPanel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(400,25)); vPanel.add("South", controlComponent); } parent.invalidate(); parent.validate(); parent.repaint(); } } else if ( event instanceof CachingControlEvent) { CachingControlEvent e = (CachingControlEvent) event; System.out.println("got CachingControlEvent: " + e); if (!isMediaAudio) stillLoadingVideo = true; } else if (event instanceof ControllerErrorEvent) { player = null; System.err.println("*** ControllerErrorEvent *** " + ((ControllerErrorEvent)event).getMessage()); } else if (event instanceof PrefetchCompleteEvent) { if (panel != null) { panel.invalidate(); } parent.invalidate(); parent.validate(); parent.repaint(); } } }; /* After pause the MPEG video and playing it again it gets faster Author: vladshtr In Reply To: After pause the MPEG video and playing it again it gets faster Mar 1, 2001 6:25 PM Reply 1 of 1 The problem is in the setting the Meida time. The safety way is to always set new media time with the following method: setMediaTime(Time time); .... if you want to use it after -player.stop(); used as real stop you can use setMediaTime(new Time(0.0)); -player.stop(); used as real pause you have to use the combination: player.stop(); Time currentTime = player.getMediaTime(); //........ player.setMediaTime(currentTime); player.start(); Re: (urgent) when you pause and resume, video plays at rate > 1 Author: seertenedos In Reply To: (urgent) when you pause and resume, video plays at rate > 1 Aug 11, 2002 11:36 PM Reply 1 of 1 I found a solution for this problem for those that are interested. what you have to do is store the time just before you pause and then set the time just before you play. here is a copy of my pause and play methods // Start the player private void play() { if (player != null) { if (pauseTime != null) { player.setMediaTime(pauseTime); } if (player.getTargetState() < Player.Started) player.prefetch(); player.start(); } } // Pause the player private void pause() { if (player != null) pauseTime = player.getMediaTime(); player.stop(); } that should solve your pause play problems! > The problem is below. It seems quite a few people are > having this problem but i have not seen a solution > around. I really need a solution to this problem as > the whole point of my application is that it plays > divx and mpeg videos. At the moment i have divx > movies playing through the mpeg demuxer as the avi one > stuffed up the audio. I think that is the reason it > affects both divx and mpeg. My application is due in > one week and my client is not going to be very happy > if this problem happens every time they pause then > play the video. > The player is for divx movies. If anyone knows how to > solve this problem or how to make it so you can pause > and resume divx movies please respond. > > Pause and Resume playback. > The video plays at a high rate and there is no audio. > Problem doesn't appear while seeking. > > > > */