389 lines
9.7 KiB
389 lines
9.7 KiB
package org.thdl.tib.input ;
import org.thdl.tib.scanner.TibetanScanner ;
import org.thdl.tib.scanner.LocalTibetanScanner ;
import org.thdl.tib.scanner.RemoteTibetanScanner ;
import org.thdl.tib.scanner.Word ;
import org.thdl.tib.input.SettingsServiceProvider ;
import org.thdl.tib.input.DictionaryLoadState ;
import org.thdl.tib.input.DictionarySettings ;
import org.thdl.tib.dictionary.DictionaryInterface ;
import org.thdl.tib.dictionary.ScannerBasedDictionary ;
import java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment ;
import java.awt.Font ;
import java.net.URL ;
import java.net.URLConnection ;
import java.io.InputStream ;
import java.util.HashMap ;
import java.util.Observer ;
import java.util.Observable ;
public class GlobalResourceHolder
protected static final int NUM_FONTS = 10 ;
protected static final String FONT_NAME_PREFIX = "TibetanMachineWeb" ;
private static boolean flagIsUsingLocalFonts = false ;
private static Font baseTMWFont [] = null ;
private static Font derivedTMWFont [] = null ;
private static HashMap nameToNumber = null ;
private static SettingsServiceProvider settingsServiceProvider ;
private static DictionarySettings dictionarySettings = null ;
private static int dictionaryLoadState = DictionaryLoadState.UNDEFINED ;
private static Object dictionaryLoadLock = null ;
private static DictionaryInterface dictionary = null ;
static class Listener implements Observer
public static final int DICTIONARY_SETTINGS = 1 ;
* update
public void update ( Observable o, Object arg )
onSettingsChange ( ((Integer)arg).intValue () ) ;
* onSettingsChange
public void onSettingsChange ( int setting )
if ( null == GlobalResourceHolder.settingsServiceProvider )
return ;
if ( DICTIONARY_SETTINGS == setting )
// compare with the current settings
boolean newDictionaryEnabled = GlobalResourceHolder.
settingsServiceProvider.getDictionarySettingsEnabled () ;
boolean newDictionaryLocal = GlobalResourceHolder.
settingsServiceProvider.getDictionarySettingsLocal () ;
String newDictionaryPath = GlobalResourceHolder.
settingsServiceProvider.getDictionarySettingsPath () ;
DictionarySettings newSettings = new DictionarySettings ( newDictionaryEnabled,
newDictionaryPath ) ;
if ( ! newSettings.equal ( GlobalResourceHolder.dictionarySettings ) )
GlobalResourceHolder.dictionarySettings.set ( newSettings ) ;
GlobalResourceHolder.dictionary = GlobalResourceHolder.loadDictionary () ;
static Listener listenerObj = null ;
listenerObj = new Listener () ;
// we have no service provider until the client class is born
settingsServiceProvider = null ;
// init the font array
baseTMWFont = new Font [ NUM_FONTS ] ;
derivedTMWFont = new Font [ NUM_FONTS ] ;
// if TibetanMachineWeb fonts are not installed
// load the fonts from the .jar file and set
// the flag
if ( ! isTMWInstalled () )
setLocalFonts () ;
// initialize the dictionary stuff
dictionarySettings = new DictionarySettings () ;
dictionaryLoadLock = new Object () ;
public static Listener getListener ()
return listenerObj ;
public static int getDictionaryLoadState ()
int state ;
synchronized ( dictionaryLoadLock )
state = dictionaryLoadState ;
return state ;
public static void waitForDictionary ()
synchronized ( dictionaryLoadLock )
public static DictionaryInterface getDictionary ()
return dictionary ;
* loadDictionary
protected static DictionaryInterface loadDictionary ()
DictionaryInterface d = null ;
if ( ! dictionarySettings.isEnabled () )
return null ;
dictionarySettings.setValid ( false ) ;
synchronized ( dictionaryLoadLock )
dictionaryLoadState = DictionaryLoadState.UNDEFINED ;
if ( dictionarySettings.isLocal () )
d = new ScannerBasedDictionary ( new LocalTibetanScanner ( dictionarySettings.getPathOrUrl () ) ) ;
dictionarySettings.setValid ( true ) ;
d = new ScannerBasedDictionary ( new RemoteTibetanScanner ( dictionarySettings.getPathOrUrl () ) ) ;
dictionarySettings.setValid ( true ) ;
dictionaryLoadState = DictionaryLoadState.READY ;
catch ( Exception e )
System.err.println ( "TibetanScanner.loadDictionaryScanner () --> " + e.toString () ) ;
dictionaryLoadState = DictionaryLoadState.ERROR ;
return d ;
* isTMWInstalled ()
* returns true if TibetanMachineWeb fonts are
* installed on the system.
protected static boolean isTMWInstalled ()
String [] familyNames =
GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment ().getAvailableFontFamilyNames () ;
int mask = 0 ;
for ( int i = 0; i < familyNames.length; i++ )
String family = familyNames [i] ;
if ( family.startsWith ( FONT_NAME_PREFIX ) )
int fontNum = 0 ;
if ( family == FONT_NAME_PREFIX )
fontNum = 1 ;
fontNum = Character.digit ( family.charAt ( family.length () - 1 ), 10 ) ;
if ( fontNum < 0 || fontNum > NUM_FONTS )
fontNum = 0 ;
if ( fontNum > 0 )
mask |= ( 1 << (fontNum-1) ) ;
if ( ( ( 1 << NUM_FONTS ) - 1 ) == mask )
return true ;
return false ;
* setLocalFonts ()
* loads the fonts from Fonts directory in
* the .jar file, if the dir exists
protected static void setLocalFonts ()
nameToNumber = new HashMap () ;
for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_FONTS; i++ )
String suffix = ((i>0)?String.valueOf (i):"") ;
URL url =
GlobalResourceHolder.class.getResource ( "/Fonts/TibetanMachineWeb/timwn" + suffix + ".ttf" ) ;
if ( null != url )
URLConnection conn = url.openConnection () ;
InputStream is = conn.getInputStream () ;
baseTMWFont [i] = Font.createFont ( Font.TRUETYPE_FONT, is ) ;
is.close () ;
catch ( Exception e )
System.err.println ( "Failed to load fonts from JAR !" ) ;
flagIsUsingLocalFonts = false ;
return ;
// we use a hash map to translate font names into their numbers (indices)
nameToNumber.put ( FONT_NAME_PREFIX + ( ( 0 == i ) ? "" : String.valueOf (i) ), new Integer ( i ) ) ;
flagIsUsingLocalFonts = true ;
* setFontSize
* notifies the GlobalResource about the most probably used font size
protected static void setFontSize ( int fontSize )
if ( !flagIsUsingLocalFonts )
return ;
if ( null == derivedTMWFont [0] || fontSize != derivedTMWFont [0].getSize () )
for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_FONTS; i++ )
derivedTMWFont [i] = baseTMWFont [i].deriveFont ( Font.PLAIN, fontSize ) ;
* getFont ( fontName, size )
public static Font getFont ( String fontName, int fontSize )
Integer intObj = (Integer)nameToNumber.get ( fontName ) ;
if ( intObj != null )
int fontNum = intObj.intValue () ;
return getFont ( fontNum, fontSize ) ;
return null ;
* getFont ( fontNum, size )
public static Font getFont ( int fontNum, int fontSize )
Font font = null ;
if ( flagIsUsingLocalFonts )
if ( null == derivedTMWFont [fontNum] || fontSize != derivedTMWFont [fontNum].getSize () )
font = derivedTMWFont [fontNum] = baseTMWFont [fontNum].deriveFont ( Font.PLAIN, fontSize ) ;
return font ;
* isUsingLocalFonts ()
* returns true if the app should use the fonts from the package .jar file
* (==> fonts are not installed on the system)
public static boolean isUsingLocalFonts ()
return flagIsUsingLocalFonts ;
public static void setSettingsServiceProvider ( SettingsServiceProvider theSettingsServiceProvider )
settingsServiceProvider = theSettingsServiceProvider ;
theSettingsServiceProvider.getObservable ().addObserver ( listenerObj ) ;
public static void removeSettingsServiceProvider
( SettingsServiceProvider theSettingsServiceProvider )
settingsServiceProvider = null ;
theSettingsServiceProvider.getObservable ().deleteObserver ( listenerObj ) ;
public static DictionarySettings getDictionarySettings ()
return dictionarySettings ;