release have been updated. The .war file is now deleted after the build mines it for the goodies. If we use Tomcat or another app server down the road, we'll be ready to go.
845 lines
32 KiB
845 lines
32 KiB
<!-- @author David Chandler -->
Quick start: This buildfile looks for the following, which are not in
the CVS repository:
See the developers site, linked to from, for
info on where to find these.
<project name="THDLTools" default="dist" basedir=".">
This Jakarta Ant buildfile is used to build Jskad, Savant,
QuillDriver, and the Translation Tool. The docs at
| are created using this buildfile, for
example. Read the comments of this buildfile to learn more.
<!-- -->
<!-- Ant extensions we use: -->
<!-- -->
<!-- See for vamp*: -->
<taskdef name="vampwar" classname="venus.ant.taskdefs.VampWar" />
<taskdef name="vampinstaller" classname="venus.ant.taskdefs.VampInstaller" />
<!-- set global properties for this build -->
<property name="my.jar.suffix" value="vanilla"/>
<property name="javacdashg" value="yes"/>
<property name="source" location="source"/>
<property name="license" location="license"/>
<property name="bin" location="bin"/>
<property name="jskadbin" location="bin/jskad"/>
<property name="qdbin" location="bin/qd"/>
<property name="ttstandalonebin" location="bin/tt-standalone"/>
<property name="ttappletjwsbin" location="bin/tt-applet-and-java-web-start"/>
<property name="tthandheldbin" location="bin/tt-handheld"/>
<property name="ttservletbin" location="bin/tt-servlet"/>
<property name="savantbin" location="bin/savant"/>
<property name="docs" location="docs"/>
<property name="dist" location="dist"/>
<property name="ext" location="extensions"/>
<property name="publicjavadocs" location="${docs}/public-javadocs"/>
<property name="privatejavadocs" location="${docs}/private-javadocs"/>
<property name="j2ee.sdk.home" location="F:\Program Files\j2sdkee1.3.1\lib"/>
<!-- Set to false for less output when running the tools: -->
<property name="thdl.debug" value="true"/>
<!-- Set to true if you want the code to abort when it reaches
poorly thought-out control flow paths (i.e., iffy code). -->
<property name="thdl.die.on.iffy" value="true"/>
<!-- Set to the name of the dictionary used by the Translation Tool: -->
<property name="arch.dict" value="architecture_dictionary"/>
<!-- Set this to 1.2 if you want J2SDK 1.4's default. 1.1 gives us
more compatibility, but maybe there will be a performance hit
or something. -->
<property name="target.jvm" value="1.1"/>
<!-- To easily add a jar to the CLASSPATH, just drop it into
'extensions/drop-ins/'. -->
<path id="entire.class.path">
<pathelement location="${ext}/"/> <!-- for netscape.javascript -->
<!-- Developers: although these JARs are not yet in CVS, you're
responsible for finding them and putting them into
'extensions/': -->
<pathelement location="${ext}/jdom.jar"/>
<pathelement location="${ext}/xalan.jar"/>
<pathelement location="${ext}/xercesImpl.jar"/>
<pathelement location="${ext}/xml-apis.jar"/>
<pathelement location="${ext}/jmf.jar"/>
<fileset dir="${j2ee.sdk.home}">
<include name="j2ee.jar"/>
<!-- this gets Ant's jars, so leave it out:
<pathelement path="${java.class.path}/"/> -->
<fileset dir="${ext}/drop-ins">
<include name="*.jar"/>
<include name="*.JAR"/>
<!-- Developers: set this on the ant command line if you need to
with 'ant -Dadditional.class.path="c:\foo"': -->
<pathelement path="${additional.class.path}"/>
<target name="init">
<!-- Create the time stamp -->
<!-- Create the build directory structure used by compile -->
<mkdir dir="${dist}/releases"/>
<mkdir dir="${dist}/docs"/>
<mkdir dir="${dist}/lib"/>
<mkdir dir="${dist}/java-web-start"/>
<mkdir dir="${dist}/source"/>
<mkdir dir="${bin}"/>
<mkdir dir="${jskadbin}"/>
<mkdir dir="${qdbin}"/>
<mkdir dir="${ttstandalonebin}"/>
<mkdir dir="${tthandheldbin}"/>
<mkdir dir="${ttservletbin}"/>
<mkdir dir="${ttappletjwsbin}"/>
<mkdir dir="${savantbin}"/>
<mkdir dir="${publicjavadocs}"/>
<mkdir dir="${privatejavadocs}"/>
<target name="test-all"
description="runs every target in this buildfile in a smart order; useful for testing the buildfile and your build environment" />
<!-- DLC FIXME: generate as-nearly-self-contained-as-possible Savant
and QuillDriver -->
<target name="self-contained-dist"
description="JARs up everything into self-contained JARs for double-click, classpath-worry-free joy" />
<target name="dist"
description="JARs up everything" />
<!-- Don't compile tt-servlet by default, since not everyone has the
J2EE SDK installed: -->
<target name="compile"
description="compiles all programs except for those that are for J2EE (rather than J2SE)" />
<target name="jskad-compile" depends="init"
description="compiles Jskad" >
<antcall target="our-internal-javac-task">
<param name="mybin" value="${jskadbin}"/>
<param name="my.included.source.file"
<antcall target="copy-ini-files-to-bin-dir-for-jarring">
<param name="mybin" value="${jskadbin}"/>
<antcall target="copy-license-to-bin-dir-for-jarring">
<param name="mybin" value="${jskadbin}"/>
<target name="savant-compile" depends="init"
description="compiles Savant" >
<antcall target="our-internal-javac-task">
<param name="mybin" value="${savantbin}"/>
<param name="my.included.source.file"
<!-- Copy the .rtf files; they're needed resources: -->
<copy todir="${savantbin}/org/thdl/savant">
<fileset dir="${source}">
<include name="*savant*"/>
<antcall target="copy-ini-files-to-bin-dir-for-jarring">
<param name="mybin" value="${savantbin}"/>
<antcall target="copy-license-to-bin-dir-for-jarring">
<param name="mybin" value="${savantbin}"/>
<!-- Builds the standalone translation tool: -->
<target name="tt-standalone-compile" depends="init"
description="compiles the standalone Translation Tool" >
<antcall target="our-internal-javac-task">
<param name="mybin" value="${ttstandalonebin}"/>
<param name="my.included.source.file"
<antcall target="our-internal-javac-task">
<param name="mybin" value="${ttstandalonebin}"/>
<param name="my.included.source.file"
<antcall target="copy-ini-files-to-bin-dir-for-jarring">
<param name="mybin" value="${ttstandalonebin}"/>
<antcall target="copy-license-to-bin-dir-for-jarring">
<param name="mybin" value="${ttstandalonebin}"/>
<!-- Builds the translation tool for handhelds. This tells J2SDK
1.4 to compile for handhelds (-target 1.1 does the trick).
Compiling with J2SDK 1.3 does so by default, by the way. -->
<target name="tt-handheld-compile" depends="init"
description="compiles the handheld Translation Tool" >
<antcall target="our-internal-javac-task">
<param name="target.jvm" value="1.1"/>
<param name="mybin" value="${tthandheldbin}"/>
<param name="my.included.source.file"
<antcall target="copy-license-to-bin-dir-for-jarring">
<param name="mybin" value="${tthandheldbin}"/>
<!-- Builds the applet + the Java Web Start translation tool: -->
<target name="tt-applet-plus-jws-compile" depends="init"
description="compiles the applet + Java Web Start forms of the Translation Tool" >
<antcall target="our-internal-javac-task">
<param name="mybin" value="${ttappletjwsbin}"/>
<param name="my.included.source.file"
<antcall target="our-internal-javac-task">
<param name="mybin" value="${ttappletjwsbin}"/>
<param name="my.included.source.file"
<antcall target="copy-ini-files-to-bin-dir-for-jarring">
<param name="mybin" value="${ttappletjwsbin}"/>
<antcall target="copy-license-to-bin-dir-for-jarring">
<param name="mybin" value="${ttappletjwsbin}"/>
<target name="tt-servlet-compile" depends="init"
description="compiles the servlet form of the Translation Tool. You'd better set the j2ee.sdk.home property first or have j2ee.jar on your CLASSPATH, because this is a J2EE program." >
<antcall target="our-internal-javac-task">
<param name="mybin" value="${ttservletbin}"/>
<param name="my.included.source.file"
<antcall target="copy-license-to-bin-dir-for-jarring">
<param name="mybin" value="${ttbin}"/>
<target name="qd-compile" depends="init"
description="compiles QuillDriver" >
<!-- Compile the java code from ${source} into ${qdbin} -->
<antcall target="our-internal-javac-task">
<param name="mybin" value="${qdbin}"/>
<param name="my.included.source.file"
<!-- Copy over QuillDriver-specific resources: -->
<copy todir="${qdbin}">
<fileset dir="${source}">
<include name="MessageBundle*"/>
<include name="**/*.gif"/>
<include name="**/*.jpg"/>
<antcall target="copy-ini-files-to-bin-dir-for-jarring">
<param name="mybin" value="${qdbin}"/>
<antcall target="copy-license-to-bin-dir-for-jarring">
<param name="mybin" value="${qdbin}"/>
<target name="src-dist" depends="init"
description="generates the full Jskad+Savant+QuillDriver+Translation Tool source distribution" >
<!-- Put everything necessary into the zip file -->
<zip destfile="${dist}/source/THDL-Tools-src-${DSTAMP}.zip">
<zipfileset dir="${source}"
<zipfileset dir="${license}"
<zipfileset dir="."
<zipfileset dir="."
<target name="jskad-dist" depends="jskad-compile"
description="generates the bare Jskad binary distribution" >
<!-- Put everything in ${jskadbin} into the JAR file -->
<jar jarfile="${dist}/lib/Jskad-${my.jar.suffix}.jar"
<attribute name="Main-Class" value="org.thdl.tib.input.Jskad"/>
<!-- FIXME: generate translation tool servlet distribution -->
<target name="tt-standalone-dist" depends="tt-standalone-compile"
description="generates the standalone translation tool's binary distribution." >
<!-- Put everything in ${ttstandalonebin} into the JAR file -->
<jar jarfile="${dist}/lib/DictionarySearchStandalone-${my.jar.suffix}.jar"
<attribute name="Main-Class"
<target name="tt-handheld-dist" depends="tt-handheld-compile"
description="generates the handheld translation tool's binary distribution." >
<!-- Put everything in ${tthandheldbin} into the JAR file -->
<jar jarfile="${dist}/lib/DictionarySearchHandheld-${my.jar.suffix}.jar"
<attribute name="Main-Class"
<target name="tt-applet-plus-jws-dist" depends="tt-applet-plus-jws-compile"
description="generates the applet-plus-jws translation tool's binary distribution." >
<!-- Put everything in ${ttappletjwsbin} into the JAR file -->
<jar jarfile="${dist}/lib/DictionarySearchAppletAndJavaWebStart-${my.jar.suffix}.jar"
<!-- We have two choices here, but the web page will call for
AppletScannerFilter, so the double-click should open the
standalone version, WindowScannerFilter: -->
<attribute name="Main-Class"
<target name="tt-servlet-dist" depends="tt-servlet-compile"
description="generates the servlet translation tool's binary distribution." >
<!-- Put everything in ${ttservletbin} into the JAR file -->
<jar jarfile="${dist}/lib/DictionarySearchServlet-${my.jar.suffix}.jar"
<!-- I don't think this'll work (I don't know servlets, mind
you), but the main class is the following, so why not: -->
<attribute name="Main-Class"
<target name="savant-dist" depends="savant-compile"
description="generates the bare Savant binary distribution" >
<!-- Put everything in ${savantbin} into the JAR file -->
<jar jarfile="${dist}/lib/Savant-${my.jar.suffix}.jar"
<attribute name="Main-Class" value="org.thdl.savant.SavantShell"/>
<target name="qd-dist" depends="qd-compile"
description="generates the bare QuillDriver binary distribution" >
<!-- Put everything in ${qdbin} into the JAR file -->
<jar jarfile="${dist}/lib/QuillDriver-${my.jar.suffix}.jar"
<attribute name="Main-Class" value="org.thdl.quilldriver.QDShell"/>
<!-- DLC FIXME: This used to inlude Jskad2Javascript.class, etc. But it no longer does. Compile those extra files! -->
<target name="jskad-all-in-one-dist" depends="jskad-compile"
description="generates the self-contained binary distribution for Jskad" >
<!-- Now put everything in ${bin} and ${ext}/netscape, plus
the .ini files, into the JAR file
<copy todir="${jskadbin}/netscape">
<fileset dir="${ext}/netscape"/>
<jar jarfile="${dist}/lib/Jskad-self-contained-${my.jar.suffix}.jar"
<attribute name="Main-Class" value="org.thdl.tib.input.Jskad"/>
<target name="clean"
description="cleans up a few things, but not all (not the Javadocs, e.g.)" >
<!-- Delete the ${bin} and ${dist} directory trees -->
<delete dir="${bin}"/>
<delete dir="${dist}/docs"/>
<delete dir="${dist}/java-web-start"/>
<delete dir="${dist}/lib"/>
<delete dir="${dist}/releases"/>
<delete dir="${dist}/source"/>
<!-- Automake build systems use a 'make distclean' target, hence the
admittedly rather confusing name. Trust the description. -->
<target name="distclean"
description="cleans up so your directory once again looks like the source distribution"
depends="clean" >
<!-- Delete the API docs -->
<delete dir="${publicjavadocs}"/>
<delete dir="${privatejavadocs}"/>
| lives at
/home/groups/t/th/thdltools/htdocs/api. To update it, simply run
'ant private-javadocs-dist', which creates
dist/docs/ Then scp that file over
with the command
scp dist/docs/ \
or use PuTTY's scp to do something equivalent.
Now, shell in to with 'ssh -l yourUserId
|' or with PuTTY.
Change directory (cd) to /home/groups/t/th/thdltools/htdocs/.
While you're here, do a 'cvs update' - just in case some developer
made changes to the web pages but forgot to update.
Anyway, now run 'rm -fr api' (from the htdocs/ directory).
Now run 'mkdir api'.
Now 'cd api'.
Now run 'unzip ../../'.
See if looks up to date. If so,
delete ../../ and log out.
UPDATE THESE INSTRUCTIONS if something above is wrong or unclear.
<target name="public-javadocs-dist" depends="public-javadocs"
description="makes zip file of Javadoc documentation for public/protected classes, methods, and fields" >
<zip destfile="${dist}/docs/public-javadocs-${DSTAMP}.zip"
<target name="private-javadocs-dist" depends="private-javadocs"
description="makes zip file of Javadoc documentation for ALL classes, methods, and fields" >
<zip destfile="${dist}/docs/private-javadocs-${DSTAMP}.zip"
<target name="public-javadocs"
description="makes Javadoc documentation for public/protected classes, methods, and fields"
depends="init" >
<antcall target="our-javadocs">
<param name="access" value="protected"/>
<param name="our-javadocs-destdir" value="${publicjavadocs}"/>
<target name="private-javadocs"
description="makes Javadoc documentation for all classes, methods, and fields, regardless of their protection level (public, private, etc.)"
depends="init" >
<antcall target="our-javadocs">
<param name="access" value="private"/>
<param name="our-javadocs-destdir" value="${privatejavadocs}"/>
<target name="qd-run" depends="qd-dist" description="runs QuillDriver">
<java classname="org.thdl.quilldriver.QDShell" fork="yes">
<pathelement location="${dist}/lib/QuillDriver-${my.jar.suffix}.jar"/>
<path refid="entire.class.path"/>
<jvmarg value="-DTHDL_DEBUG=${thdl.debug}"/>
<jvmarg value="-DTHDL_DIE_ON_IFFY_CODE=${thdl.die.on.iffy}"/>
<target name="savant-run" depends="savant-dist" description="runs Savant">
<java classname="org.thdl.savant.SavantShell" fork="yes">
<pathelement location="${dist}/lib/Savant-${my.jar.suffix}.jar"/>
<path refid="entire.class.path"/>
<jvmarg value="-DTHDL_DEBUG=${thdl.debug}"/>
<jvmarg value="-DTHDL_DIE_ON_IFFY_CODE=${thdl.die.on.iffy}"/>
<target name="jskad-run" depends="jskad-dist" description="runs Jskad">
<java classname="org.thdl.tib.input.Jskad" fork="yes">
<pathelement location="${dist}/lib/Jskad-${my.jar.suffix}.jar"/>
<path refid="entire.class.path"/>
<jvmarg value="-DTHDL_DEBUG=${thdl.debug}"/>
<jvmarg value="-DTHDL_DIE_ON_IFFY_CODE=${thdl.die.on.iffy}"/>
<target name="tt-run" depends="tt-standalone-dist" description="runs the standalone translation tool">
<java classname="org.thdl.tib.scanner.WindowScannerFilter" fork="yes">
<path refid="entire.class.path"/>
<jvmarg value="-DTHDL_DEBUG=${thdl.debug}"/>
<jvmarg value="-DTHDL_DIE_ON_IFFY_CODE=${thdl.die.on.iffy}"/>
<!-- For non-swing version: <arg value="-simple"/> -->
<arg value="${arch.dict}"/>
<!-- DLC FIXME: build the tt-servlet release if the J2EE SDK is present. -->
<!-- DLC FIXME build web start WARs -->
<!-- See for info on
how to use this target. Note that we must do a distclean
because Ant doesn't always recompile when it should. -->
<target name="releases"
description="builds the releases under 'dist/releases/' after doing a distclean"
<antcall target="dist">
<param name="javacdashg" value="no"/>
<param name="dist" value="${dist}/releases"/>
<antcall target="src-dist">
<param name="dist" value="${dist}/releases"/>
<antcall target="public-javadocs-dist">
<param name="dist" value="${dist}/releases"/>
<antcall target="private-javadocs-dist">
<param name="dist" value="${dist}/releases"/>
<target name="web-start-releases"
description="Builds the Java Web Start versions of all applications"/>
<target name="jskad-jws"
description="Builds the Java Web Start version of Jskad">
<antcall target="package-for-java-web-start">
<param name="" value="Jskad"/>
<param name="my.prereq" value="jskad-dist"/>
<!-- DLC FIXME: package up all the XML jars and the JMF jars and libraries that Savant uses.
<target name="savant-jws"
description="Builds the Java Web Start version of Savant">
<antcall target="package-for-java-web-start">
<param name="" value="Savant"/>
<param name="my.prereq" value="savant-dist"/>
<!-- DLC FIXME: package up all the XML jars and the JMF jars and libraries that QuillDriver uses.
<target name="qd-jws"
description="Builds the Java Web Start version of QuillDriver">
<antcall target="package-for-java-web-start">
<param name="" value="QuillDriver"/>
<param name="my.prereq" value="qd-dist"/>
<target name="tt-jws"
description="Builds the Java Web Start version of the translation tool">
<antcall target="package-for-java-web-start">
<param name="" value="DictionarySearchAppletAndJavaWebStart"/>
<param name="my.prereq" value="tt-applet-plus-jws-dist"/>
<!-- -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* -->
<!-- UTILITY TARGETS - targets of antcalls, targets not usually
directly called. -->
<!-- -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* -->
<!-- Utility target called by private-javadocs and public-javadocs -->
<target name="our-javadocs" depends="init"
description="INTERNAL TASK: makes Javadoc documentation; usually not called directly" >
<!-- See
to learn more about the Javadoc task.
<format property="javadoc.creation.time" pattern="MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm aa"/>
<!-- We don't really use @version correctly, do we? So version="false". -->
<javadoc destdir="${our-javadocs-destdir}"
windowtitle="THDL Tools APIs"
<fileset dir="${source}" defaultexcludes="yes">
<include name="org/thdl/**" />
<!-- Exclude JUnit tests: -->
<exclude name="**/*"/>
<exclude name="**/*"/>
<exclude name="**/*.ini"/>
<exclude name="**/*.html"/>
<exclude name="**/*.gif"/>
<exclude name="**/*.jpg"/>
<doctitle><![CDATA[<h1>THDL Tools</h1>]]></doctitle>
<!-- Note: We must show the logo in order to get hit counts. -->
<bottom>These API docs were created ${javadoc.creation.time}.<![CDATA[<br><i>Copyright © 2001-2002 Tibetan and Himalayan Digital Library. All Rights Reserved.</i><br>Hosted by <a href=""><img src="" width="88" height="31" border="0" alt="SourceForge_Logo"></a>]]></bottom>
<group title="Tibetan Text Packages" packages="org.thdl.tib.text.**"/>
<group title="Tibetan Input Packages" packages="org.thdl.tib.input.**"/>
<!-- Have our API docs link to Sun's, JDOM's, etc. -->
<link offline="true"
<link offline="true"
<target name="copy-license-to-bin-dir-for-jarring"
description="INTERNAL TASK: Copies the license documents to the bin directory. Usually not called directly.">
<copy todir="${mybin}">
<fileset dir="${license}"/>
<target name="copy-ini-files-to-bin-dir-for-jarring"
description="INTERNAL TASK: Copies the *.ini files to the bin directory. Usually not called directly.">
<copy todir="${mybin}">
<fileset dir="${source}">
<include name="org/thdl/tib/**/*.ini"/>
<!-- To avoid duplicating very similar compilation tasks, we antcall
this task. We do this once per class we want, and javac is
smart enough to find dependent classes and compile them. -->
<target name="our-internal-javac-task"
description="INTERNAL TASK: Compiles according to Ant properties. Usually not called directly.">
<!-- Be sure we're going to be able to compile something: -->
<available file="${source}/${my.included.source.file}"
<fail message="Can't find the file '${source}/${my.included.source.file}' to compile it! Don't worry about forward vs. backward slashes, by the way--Ant is smart about those."
<javac destdir="${mybin}" debug="${javacdashg}" target="${target.jvm}">
<classpath refid="entire.class.path"/>
<src path="${source}"/>
<include name="${my.included.source.file}" />
<!-- Exclude JUnit tests: -->
<exclude name="**/*" />
<exclude name="**/*" />
<!-- Don't compile these resources (we could leave this out, but
Ant's debugging output would confuse us, and having this
explicit is a Good Thing: -->
<exclude name="**/*.properties" />
<exclude name="**/*.rtf" />
<exclude name="**/*.txt" />
<exclude name="**/*.ini" />
<exclude name="**/*.html" />
<exclude name="**/*.gif" />
<exclude name="**/*.jpg" />
<target name="package-for-java-web-start"
description="Builds the Java Web Start version of ${}">
<!-- First, you must give the passwords so that we can sign the JARs. -->
<fail message="Use 'ant -Dkeystore.password=psst' to sign a Java Web Start WAR file."
<fail message="Use 'ant -Ddgkey.password=psst' to sign a Java Web Start WAR file."
<!-- Now, having cleaned, we create ${}-JWS.jar: -->
<antcall target="${my.prereq}">
<param name="my.jar.suffix" value="JWS"/>
<param name="javacdashg" value="no"/>
<!-- Now use the Venus Application Publisher's (Vamp's) Ant task
to create a .war file. We don't use Tomcat or the like to
distribute our apps at this point, so we don't need the full
WAR file. We in fact need only the JAR file inside it.
There is a ${}.jnlp file inside it, too, but that file
uses macros like $$name and $$codebase, which are only
appropriate to Tomcat-type environments.
Thus, we'll run 'jar xf ${}-web-start.war
${}-JWS.jar' to extract the signed JAR file and copy
the .jar and the ${dist}/${}.jnlp file (NOT the one in
the WAR) to the web server. (Be sure that the web server has
its MIME types configured correctly so that the .jnlp file is
served as an application/jnlp or the like, not text/xml.)
PACKAGE. Yes, it means that we're requiring anyone who
wishes to cut a JWS release to install vamp.jar, when we
could use the built-in SignJar task instead. BUT, this
method means that we're ready for a J2EE application server
If you change web servers or the location on the web server
where the JAR and jnlp file are located, you have to edit
${}.jnlp. Note that doing so will mean that users who've
installed ${} from the old location will NOT be able to
seamlessly upgrade, so don't do this often.
To install the Vamp Ant task, visit
'' and follow the instructions.
Note that you *CAN* just vamp.jar into Ant's 'lib' directory
with Ant 1.5.1.
<vampwar dest="${dist}/java-web-start/${}-web-start.war">
<jnlp src="${dist}/${}.jnlp">
<fileset dir="${dist}/lib">
<include name="${}-JWS.jar" />
<!-- David Chandler signs our JARs for now, and he uses this info: -->
keystore = "file:///f:/thdl/Jskad/thawte/keystore"
storepass = "${keystore.password}"
keypass = "${dgkey.password}"
alias = "David Germano"/>
<!-- Extract the JAR file and delete the WAR file: -->
<unwar src="${dist}/java-web-start/${}-web-start.war"
<include name="${}-JWS.jar"/>
<exclude name="**/*"/>
<delete file="${dist}/java-web-start/${}-web-start.war"/>
<!-- My TO-DO list: -->
<!-- DLC FIXME: we need a compile-all that uses if="" and <available>. -->
<!-- DLC FIXME: Now that we use javac -target 1.1, do we need a
separate tt-handheld and tt-standalone? -->