because a Japanese scholar has an "Extended Wylie" also. NFKD and NFD have a new brother, NFTHDL. I wish there weren't a need, but as my yet-to-be-put-into-CVS break-unicode-into-grapheme-clusters code demonstrates, the-need-is-there. forgive-me for the hyphens, it's late.
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package org.thdl.tib.text.tshegbar;
/** Provides handy Extended Wylie-inspired names for Unicode
* codepoints commonly used to represent Tibetan. The consonant that
* the Extended Wylie text "ka" refers to is named EWC_ka as in "The
* Extended Wylie Consonant ka", the vowel represented in Extended
* Wylie by "i" is EWV_i, and so on. There is at least one exception
* to the naming scheme, but exceptions are well-commented.
* @see org.thdl.tib.text.tshegbar.LegalTshegBar
* @author David Chandler */
public interface UnicodeConstants {
/** Refers to unnormalized Unicode: */
static final byte NORM_UNNORMALIZED = 0;
/** Refers to Normalization Form C: */
static final byte NORM_NFC = 1;
/** Refers to Normalization Form KC: */
static final byte NORM_NFKC = 2;
/** Refers to Normalization Form D: */
static final byte NORM_NFD = 3;
/** Refers to Normalization Form KD: */
static final byte NORM_NFKD = 4;
/** Refers to Normalization Form THDL, which is NFD except for
<code>U+0F77</code> and <code>U+0F79</code>, which are
normalized according to NFKD. This is the One True
Normalization Form, as it leaves no precomposed codepoints and
does not normalize <code>U+0F0C</code>. */
static final byte NORM_NFTHDL = 5;
/** for those times when you need a char to represent a
non-existent codepoint */
static final char EW_ABSENT = '\u0000';
// the thirty consonants, in alphabetical order:
/** first letter of the alphabet: */
static final char EWC_ka = '\u0F40';
static final char EWC_kha = '\u0F41';
static final char EWC_ga = '\u0F42';
static final char EWC_nga = '\u0F44';
static final char EWC_ca = '\u0F45';
static final char EWC_cha = '\u0F46';
static final char EWC_ja = '\u0F47';
static final char EWC_nya = '\u0F49';
static final char EWC_ta = '\u0F4F';
static final char EWC_tha = '\u0F50';
static final char EWC_da = '\u0F51';
static final char EWC_na = '\u0F53';
static final char EWC_pa = '\u0F54';
static final char EWC_pha = '\u0F55';
static final char EWC_ba = '\u0F56';
static final char EWC_ma = '\u0F58';
static final char EWC_tsa = '\u0F59';
static final char EWC_tsha = '\u0F5A';
static final char EWC_dza = '\u0F5B';
static final char EWC_wa = '\u0F5D';
static final char EWC_zha = '\u0F5E';
static final char EWC_za = '\u0F5F';
/** Note the irregular name. The Extended Wylie representation is
<code>'a</code>. */
static final char EWC_achen = '\u0F60'; /* DLC NOW is this achen or achung? achen is EWC_a, right? comment it. replace EWC_achen everywhere if you change it. */
static final char EWC_ya = '\u0F61';
static final char EWC_ra = '\u0F62';
static final char EWC_la = '\u0F63';
static final char EWC_sha = '\u0F64';
static final char EWC_sa = '\u0F66';
static final char EWC_ha = '\u0F67';
static final char EWC_a = '\u0F68';
/** In the word for father, "pA lags", there is an a-chung (i.e.,
<code>\u0F71</code>). This is the constant for that little
guy. */
static final char EW_achung = '\u0F71';
/* Four of the five vowels, some say, or, others say, "the four
vowels": */
/** "gi gu", the 'i' sound in the English word keep: */
static final char EWV_i = '\u0F72';
/** "zhabs kyu", the 'u' sound in the English word tune: */
static final char EWV_u = '\u0F74';
/** "'greng bu" (also known as "'greng po", and pronounced <i>dang-bo</i>), the 'a' sound in the English word gate: */
static final char EWV_e = '\u0F7A';
/** "na ro", the 'o' sound in the English word bone: */
static final char EWV_o = '\u0F7C';
/** subscribed form of EWC_wa, also known as wa-btags */
static final char EWSUB_wa_zur = '\u0FAD';
/** subscribed form of EWC_ya */
static final char EWSUB_ya_btags = '\u0FB1';
/** subscribed form of EWC_ra */
static final char EWSUB_ra_btags = '\u0FB2';
/** subscribed form of EWC_la */
static final char EWSUB_la_btags = '\u0FB3';