The Manipulate class now includes: acipToWylie, wylieToAcip, and unicodeToWylie. They provide a simple interfase to David Chandler's converters that are used by the translation tool.
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257 lines
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package org.thdl.tib.scanner;
import org.thdl.util.SimplifiedLinkedList;
import org.thdl.util.SimplifiedListIterator;
import org.thdl.util.ThdlVersion;
/** Defines the core methods required to provide access to a dictionary; local or remote.
@author Andrés Montano Pellegrini
public abstract class TibetanScanner
public static final String version = "The Tibetan to English Translation Tool, version 3.3.0 compiled on " + ThdlVersion.getTimeOfCompilation() + ". ";
public static final String copyrightUnicode="Copyright " + '\u00A9' + " 2000-2005 by Andr" + '\u00E9' + "s Montano Pellegrini, all rights reserved.";
public static final String copyrightASCII="Copyright 2000-2005 by Andres Montano Pellegrini, all rights reserved.";
public static final String copyrightHTML="<hr><small><strong>" + version + "Copyright © 2000-2005 by <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Andrés Montano Pellegrini.</a><br/>All rights reserved.</strong></small>";
public static final int NORMAL_MODE=1;
public static final int DEBUG_MODE=2;
public static int mode;
public static final String aboutTomeraider=
"Welcome to Jeffrey Hopkins' Tibetan-Sanskrit-English Dictionary version 2.0.0!<p>\n" +
"This file was automatically generated using software developed by Andres Montano Pellegrini. " +
"For more information, see .<p>" +
"<b>Formulator and Editor</b>: Jeffrey Hopkins<br>\n" +
"<b>Contributors</b>: Joe Wilson, Craig Preston, John Powers, Nathanial Garson, " +
"Paul Hackett, Andres Montano<p>" +
"A project of the Tibetan Studies Institute, Boonesville, Virginia, and the " +
"University of Virginia Tibetan Studies Program<p>" +
"<i>\u00A9 Jeffrey Hopkins 1992.</i><p>" +
"<b>Apology</b><p>" +
"This is a work in progress in crude form that is being shared with students " +
"of the Tibetan language mainly in order to receive input for further " +
"development. The English translations of the entries can be said only to " +
"represent what contributors, over a span of over thirty years, thought were " +
"my current translations. A small number are simply wrong; others need to be " +
"updated; and all will receive much more attention and, hence, detail.<p>\n" +
"The Dictionary has been entered into a database with fields for the entry, " +
"Sanskrit, tenses, my English, a few others<72> interests, examples, " +
"definition, divisions, and comments. At this point, very few entries " +
"contain all of these items, but the plan is provide these, where " +
"appropriate, over the years. Translations for entries that have arisen from " +
"my work and from interactions with my students are in boldface, whereas " +
"those from other works are in regular type on separate lines and are marked " +
"with an initial at the end of the line. A key to these markings is given on " +
"the next page.<p>\n" +
"(Please note that the radical signs for Sanskrit roots are, after the first" +
"letter of the alphabet, in a state of disarray.)<p>\n" +
"I hope that you will bear with the many inadequacies of this first release.<p>\n" +
"Paul Jeffrey Hopkins<br>\n" +
"Professor of Tibetan Studies<p>\n" +
"<b>Abbreviations</b><p>\n" +
"B-7: ??? {PH: see dngos med ... & dngos po (synonyms) }<p>\n" +
"BJ: Bel-jor-hlun-drup (Dpal \'byor lhun grub). Legs bshad snying po\'i dka' " +
"\'grel bstan pa\'i sgron me (Buxaduar: Sera Monastery, 1968).<p>\n" +
"BK: ??? {PH: see bka\' (examples) }<p>\n" +
"BR: Losang Gyatso (Blo bzang rgya mtsho). Presentation of Knowledge and " +
"Awareness (Blo rig).<p>\n" +
"BWT: Ngak-wang-bel-den (Ngag dbang dpal ldan). Annotations for " +
"[Jam-yang-shay-ba\'s] \"Tenets\" (Grub mtha\' chen mo\'i mchan).<p>\n" +
"C: Conze, Edward. Materials for a Dictionary of the Prajnaparamita " +
"Literature (Tokyo: Suzuki Research Foundation, 1967).<p>\n" +
"col.: colloquial<p>\n" +
"D1: Pur-bu-jok (Phur bu lcog). Presentation of the Collected Topics " +
"(Part 1: Bsdus grwa chung ngu).<p>\n" +
"D2: Pur-bu-jok (Phur bu lcog). Presentation of the Collected Topics " +
"(Part 2: Bsdus grwa \'bring).<p>\n" +
"DASI: Decisive Analysis of Special Insight.<p>\n" +
"DG: Germano, David. Poetic Thought, the Intelligent Universe, and the " +
"Mystery of Self: the Tantric Synthesis of rDzogs Chen in Fourteenth Century " +
"Tibet. (Ph.d. dissertation, University of Wisconsin, Madison,WI 1992).<p>\n" +
"DK: Dzong-ka-ba (Tsong kha pa blo bzang grags pa). Drang ba dang nges pa\'i " +
"don rnam par phye ba'i bstan bcos legs bshad snying po (Sarnath: Pleasure of " +
"Elegant Sayings Press, 1979).<p>\n" +
"Ganden Triba: Oral commentary of Ganden Triba Jam-bel-shen-pen.<p>\n" +
"GCT: Ngak-wang-dra-shi (Ngag dbang bkra shis). Collected Topics by a " +
"Spiritual Son of Jam-yang-shay-ba (Sgo mang sras bsdus grwa).<p>\n" +
"GD: Dreyfus, George. Ontology, Philosophy of Language, and Epistemology in " +
"Buddhist Tradition (Ph.d. dissertation. Religious Studies, University of " +
"Virginia, Charlottesville,VA 1991).<p>\n" +
"Gon-chok: Gon-chok-jik-may-wang-bo (Dkon mchog \'jigs med dbang po). " +
"Precious Garland of Tenets (Grub mtha\' rin chen phreng ba).<p>\n" +
"Jang.: Jang-gya (Lcang skya rol pa\'i rdo rje). " +
"Presentation of Tenets (Lcang skya grub mtha').<p>\n" +
"JKA: ??? {PH: see mngon sum (definition) } <p>\n" +
"KS: Khetsun Sangpo, Biographical Dictionary of Tibet and Tibetan Buddhism. " +
"(LTWA: Dharamsala, HP)<p>\n" +
"L: Lamotte, Etienne. Samdhinirmocana-sutra " +
"(Louvain: Universite de Louvain, 1935).<p>\n" +
"LAK: Jam-bel-sam-pel (\'Jam dpal bsam phel). Presentation of Awareness and " +
"Knowledge (Blo rig gi rnam bzhag).<p>\n" +
"Lati: Oral commentary by Lati Rinbochay.<p>\n" +
"LCh: Chandra, Lokesh. Tibetan-Sanskrit Dictionary (New Delhi, 1987).<p>\n" +
"LG: Losang Gyatso\'s Blo rig.<p>\n" +
"LM: ??? {PH: see skye bu chung ngu ... }<p>\n" +
"LR: Hopkins, Jeffrey. Glossary for Gsung rab kun gyi snying po lam rim gyi " +
"gtso bo rnam pa gsung gi khrid yid gzhan phan snying po (by Panchen Lama IV).<p>\n" +
"LSR: Tsul-trim-nam-gyel (Tshul khrims rnam rgyal). Presentation of Signs " +
"and Reasonings (Rtags rigs kyi rnam bzhag).<p>\n" +
"LWT: Lo-sang-gon-chok (Blo bzang dkon mchog). Word Commentary on the Root " +
"Text of [Jam-yang-shay-ba\'s] \"Tenets\".<p>\n" +
"ME: Hopkins, Jeffrey. Meditation on Emptiness (London, Wisdom, 1983).<p>\n" +
"MGP: ??? {PH: see bkag (examples) }<p>\n" +
"MSA: Nagao, Gadjin. Index to the Mahayanasutralankara (Tokyo: Nippon " +
"Gakujutsu Shinkvo-kai, 1958).<p>\n" +
"MSI: Dzong-ka-ba (Tsong kha pa blo bzang grags pa). Middling Exposition of " +
"Special Insight (Lhag mthong \'bring).<p>\n" +
"MV: Nagao, Gadjin. Index to the Madhyanta-vibhaga (Tokyo: 1961).<p>\n" +
"N: Zuiryu NAKAMURA. Index to the Ratnagotravibhaga-mahayanottaratantra-sastra " +
"(Tokyo, 1961).<p>\n" +
"P: Peking edition of the Tripitaka.<p>\n" +
"PGP: Lo-sang-da-yang (Blo bzang rta dbyangs). Presentation of the Grounds " +
"and Paths in Prasangika (Thal \'gyur pa\'i sa lam).<p>\n" +
"PP: Candrakirti. Prasannapada.<p>\n" +
"S: Samdhinirmocana-sutra (Tok Palace version, 160 pp., Leh, Ladakh: Shesrig " +
"Dpemzod, 1975-1980, vol. ja).<p>\n" +
"TAK: Pur-bu-jok (Phur bu lcog). Explanation of the Presentation of Objects " +
"and Object-Possessors as Well as Awareness and Knowledge (Yul dang yul can " +
"dang blo rig).<p>\n" +
"TCT: Pur-bu-jok (Phur bu lcog). Presentation of the Collected Topics (Yongs " +
"\'dzin bsdus grwa).<p>\n" +
"TGP: Nga-wang-bel-den (Ngag dbang dpal ldan). Treatise Illuminating the " +
"Presentation of the Four Great Secret Tantra Sets (Sngags kyi sa lam).<p>\n" +
"TN: Vasubandhu. Trisvabhavanirdesha.<p>\n" +
"VM: Bu-don-rin-chen-drup (bu ston rin chen grub), The Practice of " +
"(Jnandagarbha\'s) \"The Rite of the Vajra-Element Mandala: The Source of All " +
"Vajras\": A Precious Enhancer of Thought (rDo rje dbyings kyi dkyil \'khor gyi " +
"cho ga rdo rje thams cad \'byung ba zhes bya ba\'i lag len rin chen bsam \'phel), " +
"in Collected Works, Part 12 na. Lhasa: Zhol Printing House, 1990.<p>\n" +
"Y: Susumi YAMAGUCHI.Index to the Prasannapada Madhyamakavrtti. " +
"(Kyoto: Heirakuji-Shoten, 1974).<p>\n" +
"YT: Oral commentary by Yeshi Thupten.";
protected SimplifiedLinkedList wordList;
public TibetanScanner()
wordList = new SimplifiedLinkedList();
public void clearTokens()
wordList = new SimplifiedLinkedList();
public Token[] getTokenArray()
int n=wordList.size();
if (n==0) return null;
Token token[] = new Token[n];
SimplifiedListIterator li = wordList.listIterator();
token[--n] = (Token);
return token;
public SimplifiedLinkedList getTokenLinkedList()
return wordList;
public Word[] getWordArray()
return getWordArray(true);
public Word[] getWordArray(boolean includeRepeated)
Token token;
Word array[], word;
int n=0;
SimplifiedListIterator li = wordList.listIterator();
SimplifiedLinkedList ll2, ll = new SimplifiedLinkedList();
token = (Token);
if (token instanceof Word)
if (includeRepeated)
n = ll.size();
if (n==0) return null;
array = new Word[n];
li = ll.listIterator();
while (li.hasNext())
array[n++] = (Word);
ll2 = new SimplifiedLinkedList();
li = ll.listIterator();
word = (Word);
if (!ll2.contains(word)) ll2.addLast(word);
n = ll2.size();
if (n==0) return null;
array = new Word[n];
li = ll2.listIterator();
while (li.hasNext())
array[--n] = (Word);
return array;
public abstract void scanLine(String linea);
public abstract void scanBody(String linea);
public abstract void finishUp();
public abstract BitDictionarySource getDictionarySource();
public abstract String[] getDictionaryDescriptions();
public abstract void destroy();