Fixed part of bug 998476 and part of an undocumented bug. Discovered a new bug, "aM" should be generated but only "M" is. The undocumented bug was that laMA was generated when lAM should have been. The part of bug 998476 that was fixed: laM, laH, etc. are now generated. This does nothing about paN etc. Some refactoring here; this is not a minimal diff. Added tests of TMW->EWTS that use ACIP to get the TMW in place because EWTS->TMW is a faulty keyboard at present.
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101 lines
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<!-- @author David Chandler,
We have a document,
|, that you
probably should read.
<project name="THDLTools-junit" default="fail-nicely" basedir=".">
This Jakarta Ant buildfile is used to do the low-level work of
unit testing our system. This is separate from build.xml because
to use this build file, you must have installed JUnit and the
JUnit Ant tasks (i.e., $ANT_HOME/lib/junit.jar and
$ANT_HOME/lib/optional.jar). Thus, this buildfile contains only
targets that must interact with JUnit.
Read the comments of this buildfile to learn more, or see
<taskdef name="junit"
<taskdef name="junitreport"
<property file=""/>
<property name="halt.after.trouble" value="no"/>
<target name="fail-nicely"
description="Tells the user to use build.xml, not this subbuildfile.">
<fail message="Do not use this file directly; use build.xml instead, which then uses this file."/>
<!-- This creates output files TEST* in the Jskad/ directory. -->
<target name="run-headed-junit-tests"
description="Assuming that compilation of appropriate classes has been done, this target runs all the non-headless JUnit tests in the project.">
<junit fork="no" printsummary="yes" haltonfailure="${halt.after.trouble}" haltonerror="${halt.after.trouble}">
<!-- we don't halt on error because you get an error when you run
on a headless display -->
<pathelement location="${junitbin}"/>
<path refid="entire.class.path"/>
<formatter type="xml"/><!-- If not XML, then 'ant -buildfile
build.xml check-report' will fail. -->
<test name="org.thdl.tib.input.DuffPaneTest"/>
<test name="org.thdl.tib.input.TinyTest"/>
<target name="run-one-junit-test"
description="Runs soletest, a single JUnit test [class].">
<junit fork="no" printsummary="yes" haltonfailure="true" haltonerror="true">
<pathelement location="${junitbin}"/>
<path refid="entire.class.path"/>
<formatter type="xml"/><!-- If not XML, then 'ant -buildfile
build.xml check-report' will fail. -->
<test name="${soletest}"/>
<target name="run-headless-junit-tests"
description="Assuming that compilation of appropriate classes has been done, this target runs all the headless JUnit tests in the project.">
<junit fork="no" printsummary="yes" haltonfailure="yes" haltonerror="yes">
<sysproperty key="java.awt.headless" value="true"/>
<pathelement location="${junitbin}"/>
<path refid="entire.class.path"/>
<formatter type="xml"/><!-- If not XML, then 'ant -buildfile
build.xml check-report' will fail. -->
<sysproperty key="java.awt.headless" value="true"/>
<test name="org.thdl.tib.text.TibetanMachineWebTest"/>
<test name="org.thdl.tib.text.ttt.PackageTest"/>
<test name="org.thdl.tib.text.ttt.LotsOfTshegBarsTest"/>
<test name="org.thdl.tib.input.TMW_RTF_TO_THDL_WYLIETest"/>
<test name="org.thdl.util.RTFFixerInputStreamTest"/>
<test name="org.thdl.util.ThdlLazyExceptionTest"/>
<test name="org.thdl.util.TrieTest"/>
<test name="org.thdl.tib.text.tshegbar.UnicodeUtilsTest"/>
<test name="org.thdl.tib.text.tshegbar.LegalTshegBarTest"/>
<test name="org.thdl.tib.text.tshegbar.UnicodeGraphemeClusterTest"/>
<test name="org.thdl.tib.text.tshegbar.UnicodeCodepointToThdlWylieTest"/>
<!-- Note the odd dependencies. -->
<target name="make-nightly-report"
description="Creates an HTML report about the status of the tests; is dependent (via build.xml) on targets that execute JUnit Ant tasks.">
<junitreport todir="${dist}">
<fileset dir=".">
<include name="TEST-*.xml"/>
<report format="noframes" todir="${dist}"/>
<delete file="${dist}/TESTS-TestSuites.xml"/>