
384 lines
11 KiB

package org.thdl.users;
import java.sql.*;
import java.util.*;
import javax.naming.*;
import javax.sql.*;
* Description of the Class
* @author travis
* @created October 6, 2003
public class ThdlUserRepository
private static ThdlUserRepository instance;
private Connection connection;
* Sets the connection attribute of the ThdlUserRepository object
* @param connection The new connection value
private void setConnection( Connection connection )
this.connection = connection;
* Gets the instance attribute of the ThdlUserRepository class
* @return The instance value
* @exception ThdlUserRepositoryException Description of the Exception
public static ThdlUserRepository getInstance() throws ThdlUserRepositoryException
if ( instance == null )
instance = new ThdlUserRepository();
return instance;
* Gets the connection attribute of the ThdlUserRepository object
* @return The connection value
private Connection getConnection()
return connection;
//helper methods
* Description of the Method
* @param user Description of the Parameter
* @return Description of the Return Value
* @exception ThdlUserRepositoryException Description of the Exception
public ThdlUser validate( ThdlUser user ) throws ThdlUserRepositoryException
ThdlUser thdlUser = null;
String sql = "SELECT id, firstname, lastname, middlename, email, username, creditAttributionTag, password, passwordHint "
+ "FROM ThdlUsers "
+ "WHERE ( email = '" + user.getUsername() + "' OR username = '" + user.getUsername() + "' ) "
+ "AND password = PASSWORD('" + user.getPassword() + "')";
Statement stmt = getConnection().createStatement();
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery( sql );
if ( ThdlUtilities.getResultSetSize( rs ) < 1 )
throw new ThdlUserRepositoryException( "Invalid login combination" );
else if ( ThdlUtilities.getResultSetSize( rs ) > 1 )
throw new ThdlUserRepositoryException( "Login combination returned multiple records." );
else if ( ThdlUtilities.getResultSetSize( rs ) == 1 )
thdlUser = user;
thdlUser.setId( rs.getInt( "id" ) );
thdlUser.setFirstname( rs.getString( "firstname" ) );
thdlUser.setLastname( rs.getString( "lastname" ) );
thdlUser.setMiddlename( rs.getString( "middlename" ) );
thdlUser.setEmail( rs.getString( "email" ) );
thdlUser.setUsername( rs.getString( "username" ) );
thdlUser.setCreditAttributionTag( rs.getString( "creditAttributionTag" ) );
thdlUser.setPassword( rs.getString( "password" ) );
thdlUser.setPasswordHint( rs.getString( "passwordHint" ) );
return thdlUser;
catch ( SQLException sqle )
throw new ThdlUserRepositoryException( sqle );
* Description of the Method
* @param user Description of the Parameter
* @param application Description of the Parameter
* @return Description of the Return Value
* @exception ThdlUserRepositoryException Description of the Exception
public ThdlUser validate( ThdlUser user, String application ) throws ThdlUserRepositoryException
ThdlUser thdlUser = validate( user );
String sql = "SELECT UserRolesForApplication.roles "
+ "FROM UserRolesForApplication, Applications "
+ "LEFT JOIN UserRolesForApplication AS urfa ON urfa.applicationId = "
+ "WHERE Applications.application = '" + application + "'"
+ "AND urfa.userId = " + thdlUser.getId() + " ";
Statement stmt = getConnection().createStatement();
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery( sql );
if ( ThdlUtilities.getResultSetSize( rs ) == 1 )
thdlUser.setRoles( rs.getString( 1 ) );
catch ( SQLException sqle )
throw new ThdlUserRepositoryException( sqle );
return thdlUser;
* Description of the Method
* @param thdlUser Description of the Parameter
* @exception ThdlUserRepositoryException Description of the Exception
public void updateUser( ThdlUser thdlUser ) throws ThdlUserRepositoryException
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
buffer.append( "UPDATE ThdlUsers SET firstname = '" );
buffer.append( thdlUser.getFirstname() );
buffer.append( "', lastname = '" );
buffer.append( thdlUser.getLastname() );
buffer.append( "', middlename = '" );
buffer.append( thdlUser.getMiddlename() );
buffer.append( "', email = '" );
buffer.append( thdlUser.getEmail() );
buffer.append( "', username = '" );
buffer.append( thdlUser.getUsername() );
buffer.append( "', creditAttributionTag = '" );
buffer.append( thdlUser.getCreditAttributionTag() );
buffer.append( "', password = PASSWORD('" );
buffer.append( thdlUser.getPassword() );
buffer.append( "'), passwordHint = '" );
buffer.append( thdlUser.getPasswordHint() );
buffer.append( "' WHERE id = " );
buffer.append( thdlUser.getId() );
Statement stmt = getConnection().createStatement();
int updatedRowCount = stmt.executeUpdate( buffer.toString() );
catch ( SQLException sqle )
throw new ThdlUserRepositoryException( sqle );
* Description of the Method
* @param user Description of the Parameter
* @return Description of the Return Value
* @exception ThdlUserRepositoryException Description of the Exception
public boolean doesNotAlreadyExist( ThdlUser user ) throws ThdlUserRepositoryException
boolean insertable = false;
String sql = "SELECT id FROM ThdlUsers WHERE email = '" + user.getEmail() + "'";
Statement stmt = getConnection().createStatement();
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery( sql );
if ( ThdlUtilities.getResultSetSize( rs ) > 0 )
throw new UserEmailAlreadyExistsException( "A user with this e-mail already exists. " );
insertable = true;
sql = "SELECT id FROM ThdlUsers WHERE username = '" + user.getUsername() + "'";
rs = stmt.executeQuery( sql );
if ( ThdlUtilities.getResultSetSize( rs ) > 0 )
insertable = true;
throw new UsernameAlreadyExistsException( "This username is already taken. Please choose again." );
insertable = true;
catch ( SQLException sqle )
throw new ThdlUserRepositoryException( sqle );
return insertable;
* Description of the Method
* @param thdlUser Description of the Parameter
* @return Description of the Return Value
* @exception ThdlUserRepositoryException Description of the Exception
public boolean insertUser( ThdlUser thdlUser ) throws ThdlUserRepositoryException
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
buffer.append( "Insert INTO ThdlUsers VALUES ( NULL, '" );
buffer.append( thdlUser.getFirstname() );
buffer.append( "', '" );
buffer.append( thdlUser.getLastname() );
buffer.append( "', '" );
buffer.append( thdlUser.getMiddlename() );
buffer.append( "', '" );
buffer.append( thdlUser.getEmail() );
buffer.append( "', '" );
buffer.append( thdlUser.getUsername() );
buffer.append( "', '" );
thdlUser.setCreditAttributionTag( makeCreditTag( thdlUser ) );
buffer.append( thdlUser.getCreditAttributionTag() );
buffer.append( "', PASSWORD('" );
buffer.append( thdlUser.getPassword() );
buffer.append( "'), '" );
buffer.append( thdlUser.getPasswordHint() );
buffer.append( "' ) " );
Statement stmt = getConnection().createStatement();
boolean returnVal = false;
int insertedRowCount = stmt.executeUpdate( buffer.toString() );
if ( insertedRowCount > 0 )
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery( "SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()" );;
thdlUser.setId( rs.getInt( 1 ) );
returnVal = true;
throw new ThdlUserRepositoryException( "Insert affected 0 rows. Sql String was '" + buffer.toString() + "'" );
return returnVal;
catch ( SQLException sqle )
throw new ThdlUserRepositoryException( sqle );
* Description of the Method
* @param user Description of the Parameter
* @return Description of the Return Value
* @exception SQLException Description of the Exception
public String makeCreditTag( ThdlUser user ) throws SQLException
StringBuffer tag = new StringBuffer();
if ( user.getFirstname().length() > 0 )
tag.append( user.getFirstname().substring( 0, 1 ) );
if ( user.getMiddlename().length() > 0 )
tag.append( user.getMiddlename().substring( 0, 1 ) );
if ( user.getLastname().length() > 0 )
tag.append( user.getLastname().substring( 0, 1 ) );
String sql = "SELECT id FROM ThdlUsers WHERE creditAttributionTag = '" + user.getCreditAttributionTag() + "'";
ResultSet rs = getConnection().createStatement().executeQuery( sql );
int count = ThdlUtilities.getResultSetSize( rs );
if ( count > 0 )
tag.append( count + 1 );
return tag.toString();
* The main program for the ThdlUserRepository class
* @param args The command line arguments
public static void main( String[] args )
ThdlUserRepository tur = ThdlUserRepository.getInstance();
ThdlUser user = new ThdlUser();
user.setUsername( args[0] );
user.setPassword( args[1] );
tur.validate( user );
System.out.println( user.getFirstname() );
System.out.println( user.getMiddlename() );
System.out.println( user.getLastname() );
System.out.println( user.getCreditAttributionTag() );
catch ( Exception e )
*Constructor for the ThdlUserRepository object
* @exception ThdlUserRepositoryException Description of the Exception
private ThdlUserRepository() throws ThdlUserRepositoryException
Class.forName( ThdlUserConstants.DRIVER );
catch ( ClassNotFoundException cnfe )
throw new ThdlUserRepositoryException( "No Driver Available for: " + ThdlUserConstants.DRIVER );
Properties props = new Properties();
props.setProperty( "user", ThdlUserConstants.USER );
props.setProperty( "password", ThdlUserConstants.PASSWORD );
props.setProperty( "useUnicode", "true" );
props.setProperty( "characterEncoding", "UTF-8" );
setConnection( DriverManager.getConnection( ThdlUserConstants.URL, props ) );
Context context = new InitialContext();
DataSource source = (DataSource) context.lookup( ThdlUserConstants.DATASOURCE_NAME );
setConnection( source.getConnection() );
catch ( NamingException ne )
throw new ThdlUserRepositoryException( ne );
catch ( SQLException se )
throw new ThdlUserRepositoryException( se );