
902 lines
32 KiB

Attribute VB_Name = "NewMacros"
Dim para As Paragraph
Dim sty As Style
Dim styName, prevSty, ch, temp, stylesUsed, statusStr, outDoc(3000) As String
Dim c, l, m, n, nbeg, nend, index, docEnd, level, listLevel, totalParas, tableEnd As Long
Dim isFront, bodyOpen, useDiv1, listOpen, lgOpen, citOpen, speechOpen, tableOpen As Boolean
Sub convert()
Attribute convert.VB_Description = "Macro recorded 3/11/2004 by Than Garson"
Attribute convert.VB_ProcData.VB_Invoke_Func = "Project.NewMacros.Macro1"
' Convert Macro
' Macro created 3/11/2004 by Than Garson
' Switch to normal view
' Initialize variables
For n = 0 To 3000
outDoc(n) = ""
Next n
c = 0
level = 0
tableEnd = -1
isFront = False: listOpen = False: lgOpen = False: citOpen = False:
speechOpen = False: bodyOpen = False: tableOpen = False
prevSty = ""
' Find out how deep headers go and set useDiv1 variable appropriately
stylesUsed = getStylesUsed()
If InStr(stylesUsed, "Heading 8") = 0 Then
useDiv1 = True
useDiv1 = False
End If
' Do the metadata table
temp = doMetadata
index = InStr(temp, "<body>") - 1
temp = Left(temp, index)
outDoc(c) = temp & vbCrLf
' Check for unstylized italic usage
If Not (italicsDone) Then
End If
' Find Doc end and total paragraphs
docEnd = ActiveDocument.Range.End
totalParas = ActiveDocument.Paragraphs.Count
' Iterate through paragraphs
For Each para In ActiveDocument.Paragraphs
c = c + 1
statusStr = Str(Int(c / totalParas * 100)) & "% of document processed!"
Application.StatusBar = statusStr
Set sty = para.Style
styName = sty.NameLocal
' is it a header?
If InStr(styName, "Heading") > 0 Then
ElseIf tableOpen Then
If para.Range.End = tableEnd Then
tableOpen = False
tableEnd = -1
End If
ElseIf isTable(para.Range) Then
tableEnd = doTable
tableOpen = True
' otherwise do as regular paragrph (doParaStyles)
End If
' Set previous style variable
prevSty = styName
Next para
Selection.HomeKey unit:=wdStory
' Close any open elements
styName = "Normal"
c = c + 1
outDoc(c) = closeStyle & vbCrLf
' Iterate back through levels to close the div elements
For m = level To 0 Step -1
If useDiv1 = True Then
outDoc(c) = outDoc(c) & "</div" & Format(m + 1) & ">" & vbCrLf
outDoc(c) = outDoc(c) + "</div><!--Close of level: " & Format(m + 1) & "//-->" & vbCrLf
End If
Next m
' Close out the XML document and print it in a new word doc
If back Then
outDoc(c) = outDoc(c) + "</back>"
outDoc(c) = outDoc(c) + "</body>"
End If
outDoc(c) = outDoc(c) + "</text></TEI.2>"
Documents.Add DocumentType:=wdNewBlankDocument
For n = 0 To c
Selection.TypeText Text:=outDoc(n)
Next n
End Sub
Sub doHeaders()
' Front Sections
outDoc(c) = outDoc(c) & closeStyle
If InStr(sty, "Heading1_Front") > 0 Then
outDoc(c) = outDoc(c) & "<front>" & vbCrLf & "<head>" & iterateRange(para.Range) & "</head>" & vbCrLf
isFront = True
level = 0
' Body Sections
ElseIf InStr(sty, "Heading1_Body") > 0 Then
' Close out any open front sections and the front
If isFront = True Then
For m = level To 0 Step -1
If useDiv1 = True Then
outDoc(c) = outDoc(c) & "</div" & Format(m + 1) & ">" & vbCrLf
outDoc(c) = outDoc(c) & "</div>" & vbCrLf
End If
Next m
outDoc(c) = outDoc(c) & "</front>" & vbCrLf
front = False
level = 0
End If
' Add body element
outDoc(c) = outDoc(c) & "<body><div1>" & vbCrLf & "<head>" & iterateRange(para.Range) & "</head>" & vbCrLf
bodyOpen = True
' Back sections
ElseIf InStr(sty, "Heading1_Back") > 0 Then
'close out open body sections and body
For m = level To 0 Step -1
If useDiv1 = True Then
outDoc(c) = outDoc(c) & "</div" & Format(m + 1) & ">" & vbCrLf
outDoc(c) = outDoc(c) & "</div><!--Close of level: " & Str(m + 1) & "//-->" & vbCrLf
End If
Next m
'add bac sections
outDoc(c) = outDoc(c) & "</body>" & vbCrLf & "<back>" & vbCrLf
' Do Divs within the body using the useDiv1 boolean to determine which kind of div to enter
ElseIf InStr(sty, "Heading") > 0 Then
If Not (isFront) And Not (bodyOpen) Then
outDoc(c) = outDoc(c) & "<body>" & vbCrLf
bodyOpen = True
End If
index = InStr(styName, ",")
If index > 9 Then
temp = Mid(styName, 9, (index - 9))
l = Int(temp)
If (l - 1) < level Then
For m = level To (l - 1) Step -1
If useDiv1 = True Then
outDoc(c) = outDoc(c) & "</div" & Format(m + 1) & ">" & vbCrLf
outDoc(c) = outDoc(c) & "</div><!--Close of level: " & Format(m + 1) & "//-->" & vbCrLf
End If
Next m
level = l - 1
If useDiv1 = True Then
outDoc(c) = outDoc(c) & "<div" & Format(l) & ">"
outDoc(c) = outDoc(c) & "<div n=""" & Format(l) & """>"
End If
outDoc(c) = outDoc(c) & vbCrLf & "<head>" & iterateRange(para.Range) & "</head>" & vbCrLf
ElseIf (l - 1) = level Then
If useDiv1 = True Then
If level > 0 Then outDoc(c) = outDoc(c) & "</div" & Format(l) & ">"
outDoc(c) = outDoc(c) & vbCrLf & "<div" & Format(l) & ">"
If level > 0 Then outDoc(c) = outDoc(c) & "</div><!--Close of level: " & Format(l) & "//-->"
outDoc(c) = outDoc(c) & vbCrLf & "<div n=""" & Format(l) & """>"
End If
outDoc(c) = outDoc(c) & vbCrLf & "<head>" & iterateRange(para.Range) & "</head>" & vbCrLf
level = level + 1
If useDiv1 = True Then
outDoc(c) = outDoc(c) & "<div" & Format((level + 1)) & ">"
outDoc(c) = outDoc(c) & "<div n=""" & Format((level + 1)) & """>"
End If
outDoc(c) = outDoc(c) & vbCrLf & "<head>" & iterateRange(para.Range) & "</head>" & vbCrLf
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub doParaStyles()
outDoc(c) = outDoc(c) & closeStyle()
' Normal style becomes a <p>
If InStr(styName, "Normal") > 0 Or styName = "Paragraph,pr" Then
outDoc(c) = outDoc(c) & "<p>" & vbCrLf
outDoc(c) = outDoc(c) & iterateRange(para.Range) & vbCrLf
outDoc(c) = outDoc(c) & "</p>" & vbCrLf
' If the style is a citation style and a <q> element
ElseIf InStr(styName, "Citation") > 0 Then
If Not (citOpen) Then
outDoc(c) = outDoc(c) & "<q>" & vbCrLf
citOpen = True
End If
If styName = "Citation List Bullet,clb" Then
If Not (prevSty = "Citation List Bullet,clb") Then
outDoc(c) = outDoc(c) & "<list rend=""bullet"">"
listOpen = True
outDoc(c) = outDoc(c) & "</item>" & vbCrLf
End If
outDoc(c) = outDoc(c) & "<item>" & iterateRange(para.Range)
ElseIf styName = "Citation List Number,cln" Then
If Not (prevSty = "Citation List Number,cln") Then
outDoc(c) = outDoc(c) & "<list rend=""1"">"
listOpen = True
outDoc(c) = outDoc(c) & "</item>" & vbCrLf
End If
outDoc(c) = outDoc(c) & "<item>" & iterateRange(para.Range)
ElseIf styName = "Citation Prose Nested,cpn" Then
outDoc(c) = outDoc(c) & "<q>" & iterateRange(para.Range) & "</q>" & vbCrLf
ElseIf styName = "Citation Prose,cp" Then
outDoc(c) = outDoc(c) & "<p>" & iterateRange(para.Range) & "</p>" & vbCrLf
ElseIf styName = "Citation Verse 1,cv1" Then
If lgOpen Then outDoc(c) = outDoc(c) & "</lg>"
outDoc(c) = outDoc(c) & "<lg><l>" & iterateRange(para.Range) & "</l>" & vbCrLf
lgOpen = True
ElseIf styName = "Citation Verse 2,cv2" Then
outDoc(c) = outDoc(c) & "<l>" & iterateRange(para.Range) & "</l>" & vbCrLf
End If
' Do lists
ElseIf InStr(styName, "List") > 0 Then
If Not (listOpen) Then
listOpen = True
listLevel = 1
outDoc(c) = outDoc(c) & iterateRange(para.Range) & vbCrLf
ElseIf Not (prevSty = styName) Then
outDoc(c) = outDoc(c) & "</item><item>" & iterateRange(para.Range) & vbCrLf
End If
ElseIf InStr(styName, "Speech") > 0 Then
If Not (speechOpen) Then
If InStr(styName, "Inline") > 0 Then
outDoc(c) = outDoc(c) & "<quote rend=""inline"">" & vbCrLf & iterateRange(para.Range) & "</quote>" & vbCrLf
ElseIf InStr(styName, "Verse") > 0 Then
outDoc(c) = outDoc(c) & "<quote>" & vbCrLf & "<lg>" & vbCrLf & "<l>" & iterateRange(para.Range) & "</l>" & vbCrLf
lgOpen = True
outDoc(c) = outDoc(c) & "<quote>" & vbCrLf & "<p>" & vbCrLf & iterateRange(para.Range) & "</p>" & vbCrLf
End If
speechOpen = True
If InStr(styName, "Verse 1") > 0 Then
If lgOpen Then outDoc(c) = outDoc(c) & "</lg>"
outDoc(c) = outDoc(c) & "<lg>" & vbCrLf & "<l>" & iterateRange(para.Range) & "</l>" & vbCrLf
lgOpen = True
ElseIf InStr(styName, "Verse 2") > 0 Then
outDoc(c) = outDoc(c) & "<l>" & iterateRange(para.Range) & "</l>" & vbCrLf
outDoc(c) = outDoc(c) & "<p>" & vbCrLf & iterateRange(para.Range) & "</p>" & vbCrLf
End If
End If
ElseIf InStr(styName, "Verse") > 0 Then
If InStr(styName, "Verse 1") > 0 Then
If lgOpen Then outDoc(c) = outDoc(c) & "</lg>"
outDoc(c) = outDoc(c) & "<lg>" & vbCrLf & "<l>" & iterateRange(para.Range) & "</l>" & vbCrLf
lgOpen = True
ElseIf InStr(styName, "Verse 2") > 0 Then
outDoc(c) = outDoc(c) & "<l>" & iterateRange(para.Range) & "</l>" & vbCrLf
End If
End If
End Sub
Function doTable() As Long
Dim tableNum As Integer
Dim theTable As Table
Dim cellText As String
For tableNum = 1 To ActiveDocument.Tables.Count
If para.Range.Start >= ActiveDocument.Tables(tableNum).Range.Start Then Exit For
Next tableNum
Set theTable = ActiveDocument.Tables(tableNum)
outDoc(c) = outDoc(c) & vbCrLf
c = c + 1
outDoc(c) = "<list rend=""table"">" & vbCrLf
For r = 1 To theTable.Rows.Count
outDoc(c) = outDoc(c) & "<item>"
For ct = 1 To theTable.Columns.Count
cellText = Replace(theTable.Cell(r, ct).Range.Text, Chr(13), "")
cellText = Replace(cellText, Chr(7), "")
outDoc(c) = outDoc(c) & "<rs>" & cellText & "</rs>"
Next ct
outDoc(c) = outDoc(c) & "</item>" & vbCrLf
If r Mod 5 = 0 Then c = c + 1
Next r
outDoc(c) = outDoc(c) & "</list>" & vbCrLf
doTable = theTable.Range.End
End Function
Function closeStyle()
If lgOpen And InStr(styName, "Verse") = 0 Then
lgOpen = False
closeStyle = "</lg>" & vbCrLf
ElseIf listOpen And InStr(styName, "List") = 0 Then
listOpen = False
If InStr(prevSty, "5") Then
closeStyle = "</item></list></item></list></item></list></item></list></item></list>" & vbCrLf
ElseIf InStr(prevSty, "4") Then
closeStyle = "</item></list></item></list></item></list></item></list>" & vbCrLf
ElseIf InStr(prevSty, "3") Then
closeStyle = "</item></list></item></list></item></list>" & vbCrLf
ElseIf InStr(prevSty, "2") Then
closeStyle = "</item></list></item></list>" & vbCrLf
closeStyle = "</item></list>" & vbCrLf
End If
End If
If citOpen And InStr(styName, "Citation") = 0 Then
citOpen = False
closeStyle = closeStyle & "</q>" & vbCrLf
End If
If speechOpen And InStr(styName, "Speech") = 0 Then
speechOpen = False
closeStyle = closeStyle & "</quote>" & vbCrLf
End If
End Function
Sub doNestedLists()
Dim prevListNum, listNum As Integer
prevListNum = Val(Right(prevSty, 1))
listNum = Val(Right(styName, 1))
If listNum = 0 Or Not IsNumeric(listNum) Then listNum = 1
If prevListNum > listNum Then
For ln = prevListNum To (listNum + 1) Step -1
outDoc(c) = outDoc(c) & "</item></list>"
Next ln
outDoc(c) = outDoc(c) & "</item>" & vbCrLf & "<item>" & iterateRange(para.Range) & vbCrLf
If InStr(styName, "Bullet") > 0 Then
outDoc(c) = outDoc(c) & "<list rend=""bullet""><item>" & iterateRange(para.Range) & vbCrLf
outDoc(c) = outDoc(c) & "<list rend=""1""><item>" & iterateRange(para.Range) & vbCrLf
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub doNewList()
If styName = "List Bullet Tibetan,lbt" Then
outDoc(c) = outDoc(c) & "<list rend=""bullet"" lang=""tib""><item>"
ElseIf styName = "List Bullet,lb" Then
outDoc(c) = outDoc(c) & "<list rend =""bullet""><item>"
ElseIf styName = "List Numbered,ln" Then
outDoc(c) = outDoc(c) & "<list rend =""1""><item>"
outDoc(c) = outDoc(c) & "<list rend =""no bull""><item>"
End If
End Sub
Function iterateRange(ByVal rng)
Dim tempRng, char1 As Range
Dim temp, closeTag, currStyle, outStr As String
Dim isItalics, isBold, isUnderline As Boolean
isItalics = False: isBold = False: isUnderline = False
currStyle = styName
For n = rng.Start To rng.End - 1
If n = docEnd Then Exit For
Set char1 = ActiveDocument.Range(Start:=n, End:=(n + 1))
If char1.Style = styName Then
If Not (currStyle = styName) Then
If currStyle = "Page Number,pgn" Then
outStr = outStr & """/>"
outStr = outStr & closeTag
End If
currStyle = styName
closeTag = ""
End If
outStr = outStr & char1.Text
ElseIf char1.Style = "Footnote Reference,fr" Then
outStr = outStr & "<note>" & iterateNote(char1.Footnotes(1).Range) & "</note>"
ElseIf char1.Style = "Hyperlink,hl" Then
textToDis = char1.Hyperlinks(1).TextToDisplay
outStr = Left(outStr, Len(outStr) - (14 + Len(textToDis)))
outStr = outStr & "<a href=""" & char1.Hyperlinks(1).Address & """>" _
& textToDis & "</a>"
n = n + Len(textToDis)
If char1.Style = currStyle Then
outStr = outStr & char1.Text
ElseIf char1.Style = "Page Number,pgn" Then
outStr = outStr & "<milestone unit=""page"" n=""" & char1.Text
currStyle = char1.Style
outStr = outStr & closeTag
temp = getElement(char1.Style)
closeTag = Mid(temp, InStr(temp, ">") + 1)
outStr = outStr & Left(temp, InStr(temp, ">")) & char1.Text
currStyle = char1.Style
End If
End If
If n Mod 100 = 0 Then
statusStr = statusStr & " !"
Application.StatusBar = statusStr
End If
Next n
iterateRange = outStr & closeTag
End Function
Function iterateNote(ByVal rng As Range)
Dim tempRng, char1 As Range
Dim temp, closeTag, currStyle, outStr As String
Dim ct As Integer
Dim pnOpen As Boolean
currStyle = styName
pnOpen = False
For ct = 1 To rng.Characters.Count
Set char1 = rng.Characters(ct)
If char1.Style = styName Then
If Not (currStyle = styName) Then
outStr = outStr & closeTag
currStyle = styName
closeTag = ""
End If
outStr = outStr & char1.Text
ElseIf char1.Style = "Hyperlink,hl" Then
textToDis = char1.Hyperlinks(1).TextToDisplay
outStr = Left(outStr, Len(outStr) - 1)
outStr = outStr & "<a href=""" & char1.Hyperlinks(1).Address & """>" _
& textToDis & "</a>"
ct = ct + Len(textToDis) - 2
If char1.Style = currStyle Then
outStr = outStr & char1.Text
ElseIf char1.Style = "Page Number,pgn" Then
outStr = outStr & "<milestone unit=""page"" n=""" & char1.Text
currStyle = char1.Style
closeTag = """/>"
outStr = outStr & closeTag
temp = getElement(char1.Style)
closeTag = Mid(temp, InStr(temp, ">") + 1)
outStr = outStr & Left(temp, InStr(temp, ">")) & char1.Text
currStyle = char1.Style
End If
End If
If ct Mod 100 = 0 Then
statusStr = statusStr & " !"
Application.StatusBar = statusStr
End If
Next ct
iterateNote = outStr & closeTag
End Function
Function getElement(ByVal chStyle) As String
If chStyle = "Annotations,an" Then
getElement = "<add n=""annotation""></add>"
ElseIf chStyle = "Dates,dt" Then
getElement = "<date></date>"
ElseIf chStyle = "Date Range,dr" Then
getElement = "<dateRange></dateRange>"
ElseIf chStyle = "Doxographical-Bibliographical Category,dbc" Then
getElement = "<term type=""doxbibl""></term>"
ElseIf chStyle = "Emphasis Strong,es" Then
getElement = "<hi rend=""strong""></hi>"
ElseIf chStyle = "Emphasis Weak,ew" Then
getElement = "<hi rend=""weak""></hi>"
ElseIf chStyle = "Lang Chinese,chi" Then
getElement = "<foreign lang=""chi""></foreign>"
ElseIf chStyle = "Lang English,en" Then
getElement = "<foreign lang=""eng""></foreign>"
ElseIf chStyle = "Lang Japanese,jap" Then
getElement = "<foreign lang=""jap""></foreign>"
ElseIf chStyle = "Lang Korean,kor" Then
getElement = "<foreign lang=""kor""></foreign>"
ElseIf chStyle = "Lang Nepali,nep" Then
getElement = "<foreign lang=""nep""></foreign>"
ElseIf chStyle = "Lang Pali,pal" Then
getElement = "<foreign lang=""pal""></foreign>"
ElseIf chStyle = "Lang Sanskrit,san" Then
getElement = "<foreign lang=""san""></foreign>"
ElseIf chStyle = "Lang Tibetan,tib" Then
getElement = "<foreign lang=""tib""></foreign>"
ElseIf chStyle = "Monuments,mm" Then
getElement = "<placeName n=""monument""></placeName>"
ElseIf chStyle = "Name Buddhist Deity,npb" Or chStyle = "Name Buddhist Deity,npb" Then
getElement = "<persName type=""bud_deity""></persName>"
ElseIf chStyle = "Name generic,ng" Then
getElement = "<name></name>"
ElseIf chStyle = "Name of ethnicity,noe" Then
getElement = "<orgName type=""ethnic""></orgName>"
ElseIf chStyle = "Name org clan,noc" Then
getElement = "<orgName type=""clan""></orgName>"
ElseIf chStyle = "Name org lineage,nol" Then
getElement = "<orgName type=""lineage""></orgName>"
ElseIf chStyle = "Name organization monastery,norm" Then
getElement = "<orgName type=""monastery""></orgName>"
ElseIf chStyle = "Name organization,nor" Then
getElement = "<orgName></orgName>"
ElseIf chStyle = "Name Personal Human,nph" Then
getElement = "<persName></persName>"
ElseIf chStyle = "Name Personal other,npo" Then
getElement = "<persName type=""other""></persName>"
ElseIf chStyle = "Name Place,np" Then
getElement = "<placeName></placeName>"
ElseIf chStyle = "Pages,pg" Then
getElement = "<num type=""pagination""></num>"
ElseIf chStyle = "Page Number,pgn" Then
getElement = "<milestone unit=""page"" n=""REPLACE""/>"
ElseIf chStyle = "Root text,rt" Then
getElement = "<seg type=""roottext""></seg>"
ElseIf chStyle = "Speaker generic,sg" Then
getElement = "<persName type=""speaker""></persName>"
ElseIf chStyle = "SpeakerBuddhistDeity,sb" Then
getElement = "<persName type=""speaker_bud_deity""></persName>"
ElseIf chStyle = "SpeakerHuman,sh" Then
getElement = "<persName type=""human""></persName>"
ElseIf chStyle = "SpeakerOther,so" Then
getElement = "<persName type=""other""></persName>"
ElseIf chStyle = "Text Title Sanksrit,tts" Then
getElement = "<title lang=""san"" level=""m""></title>"
ElseIf chStyle = "Text Title Tibetan,ttt" Then
getElement = "<title lang=""tib"" level=""m""></title>"
ElseIf chStyle = "Text Title,tt" Then
getElement = "<title level=""m""></title>"
ElseIf chStyle = "TextGroup,tg" Then
getElement = "<title level=""s"" type=""group""></title>"
ElseIf chStyle = "Topical Outline,to" Then
getElement = "<seg type=""outline""></seg>"
End If
End Function
Function doMetadata() As String
' tableaccess Macro
' Macro recorded 8/13/2003 by Than G
Dim metaTable As Table
Dim inData, header, today As String
Open "C:\xml\teiHeader.dat" For Input As #1
Do While Not EOF(1)
Line Input #1, inData
header = header & inData & vbCrLf
Close #1
Set metaTable = ActiveDocument.Tables(1)
header = Replace(header, "{Eng Lang}", doTrim(metaTable.Cell(3, 2)))
header = Replace(header, "{Eng Title}", doTrim(metaTable.Cell(1, 2)))
header = Replace(header, "{Orig Lang}", doTrim(metaTable.Cell(3, 4)))
header = Replace(header, "{Orig Title}", doTrim(metaTable.Cell(2, 2)))
header = Replace(header, "{Author}", doTrim(metaTable.Cell(4, 2)))
header = Replace(header, "{Author Date}", doTrim(metaTable.Cell(4, 4)))
header = Replace(header, "{Trans}", doTrim(metaTable.Cell(5, 2)))
header = Replace(header, "{Trans Date}", doTrim(metaTable.Cell(5, 4)))
header = Replace(header, "{Editor}", doTrim(metaTable.Cell(6, 2)))
header = Replace(header, "{Editor Date}", doTrim(metaTable.Cell(6, 4)))
header = Replace(header, "{Markup}", doTrim(metaTable.Cell(7, 2)))
header = Replace(header, "{Markup Date}", doTrim(metaTable.Cell(7, 4)))
header = Replace(header, "{Input}", doTrim(metaTable.Cell(8, 2)))
header = Replace(header, "{Input Date}", doTrim(metaTable.Cell(8, 4)))
header = Replace(header, "{Journal Title}", doTrim(metaTable.Cell(9, 2)))
header = Replace(header, "{Editor Coll}", doTrim(metaTable.Cell(10, 2)))
header = Replace(header, "{Vol}", doTrim(metaTable.Cell(9, 4)))
header = Replace(header, "{Pages}", doTrim(metaTable.Cell(9, 6)))
header = Replace(header, "{Pub Place}", doTrim(metaTable.Cell(12, 2)))
header = Replace(header, "{Pub Per}", doTrim(metaTable.Cell(11, 2)))
header = Replace(header, "{Pub Date}", doTrim(metaTable.Cell(11, 4)))
header = Replace(header, "{Description}", doTrim(metaTable.Cell(13, 2)))
header = Replace(header, "{Domain URL}", doTrim(metaTable.Cell(14, 2)))
header = Replace(header, "{Domain Text}", doTrim(metaTable.Cell(14, 4)))
header = Replace(header, "{Portal URL}", doTrim(metaTable.Cell(15, 2)))
header = Replace(header, "{Portal Text}", doTrim(metaTable.Cell(15, 4)))
header = Replace(header, "{Project URL}", doTrim(metaTable.Cell(16, 2)))
header = Replace(header, "{Project Text}", doTrim(metaTable.Cell(16, 4)))
header = Replace(header, "{Home URL}", doTrim(metaTable.Cell(17, 2)))
header = Replace(header, "{Home Text}", doTrim(metaTable.Cell(17, 4)))
header = Replace(header, "{Self Crumb}", doTrim(metaTable.Cell(18, 2)))
header = Replace(header, "{Elec Pub Date}", Format(Date, "yyyy-mm-dd"))
header = Replace(header, "&", "&amp;")
header = Replace(header, "&amp;amp;", "&amp;")
doMetadata = header
End Function
Function doTrim(ByVal aCell As Cell) As String
Dim rng As Range
Set rng = aCell.Range
rng.End = rng.End - 1
doTrim = rng.Text
End Function
Function getStylesUsed()
Dim para As Paragraph
Dim ch As Range
Dim outStr As String
For Each para In ActiveDocument.Paragraphs
If InStr(outStr, para.Range.Style) = 0 Then
outStr = outStr & vbCrLf & para.Range.Style
End If
Next para
getStylesUsed = outStr
End Function
Function isTable(ByVal paraRang As Range) As Boolean
For tableCount = 1 To ActiveDocument.Tables.Count
tableStart = ActiveDocument.Tables(tableCount).Range.Start
tableStop = ActiveDocument.Tables(tableCount).Range.End
If paraRang.Start >= tableStart And paraRang.End <= tableStop Then
isTable = True
Exit Function
End If
Next tableCount
isTable = False
End Function
Sub switchtonormal()
Attribute switchtonormal.VB_Description = "Macro recorded 3/31/2004 by Than Garson"
Attribute switchtonormal.VB_ProcData.VB_Invoke_Func = "Project.NewMacros.switchtonormal"
' switchtonormal Macro
' Macro recorded 3/31/2004 by Than Garson
If ActiveWindow.View.SplitSpecial = wdPaneNone Then
ActiveWindow.ActivePane.View.Type = wdNormalView
ActiveWindow.View.Type = wdNormalView
End If
End Sub
Sub convertItalics()
' searchItalics Macro
' Macro recorded 8/18/2003 by Than G
Dim rngToSearch, srchResult As Range
Dim textRun, openTag, endTage As String
Dim resInt, loopCt As Integer
loopCt = 0
Load ItalicOptions
Set rngToSearch = ActiveDocument.Range.Duplicate
If ActiveDocument.Tables.Count > 0 Then
rngToSearch.Start = ActiveDocument.Tables(1).Range.End + 1
End If
Set srchResult = rngToSearch.Duplicate
loopCt = loopCt + 1
With srchResult.Find
.Format = True
.Text = ""
.Font.Italic = True
.Wrap = wdFindStop
.Forward = True
End With
If Not srchResult.Find.Found Or loopCt > 200 Then Exit Do
If InStr(srchResult.Style, "Heading") = 0 And Not isCharStyle(srchResult) Then
textRun = srchResult.Text
ItalicOptions.ItalText.Caption = textRun
If ItalicOptions.wasCancelled Then
Unload ItalicOptions
Exit Sub
End If
srchResult.Style = ItalicOptions.getSelectedStyle()
If ItalicOptions.getSelectedStyle() = "Normal,no" Then
srchResult.Font.Italic = False
End If
End If
srchResult.Start = srchResult.End + 1
srchResult.End = rngToSearch.End
Loop Until Not srchResult.Find.Found
Unload ItalicOptions
End Sub
Sub convertFootnoteItalics()
Dim loopCt As Integer
For n = 1 To ActiveDocument.Footnotes.Count
Set rngToSearch = ActiveDocument.Footnotes(n).Range.Duplicate
Set srchResult = rngToSearch.Duplicate
loopCt = 0
loopCt = loopCt + 1
With srchResult.Find
.Format = True
.Text = ""
.Font.Italic = True
.Wrap = wdFindStop
.Forward = True
End With
If Not srchResult.Find.Found Or loopCt > 20 Then Exit Do
If InStr(srchResult.Style, "Heading") = 0 And Not isCharStyle(srchResult) Then
textRun = srchResult.Text
ItalicOptions.ItalText.Caption = textRun
If ItalicOptions.wasCancelled Then
Unload ItalicOptions
Exit Sub
End If
srchResult.Style = ItalicOptions.getSelectedStyle()
If ItalicOptions.getSelectedStyle() = "Normal,no" Then
srchResult.Font.Italic = False
End If
End If
srchResult.Start = srchResult.End + 2
srchResult.End = rngToSearch.End
Loop Until Not srchResult.Find.Found
Next n
End Sub
Sub unItalicizeCommas()
' unItalicizeCommas Macro
' Macro recorded 8/19/2003 by Than G
Dim rngToSearch, srchResult As Range
Set rngToSearch = ActiveDocument.Range.Duplicate
Set srchResult = rngToSearch.Duplicate
With srchResult.Find
.Format = True
.Text = ","
.Font.Italic = True
.Wrap = wdFindStop
.Forward = True
.MatchWildcards = True
End With
If Not srchResult.Find.Found Then Exit Do
srchResult.Font.Italic = False
srchResult.Start = srchResult.End + 1
srchResult.End = rngToSearch.End
Loop Until Not srchResult.Find.Found
For n = 1 To ActiveDocument.Footnotes.Count
Set rngToSearch = ActiveDocument.Footnotes(n).Range
Set srchResult = rngToSearch.Duplicate
With srchResult.Find
.Format = True
.Text = ","
.Font.Italic = True
.Wrap = wdFindStop
.Forward = True
.MatchWildcards = True
End With
If Not srchResult.Find.Found Then Exit Do
srchResult.Font.Italic = False
srchResult.Start = srchResult.End + 1
srchResult.End = rngToSearch.End
Loop Until Not srchResult.Find.Found
Next n
End Sub
Function isCharStyle(ByVal rng As Range) As Boolean
StyleName = rng.Style
isCharStyle = False
If StyleName = "Emphasis Weak,ew" Or _
StyleName = "Annotations,an" Or _
StyleName = "Hyperlink,hl" Or _
StyleName = "Lang Tibetan,tib" Or _
StyleName = "Lang Sanskrit,san" Or _
StyleName = "Lang Chinese,chi" Or _
StyleName = "Lang Japanese,jap" Or _
StyleName = "Name Personal Human,nph" Or _
StyleName = "Name Personal other,npo" Or _
StyleName = "Name Place,np" Or _
StyleName = "Name organization,nor" Or _
StyleName = "Date Range,dr" Or _
StyleName = "Page Number,pgn" Or _
StyleName = "Speaker generic,sg" Or _
StyleName = "SpeakerBuddhistDeity,sb" Or _
StyleName = "SpeakerHuman,sh" Or _
StyleName = "SpeakerOther,so" Or _
StyleName = "Text Title,tt" Or _
StyleName = "Text Title Sanksrit,tts" Or _
StyleName = "Text Title Tibetan,ttt" Or _
StyleName = "TextGroup,tg" Then
isCharStyle = True
End If
End Function