WylieWord/Build procedure.txt
2004-11-03 02:36:17 +00:00

52 lines
2 KiB

WylieWord Build Procedure
This explains how to make a new version of WylieWord.
The program source file is called "WylieWord development copy.dot".
This is what you edit with the VBA editor.
When you have finished modifying it:
Do a search for, and remove, all debugging MsgBox calls.
I use "!!!" in comments to note known bugs that should be dealt with.
Search for "!!!" and make sure anything left in that state is
acceptable in the release.
Increment the version number in AboutWylieWord.
Do "Debug > Compile" in the F11 window. Verify there are no
compilation errors.
Re-test everything that has changed since the last release, and
anything that might be affected by those changes.
Run PrepareDistribution in immediate window.
This runs automated tests. For these to work, you need to have the test case
files (from CVS/SourceForge) in your running WylieWord folder.
The third set of tests may take ten minutes or so.
Verify that the results are OK.
It also unbinds all the WylieWord keys.
This is critical to having WylieWord work correctly on non-English keyboards.
(After making the distribution, you may want to restore the keybindings
in the development copy by calling WylieWordBindKeys.)
Save "WylieWord development copy.dot"
Make a copy and rename it Setup.doc.
If the manual has changed, update its revision date.
The WylieWord installer is created using the program "SEAU",
available for $49 on the web. The .INP file is its configuration.
Update the Files folder to be the WylieWord build folder (if it isn't already).
Update the Archive output file location to be in that folder also.
Save the SEAU configuration (.INP file) if you have changed it.
Run the SEAU builder.
Run the resulting self-extracting .exe file.
Re-test everything. Do the testing with the template installed in and
loaded from the Word Startup folder. (Due to Word idiocy, VBA runs
differently (and usually worse) when loaded from there.)