WylieWord/THDL phonetics test cases.txt

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; These examples come from the draft (8/21/03) THDL Phonetics document
lha sa > lhasa
sa skya pa > sakyapa
blo bzang > lobzang
rnying ma pa > nyingmapa
rdo rje > dorje
dge lugs pa > gelukpa
gzhis ka rtse > zhikatse
mar me > marme
bcu > chu
lce > che
rin chen bzang po > rinchenzangpo
nag chu > nakchu
bka' rgyud pa > kagyüpa
bsod nams> sönam
thub bstan > thupten
'jam dpal dbyangs > jampelyang
dge legs > gelek
kha btags > khatak
bka' shag > kashak
sbra nag zhol > banakzhöl
thabs > thap
lha sa ba > lhasawa
jo bo > jowo
dpa' bo > pawo
spyan ras gzig > chenrezik
sbyin bdag > jindak
smyong > nyong
sgrol ma > drölma
rten 'brel > tendrel
'bras spungs > drepung
'phrin las > thrinle
dbang > wang
dbral > rel
dbyar kha > yarkha
zla ba > dawa
klad pa > lepa
glog > lok
le'u > leu
pa'ang > pang
ba'i > wai
rta mgrin > tamdrin
; Other tests, to exercise particular rules in the grammar that aren't covered in the rules above
g.yon > yön
phyag > chak
bkra shis > trashi
khros ma > thröma
sprul > trül
mri tam ga > mitamga
srid pa > sipa
pad ma > pema
pan chen > penchen
ral pa can > relpachen
thun > thün
dus gsum > düsum
sbed > be
ces > che
pa'i > pai
che'i > chei
gri'i > dri
po'i > poi
le'u'i > leui
rdzogs > dzok
thug pa > thukpa
'debs > dep
sib sib > sipsip
lobs pa > loppa
grub > drup
kla col > lachöl