diff --git a/htdocs/ACIP_To_Tibetan_Converter.html b/htdocs/ACIP_To_Tibetan_Converter.html index 0a4c51f..eb1e192 100644 --- a/htdocs/ACIP_To_Tibetan_Converter.html +++ b/htdocs/ACIP_To_Tibetan_Converter.html @@ -480,6 +480,15 @@

141: While waiting for a closing bracket, an opening bracket, 'X', was found instead. Nesting of bracketed expressions is not permitted.

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142: Because you requested conversion to a Unicode text file, there is no way to indicate that the font size is supposed to decrease starting here and continuing until error 143. That is, this is the beginning of a region in YIG CHUNG.

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143: Because you requested conversion to a Unicode text file, there is no way to indicate that the font size is supposed to increase (go back to the size it was before the last error 142, that is) starting here. That is, this is the end of a region in YIG CHUNG.

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