Info for THDL Tools Developers

This page is the first attempt at extracting knowledge about the internals of the THDL tools from Edward's brain. The only thing we personally have got up on the web that's any use thus far are

Here are some links to tools of interest:

Below are links to some Java text editors or word processors that we might learn from or integrate with. I started my search from's software map, by the way (and see this corner of the map, too.

Finally, the EpiDoc project (hosted by SourceForge) does not yet have any tools up, but the project's goals are similar in many ways to the THDL's, and they list their programming language as Java. The blurb of interest: "The EpiDoc Collaborative is developing a software and hardware-independent digital publication and interchange specification for scholarly and educational editions of inscribed and incised texts in Greek, Latin and other ancient languages".

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