dchandler 5b5a6aab25 You may no longer put xml-apis.jar, xercesImpl.jar, or xalan.jar in
Jskad/extensions.  If you're lazy, you can move them to
extensions/drop-ins, but the correct thing to do is to move x*.jar to
$ANT_HOME/lib [next to vamp.jar, if you're already set up for Java Web
Start builds].  This is a side effect of improving the nightly builds.

Nightly builds now feature an HTML summary of the JUnit test results,
a datestamp, and full API docs in two flavors.

If you use a patched vamp.jar [e-mail me] that can run when an X11
display is not available (there is not an analogous problem for
Windows servers, I suspect), all you have to do to put up a nightly
builds site is to set up CVS access so that no password is requires
using SSH public-key crypto (sf.net documents how to do so well) and
then use the following daily cron job on your Unix box:

#! /bin/sh
renice +19 -p $$ >/dev/null 2>&1
su -l joe-user /bin/sh -c /var/www/thdl/nightly/doTheBuild.sh

where joe-user is an unprivileged user who has installed Ant properly
(see the updated BuildSystems.html on the developer's site off of
thdltools.sf.net) and set himself up a Jskad sandbox with a Fonts
sandbox underneath it in, e.g., /var/www/thdl/nightly/Jskad.  Here's

#! /bin/sh
if test ! -d $DEST; then \
     echo "$DEST does not exist ($DATE)." >> history; exit 1; fi
(cd $JSKAD && ant dc-nightly-build \
 && rm -fr ${DEST}/* \
 && cp dist/nightlyBuild.zip $DEST \
 && cd $DEST \
     && unzip nightlyBuild.zip)
if test $? != 0; then echo "NIGHTLY BUILDS FAILED on $DATE" >> $HISTORY; exit 2; fi
echo "Success on start=$DATE end=$DDDATE" >> $HISTORY
exit 0
2003-02-10 04:24:25 +00:00
.cvsignore We now have two sets of API docs, one with private members too. 2002-10-28 05:09:15 +00:00
BuildSystems.html You may no longer put xml-apis.jar, xercesImpl.jar, or xalan.jar in 2003-02-10 04:24:25 +00:00
GoToTHDLTools.html Ran these through the W3C validator and fixed the problems I found. 2002-10-20 22:39:11 +00:00
THDLTools_Developers.html Links to a design document concerning the Tibetan Format Converter, 2002-11-19 23:23:59 +00:00
TibetanFormatConverterDesign.html Added a design document concerning the Tibetan Format Converter, 2002-11-19 23:17:01 +00:00