#!/usr/bin/env jruby BASE_DIR = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/..") require 'java' Dir[File.join(BASE_DIR,'lib/*jar')].each {|j| require j } Dir[File.join(BASE_DIR,'target/*jar')].each {|j| require j } require 'openssl' require 'stringio' require 'optparse' import java.io.BufferedInputStream import java.io.FileInputStream import java.security.cert.X509Certificate import java.security.cert.CertificateFactory import org.bouncycastle.asn1.DEROctetString import org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1Encodable import org.bouncycastle.x509.extension.X509ExtensionUtil module Trie include_package 'com.redhat.trie' end def pt(path = './src/test/resources/contents.list') content_sets = File.open(path).read.split("\n") Trie::PathTree.new(content_sets) end def print_dot(root) sio = StringIO.new sio.write("digraph pathnode_tree {\n") write_children(sio, root) sio.write("\n}\n") sio.seek(0) sio end def write_children(io, node) return unless (node.getChildren().length > 0) node.getChildren.each do |child| id = (child.getConnection().getId().to_s + child.getName()).hash children_ids = child.getConnection().getChildren().map {|c| (c.getConnection().getId().to_s + c.getName()).hash } io.write(" %d [label=\"%s\"];\n" % [id, child.getName()]) io.write(" %d -> { %s };\n" % [id, children_ids.join(" ")]) if children_ids.length > 0 write_children(io, child.getConnection()) end end # PrettyPrint a PathNode or HuffNode tree def printTree(node, tab, opts = {}) io = opts[:io] ? opts[:io] : STDOUT nodeRep = " " * tab nodeRep += "Node [#{node.getId}]" nodeRep += ", Weight [#{node.getWeight}]" if node.respond_to? :getWeight nodeRep += ", Value = [#{node.getValue}]" if node.respond_to? :getValue node.getParents.each do |parent| nodeRep += " ^ [#{parent.getId}]" end if node.respond_to? :getParents node.getChildren.each do |child| nodeRep += " v [#{child.getName} {#{child.getId}}]" end if node.respond_to? :getChildren io.puts nodeRep node.getChildren.each do |child| printTree(child.getConnection, tab+1, opts) end if node.respond_to? :getChildren if node.respond_to?(:getLeft) and node.respond_to?(:getRight) printTree(node.getLeft, tab+1, opts) if node.getLeft != nil printTree(node.getRight, tab+1, opts) if node.getRight != nil end end # ick, using java to do SSL def object_from_oid(cert, oid) return unless cert cert.getNonCriticalExtensionOIDs.each do |o| if o == oid return X509ExtensionUtil.fromExtensionValue(cert.getExtensionValue(o)) end end return nil end # ick, using java to do SSL def value_from_oid(filename, oid) bis = BufferedInputStream.new(FileInputStream.new(filename)) cf = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509") cert = cf.generateCertificate(bis) # this is an X509Certificate object_from_oid(cert, oid) end # not working on jRuby. :-( # https://github.com/jruby/jruby/issues/389 def value_from_oid_bunk(filename, oid) cert = OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new(File.read(filename)) ext = cert.extensions.detect {|ext| ext.oid == oid } return if ext.nil? return OpenSSL::ASN1.decode(OpenSSL::ASN1.decode(ext.to_der).value[1].value).value end def _puts(opts, str) if opts[:output_file] begin count = File.open(opts[:output_file],'w') {|f| f.write(str) } puts "wrote #{count} to #{opts[:output_file]} ..." rescue => ex STDERR.puts(ex) end else puts str end end def parse_args(args) options = { :content_list => './src/test/resources/contents.list', :dot => false, :test_url => '/content/beta/rhel/server/5/5server/x86_64/sap/os/repomd.xml', } opts = OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.on('--dot',"output the dot digraph of content listing (defaults to #{options[:content_list]}") do |o| options[:dot] = o end opts.on('--contents FILE', "use FILE instead of #{options[:content_list]}") do |o| options[:content_list] = o end opts.on('--cert FILE', "read contents from certificate FILE") do |o| options[:certificate] = o end opts.on('--test PATH', "validate PATH, instead of [#{options[:test_url]}]") do |o| options[:test_url] = o end opts.on('--print', "print the tree of contents") do |o| options[:printTree] = o end opts.on('--gen-payload', 'generate the binary payload from the content sets') do |o| options[:payload] = o end opts.on('-o FILE','put output to FILE, instead of STDOUT') do |o| options[:output_file] = o end end opts.parse!(args) return options end def main(args) options = parse_args(args) if options[:dot] _puts(options, print_dot(pt(options[:content_list]).getRootPathNode()).read()) return end if options[:printTree] pn = pt.getRootPathNode io = options[:output_file] ? File.open(options[:output_file], 'w') : STDOUT printTree(pn, 0, :io => io) if options[:output_file] puts "wrote #{io.pos} to #{options[:output_file]} ..." io.close end return end if options[:certificate] data = value_from_oid(options[:certificate], '') pt = Trie::PathTree.new(data.getOctets) _puts(options, pt.toList()) return end if options[:payload] _puts(options, pt(options[:content_list]).getPayload()) return end # Default behaviour (no other flags provided) puts "[%s] %s" % [options[:test_url], pt.validate(options[:test_url])] end main(ARGV) if $0 == __FILE__