The ease of implementing this exposition data has led to an explosion in compatible metrics endpoints with 300+ exporters registered, dozens of native integrations, and unknown numbers of internal adoptions.
To allow for even more adoption, OpenMetrics received a lot of additional scrutiny and engineering time from several large players in the cloud-native space.
It also puts the format under a neutral name, allowing more monitoring vendors to adopt it without potential political considerations.
With substantial commitments for adoption, OpenMetrics will enjoy solid support from day 1.
Amongst others, these are:
* Prometheus
* Cloudflare
* GitLab
* Google
* Grafana
* InfluxData
* RobustPerception
* SpaceNet
* Uber
OpenMetrics was presented at the [CNCF TOC meeting on 2018-06-19](
Given the CNCF's stated role in "fostering the growth and evolution of the ecosystem" and "making the technology accessible and reliable", we believe OpenMetrics helps with both of these goals.