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# containerd
another container runtime
#### Status
What does alpha, beta, etc mean?
* alpha - not feature complete
* beta - feature complete but needs testing
* prod ready - read for production
## Starting a container
To start a container hit the `/containers/{name}` endpoint with a `POST` request.
The checkpoint field is option but allows you to start the container with the specified
checkpoint name instead of a new instance of the container.
curl -XPOST localhost:8888/containers/redis -d '{
"bundlePath": "/containers/redis",
"checkpoint: "checkpoint-name"
## Add a process to an existing container
To add an additional process to a running container send a `PUT` request to the
`/containers/{name}/processes` endpoint.
curl -s -XPUT localhost:8888/containers/redis/process -d '{
"user" : {
"gid" : 0,
"uid" : 0
"args" : [
"sleep 10"
"env" : [
## Signal a specific process in a container
To send a signal to any of the containers processes send a `POST` request to
the `/containers/{name}/process/{pid}` endpoint.
curl -s -XPOST localhost:8888/containers/redis/process/1234 -d '{"signal": 15}'
## Get the state of containerd and all of its containers
To the the entire state of the containerd instance send a `GET` request
to the `/state` endpoint.
curl -s localhost:8888/state
"containers" : [
"state" : {
"status" : "running"
"bundlePath" : "/containers/redis",
"id" : "redis",
"processes" : [
"args" : [
"user" : {
"gid" : 1000,
"uid" : 1000
"terminal" : false,
"pid" : 11497,
"env" : [
"machine" : {
"cpus" : 4,
"memory" : 7872909312
## Create a checkpoint for a container
To create a checkpoint for a container send a `POST` request to the
`/containers/{name}/checkpoint/{checkpointname}` endpoint. All of the options
to this endpoint are optional.
If you send `"exit": true` the container will be stopped after the checkpoint is complete,
the default is to keep the container running.
curl -s -XPOST localhost:8888/containers/redis/checkpoint/test1 -d '{
"exit": false,
"tcp": false,
"unixSockets": false,
"shell": false
## List all checkpoints for a container
To list all checkpoints for a container send a `GET` request to the
`/containers/{name}/checkpoint` endpoint.
curl -s localhost:8888/containers/redis/checkpoint
"name" : "test1",
"unixSockets" : false,
"tcp" : false,
"shell" : false
"name" : "test2",
"tcp" : false,
"unixSockets" : false,
"shell" : false
## Delete a container's checkpoint
To delete a container's checkpoint send a `DELETE` request to the
`/containers/redis/checkpoint/{checkpointname}` endpoint.
curl -XDELETE -s localhost:8888/containers/redis/checkpoint/test1
## Update a container
The update endpoint for a container accepts a JSON object with various fields
for the actions you with to perform. To update a container send a `PATCH` request
to the `/containers/{name}` endpoint.
### Pause and resume a container
To pause or resume a continer you want to send a `PATCH` request updating the container's state.
# pause a container
curl -XPATCH localhost:8888/containers/redis -d '{"status": "paused"}'
# resume the container
curl -XPATCH localhost:8888/containers/redis -d '{"status": "running"}'
### Signal the main process of a container
To signal the main process of the container hit the same update endpoint with a different state.
curl -s -XPATCH localhost:8888/containers/redis -d '{"signal": 9}'