Makefile: new variable: TESTFLAGS


    $ TESTFLAGS="-race -v -parallel 16" make test

Signed-off-by: Akihiro Suda <>
This commit is contained in:
Akihiro Suda 2017-01-13 04:28:24 +00:00
parent 8bc78b2a4a
commit 3793d19bfe

View file

@ -22,6 +22,9 @@ BINARIES=$(addprefix bin/,$(COMMANDS))
# time.
GO_LDFLAGS=-ldflags "-X `go list`.Version=$(VERSION)"
# Flags passed to `go test`
TESTFLAGS ?=-parallel 8 -race
.PHONY: clean all AUTHORS fmt vet lint build binaries test integration setup generate checkprotos coverage ci check help install uninstall vendor
.DEFAULT: default
@ -82,15 +85,15 @@ ineffassign: ## run ineffassign
build: ## build the go packages
@echo "🐳 $@"
@go build -i -tags "${DOCKER_BUILDTAGS}" -v ${GO_LDFLAGS} ${GO_GCFLAGS} ${PACKAGES}
@go build -i -v ${GO_LDFLAGS} ${GO_GCFLAGS} ${PACKAGES}
test: ## run tests, except integration tests
@echo "🐳 $@"
@go test -parallel 8 -race -tags "${DOCKER_BUILDTAGS}" $(filter-out ${INTEGRATION_PACKAGE},${PACKAGES})
@go test ${TESTFLAGS} $(filter-out ${INTEGRATION_PACKAGE},${PACKAGES})
integration: ## run integration tests
@echo "🐳 $@"
@go test -parallel 8 -race -tags "${DOCKER_BUILDTAGS}" ${INTEGRATION_PACKAGE}
@ -99,7 +102,7 @@ bin/%: cmd/% FORCE
@test $$(go list) = "${PROJECT_ROOT}" || \
(echo "👹 Please correctly set up your Go build environment. This project must be located at <GOPATH>/src/${PROJECT_ROOT}" && false)
@echo "🐳 $@"
@go build -i -tags "${DOCKER_BUILDTAGS}" -o $@ ${GO_LDFLAGS} ${GO_GCFLAGS} ./$<
@go build -i -o $@ ${GO_LDFLAGS} ${GO_GCFLAGS} ./$<
binaries: $(BINARIES) ## build binaries
@echo "🐳 $@"
@ -120,13 +123,13 @@ uninstall:
coverage: ## generate coverprofiles from the unit tests
@echo "🐳 $@"
@( for pkg in $(filter-out ${INTEGRATION_PACKAGE},${PACKAGES}); do \
go test -i -race -tags "${DOCKER_BUILDTAGS}" -test.short -coverprofile="../../../$$pkg/coverage.txt" -covermode=atomic $$pkg || exit; \
go test -race -tags "${DOCKER_BUILDTAGS}" -test.short -coverprofile="../../../$$pkg/coverage.txt" -covermode=atomic $$pkg || exit; \
go test -i ${TESTFLAGS} -test.short -coverprofile="../../../$$pkg/coverage.txt" -covermode=atomic $$pkg || exit; \
go test ${TESTFLAGS} -test.short -coverprofile="../../../$$pkg/coverage.txt" -covermode=atomic $$pkg || exit; \
done )
coverage-integration: ## generate coverprofiles from the integration tests
@echo "🐳 $@"
go test -race -tags "${DOCKER_BUILDTAGS}" -test.short -coverprofile="../../../${INTEGRATION_PACKAGE}/coverage.txt" -covermode=atomic ${INTEGRATION_PACKAGE}
go test ${TESTFLAGS} -test.short -coverprofile="../../../${INTEGRATION_PACKAGE}/coverage.txt" -covermode=atomic ${INTEGRATION_PACKAGE}
@echo "🐳 $@"