Add fs package
Add diff comparison with support for double walking two trees for comparison or single walking a diff tree. Single walking requires further implementation for specific mount types. Add directory copy function which is intended to provide fastest possible local copy of file system directories without hardlinking. Add test package to make creating filesystems for test easy and comparisons deep and informative. Signed-off-by: Derek McGowan <> (github: dmcgowan)
This commit is contained in:
16 changed files with 1672 additions and 0 deletions
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
package fs
import (
// CopyDirectory copies the directory from src to dst.
// Most efficient copy of files is attempted.
func CopyDirectory(dst, src string) error {
inodes := map[uint64]string{}
return copyDirectory(dst, src, inodes)
func copyDirectory(dst, src string, inodes map[uint64]string) error {
stat, err := os.Stat(src)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to stat %s", src)
if !stat.IsDir() {
return errors.Errorf("source is not directory")
if _, err := os.Stat(dst); err != nil {
if err := os.Mkdir(dst, stat.Mode()); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to mkdir %s", dst)
} else {
if err := os.Chmod(dst, stat.Mode()); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to chmod on %s", dst)
fis, err := ioutil.ReadDir(src)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to read %s", src)
if err := copyFileInfo(stat, dst); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to copy file info for %s", dst)
for _, fi := range fis {
source := filepath.Join(src, fi.Name())
target := filepath.Join(dst, fi.Name())
if fi.IsDir() {
if err := copyDirectory(target, source, inodes); err != nil {
return err
} else if (fi.Mode() & os.ModeType) == 0 {
link, err := GetLinkSource(target, fi, inodes)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to get hardlink")
if link != "" {
if err := os.Link(link, target); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to create hard link")
} else if err := copyFile(source, target); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to copy files")
} else if (fi.Mode() & os.ModeSymlink) == os.ModeSymlink {
link, err := os.Readlink(source)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to read link: %s", source)
if err := os.Symlink(link, target); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to create symlink: %s", target)
} else if (fi.Mode() & os.ModeDevice) == os.ModeDevice {
// TODO: support devices
return errors.New("devices not supported")
} else {
// TODO: Support pipes and sockets
return errors.Wrapf(err, "unsupported mode %s", fi.Mode())
if err := copyFileInfo(fi, target); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to copy file info")
if err := copyXAttrs(target, source); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to copy xattrs")
return nil
func copyFile(source, target string) error {
src, err := os.Open(source)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to open source %s", err)
defer src.Close()
tgt, err := os.Create(target)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to open target %s", err)
defer tgt.Close()
return copyFileContent(tgt, src)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
package fs
import (
var (
kernel, major int
func init() {
uts := &syscall.Utsname{}
err := syscall.Uname(uts)
if err != nil {
p := [2][]byte{{}, {}}
release := uts.Release
i := 0
for pi := 0; pi < len(p); pi++ {
for release[i] != 0 {
c := byte(release[i])
if c == '.' || c == '-' {
p[pi] = append(p[pi], c)
kernel, err = strconv.Atoi(string(p[0]))
if err != nil {
major, err = strconv.Atoi(string(p[1]))
if err != nil {
func copyFileInfo(fi os.FileInfo, name string) error {
st := fi.Sys().(*syscall.Stat_t)
if err := os.Lchown(name, int(st.Uid), int(st.Gid)); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to chown %s", name)
if (fi.Mode() & os.ModeSymlink) != os.ModeSymlink {
if err := os.Chmod(name, fi.Mode()); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to chmod %s", name)
if err := syscall.UtimesNano(name, []syscall.Timespec{st.Atim, st.Mtim}); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to utime %s", name)
return nil
func copyFileContent(dst, src *os.File) error {
if checkKernel(4, 5) {
// Use copy_file_range to do in kernel copying
// See
// 326 on x86_64
st, err := src.Stat()
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "unable to stat source")
n, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall6(326, src.Fd(), 0, dst.Fd(), 0, uintptr(st.Size()), 0)
if e1 != 0 {
return errors.Wrap(err, "copy_file_range failed")
if int64(n) != st.Size() {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "short copy: %d of %d", int64(n), st.Size())
return nil
_, err := io.Copy(dst, src)
return err
func checkKernel(k, m int) bool {
return (kernel == k && major >= m) || kernel > k
func copyXAttrs(dst, src string) error {
xattrKeys, err := sysx.LListxattr(src)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to list xattrs on %s", src)
for _, xattr := range xattrKeys {
data, err := sysx.LGetxattr(src, xattr)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to get xattr %q on %s", xattr, src)
if err := sysx.LSetxattr(dst, xattr, data, 0); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to set xattr %q on %s", xattr, dst)
return nil
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
package fs
import (
_ "crypto/sha256"
// TODO: Create copy directory which requires privilege
// chown
// mknod
// setxattr fstest.SetXAttr("/home", "trusted.overlay.opaque", "y"),
func TestCopyDirectory(t *testing.T) {
apply := fstest.MultiApply(
fstest.CreateDirectory("/etc/", 0755),
fstest.NewTestFile("/etc/hosts", []byte("localhost"), 0644),
fstest.Link("/etc/hosts", "/etc/hosts.allow"),
fstest.CreateDirectory("/usr/local/lib", 0755),
fstest.NewTestFile("/usr/local/lib/", []byte{0x00, 0x00}, 0755),
fstest.Symlink("", "/usr/local/lib/"),
fstest.CreateDirectory("/home", 0755),
if err := testCopy(apply); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Copy test failed: %+v", err)
func testCopy(apply fstest.Applier) error {
t1, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "test-copy-src-")
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to create temporary directory")
t2, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "test-copy-dst-")
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to create temporary directory")
if err := apply(t1); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to apply changes")
if err := CopyDirectory(t2, t1); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to copy")
return fstest.CheckDirectoryEqual(t1, t2)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
package fs
import (
func copyFileInfo(fi os.FileInfo, name string) error {
if err := os.Chmod(name, fi.Mode()); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to chmod %s", name)
// TODO: copy windows specific metadata
return nil
func copyFileContent(dst, src *os.File) error {
_, err := io.Copy(dst, src)
return err
func copyXAttrs(dst, src string) error {
return nil
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,360 @@
package fs
import (
// ChangeKind is the type of modification that
// a change is making.
type ChangeKind int
const (
// ChangeKindAdd represents an addition of
// a file
ChangeKindAdd = iota
// ChangeKindModify represents a change to
// an existing file
// ChangeKindDelete represents a delete of
// a file
func (k ChangeKind) String() string {
switch k {
case ChangeKindAdd:
return "add"
case ChangeKindModify:
return "modify"
case ChangeKindDelete:
return "delete"
return ""
// Change represents single change between a diff and its parent.
type Change struct {
Kind ChangeKind
Path string
FileInfo os.FileInfo
Source string
// Changes returns a stream of changes between the provided upper
// directory and lower directory.
// Changes are ordered by name and should be appliable in the
// order in which they received.
// Due to this apply ordering, the following is true
// - Removed directory trees only create a single change for the root
// directory removed. Remaining changes are implied.
// - A directory which is modified to become a file will not have
// delete entries for sub-path items, their removal is implied
// by the removal of the parent directory.
// Opaque directories will not be treated specially and each file
// removed from the lower will show up as a removal
// File content comparisons will be done on files which have timestamps
// which may have been truncated. If either of the files being compared
// has a zero value nanosecond value, each byte will be compared for
// differences. If 2 files have the same seconds value but different
// nanosecond values where one of those values is zero, the files will
// be considered unchanged if the content is the same. This behavior
// is to account for timestamp truncation during archiving.
func Changes(ctx context.Context, upper, lower string) (context.Context, <-chan Change) {
var (
changes = make(chan Change)
retCtx, cancel = context.WithCancel(ctx)
cc := &changeContext{
Context: retCtx,
go func() {
var err error
if lower == "" {
logrus.Debugf("Using single walk diff for %s", upper)
err = addDirChanges(ctx, changes, upper)
} else if diffOptions := detectDirDiff(upper, lower); diffOptions != nil {
logrus.Debugf("Using single walk diff for %s from %s", diffOptions.diffDir, lower)
err = diffDirChanges(ctx, changes, lower, diffOptions)
} else {
logrus.Debugf("Using double walk diff for %s from %s", upper, lower)
err = doubleWalkDiff(ctx, changes, upper, lower)
if err != nil {
cc.err = err
defer close(changes)
return cc, changes
// changeContext wraps a context to allow setting an error
// directly from a change streamer to allow streams canceled
// due to errors to propagate the error to the caller.
type changeContext struct {
err error
errL sync.Mutex
func (cc *changeContext) Err() error {
if cc.err != nil {
return cc.err
return cc.Context.Err()
func sendChange(ctx context.Context, changes chan<- Change, change Change) error {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
case changes <- change:
return nil
func addDirChanges(ctx context.Context, changes chan<- Change, root string) error {
return filepath.Walk(root, func(path string, f os.FileInfo, err error) error {
if err != nil {
return err
// Rebase path
path, err = filepath.Rel(root, path)
if err != nil {
return err
path = filepath.Join(string(os.PathSeparator), path)
// Skip root
if path == string(os.PathSeparator) {
return nil
change := Change{
Path: path,
Kind: ChangeKindAdd,
FileInfo: f,
Source: filepath.Join(root, path),
return sendChange(ctx, changes, change)
// diffDirOptions is used when the diff can be directly calculated from
// a diff directory to its lower, without walking both trees.
type diffDirOptions struct {
diffDir string
skipChange func(string) (bool, error)
deleteChange func(string, string, os.FileInfo) (string, error)
// diffDirChanges walks the diff directory and compares changes against the lower.
func diffDirChanges(ctx context.Context, changes chan<- Change, lower string, o *diffDirOptions) error {
changedDirs := make(map[string]struct{})
return filepath.Walk(o.diffDir, func(path string, f os.FileInfo, err error) error {
if err != nil {
return err
// Rebase path
path, err = filepath.Rel(o.diffDir, path)
if err != nil {
return err
path = filepath.Join(string(os.PathSeparator), path)
// Skip root
if path == string(os.PathSeparator) {
return nil
// TODO: handle opaqueness, start new double walker at this
// location to get deletes, and skip tree in single walker
if o.skipChange != nil {
if skip, err := o.skipChange(path); skip {
return err
change := Change{
Path: path,
deletedFile, err := o.deleteChange(o.diffDir, path, f)
if err != nil {
return err
// Find out what kind of modification happened
if deletedFile != "" {
change.Path = deletedFile
change.Kind = ChangeKindDelete
} else {
// Otherwise, the file was added
change.Kind = ChangeKindAdd
change.FileInfo = f
change.Source = filepath.Join(o.diffDir, path)
// ...Unless it already existed in a lower, in which case, it's a modification
stat, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(lower, path))
if err != nil && !os.IsNotExist(err) {
return err
if err == nil {
// The file existed in the lower, so that's a modification
// However, if it's a directory, maybe it wasn't actually modified.
// If you modify /foo/bar/baz, then /foo will be part of the changed files only because it's the parent of bar
if stat.IsDir() && f.IsDir() {
if f.Size() == stat.Size() && f.Mode() == stat.Mode() && sameFsTime(f.ModTime(), stat.ModTime()) {
// Both directories are the same, don't record the change
return nil
change.Kind = ChangeKindModify
// If /foo/bar/file.txt is modified, then /foo/bar must be part of the changed files.
// This block is here to ensure the change is recorded even if the
// modify time, mode and size of the parent directory in the rw and ro layers are all equal.
// Check for details.
if f.IsDir() {
changedDirs[path] = struct{}{}
if change.Kind == ChangeKindAdd || change.Kind == ChangeKindDelete {
parent := filepath.Dir(path)
if _, ok := changedDirs[parent]; !ok && parent != "/" {
pi, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(o.diffDir, parent))
if err != nil {
return err
dirChange := Change{
Path: parent,
Kind: ChangeKindModify,
FileInfo: pi,
Source: filepath.Join(o.diffDir, parent),
if err := sendChange(ctx, changes, dirChange); err != nil {
return err
changedDirs[parent] = struct{}{}
return sendChange(ctx, changes, change)
// doubleWalkDiff walks both directories to create a diff
func doubleWalkDiff(ctx context.Context, changes chan<- Change, upper, lower string) (err error) {
pathCtx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer func() {
if err != nil {
var (
w1 = pathWalker(pathCtx, lower)
w2 = pathWalker(pathCtx, upper)
f1, f2 *currentPath
rmdir string
for w1 != nil || w2 != nil {
if f1 == nil && w1 != nil {
f1, err = nextPath(w1)
if err != nil {
return err
if f1 == nil {
w1 = nil
if f2 == nil && w2 != nil {
f2, err = nextPath(w2)
if err != nil {
return err
if f2 == nil {
w2 = nil
if f1 == nil && f2 == nil {
c := pathChange(f1, f2)
switch c.Kind {
case ChangeKindAdd:
if rmdir != "" {
rmdir = ""
c.FileInfo = f2.f
c.Source = filepath.Join(upper, c.Path)
f2 = nil
case ChangeKindDelete:
// Check if this file is already removed by being
// under of a removed directory
if rmdir != "" && strings.HasPrefix(f1.path, rmdir) {
f1 = nil
} else if rmdir == "" && f1.f.IsDir() {
rmdir = f1.path + string(os.PathSeparator)
} else if rmdir != "" {
rmdir = ""
f1 = nil
case ChangeKindModify:
same, err := sameFile(f1, f2)
if err != nil {
return err
if f1.f.IsDir() && !f2.f.IsDir() {
rmdir = f1.path + string(os.PathSeparator)
} else if rmdir != "" {
rmdir = ""
c.FileInfo = f2.f
c.Source = filepath.Join(upper, c.Path)
f1 = nil
f2 = nil
if same {
if err := sendChange(ctx, changes, c); err != nil {
return err
return nil
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
package fs
import (
// whiteouts are files with a special meaning for the layered filesystem.
// Docker uses AUFS whiteout files inside exported archives. In other
// filesystems these files are generated/handled on tar creation/extraction.
// whiteoutPrefix prefix means file is a whiteout. If this is followed by a
// filename this means that file has been removed from the base layer.
const whiteoutPrefix = ".wh."
// whiteoutMetaPrefix prefix means whiteout has a special meaning and is not
// for removing an actual file. Normally these files are excluded from exported
// archives.
const whiteoutMetaPrefix = whiteoutPrefix + whiteoutPrefix
// whiteoutLinkDir is a directory AUFS uses for storing hardlink links to other
// layers. Normally these should not go into exported archives and all changed
// hardlinks should be copied to the top layer.
const whiteoutLinkDir = whiteoutMetaPrefix + "plnk"
// whiteoutOpaqueDir file means directory has been made opaque - meaning
// readdir calls to this directory do not follow to lower layers.
const whiteoutOpaqueDir = whiteoutMetaPrefix + ".opq"
// detectDirDiff returns diff dir options if a directory could
// be found in the mount info for upper which is the direct
// diff with the provided lower directory
func detectDirDiff(upper, lower string) *diffDirOptions {
// TODO: get mount options for upper
// TODO: detect AUFS
// TODO: detect overlay
return nil
func aufsMetadataSkip(path string) (skip bool, err error) {
skip, err = filepath.Match(string(os.PathSeparator)+whiteoutMetaPrefix+"*", path)
if err != nil {
skip = true
func aufsDeletedFile(root, path string, fi os.FileInfo) (string, error) {
f := filepath.Base(path)
// If there is a whiteout, then the file was removed
if strings.HasPrefix(f, whiteoutPrefix) {
originalFile := f[len(whiteoutPrefix):]
return filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(path), originalFile), nil
return "", nil
// compareSysStat returns whether the stats are equivalent,
// whether the files are considered the same file, and
// an error
func compareSysStat(s1, s2 interface{}) (bool, error) {
ls1, ok := s1.(*syscall.Stat_t)
if !ok {
return false, nil
ls2, ok := s2.(*syscall.Stat_t)
if !ok {
return false, nil
return ls1.Mode == ls2.Mode && ls1.Uid == ls2.Uid && ls1.Gid == ls2.Gid && ls1.Rdev == ls2.Rdev, nil
func compareCapabilities(p1, p2 string) (bool, error) {
c1, err := sysx.LGetxattr(p1, "security.capability")
if err != nil && err != syscall.ENODATA {
return false, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to get xattr for %s", p1)
c2, err := sysx.LGetxattr(p2, "security.capability")
if err != nil && err != syscall.ENODATA {
return false, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to get xattr for %s", p2)
return bytes.Equal(c1, c2), nil
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
package fs
import (
// TODO: Additional tests
// - capability test (requires privilege)
// - chown test (requires privilege)
// - symlink test
// - hardlink test
func TestSimpleDiff(t *testing.T) {
l1 := fstest.MultiApply(
fstest.CreateDirectory("/etc", 0755),
fstest.NewTestFile("/etc/hosts", []byte("mydomain"), 0644),
fstest.NewTestFile("/etc/profile", []byte("PATH=/usr/bin"), 0644),
fstest.NewTestFile("/etc/unchanged", []byte("PATH=/usr/bin"), 0644),
fstest.NewTestFile("/etc/unexpected", []byte("#!/bin/sh"), 0644),
l2 := fstest.MultiApply(
fstest.NewTestFile("/etc/hosts", []byte("mydomain"), 0644),
fstest.NewTestFile("/etc/profile", []byte("PATH=/usr/bin"), 0666),
fstest.CreateDirectory("/root", 0700),
fstest.NewTestFile("/root/.bashrc", []byte("PATH=/usr/sbin:/usr/bin"), 0644),
diff := []Change{
if err := testDiffWithBase(l1, l2, diff); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Failed diff with base: %+v", err)
func TestDirectoryReplace(t *testing.T) {
l1 := fstest.MultiApply(
fstest.CreateDirectory("/dir1", 0755),
fstest.NewTestFile("/dir1/f1", []byte("#####"), 0644),
fstest.CreateDirectory("/dir1/f2", 0755),
fstest.NewTestFile("/dir1/f2/f3", []byte("#!/bin/sh"), 0644),
l2 := fstest.MultiApply(
fstest.NewTestFile("/dir1/f11", []byte("#New file here"), 0644),
fstest.NewTestFile("/dir1/f2", []byte("Now file"), 0666),
diff := []Change{
if err := testDiffWithBase(l1, l2, diff); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Failed diff with base: %+v", err)
func TestRemoveDirectoryTree(t *testing.T) {
l1 := fstest.MultiApply(
fstest.CreateDirectory("/dir1/dir2/dir3", 0755),
fstest.NewTestFile("/dir1/f1", []byte("f1"), 0644),
fstest.NewTestFile("/dir1/dir2/f2", []byte("f2"), 0644),
l2 := fstest.MultiApply(
diff := []Change{
if err := testDiffWithBase(l1, l2, diff); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Failed diff with base: %+v", err)
func TestFileReplace(t *testing.T) {
l1 := fstest.MultiApply(
fstest.NewTestFile("/dir1", []byte("a file, not a directory"), 0644),
l2 := fstest.MultiApply(
fstest.CreateDirectory("/dir1/dir2", 0755),
fstest.NewTestFile("/dir1/dir2/f1", []byte("also a file"), 0644),
diff := []Change{
if err := testDiffWithBase(l1, l2, diff); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Failed diff with base: %+v", err)
func TestUpdateWithSameTime(t *testing.T) {
tt := time.Now().Truncate(time.Second)
t1 := tt.Add(5 * time.Nanosecond)
t2 := tt.Add(6 * time.Nanosecond)
l1 := fstest.MultiApply(
fstest.NewTestFile("/file-modified-time", []byte("1"), 0644),
fstest.Chtime("/file-modified-time", t1),
fstest.NewTestFile("/file-no-change", []byte("1"), 0644),
fstest.Chtime("/file-no-change", t1),
fstest.NewTestFile("/file-same-time", []byte("1"), 0644),
fstest.Chtime("/file-same-time", t1),
fstest.NewTestFile("/file-truncated-time-1", []byte("1"), 0644),
fstest.Chtime("/file-truncated-time-1", t1),
fstest.NewTestFile("/file-truncated-time-2", []byte("1"), 0644),
fstest.Chtime("/file-truncated-time-2", tt),
l2 := fstest.MultiApply(
fstest.NewTestFile("/file-modified-time", []byte("2"), 0644),
fstest.Chtime("/file-modified-time", t2),
fstest.NewTestFile("/file-no-change", []byte("1"), 0644),
fstest.Chtime("/file-no-change", tt), // use truncated time, should be regarded as no change
fstest.NewTestFile("/file-same-time", []byte("2"), 0644),
fstest.Chtime("/file-same-time", t1),
fstest.NewTestFile("/file-truncated-time-1", []byte("2"), 0644),
fstest.Chtime("/file-truncated-time-1", tt),
fstest.NewTestFile("/file-truncated-time-2", []byte("2"), 0644),
fstest.Chtime("/file-truncated-time-2", tt),
diff := []Change{
// "/file-same-time" excluded because matching non-zero nanosecond values
if err := testDiffWithBase(l1, l2, diff); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Failed diff with base: %+v", err)
func testDiffWithBase(base, diff fstest.Applier, expected []Change) error {
t1, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "diff-with-base-lower-")
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to create temp dir")
defer os.RemoveAll(t1)
t2, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "diff-with-base-upper-")
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to create temp dir")
defer os.RemoveAll(t2)
if err := base(t1); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to apply base filesytem")
if err := CopyDirectory(t2, t1); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to copy base directory")
if err := diff(t2); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to apply diff filesystem")
changes, err := collectChanges(t2, t1)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to collect changes")
return checkChanges(t2, changes, expected)
func TestBaseDirectoryChanges(t *testing.T) {
apply := fstest.MultiApply(
fstest.CreateDirectory("/etc", 0755),
fstest.NewTestFile("/etc/hosts", []byte("mydomain"), 0644),
fstest.NewTestFile("/etc/profile", []byte("PATH=/usr/bin"), 0644),
fstest.CreateDirectory("/root", 0700),
fstest.NewTestFile("/root/.bashrc", []byte("PATH=/usr/sbin:/usr/bin"), 0644),
changes := []Change{
if err := testDiffWithoutBase(apply, changes); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Failed diff without base: %+v", err)
func testDiffWithoutBase(apply fstest.Applier, expected []Change) error {
tmp, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "diff-without-base-")
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to create temp dir")
defer os.RemoveAll(tmp)
if err := apply(tmp); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to apply filesytem changes")
changes, err := collectChanges(tmp, "")
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to collect changes")
return checkChanges(tmp, changes, expected)
func checkChanges(root string, changes, expected []Change) error {
if len(changes) != len(expected) {
return errors.Errorf("Unexpected number of changes:\n%s", diffString(changes, expected))
for i := range changes {
if changes[i].Path != expected[i].Path || changes[i].Kind != expected[i].Kind {
return errors.Errorf("Unexpected change at %d:\n%s", i, diffString(changes, expected))
if changes[i].Kind != ChangeKindDelete {
filename := filepath.Join(root, changes[i].Path)
efi, err := os.Stat(filename)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to stat %q", filename)
afi := changes[i].FileInfo
if afi.Size() != efi.Size() {
return errors.Errorf("Unexpected change size %d, %q has size %d", afi.Size(), filename, efi.Size())
if afi.Mode() != efi.Mode() {
return errors.Errorf("Unexpected change mode %s, %q has mode %s", afi.Mode(), filename, efi.Mode())
if afi.ModTime() != efi.ModTime() {
return errors.Errorf("Unexpected change modtime %s, %q has modtime %s", afi.ModTime(), filename, efi.ModTime())
if expected := filepath.Join(root, changes[i].Path); changes[i].Source != expected {
return errors.Errorf("Unexpected source path %s, expected %s", changes[i].Source, expected)
return nil
func collectChanges(upper, lower string) ([]Change, error) {
ctx, changeC := Changes(context.Background(), upper, lower)
changes := []Change{}
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return nil, ctx.Err()
case c, ok := <-changeC:
if !ok {
return changes, nil
changes = append(changes, c)
func diffString(c1, c2 []Change) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("got(%d):\n%s\nexpected(%d):\n%s", len(c1), changesString(c1), len(c2), changesString(c2))
func changesString(c []Change) string {
strs := make([]string, len(c))
for i := range c {
strs[i] = fmt.Sprintf("\t%s\t%s", c[i].Kind, c[i].Path)
return strings.Join(strs, "\n")
func Add(p string) Change {
return Change{
Kind: ChangeKindAdd,
Path: p,
func Delete(p string) Change {
return Change{
Kind: ChangeKindDelete,
Path: p,
func Modify(p string) Change {
return Change{
Kind: ChangeKindModify,
Path: p,
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
package fs
func detectDirDiff(upper, lower string) *diffDirOptions {
return nil
func compareSysStat(s1, s2 interface{}) (bool, error) {
// TODO: Use windows specific sys type
return false, nil
func compareCapabilities(p1, p2 string) (bool, error) {
// TODO: Use windows equivalent
return true, nil
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
package fstest
import (
// CheckDirectoryEqual compares two directory paths to make sure that
// the content of the directories is the same.
func CheckDirectoryEqual(d1, d2 string) error {
c1, err := continuity.NewContext(d1)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to build context")
c2, err := continuity.NewContext(d2)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to build context")
m1, err := continuity.BuildManifest(c1)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to build manifest")
m2, err := continuity.BuildManifest(c2)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to build manifest")
diff := diffResourceList(m1.Resources, m2.Resources)
if diff.HasDiff() {
return errors.Errorf("directory diff between %s and %s\n%s", d1, d2, diff.String())
return nil
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
package fstest
import (
type resourceUpdate struct {
Original continuity.Resource
Updated continuity.Resource
func (u resourceUpdate) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s(mode: %o, uid: %s, gid: %s) -> %s(mode: %o, uid: %s, gid: %s)",
u.Original.Path(), u.Original.Mode(), u.Original.UID(), u.Original.GID(),
u.Updated.Path(), u.Updated.Mode(), u.Updated.UID(), u.Updated.GID(),
type resourceListDifference struct {
Additions []continuity.Resource
Deletions []continuity.Resource
Updates []resourceUpdate
func (l resourceListDifference) HasDiff() bool {
return len(l.Additions) > 0 || len(l.Deletions) > 0 || len(l.Updates) > 0
func (l resourceListDifference) String() string {
buf := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
for _, add := range l.Additions {
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "+ %s\n", add.Path())
for _, del := range l.Deletions {
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "- %s\n", del.Path())
for _, upt := range l.Updates {
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "~ %s\n", upt.String())
return string(buf.Bytes())
// diffManifest compares two resource lists and returns the list
// of adds updates and deletes, resource lists are not reordered
// before doing difference.
func diffResourceList(r1, r2 []continuity.Resource) resourceListDifference {
i1 := 0
i2 := 0
var d resourceListDifference
for i1 < len(r1) && i2 < len(r2) {
p1 := r1[i1].Path()
p2 := r2[i2].Path()
switch {
case p1 < p2:
d.Deletions = append(d.Deletions, r1[i1])
case p1 == p2:
if !compareResource(r1[i1], r2[i2]) {
d.Updates = append(d.Updates, resourceUpdate{
Original: r1[i1],
Updated: r2[i2],
case p1 > p2:
d.Additions = append(d.Additions, r2[i2])
for i1 < len(r1) {
d.Deletions = append(d.Deletions, r1[i1])
for i2 < len(r2) {
d.Additions = append(d.Additions, r2[i2])
return d
func compareResource(r1, r2 continuity.Resource) bool {
if r1.Path() != r2.Path() {
return false
if r1.Mode() != r2.Mode() {
return false
if r1.UID() != r2.UID() {
return false
if r1.GID() != r2.GID() {
return false
// TODO(dmcgowan): Check if is XAttrer
return compareResourceTypes(r1, r2)
func compareResourceTypes(r1, r2 continuity.Resource) bool {
switch t1 := r1.(type) {
case continuity.RegularFile:
t2, ok := r2.(continuity.RegularFile)
if !ok {
return false
return compareRegularFile(t1, t2)
case continuity.Directory:
t2, ok := r2.(continuity.Directory)
if !ok {
return false
return compareDirectory(t1, t2)
case continuity.SymLink:
t2, ok := r2.(continuity.SymLink)
if !ok {
return false
return compareSymLink(t1, t2)
case continuity.NamedPipe:
t2, ok := r2.(continuity.NamedPipe)
if !ok {
return false
return compareNamedPipe(t1, t2)
case continuity.Device:
t2, ok := r2.(continuity.Device)
if !ok {
return false
return compareDevice(t1, t2)
// TODO(dmcgowan): Should this panic?
return r1 == r2
func compareRegularFile(r1, r2 continuity.RegularFile) bool {
if r1.Size() != r2.Size() {
return false
p1 := r1.Paths()
p2 := r2.Paths()
if len(p1) != len(p2) {
return false
for i := range p1 {
if p1[i] != p2[i] {
return false
d1 := r1.Digests()
d2 := r2.Digests()
if len(d1) != len(d2) {
return false
for i := range d1 {
if d1[i] != d2[i] {
return false
return true
func compareSymLink(r1, r2 continuity.SymLink) bool {
return r1.Target() == r2.Target()
func compareDirectory(r1, r2 continuity.Directory) bool {
return true
func compareNamedPipe(r1, r2 continuity.NamedPipe) bool {
return true
func compareDevice(r1, r2 continuity.Device) bool {
return r1.Major() == r2.Major() && r1.Minor() == r2.Minor()
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
package fstest
import (
// Applier applies single file changes
type Applier func(root string) error
// NewTestFile returns a file applier which creates a file as the
// provided name with the given content and permission.
func NewTestFile(name string, content []byte, perm os.FileMode) Applier {
return func(root string) error {
fullPath := filepath.Join(root, name)
if err := ioutil.WriteFile(fullPath, content, perm); err != nil {
return err
if err := os.Chmod(fullPath, perm); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// RemoveFile returns a file applier which removes the provided file name
func RemoveFile(name string) Applier {
return func(root string) error {
return os.RemoveAll(filepath.Join(root, name))
// CreateDirectory returns a file applier to create the directory with
// the provided name and permission
func CreateDirectory(name string, perm os.FileMode) Applier {
return func(root string) error {
fullPath := filepath.Join(root, name)
if err := os.MkdirAll(fullPath, perm); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Rename returns a file applier which renames a file
func Rename(old, new string) Applier {
return func(root string) error {
return os.Rename(filepath.Join(root, old), filepath.Join(root, new))
// Chown returns a file applier which changes the ownership of a file
func Chown(name string, uid, gid int) Applier {
return func(root string) error {
return os.Chown(filepath.Join(root, name), uid, gid)
// Chtime changes access and mod time of file
func Chtime(name string, t time.Time) Applier {
return func(root string) error {
return os.Chtimes(filepath.Join(root, name), t, t)
// Symlink returns a file applier which creates a symbolic link
func Symlink(oldname, newname string) Applier {
return func(root string) error {
return os.Symlink(oldname, filepath.Join(root, newname))
// Link returns a file applier which creates a hard link
func Link(oldname, newname string) Applier {
return func(root string) error {
return os.Link(filepath.Join(root, oldname), filepath.Join(root, newname))
func SetXAttr(name, key, value string) Applier {
return func(root string) error {
return sysx.LSetxattr(name, key, []byte(value), 0)
// TODO: Make platform specific, windows applier is always no-op
//func Mknod(name string, mode int32, dev int) Applier {
// return func(root string) error {
// return return syscall.Mknod(path, mode, dev)
// }
// MultiApply returns a new applier from the given appliers
func MultiApply(appliers ...Applier) Applier {
return func(root string) error {
for _, a := range appliers {
if err := a(root); err != nil {
return err
return nil
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
package fs
import "os"
// GetLinkSource returns a path for the given name and
// file info to its link source in the provided inode
// map. If the given file name is not in the map and
// has other links, it is added to the inode map
// to be a source for other link locations.
func GetLinkSource(name string, fi os.FileInfo, inodes map[uint64]string) (string, error) {
return getHardLink(name, fi, inodes)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
// +build !windows
package fs
import (
func getHardLink(name string, fi os.FileInfo, inodes map[uint64]string) (string, error) {
if fi.IsDir() {
return "", nil
s, ok := fi.Sys().(*syscall.Stat_t)
if !ok {
return "", errors.New("unsupported stat type")
// If inode is not hardlinked, no reason to lookup or save inode
if s.Nlink == 1 {
return "", nil
inode := uint64(s.Ino)
path, ok := inodes[inode]
if !ok {
inodes[inode] = name
return path, nil
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
package fs
import "os"
func getHardLink(string, os.FileInfo, map[uint64]string) (string, error) {
return "", nil
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
package fs
import (
type currentPath struct {
path string
f os.FileInfo
fullPath string
func pathChange(lower, upper *currentPath) Change {
if lower == nil {
if upper == nil {
panic("cannot compare nil paths")
return Change{
Kind: ChangeKindAdd,
Path: upper.path,
if upper == nil {
return Change{
Kind: ChangeKindDelete,
Path: lower.path,
// TODO: compare by directory
switch i := strings.Compare(lower.path, upper.path); {
case i < 0:
// File in lower that is not in upper
return Change{
Kind: ChangeKindDelete,
Path: lower.path,
case i > 0:
// File in upper that is not in lower
return Change{
Kind: ChangeKindAdd,
Path: upper.path,
return Change{
Kind: ChangeKindModify,
Path: upper.path,
func sameFile(f1, f2 *currentPath) (bool, error) {
if os.SameFile(f1.f, f2.f) {
return true, nil
equalStat, err := compareSysStat(f1.f.Sys(), f2.f.Sys())
if err != nil || !equalStat {
return equalStat, err
if eq, err := compareCapabilities(f1.fullPath, f2.fullPath); err != nil || !eq {
return eq, err
// If not a directory also check size, modtime, and content
if !f1.f.IsDir() {
if f1.f.Size() != f2.f.Size() {
return false, nil
t1 := f1.f.ModTime()
t2 := f2.f.ModTime()
if t1.Unix() != t2.Unix() {
return false, nil
// If the timestamp may have been truncated in one of the
// files, check content of file to determine difference
if t1.Nanosecond() == 0 || t2.Nanosecond() == 0 {
if f1.f.Size() > 0 {
eq, err := compareFileContent(f1.fullPath, f2.fullPath)
if err != nil || !eq {
return eq, err
} else if t1.Nanosecond() != t2.Nanosecond() {
return false, nil
return true, nil
const compareChuckSize = 32 * 1024
func compareFileContent(p1, p2 string) (bool, error) {
f1, err := os.Open(p1)
if err != nil {
return false, err
defer f1.Close()
f2, err := os.Open(p2)
if err != nil {
return false, err
defer f2.Close()
b1 := make([]byte, compareChuckSize)
b2 := make([]byte, compareChuckSize)
for {
n1, err1 := f1.Read(b1)
if err1 != nil && err1 != io.EOF {
return false, err1
n2, err2 := f2.Read(b2)
if err2 != nil && err2 != io.EOF {
return false, err2
if n1 != n2 || !bytes.Equal(b1[:n1], b2[:n2]) {
return false, nil
if err1 == io.EOF && err2 == io.EOF {
return true, nil
type walker struct {
pathC <-chan *currentPath
errC <-chan error
func pathWalker(ctx context.Context, root string) *walker {
var (
pathC = make(chan *currentPath)
errC = make(chan error, 1)
go func() {
defer close(pathC)
err := filepath.Walk(root, func(path string, f os.FileInfo, err error) error {
if err != nil {
return err
// Rebase path
path, err = filepath.Rel(root, path)
if err != nil {
return err
path = filepath.Join(string(os.PathSeparator), path)
// Skip root
if path == string(os.PathSeparator) {
return nil
return sendPath(ctx, pathC, ¤tPath{
path: path,
f: f,
fullPath: filepath.Join(root, path),
if err != nil {
errC <- err
return &walker{
pathC: pathC,
errC: errC,
func sendPath(ctx context.Context, pc chan<- *currentPath, p *currentPath) error {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
case pc <- p:
return nil
func nextPath(w *walker) (*currentPath, error) {
select {
case err := <-w.errC:
return nil, err
case p := <-w.pathC:
return p, nil
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
package fs
import (
// Gnu tar and the go tar writer don't have sub-second mtime
// precision, which is problematic when we apply changes via tar
// files, we handle this by comparing for exact times, *or* same
// second count and either a or b having exactly 0 nanoseconds
func sameFsTime(a, b time.Time) bool {
return a == b ||
(a.Unix() == b.Unix() &&
(a.Nanosecond() == 0 || b.Nanosecond() == 0))
func sameFsTimeSpec(a, b syscall.Timespec) bool {
return a.Sec == b.Sec &&
(a.Nsec == b.Nsec || a.Nsec == 0 || b.Nsec == 0)
Add table
Reference in a new issue