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5 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Stephen J Day 621164bc84
content: refactor content store for API
After iterating on the GRPC API, the changes required for the actual
implementation are now included in the content store. The begin change
is the move to a single, atomic `Ingester.Writer` method for locking
content ingestion on a key. From this, comes several new interface

The main benefit here is the clarification between `Status` and `Info`
that came out of the GPRC API. `Status` tells the status of a write,
whereas `Info` is for querying metadata about various blobs.

Signed-off-by: Stephen J Day <>
2017-02-21 13:10:22 -08:00
Stephen J Day f9cd9be61a
dist: expand functionality of the dist tool
With this change, we add the following commands to the dist tool:

- `ingest`: verify and accept content into storage
- `active`: display active ingest processes
- `list`: list content in storage
- `path`: provide a path to a blob by digest
- `delete`: remove a piece of content from storage

We demonstrate the utility with the following shell pipeline:

$ ./dist fetch latest mediatype:application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json | \
    jq -r '.layers[] | "./dist fetch "+.digest + "| ./dist ingest --expected-digest "+.digest+" --expected-size "+(.size | tostring) +""+.digest' | xargs -I{} -P10 -n1 sh -c "{}"

The above fetches a manifest, pipes it to jq, which assembles a shell
pipeline to ingest each layer into the content store. Because the
transactions are keyed by their digest, concurrent downloads and
downloads of repeated content are ignored. Each process is then executed
parallel using xargs.

Put shortly, this is a parallel layer download.

In a separate shell session, could monitor the active downloads with the

$ watch -n0.2 ./dist active

For now, the content is downloaded into `.content` in the current
working directory. To watch the contents of this directory, you can use
the following:

$ watch -n0.2 tree .content

This will help to understand what is going on internally.

To get access to the layers, you can use the path command:

$./dist path sha256:010c454d55e53059beaba4044116ea4636f8dd8181e975d893931c7e7204fffa
sha256:010c454d55e53059beaba4044116ea4636f8dd8181e975d893931c7e7204fffa /home/sjd/go/src/

When you are done, you can clear out the content with the classic xargs

$ ./dist list -q | xargs ./dist delete

Note that this is mostly a POC. Things like failed downloads and
abandoned download cleanup aren't quite handled. We'll probably make
adjustments around how content store transactions are handled to address

From here, we'll build out full image pull and create tooling to get
runtime bundles from the fetched content.

Signed-off-by: Stephen J Day <>
2017-01-27 10:29:10 -08:00
Stephen J Day f27d43285a
content: cleanup package exports
The package exports are now cleaned up to remove a lot of stuttering in
the API. We also remove direct mapping of refs to the filesystem, opting
for a hash-based approach. This *does* affect insertion performance,
since it requires more individual file ios. A benchmark baseline has
been added and we can fix this later.

Signed-off-by: Stephen J Day <>
2017-01-23 20:11:35 -08:00
Gábor Lipták d8aee18f6c Point digest import to opencontainers/go-digest
Signed-off-by: Gábor Lipták <>
2017-01-09 18:10:52 -05:00
Stephen J Day 3469905bbb
content: break up into multiple files
Break up the content store prototype into a few logical files. We have a
file for the store, the writer and helpers.

Also, the writer has been modified to remove write and exec permissions
on blobs in the store.

Signed-off-by: Stephen J Day <>
2016-11-03 17:18:45 -07:00