# Root directory of the project (absolute path). ROOTDIR=$(dir $(abspath $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))) # Base path used to install. DESTDIR=/usr/local # Used to populate version variable in main package. VERSION=$(shell git describe --match 'v[0-9]*' --dirty='.m' --always) PKG=github.com/containerd/containerd GOOS ?= $(shell go env GOOS) WHALE = "🐳" ONI = "👹" ifeq ("$(OS)", "Windows_NT") WHALE="+" ONI="-" endif # Project packages. PACKAGES=$(shell go list ./... | grep -v /vendor/) INTEGRATION_PACKAGE=${PKG}/integration SNAPSHOT_PACKAGES=$(shell go list ./snapshot/...) # Project binaries. COMMANDS=ctr containerd protoc-gen-gogoctrd dist ctrd-protobuild ifneq ("$(GOOS)", "windows") COMMANDS += containerd-shim endif BINARIES=$(addprefix bin/,$(COMMANDS)) ifeq ("$(GOOS)", "windows") BINARY_SUFFIX=".exe" endif GO_LDFLAGS=-ldflags "-X $(PKG).Version=$(VERSION) -X $(PKG).Package=$(PKG)" # Flags passed to `go test` TESTFLAGS ?=-parallel 8 -race .PHONY: clean all AUTHORS fmt vet lint dco build binaries test integration setup generate protos checkprotos coverage ci check help install uninstall vendor .DEFAULT: default all: binaries check: fmt vet lint ineffassign ## run fmt, vet, lint, ineffassign ci: check binaries checkprotos coverage coverage-integration ## to be used by the CI AUTHORS: .mailmap .git/HEAD git log --format='%aN <%aE>' | sort -fu > $@ setup: ## install dependencies @echo "$(WHALE) $@" # TODO(stevvooe): Install these from the vendor directory @go get -u github.com/golang/lint/golint #@go get -u github.com/kisielk/errcheck @go get -u github.com/gordonklaus/ineffassign generate: protos @echo "$(WHALE) $@" @PATH=${ROOTDIR}/bin:${PATH} go generate -x ${PACKAGES} protos: bin/protoc-gen-gogoctrd bin/ctrd-protobuild ## generate protobuf @echo "$(WHALE) $@" @PATH=${ROOTDIR}/bin:${PATH} ctrd-protobuild ${PACKAGES} checkprotos: protos ## check if protobufs needs to be generated again @echo "$(WHALE) $@" @test -z "$$(git status --short | grep ".pb.go" | tee /dev/stderr)" || \ ((git diff | cat) && \ (echo "$(ONI) please run 'make generate' when making changes to proto files" && false)) # Depends on binaries because vet will silently fail if it can't load compiled # imports vet: binaries ## run go vet @echo "$(WHALE) $@" @test -z "$$(go vet ${PACKAGES} 2>&1 | grep -v 'constant [0-9]* not a string in call to Errorf' | egrep -v '(timestamp_test.go|duration_test.go|exit status 1)' | tee /dev/stderr)" fmt: ## run go fmt @echo "$(WHALE) $@" @test -z "$$(gofmt -s -l . | grep -v vendor/ | grep -v ".pb.go$$" | tee /dev/stderr)" || \ (echo "$(ONI) please format Go code with 'gofmt -s -w'" && false) @test -z "$$(find . -path ./vendor -prune -o ! -name timestamp.proto ! -name duration.proto -name '*.proto' -type f -exec grep -Hn -e "^ " {} \; | tee /dev/stderr)" || \ (echo "$(ONI) please indent proto files with tabs only" && false) @test -z "$$(find . -path ./vendor -prune -o -name '*.proto' -type f -exec grep -EHn "[_ ]id = " {} \; | grep -v gogoproto.customname | tee /dev/stderr)" || \ (echo "$(ONI) id fields in proto files must have a gogoproto.customname set" && false) @test -z "$$(find . -path ./vendor -prune -o -name '*.proto' -type f -exec grep -Hn "Meta meta = " {} \; | grep -v '(gogoproto.nullable) = false' | tee /dev/stderr)" || \ (echo "$(ONI) meta fields in proto files must have option (gogoproto.nullable) = false" && false) lint: ## run go lint @echo "$(WHALE) $@" @test -z "$$(golint ./... | grep -v vendor/ | grep -v ".pb.go:" | tee /dev/stderr)" dco: ## dco check @which git-validation > /dev/null 2>/dev/null || (echo "ERROR: git-validation not found" && false) ifdef TRAVIS_COMMIT_RANGE git-validation -q -run DCO,short-subject,dangling-whitespace else git-validation -v -run DCO,short-subject,dangling-whitespace -range $(EPOCH_TEST_COMMIT)..HEAD endif ineffassign: ## run ineffassign @echo "$(WHALE) $@" @test -z "$$(ineffassign . | grep -v vendor/ | grep -v ".pb.go:" | tee /dev/stderr)" #errcheck: ## run go errcheck # @echo "$(WHALE) $@" # @test -z "$$(errcheck ./... | grep -v vendor/ | grep -v ".pb.go:" | tee /dev/stderr)" build: ## build the go packages @echo "$(WHALE) $@" @go build -i -v ${GO_LDFLAGS} ${GO_GCFLAGS} ${PACKAGES} test: ## run tests, except integration tests and tests that require root @echo "$(WHALE) $@" @go test ${TESTFLAGS} $(filter-out ${INTEGRATION_PACKAGE},${PACKAGES}) root-test: ## run tests, except integration tests @echo "$(WHALE) $@" @go test ${TESTFLAGS} ${SNAPSHOT_PACKAGES} -test.root integration: ## run integration tests @echo "$(WHALE) $@" @go test ${TESTFLAGS} ${INTEGRATION_PACKAGE} FORCE: # Build a binary from a cmd. bin/%: cmd/% FORCE @test $$(go list) = "${PKG}" || \ (echo "$(ONI) Please correctly set up your Go build environment. This project must be located at /src/${PKG}" && false) @echo "$(WHALE) $@${BINARY_SUFFIX}" @go build -i -o $@${BINARY_SUFFIX} ${GO_LDFLAGS} ${GO_GCFLAGS} ./$< binaries: $(BINARIES) ## build binaries @echo "$(WHALE) $@" clean: ## clean up binaries @echo "$(WHALE) $@" @rm -f $(BINARIES) install: ## install binaries @echo "$(WHALE) $@ $(BINARIES)" @mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/bin @install $(BINARIES) $(DESTDIR)/bin uninstall: @echo "$(WHALE) $@" @rm -f $(addprefix $(DESTDIR)/bin/,$(notdir $(BINARIES))) coverage: ## generate coverprofiles from the unit tests, except tests that require root @echo "$(WHALE) $@" @rm -f coverage.txt ( for pkg in $(filter-out ${INTEGRATION_PACKAGE},${PACKAGES}); do \ go test -i ${TESTFLAGS} -test.short -coverprofile=coverage.out -covermode=atomic $$pkg || exit; \ if [ -f profile.out ]; then \ cat profile.out >> coverage.txt; \ rm profile.out; \ fi; \ go test ${TESTFLAGS} -test.short -coverprofile=coverage.out -covermode=atomic $$pkg || exit; \ if [ -f profile.out ]; then \ cat profile.out >> coverage.txt; \ rm profile.out; \ fi; \ done ) root-coverage: ## generae coverage profiles for the unit tests @echo "$(WHALE) $@" @( for pkg in ${SNAPSHOT_PACKAGES}; do \ go test -i ${TESTFLAGS} -test.short -coverprofile="../../../$$pkg/coverage.txt" -covermode=atomic $$pkg -test.root || exit; \ go test ${TESTFLAGS} -test.short -coverprofile="../../../$$pkg/coverage.txt" -covermode=atomic $$pkg -test.root || exit; \ done ) coverage-integration: ## generate coverprofiles from the integration tests @echo "$(WHALE) $@" go test ${TESTFLAGS} -test.short -coverprofile="../../../${INTEGRATION_PACKAGE}/coverage.txt" -covermode=atomic ${INTEGRATION_PACKAGE} vendor: @echo "$(WHALE) $@" @vndr help: ## this help @awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "} /^[a-zA-Z_-]+:.*?## / {printf "\033[36m%-30s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2}' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | sort