package main import ( "fmt" "io" "io/ioutil" "os" "path/filepath" "syscall" "text/tabwriter" "" "" netcontext "" "" ) // TODO: parse flags and pass opts func getClient() types.APIClient { conn, err := grpc.Dial("localhost:8888", grpc.WithInsecure()) if err != nil { fatal(err.Error(), 1) } return types.NewAPIClient(conn) } var ContainersCommand = cli.Command{ Name: "containers", Usage: "interact with running containers", Subcommands: []cli.Command{ StartCommand, ListCommand, KillCommand, ExecCommand, }, Action: listContainers, } var ListCommand = cli.Command{ Name: "list", Usage: "list all running containers", Action: listContainers, } func listContainers(context *cli.Context) { c := getClient() resp, err := c.State(netcontext.Background(), &types.StateRequest{}) if err != nil { fatal(err.Error(), 1) } w := tabwriter.NewWriter(os.Stdout, 20, 1, 3, ' ', 0) fmt.Fprint(w, "ID\tPATH\tSTATUS\tPID1\n") for _, c := range resp.Containers { fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s\t%s\t%s\t%d\n", c.Id, c.BundlePath, c.Status, c.Processes[0].Pid) } if err := w.Flush(); err != nil { fatal(err.Error(), 1) } } var StartCommand = cli.Command{ Name: "start", Usage: "start a container", Flags: []cli.Flag{ cli.StringFlag{ Name: "checkpoint,c", Value: "", Usage: "checkpoint to start the container from", }, cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "interactive,i", Usage: "connect to the stdio of the container", }, }, Action: func(context *cli.Context) { var ( id = context.Args().Get(0) path = context.Args().Get(1) ) if path == "" { fatal("bundle path cannot be empty", 1) } if id == "" { fatal("container id cannot be empty", 1) } r := &types.CreateContainerRequest{ Id: id, BundlePath: path, Checkpoint: context.String("checkpoint"), } if context.Bool("interactive") { if err := attachStdio(r); err != nil { fatal(err.Error(), 1) } } c := getClient() if _, err := c.CreateContainer(netcontext.Background(), r); err != nil { fatal(err.Error(), 1) } if stdin != nil { io.Copy(stdin, os.Stdin) } }, } var stdin io.WriteCloser func attachStdio(r *types.CreateContainerRequest) error { dir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "ctr-") if err != nil { return err } for _, p := range []struct { path string flag int done func(f *os.File) }{ { path: filepath.Join(dir, "stdin"), flag: syscall.O_RDWR, done: func(f *os.File) { r.Stdin = filepath.Join(dir, "stdin") stdin = f }, }, { path: filepath.Join(dir, "stdout"), flag: syscall.O_RDWR, done: func(f *os.File) { r.Stdout = filepath.Join(dir, "stdout") go io.Copy(os.Stdout, f) }, }, { path: filepath.Join(dir, "stderr"), flag: syscall.O_RDWR, done: func(f *os.File) { r.Stderr = filepath.Join(dir, "stderr") go io.Copy(os.Stderr, f) }, }, } { if err := syscall.Mkfifo(p.path, 0755); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("mkfifo: %s %v", p.path, err) } f, err := os.OpenFile(p.path, p.flag, 0) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("open: %s %v", p.path, err) } p.done(f) } return nil } var KillCommand = cli.Command{ Name: "kill", Usage: "send a signal to a container or it's processes", Flags: []cli.Flag{ cli.IntFlag{ Name: "pid,p", Usage: "pid of the process to signal within the container", }, cli.IntFlag{ Name: "signal,s", Value: 15, Usage: "signal to send to the container", }, }, Action: func(context *cli.Context) { id := context.Args().First() if id == "" { fatal("container id cannot be empty", 1) } c := getClient() if _, err := c.Signal(netcontext.Background(), &types.SignalRequest{ Id: id, Pid: uint32(context.Int("pid")), Signal: uint32(context.Int("signal")), }); err != nil { fatal(err.Error(), 1) } }, } var ExecCommand = cli.Command{ Name: "exec", Usage: "exec another process in an existing container", Flags: []cli.Flag{ cli.StringFlag{ Name: "id", Usage: "container id to add the process to", }, cli.StringFlag{ Name: "cwd", Usage: "current working directory for the process", }, cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "tty,t", Usage: "create a terminal for the process", }, cli.StringSliceFlag{ Name: "env,e", Value: &cli.StringSlice{}, Usage: "environment variables for the process", }, cli.IntFlag{ Name: "uid,u", Usage: "user id of the user for the process", }, cli.IntFlag{ Name: "gid,g", Usage: "group id of the user for the process", }, }, Action: func(context *cli.Context) { p := &types.AddProcessRequest{ Args: context.Args(), Cwd: context.String("cwd"), Terminal: context.Bool("tty"), Id: context.String("id"), Env: context.StringSlice("env"), User: &types.User{ Uid: uint32(context.Int("uid")), Gid: uint32(context.Int("gid")), }, } c := getClient() if _, err := c.AddProcess(netcontext.Background(), p); err != nil { fatal(err.Error(), 1) } }, } var StatsCommand = cli.Command{ Name: "stats", Usage: "get stats for running container", Flags: []cli.Flag{ cli.StringFlag{ Name: "id", Usage: "container id", }, }, Action: func(context *cli.Context) { req := &types.StatsRequest{ Id: context.String("id"), } c := getClient() stream, err := c.GetStats(netcontext.Background(), req) if err != nil { fatal(err.Error(), 1) } for { stats, err := stream.Recv() if err != nil { fatal(err.Error(), 1) } fmt.Println(stats) } }, }