package main import ( "fmt" "os" "text/tabwriter" "" "" netcontext "" ) var checkpointSubCmds = []cli.Command{ listCheckpointCommand, createCheckpointCommand, deleteCheckpointCommand, } var checkpointCommand = cli.Command{ Name: "checkpoints", Usage: "list all checkpoints", ArgsUsage: "COMMAND [arguments...]", Subcommands: checkpointSubCmds, Description: func() string { desc := "\n COMMAND:\n" for _, command := range checkpointSubCmds { desc += fmt.Sprintf(" %-10.10s%s\n", command.Name, command.Usage) } return desc }(), Action: listCheckpoints, } var listCheckpointCommand = cli.Command{ Name: "list", Usage: "list all checkpoints for a container", Action: listCheckpoints, Flags: []cli.Flag{ cli.StringFlag{ Name: "checkpoint-dir", Value: "", Usage: "path to checkpoint directory", }, }, } func listCheckpoints(context *cli.Context) { var ( c = getClient(context) id = context.Args().First() ) if id == "" { fatal("container id cannot be empty", ExitStatusMissingArg) } resp, err := c.ListCheckpoint(netcontext.Background(), &types.ListCheckpointRequest{ Id: id, CheckpointDir: context.String("checkpoint-dir"), }) if err != nil { fatal(err.Error(), 1) } w := tabwriter.NewWriter(os.Stdout, 20, 1, 3, ' ', 0) fmt.Fprint(w, "NAME\tTCP\tUNIX SOCKETS\tSHELL\n") for _, c := range resp.Checkpoints { fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s\t%v\t%v\t%v\n", c.Name, c.Tcp, c.UnixSockets, c.Shell) } if err := w.Flush(); err != nil { fatal(err.Error(), 1) } } var createCheckpointCommand = cli.Command{ Name: "create", Usage: "create a new checkpoint for the container", Flags: []cli.Flag{ cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "tcp", Usage: "persist open tcp connections", }, cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "unix-sockets", Usage: "persist unix sockets", }, cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "exit", Usage: "exit the container after the checkpoint completes successfully", }, cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "shell", Usage: "checkpoint shell jobs", }, cli.StringFlag{ Name: "checkpoint-dir", Value: "", Usage: "directory to store checkpoints", }, cli.StringSliceFlag{ Name: "empty-ns", Usage: "create a namespace, but don't restore its properties", }, }, Action: func(context *cli.Context) { var ( containerID = context.Args().Get(0) name = context.Args().Get(1) ) if containerID == "" { fatal("container id at cannot be empty", ExitStatusMissingArg) } if name == "" { fatal("checkpoint name cannot be empty", ExitStatusMissingArg) } c := getClient(context) checkpoint := types.Checkpoint{ Name: name, Exit: context.Bool("exit"), Tcp: context.Bool("tcp"), Shell: context.Bool("shell"), UnixSockets: context.Bool("unix-sockets"), } emptyNSes := context.StringSlice("empty-ns") checkpoint.EmptyNS = append(checkpoint.EmptyNS, emptyNSes...) if _, err := c.CreateCheckpoint(netcontext.Background(), &types.CreateCheckpointRequest{ Id: containerID, CheckpointDir: context.String("checkpoint-dir"), Checkpoint: &checkpoint, }); err != nil { fatal(err.Error(), 1) } }, } var deleteCheckpointCommand = cli.Command{ Name: "delete", Usage: "delete a container's checkpoint", Flags: []cli.Flag{ cli.StringFlag{ Name: "checkpoint-dir", Value: "", Usage: "path to checkpoint directory", }, }, Action: func(context *cli.Context) { var ( containerID = context.Args().Get(0) name = context.Args().Get(1) ) if containerID == "" { fatal("container id at cannot be empty", ExitStatusMissingArg) } if name == "" { fatal("checkpoint name cannot be empty", ExitStatusMissingArg) } c := getClient(context) if _, err := c.DeleteCheckpoint(netcontext.Background(), &types.DeleteCheckpointRequest{ Id: containerID, Name: name, CheckpointDir: context.String("checkpoint-dir"), }); err != nil { fatal(err.Error(), 1) } }, }