Initial vendor list validated with empty $GOPATH and only master checked out; followed by `make` and verified that all binaries build properly. Updates require tool. Signed-off-by: Phil Estes <>
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// Copyright 2016 Apcera Inc. All rights reserved.
package server
import (
natsd ""
stores ""
// A single STAN server
// Server defaults.
const (
// VERSION is the current version for the NATS Streaming server.
VERSION = "0.3.4"
DefaultClusterID = "test-cluster"
DefaultDiscoverPrefix = ""
DefaultPubPrefix = ""
DefaultSubPrefix = "_STAN.sub"
DefaultSubClosePrefix = "_STAN.subclose"
DefaultUnSubPrefix = "_STAN.unsub"
DefaultClosePrefix = "_STAN.close"
DefaultStoreType = stores.TypeMemory
// Heartbeat intervals.
DefaultHeartBeatInterval = 30 * time.Second
DefaultClientHBTimeout = 10 * time.Second
DefaultMaxFailedHeartBeats = int((5 * time.Minute) / DefaultHeartBeatInterval)
// Max number of outstanding go-routines handling connect requests for
// duplicate client IDs.
defaultMaxDupCIDRoutines = 100
// Timeout used to ping the known client when processing a connection
// request for a duplicate client ID.
defaultCheckDupCIDTimeout = 500 * time.Millisecond
// DefaultIOBatchSize is the maximum number of messages to accumulate before flushing a store.
DefaultIOBatchSize = 1024
// DefaultIOSleepTime is the duration (in micro-seconds) the server waits for more messages
// before starting processing. Set to 0 (or negative) to disable the wait.
DefaultIOSleepTime = int64(0)
// Constant to indicate that sendMsgToSub() should check number of acks pending
// against MaxInFlight to know if message should be sent out.
const (
forceDelivery = true
honorMaxInFlight = false
// Used for display of limits
const (
limitCount = iota
// Errors.
var (
ErrInvalidSubject = errors.New("stan: invalid subject")
ErrInvalidSequence = errors.New("stan: invalid start sequence")
ErrInvalidTime = errors.New("stan: invalid start time")
ErrInvalidSub = errors.New("stan: invalid subscription")
ErrInvalidClient = errors.New("stan: clientID already registered")
ErrInvalidAckWait = errors.New("stan: invalid ack wait time, should be >= 1s")
ErrInvalidConnReq = errors.New("stan: invalid connection request")
ErrInvalidPubReq = errors.New("stan: invalid publish request")
ErrInvalidSubReq = errors.New("stan: invalid subscription request")
ErrInvalidUnsubReq = errors.New("stan: invalid unsubscribe request")
ErrInvalidCloseReq = errors.New("stan: invalid close request")
ErrDupDurable = errors.New("stan: duplicate durable registration")
ErrInvalidDurName = errors.New("stan: durable name of a durable queue subscriber can't contain the character ':'")
ErrUnknownClient = errors.New("stan: unknown clientID")
// Shared regular expression to check clientID validity.
// No lock required since from doc:
// A Regexp is safe for concurrent use by multiple goroutines.
var clientIDRegEx *regexp.Regexp
func init() {
if re, err := regexp.Compile("^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$"); err != nil {
panic("Unable to compile regular expression")
} else {
clientIDRegEx = re
// ioPendingMsg is a record that embeds the pointer to the incoming
// NATS Message, the PubMsg and PubAck structures so we reduce the
// number of memory allocations to 1 when processing a message from
// producer.
type ioPendingMsg struct {
m *nats.Msg
pm pb.PubMsg
pa pb.PubAck
// Constant that defines the size of the channel that feeds the IO thread.
const ioChannelSize = 64 * 1024
const (
useLocking = true
dontUseLocking = false
const (
scheduleRequest = true
processRequest = false
// StanServer structure represents the STAN server
type StanServer struct {
// Keep all members for which we use atomic at the beginning of the
// struct and make sure they are all 64bits (or use padding if necessary).
// atomic.* functions crash on 32bit machines if operand is not aligned
// at 64bit. See
ioChannelStatsMaxBatchSize int64 // stats of the max number of messages than went into a single batch
shutdown bool
serverID string
info spb.ServerInfo // Contains cluster ID and subjects
natsServer *server.Server
opts *Options
// For scalability, a dedicated connection is used to publish
// messages to subscribers.
nc *nats.Conn // used for most protocol messages
ncs *nats.Conn // used for sending to subscribers and acking publishers
wg sync.WaitGroup // Wait on go routines during shutdown
// For now, these will be set to the constants DefaultHeartBeatInterval, etc...
// but allow to override in tests.
hbInterval time.Duration
hbTimeout time.Duration
maxFailedHB int
// Used when processing connect requests for client ID already registered
dupCIDGuard sync.RWMutex
dupCIDMap map[string]struct{}
dupCIDwg sync.WaitGroup // To wait for one routine to end when we have reached the max.
dupCIDswg bool // To instruct one go routine to decrement the wait group.
dupCIDTimeout time.Duration
dupMaxCIDRoutines int
// Clients
clients *clientStore
// Store
store stores.Store
// IO Channel
ioChannel chan *ioPendingMsg
ioChannelQuit chan struct{}
ioChannelWG sync.WaitGroup
// Used to fix out-of-order processing of subUnsub/subClose/connClose
// requests due to use of different NATS subscribers for various
// protocols.
srvCtrlMsgID string // NUID used to filter control messages not intended for this server.
closeProtosMu sync.Mutex // Mutex used for unsub/close requests.
connCloseReqs map[string]int // Key: clientID Value: ref count
// Use these flags for Debug/Trace in places where speed matters.
// Normally, Debugf and Tracef will check an atomic variable to
// figure out if the statement should be logged, however, the
// cost of calling Debugf/Tracef is still significant since there
// may be memory allocations to format the string passed to these
// calls. So in those situations, use these flags to surround the
// calls to Debugf/Tracef.
trace bool
debug bool
// subStore holds all known state for all subscriptions
type subStore struct {
psubs []*subState // plain subscribers
qsubs map[string]*queueState // queue subscribers
durables map[string]*subState // durables lookup
acks map[string]*subState // ack inbox lookup
stan *StanServer // back link to Stan server
// Holds all queue subsribers for a subject/group and
// tracks lastSent for the group.
type queueState struct {
lastSent uint64
subs []*subState
stalled bool
shadow *subState // For durable case, when last member leaves and group is not closed.
// Holds Subscription state
type subState struct {
spb.SubState // Embedded protobuf. Used for storage.
subject string
qstate *queueState
ackWait time.Duration // SubState.AckWaitInSecs expressed as a time.Duration
ackTimer *time.Timer
ackTimeFloor int64
ackSub *nats.Subscription
acksPending map[uint64]struct{}
stalled bool
newOnHold bool // Prevents delivery of new msgs until old are redelivered (on restart)
store stores.SubStore // for easy access to the store interface
// Looks up, or create a new channel if it does not exist
func (s *StanServer) lookupOrCreateChannel(channel string) (*stores.ChannelStore, error) {
if cs :=; cs != nil {
return cs, nil
// It's possible that more than one go routine comes here at the same
// time. `ss` will then be simply gc'ed.
ss := s.createSubStore()
cs, _, err :=, ss)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return cs, nil
// createSubStore creates a new instance of `subStore`.
func (s *StanServer) createSubStore() *subStore {
subs := &subStore{
psubs: make([]*subState, 0, 4),
qsubs: make(map[string]*queueState),
durables: make(map[string]*subState),
acks: make(map[string]*subState),
stan: s,
return subs
// Store adds this subscription to the server's `subStore` and also in storage
func (ss *subStore) Store(sub *subState) error {
if sub == nil {
return nil
// `sub` has just been created and can't be referenced anywhere else in
// the code, so we don't need locking.
// Adds to storage.
err :=
if err != nil {
Errorf("Unable to store subscription [%v:%v] on [%s]: %v", sub.ClientID, sub.Inbox, sub.subject, err)
return err
return nil
// Updates the subStore state with this sub.
// The subStore is locked on entry (or does not need, as during server restart).
// However, `sub` does not need locking since it has just been created.
func (ss *subStore) updateState(sub *subState) {
// First store by ackInbox for ack direct lookup
ss.acks[sub.AckInbox] = sub
// Store by type
if sub.isQueueSubscriber() {
// Queue subscriber.
qs := ss.qsubs[sub.QGroup]
if qs == nil {
qs = &queueState{
subs: make([]*subState, 0, 4),
ss.qsubs[sub.QGroup] = qs
// The recovered shadow queue sub will have ClientID=="",
// keep a reference to it until a member re-joins the group.
if sub.ClientID == "" {
// Should not happen, if it does, panic
if qs.shadow != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("there should be only one shadow subscriber for [%q] queue group", sub.QGroup))
qs.shadow = sub
} else {
qs.subs = append(qs.subs, sub)
// Needed in the case of server restart, where
// the queue group's last sent needs to be updated
// based on the recovered subscriptions.
if sub.LastSent > qs.lastSent {
qs.lastSent = sub.LastSent
sub.qstate = qs
} else {
// Plain subscriber.
ss.psubs = append(ss.psubs, sub)
// Hold onto durables in special lookup.
if sub.isDurableSubscriber() {
ss.durables[sub.durableKey()] = sub
// Remove a subscriber from the subscription store, leaving durable
// subscriptions unless `unsubscribe` is true.
func (ss *subStore) Remove(cs *stores.ChannelStore, sub *subState, unsubscribe bool) {
if sub == nil {
durableKey := ""
// Do this before clearing the sub.ClientID since this is part of the key!!!
if sub.isDurableSubscriber() {
durableKey = sub.durableKey()
// Clear the subscriptions clientID
sub.ClientID = ""
if sub.ackSub != nil {
sub.ackSub = nil
ackInbox := sub.AckInbox
qs := sub.qstate
isDurable := sub.IsDurable
subid := sub.ID
store :=
qgroup := sub.QGroup
// Delete from storage non durable subscribers on either connection
// close or call to Unsubscribe(), and durable subscribers only on
// Unsubscribe(). Leave durable queue subs for now, they need to
// be treated differently.
if !isDurable || (unsubscribe && durableKey != "") {
// Delete from ackInbox lookup.
delete(ss.acks, ackInbox)
// Delete from durable if needed
if unsubscribe && durableKey != "" {
delete(ss.durables, durableKey)
// Delete ourselves from the list
if qs != nil {
storageUpdate := false
// For queue state, we need to lock specifically,
// because qs.subs can be modified by findBestQueueSub,
// for which we don't have substore lock held.
qs.subs, _ = sub.deleteFromList(qs.subs)
if len(qs.subs) == 0 {
// If it was the last being removed, also remove the
// queue group from the subStore map, but only if
// non durable or explicit unsubscribe.
if !isDurable || unsubscribe {
delete(ss.qsubs, qgroup)
// Delete from storage too.
} else {
// Group is durable and last member just left the group,
// but didn't call Unsubscribe(). Need to keep a reference
// to this sub to maintain the state.
qs.shadow = sub
// Clear the stalled flag
qs.stalled = false
// Will need to update the LastSent and clear the ClientID
// with a storage update.
storageUpdate = true
} else {
// If there are pending messages in this sub, they need to be
// transfered to remaining queue subscribers.
numQSubs := len(qs.subs)
idx := 0
// Need to update if this member was the one with the last
// message of the group.
storageUpdate = sub.LastSent == qs.lastSent
sortedSequences := makeSortedSequences(sub.acksPending)
for _, seq := range sortedSequences {
m := cs.Msgs.Lookup(seq)
if m == nil {
// Don't need to ack it since we are destroying this subscription
// Get one of the remaning queue subscribers.
qsub := qs.subs[idx]
// Store in storage
if err :=, m.Sequence); err != nil {
Errorf("STAN: [Client:%s] Unable to update subscription for %s:%v (%v)",
qsub.ClientID, m.Subject, m.Sequence, err)
// We don't need to update if the sub's lastSent is transfered
// to another queue subscriber.
if storageUpdate && m.Sequence == qs.lastSent {
storageUpdate = false
// Update LastSent if applicable
if m.Sequence > qsub.LastSent {
qsub.LastSent = m.Sequence
// Store in ackPending.
qsub.acksPending[m.Sequence] = struct{}{}
// Make sure we set its ack timer if none already set, otherwise
// adjust the ackTimer floor as needed.s
if qsub.ackTimer == nil {
ss.stan.setupAckTimer(qsub, qsub.ackWait)
} else if qsub.ackTimeFloor > 0 && m.Timestamp < qsub.ackTimeFloor {
qsub.ackTimeFloor = m.Timestamp
// Move to the next queue subscriber, going back to first if needed.
if idx == numQSubs {
idx = 0
if storageUpdate {
// If we have a shadow sub, use that one, othewise any queue subscriber
// will do, so use the first.
qsub := qs.shadow
if qsub == nil {
qsub = qs.subs[0]
qsub.LastSent = qs.lastSent
} else {
ss.psubs, _ = sub.deleteFromList(ss.psubs)
// Lookup by durable name.
func (ss *subStore) LookupByDurable(durableName string) *subState {
sub := ss.durables[durableName]
return sub
// Lookup by ackInbox name.
func (ss *subStore) LookupByAckInbox(ackInbox string) *subState {
sub := ss.acks[ackInbox]
return sub
// Options for STAN Server
type Options struct {
ID string
DiscoverPrefix string
StoreType string
FilestoreDir string
FileStoreOpts stores.FileStoreOptions
stores.StoreLimits // Store limits (MaxChannels, etc..)
Trace bool // Verbose trace
Debug bool // Debug trace
Secure bool // Create a TLS enabled connection w/o server verification
ClientCert string // Client Certificate for TLS
ClientKey string // Client Key for TLS
ClientCA string // Client CAs for TLS
IOBatchSize int // Number of messages we collect from clients before processing them.
IOSleepTime int64 // Duration (in micro-seconds) the server waits for more message to fill up a batch.
NATSServerURL string // URL for external NATS Server to connect to. If empty, NATS Server is embedded.
// DefaultOptions are default options for the STAN server
var defaultOptions = Options{
ID: DefaultClusterID,
DiscoverPrefix: DefaultDiscoverPrefix,
StoreType: DefaultStoreType,
FileStoreOpts: stores.DefaultFileStoreOptions,
IOBatchSize: DefaultIOBatchSize,
IOSleepTime: DefaultIOSleepTime,
NATSServerURL: "",
// GetDefaultOptions returns default options for the STAN server
func GetDefaultOptions() (o *Options) {
opts := defaultOptions
opts.StoreLimits = stores.DefaultStoreLimits
return &opts
// DefaultNatsServerOptions are default options for the NATS server
var DefaultNatsServerOptions = server.Options{
Host: "localhost",
Port: 4222,
NoLog: true,
NoSigs: true,
// Used only by tests
func setDebugAndTraceToDefaultOptions(val bool) {
defaultOptions.Trace = val
defaultOptions.Debug = val
func stanDisconnectedHandler(nc *nats.Conn) {
if nc.LastError() != nil {
Errorf("STAN: connection %q has been disconnected: %v",
nc.Opts.Name, nc.LastError())
func stanReconnectedHandler(nc *nats.Conn) {
Noticef("STAN: connection %q reconnected to NATS Server at %q",
nc.Opts.Name, nc.ConnectedUrl())
func stanClosedHandler(nc *nats.Conn) {
Debugf("STAN: connection %q has been closed", nc.Opts.Name)
func stanErrorHandler(nc *nats.Conn, sub *nats.Subscription, err error) {
Errorf("STAN: Asynchronous error on connection %s, subject %s: %s",
nc.Opts.Name, sub.Subject, err)
func (s *StanServer) buildServerURLs(sOpts *Options, opts *server.Options) ([]string, error) {
var hostport string
natsURL := sOpts.NATSServerURL
// If the URL to an external NATS is provided...
if natsURL != "" {
// If it has user/pwd info or is a list of urls...
if strings.Contains(natsURL, "@") || strings.Contains(natsURL, ",") {
// Return the array
urls := strings.Split(natsURL, ",")
for i, s := range urls {
urls[i] = strings.Trim(s, " ")
return urls, nil
// Otherwise, prepare the host and port and continue to see
// if user/pass needs to be added.
// First trim the protocol.
parts := strings.Split(natsURL, "://")
if len(parts) != 2 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("malformed url: %v", natsURL)
natsURL = parts[1]
host, port, err := net.SplitHostPort(natsURL)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Use net.Join to support IPV6 addresses.
hostport = net.JoinHostPort(host, port)
} else {
// We embed the server, so it is local. If host is "any",
// use or ::1 for host address (important for
// Windows since connect with or :: fails).
sport := strconv.Itoa(opts.Port)
if opts.Host == "" {
hostport = net.JoinHostPort("", sport)
} else if opts.Host == "::" || opts.Host == "[::]" {
hostport = net.JoinHostPort("::1", sport)
} else {
hostport = net.JoinHostPort(opts.Host, sport)
var userpart string
if opts.Authorization != "" {
userpart = opts.Authorization
} else if opts.Username != "" {
userpart = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", opts.Username, opts.Password)
if userpart != "" {
return []string{fmt.Sprintf("nats://%s@%s", userpart, hostport)}, nil
return []string{fmt.Sprintf("nats://%s", hostport)}, nil
// createNatsClientConn creates a connection to the NATS server, using
// TLS if configured. Pass in the NATS server options to derive a
// connection url, and for other future items (e.g. auth)
func (s *StanServer) createNatsClientConn(name string, sOpts *Options, nOpts *server.Options) (*nats.Conn, error) {
var err error
ncOpts := nats.DefaultOptions
ncOpts.Servers, err = s.buildServerURLs(sOpts, nOpts)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ncOpts.Name = fmt.Sprintf("_NSS-%s-%s", sOpts.ID, name)
if err = nats.ErrorHandler(stanErrorHandler)(&ncOpts); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err = nats.ReconnectHandler(stanReconnectedHandler)(&ncOpts); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err = nats.ClosedHandler(stanClosedHandler)(&ncOpts); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err = nats.DisconnectHandler(stanDisconnectedHandler)(&ncOpts); err != nil {
return nil, err
if sOpts.Secure {
if err = nats.Secure()(&ncOpts); err != nil {
return nil, err
if sOpts.ClientCA != "" {
if err = nats.RootCAs(sOpts.ClientCA)(&ncOpts); err != nil {
return nil, err
if sOpts.ClientCert != "" {
if err = nats.ClientCert(sOpts.ClientCert, sOpts.ClientKey)(&ncOpts); err != nil {
return nil, err
Tracef("STAN: NATS conn opts: %v", ncOpts)
var nc *nats.Conn
if nc, err = ncOpts.Connect(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return nc, err
func (s *StanServer) createNatsConnections(sOpts *Options, nOpts *server.Options) {
var err error
if s.ncs, err = s.createNatsClientConn("send", sOpts, nOpts); err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Can't connect to NATS server (send): %v\n", err))
if, err = s.createNatsClientConn("general", sOpts, nOpts); err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Can't connect to NATS server (general): %v\n", err))
// RunServer will startup an embedded STAN server and a nats-server to support it.
func RunServer(ID string) *StanServer {
sOpts := GetDefaultOptions()
sOpts.ID = ID
nOpts := DefaultNatsServerOptions
return RunServerWithOpts(sOpts, &nOpts)
// RunServerWithOpts will startup an embedded STAN server and a nats-server to support it.
func RunServerWithOpts(stanOpts *Options, natsOpts *server.Options) *StanServer {
// Run a nats server by default
sOpts := stanOpts
nOpts := natsOpts
if stanOpts == nil {
sOpts = GetDefaultOptions()
if natsOpts == nil {
no := DefaultNatsServerOptions
nOpts = &no
Noticef("Starting nats-streaming-server[%s] version %s", sOpts.ID, VERSION)
s := StanServer{
serverID: nuid.Next(),
opts: sOpts,
hbInterval: DefaultHeartBeatInterval,
hbTimeout: DefaultClientHBTimeout,
maxFailedHB: DefaultMaxFailedHeartBeats,
dupCIDMap: make(map[string]struct{}),
dupMaxCIDRoutines: defaultMaxDupCIDRoutines,
dupCIDTimeout: defaultCheckDupCIDTimeout,
ioChannelQuit: make(chan struct{}, 1),
srvCtrlMsgID: nuid.Next(),
connCloseReqs: make(map[string]int),
trace: sOpts.Trace,
debug: sOpts.Debug,
// Ensure that we shutdown the server if there is a panic during startup.
// This will ensure that stores are closed (which otherwise would cause
// issues during testing) and that the NATS Server (if started) is also
// properly shutdown. To do so, we recover from the panic in order to
// call Shutdown, then issue the original panic.
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
// Log the reason for the panic. We use noticef here since
// Fatalf() would cause an exit.
Noticef("Failed to start: %v", r)
// Issue the original panic now that the store is closed.
// Get the store limits
limits := &sOpts.StoreLimits
var err error
var recoveredState *stores.RecoveredState
var recoveredSubs []*subState
var store stores.Store
// Ensure store type option is in upper-case
sOpts.StoreType = strings.ToUpper(sOpts.StoreType)
// Create the store. So far either memory or file-based.
switch sOpts.StoreType {
case stores.TypeFile:
// The dir must be specified
if sOpts.FilestoreDir == "" {
err = fmt.Errorf("for %v stores, root directory must be specified", stores.TypeFile)
store, recoveredState, err = stores.NewFileStore(sOpts.FilestoreDir, limits,
case stores.TypeMemory:
store, err = stores.NewMemoryStore(limits)
err = fmt.Errorf("unsupported store type: %v", sOpts.StoreType)
if err != nil {
// ( here) is of type stores.Store, which is an
// interace. If we assign in the call of the constructor and there
// is an error, although the call returns "nil" for the store, we can no
// longer have a test such as "if != nil" (as we do in shutdown).
// This is because the constructors return a store implementention.
// We would need to use reflection such as reflect.ValueOf(
// So to not do that, we simply delay the setting of when we know
// that it was successful.
| = store
// Create clientStore
s.clients = &clientStore{store:}
callStoreInit := false
if recoveredState != nil {
// Copy content
| = *recoveredState.Info
// Check cluster IDs match
if s.opts.ID != {
panic(fmt.Errorf("Cluster ID %q does not match recovered value of %q",
// Check to see if SubClose subject is present or not.
// If not, it means we recovered from an older server, so
// need to update.
if == "" {
| = fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", DefaultSubClosePrefix, nuid.Next())
// Update the store with the server info
callStoreInit = true
// Restore clients state
// Process recovered channels (if any).
recoveredSubs = s.processRecoveredChannels(recoveredState.Subs)
} else {
| = s.opts.ID
// Generate Subjects
// FIXME(dlc) guid needs to be shared in cluster mode
| = fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", s.opts.DiscoverPrefix,
| = fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", DefaultPubPrefix, nuid.Next())
| = fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", DefaultSubPrefix, nuid.Next())
| = fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", DefaultSubClosePrefix, nuid.Next())
| = fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", DefaultUnSubPrefix, nuid.Next())
| = fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", DefaultClosePrefix, nuid.Next())
callStoreInit = true
if callStoreInit {
// Initialize the store with the server info
if err :=; err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("Unable to initialize the store: %v", err))
// If no NATS server url is provided, it means that we embed the NATS Server
if sOpts.NATSServerURL == "" {
s.createNatsConnections(sOpts, nOpts)
if recoveredState != nil {
// Do some post recovery processing (create subs on AckInbox, setup
// some timers, etc...)
if err := s.postRecoveryProcessing(recoveredState.Clients, recoveredSubs); err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("error during post recovery processing: %v\n", err))
// Flush to make sure all subscriptions are processed before
// we return control to the user.
if err :=; err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Could not flush the subscriptions, %v\n", err))
Noticef("STAN: Message store is %s",
Noticef("STAN: --------- Store Limits ---------")
Noticef("STAN: Channels: %s",
getLimitStr(true, int64(limits.MaxChannels),
Noticef("STAN: -------- channels limits -------")
printLimits(true, &limits.ChannelLimits,
for cn, cl := range limits.PerChannel {
Noticef("STAN: Channel: %q", cn)
printLimits(false, cl, &limits.ChannelLimits)
Noticef("STAN: --------------------------------")
// Execute (in a go routine) redelivery of unacknowledged messages,
// and release newOnHold
go s.performRedeliveryOnStartup(recoveredSubs)
return &s
func printLimits(isGlobal bool, limits, parentLimits *stores.ChannelLimits) {
plMaxSubs := int64(parentLimits.MaxSubscriptions)
plMaxMsgs := int64(parentLimits.MaxMsgs)
plMaxBytes := parentLimits.MaxBytes
plMaxAge := parentLimits.MaxAge
Noticef("STAN: Subscriptions: %s", getLimitStr(isGlobal, int64(limits.MaxSubscriptions), plMaxSubs, limitCount))
Noticef("STAN: Messages : %s", getLimitStr(isGlobal, int64(limits.MaxMsgs), plMaxMsgs, limitCount))
Noticef("STAN: Bytes : %s", getLimitStr(isGlobal, limits.MaxBytes, plMaxBytes, limitBytes))
Noticef("STAN: Age : %s", getLimitStr(isGlobal, int64(limits.MaxAge), int64(plMaxAge), limitDuration))
func getLimitStr(isGlobal bool, val, parentVal int64, limitType int) string {
valStr := ""
inherited := ""
if !isGlobal && val == 0 {
val = parentVal
if val == parentVal {
inherited = " *"
if val == 0 {
valStr = "unlimited"
} else {
switch limitType {
case limitBytes:
valStr = friendlyBytes(val)
case limitDuration:
valStr = fmt.Sprintf("%v", time.Duration(val))
valStr = fmt.Sprintf("%v", val)
return fmt.Sprintf("%13s%s", valStr, inherited)
func friendlyBytes(msgbytes int64) string {
bytes := float64(msgbytes)
base := 1024
pre := []string{"K", "M", "G", "T", "P", "E"}
var post = "B"
if bytes < float64(base) {
return fmt.Sprintf("%v B", bytes)
exp := int(math.Log(bytes) / math.Log(float64(base)))
index := exp - 1
units := pre[index] + post
return fmt.Sprintf("%.2f %s", bytes/math.Pow(float64(base), float64(exp)), units)
// TODO: Explore parameter passing in gnatsd. Keep seperate for now.
func (s *StanServer) configureClusterOpts(opts *server.Options) error {
if opts.Cluster.ListenStr == "" {
if opts.RoutesStr != "" {
Fatalf("Solicited routes require cluster capabilities, e.g. --cluster.")
return nil
clusterURL, err := url.Parse(opts.Cluster.ListenStr)
h, p, err := net.SplitHostPort(clusterURL.Host)
if err != nil {
return err
opts.Cluster.Host = h
_, err = fmt.Sscan(p, &opts.Cluster.Port)
if err != nil {
return err
if clusterURL.User != nil {
pass, hasPassword := clusterURL.User.Password()
if !hasPassword {
return fmt.Errorf("Expected cluster password to be set.")
opts.Cluster.Password = pass
user := clusterURL.User.Username()
opts.Cluster.Username = user
// If we have routes but no config file, fill in here.
if opts.RoutesStr != "" && opts.Routes == nil {
opts.Routes = server.RoutesFromStr(opts.RoutesStr)
return nil
// configureNATSServerTLS sets up TLS for the NATS Server.
// Additional TLS parameters (e.g. cipher suites) will need to be placed
// in a configuration file specified through the -config parameter.
func (s *StanServer) configureNATSServerTLS(opts *server.Options) {
tlsSet := false
tc := server.TLSConfigOpts{}
if opts.TLSCert != "" {
tc.CertFile = opts.TLSCert
tlsSet = true
if opts.TLSKey != "" {
tc.KeyFile = opts.TLSKey
tlsSet = true
if opts.TLSCaCert != "" {
tc.CaFile = opts.TLSCaCert
tlsSet = true
if opts.TLSVerify {
tc.Verify = true
tlsSet = true
var err error
if tlsSet {
if opts.TLSConfig, err = server.GenTLSConfig(&tc); err != nil {
// The connection will fail later if the problem is severe enough.
Errorf("STAN: Unable to setup NATS Server TLS: %v", err)
// configureNATSServerAuth sets up user authentication for the NATS Server.
func (s *StanServer) configureNATSServerAuth(opts *server.Options) server.Auth {
// setup authorization
var a server.Auth
if opts.Authorization != "" {
a = &auth.Token{Token: opts.Authorization}
if opts.Username != "" {
a = &auth.Plain{Username: opts.Username, Password: opts.Password}
if opts.Users != nil {
a = auth.NewMultiUser(opts.Users)
return a
// startNATSServer massages options as necessary, and starts the embedded
// NATS server. No errors, only panics upon error conditions.
func (s *StanServer) startNATSServer(opts *server.Options) {
a := s.configureNATSServerAuth(opts)
s.natsServer = natsd.RunServerWithAuth(opts, a)
// ensureRunningStandAlone prevents this streaming server from starting
// if another is found using the same cluster ID - a possibility when
// routing is enabled.
func (s *StanServer) ensureRunningStandAlone() {
clusterID := s.ClusterID()
hbInbox := nats.NewInbox()
timeout := time.Millisecond * 250
// We cannot use the client's API here as it will create a dependency
// cycle in the streaming client, so build our request and see if we
// get a response.
req := &pb.ConnectRequest{ClientID: clusterID, HeartbeatInbox: hbInbox}
b, _ := req.Marshal()
reply, err :=, b, timeout)
if err == nats.ErrTimeout {
Debugf("Did not detect another server instance.")
if err != nil {
Errorf("Request error detecting another server instance: %v", err)
// See if the response is valid and can be unmarshalled.
cr := &pb.ConnectResponse{}
err = cr.Unmarshal(reply.Data)
if err != nil {
// something other than a compatible streaming server responded
// so continue.
Errorf("Unmarshall error while detecting another server instance: %v", err)
// Another streaming server was found, cleanup then panic.
clreq := &pb.CloseRequest{ClientID: clusterID}
b, _ = clreq.Marshal()
|, b, timeout)
panic(fmt.Errorf("discovered another streaming server with cluster ID %q", clusterID))
// Binds server's view of a client with stored Client objects.
func (s *StanServer) processRecoveredClients(clients []*stores.Client) {
for _, sc := range clients {
// Create a client object and set it as UserData on the stored Client.
// No lock needed here because no other routine is going to use this
// until the server is finished recovering.
sc.UserData = &client{subs: make([]*subState, 0, 4)}
// Reconstruct the subscription state on restart.
// We don't use locking in there because there is no communication
// with the NATS server and/or clients, so no chance that the state
// changes while we are doing this.
func (s *StanServer) processRecoveredChannels(subscriptions stores.RecoveredSubscriptions) []*subState {
// We will return the recovered subscriptions
allSubs := make([]*subState, 0, 16)
for channelName, recoveredSubs := range subscriptions {
// Lookup the ChannelStore from the store
channel :=
// Create the subStore for this channel
ss := s.createSubStore()
// Set it into the channel store
channel.UserData = ss
// Get the recovered subscriptions for this channel.
for _, recSub := range recoveredSubs {
// Create a subState
sub := &subState{
subject: channelName,
ackWait: time.Duration(recSub.Sub.AckWaitInSecs) * time.Second,
store: channel.Subs,
sub.acksPending = make(map[uint64]struct{}, len(recSub.Pending))
for seq := range recSub.Pending {
sub.acksPending[seq] = struct{}{}
if len(sub.acksPending) > 0 {
// Prevent delivery of new messages until resent of old ones
sub.newOnHold = true
// We may not need to set this because this would be set
// during the initial redelivery attempt, but does not hurt.
if int32(len(sub.acksPending)) >= sub.MaxInFlight {
sub.stalled = true
// Copy over fields from SubState protobuf
sub.SubState = *recSub.Sub
// When recovering older stores, IsDurable may not exist for
// durable subscribers. Set it now.
durableSub := sub.isDurableSubscriber() // not a durable queue sub!
if durableSub {
sub.IsDurable = true
// Add the subscription to the corresponding client
added := s.clients.AddSub(sub.ClientID, sub)
if added || sub.IsDurable {
// Add this subscription to subStore.
// If this is a durable and the client was not recovered
// (was offline), we need to clear the ClientID otherwise
// it won't be able to reconnect
if durableSub && !added {
sub.ClientID = ""
// Add to the array, unless this is the shadow durable queue sub that
// was left in the store in order to maintain the group's state.
if !sub.isShadowQueueDurable() {
allSubs = append(allSubs, sub)
return allSubs
// Do some final setup. Be minded of locking here since the server
// has started communication with NATS server/clients.
func (s *StanServer) postRecoveryProcessing(recoveredClients []*stores.Client, recoveredSubs []*subState) error {
var err error
for _, sub := range recoveredSubs {
// To be on the safe side, just check that the ackSub has not
// been created (may happen with durables that may reconnect maybe?)
if sub.ackSub == nil {
// Subscribe to acks
sub.ackSub, err =, s.processAckMsg)
if err != nil {
return err
sub.ackSub.SetPendingLimits(-1, -1)
// Go through the list of clients and ensure their Hb timer is set.
for _, sc := range recoveredClients {
c := sc.UserData.(*client)
// Client could have been unregisted by now since the server has its
// internal subscriptions started (and may receive client requests).
if !c.unregistered && c.hbt == nil {
// Because of the loop, we need to make copy for the closure
// to time.AfterFunc
cID := sc.ID
c.hbt = time.AfterFunc(s.hbInterval, func() {
return nil
// Redelivers unacknowledged messages and release the hold for new messages delivery
func (s *StanServer) performRedeliveryOnStartup(recoveredSubs []*subState) {
defer s.wg.Done()
for _, sub := range recoveredSubs {
// Ignore subs that did not have any ack pendings on startup.
if !sub.newOnHold {
// Create the delivery timer since performAckExpirationRedelivery
// may need to reset the timer (which would not work if timer is nil).
// Set it to a high value, it will be correctly reset or cleared.
s.setupAckTimer(sub, time.Hour)
// If this is a durable and it is offline, then skip the rest.
if sub.isOfflineDurableSubscriber() {
sub.newOnHold = false
// Unlock in order to call function below
// Send old messages (lock is acquired in that function)
// Regrab lock
// Allow new messages to be delivered
sub.newOnHold = false
subject := sub.subject
qs := sub.qstate
cs :=
if cs == nil {
// Kick delivery of (possible) new messages
if qs != nil {
s.sendAvailableMessagesToQueue(cs, qs)
} else {
s.sendAvailableMessages(cs, sub)
// initSubscriptions will setup initial subscriptions for discovery etc.
func (s *StanServer) initSubscriptions() {
// Listen for connection requests.
_, err :=, s.connectCB)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Could not subscribe to discover subject, %v\n", err))
// Receive published messages from clients.
pubSubject := fmt.Sprintf("%s.>",
_, err =, s.processClientPublish)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Could not subscribe to publish subject, %v\n", err))
// Receive subscription requests from clients.
_, err =, s.processSubscriptionRequest)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Could not subscribe to subscribe request subject, %v\n", err))
// Receive unsubscribe requests from clients.
_, err =, s.processUnsubscribeRequest)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Could not subscribe to unsubscribe request subject, %v\n", err))
// Receive subscription close requests from clients.
_, err =, s.processSubCloseRequest)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Could not subscribe to subscription close request subject, %v\n", err))
// Receive close requests from clients.
_, err =, s.processCloseRequest)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Could not subscribe to close request subject, %v\n", err))
Debugf("STAN: Discover subject: %s",
Debugf("STAN: Publish subject: %s", pubSubject)
Debugf("STAN: Subscribe subject: %s",
Debugf("STAN: Unsubscribe subject: %s",
Debugf("STAN: Close subject: %s",
// Process a client connect request
func (s *StanServer) connectCB(m *nats.Msg) {
req := &pb.ConnectRequest{}
err := req.Unmarshal(m.Data)
if err != nil || !clientIDRegEx.MatchString(req.ClientID) || req.HeartbeatInbox == "" {
Debugf("STAN: [Client:?] Invalid conn request: ClientID=%s, Inbox=%s, err=%v",
req.ClientID, req.HeartbeatInbox, err)
s.sendConnectErr(m.Reply, ErrInvalidConnReq.Error())
// Try to register
client, isNew, err := s.clients.Register(req.ClientID, req.HeartbeatInbox)
if err != nil {
Debugf("STAN: [Client:%s] Error registering client: %v", req.ClientID, err)
s.sendConnectErr(m.Reply, err.Error())
// Handle duplicate IDs in a dedicated go-routine
if !isNew {
// Do we have a routine in progress for this client ID?
_, inProgress := s.dupCIDMap[req.ClientID]
// Yes, fail this request here.
if inProgress {
Debugf("STAN: [Client:%s] Connect failed; already connected", req.ClientID)
s.sendConnectErr(m.Reply, ErrInvalidClient.Error())
// If server has started shutdown, we can't call wg.Add() so we need
// to check on shutdown status. Note that s.wg is for all server's
// go routines, not specific to duplicate CID handling. Use server's
// lock here.
shutdown := s.shutdown
if !shutdown {
// Assume we are going to start a go routine.
if shutdown {
// The client will timeout on connect
// If we have exhausted the max number of go routines, we will have
// to wait that one finishes.
needToWait := false
s.dupCIDMap[req.ClientID] = struct{}{}
if len(s.dupCIDMap) > s.dupMaxCIDRoutines {
s.dupCIDswg = true
needToWait = true
// If we need to wait for a go routine to return...
if needToWait {
// Start a go-routine to handle this connect request
go func() {
s.processConnectRequestWithDupID(client, req, m.Reply)
// Here, we accept this client's incoming connect request.
s.finishConnectRequest(client, req, m.Reply)
func (s *StanServer) finishConnectRequest(sc *stores.Client, req *pb.ConnectRequest, replyInbox string) {
cr := &pb.ConnectResponse{
b, _ := cr.Marshal()
|, b)
hbInterval := s.hbInterval
clientID := req.ClientID
hbInbox := req.HeartbeatInbox
client := sc.UserData.(*client)
// Heartbeat timer.
client.hbt = time.AfterFunc(hbInterval, func() { s.checkClientHealth(clientID) })
Debugf("STAN: [Client:%s] Connected (Inbox=%v)", clientID, hbInbox)
func (s *StanServer) processConnectRequestWithDupID(sc *stores.Client, req *pb.ConnectRequest, replyInbox string) {
sendErr := true
hbInbox := sc.HbInbox
clientID := sc.ID
defer func() {
delete(s.dupCIDMap, clientID)
if s.dupCIDswg {
s.dupCIDswg = false
// This is the HbInbox from the "old" client. See if it is up and
// running by sending a ping to that inbox.
if _, err :=, nil, s.dupCIDTimeout); err != nil {
// The old client didn't reply, assume it is dead, close it and continue.
s.closeClient(useLocking, clientID)
// Between the close and the new registration below, it is possible
// that a connection request came in (in connectCB) and since the
// client is now unregistered, the new connection was accepted there.
// The registration below will then fail, in which case we will fail
// this request.
// Need to re-register now based on the new request info.
var isNew bool
sc, isNew, err = s.clients.Register(req.ClientID, req.HeartbeatInbox)
if err == nil && isNew {
// We could register the new client.
Debugf("STAN: [Client:%s] Replaced old client (Inbox=%v)", req.ClientID, hbInbox)
sendErr = false
// The currently registered client is responding, or we failed to register,
// so fail the request of the incoming client connect request.
if sendErr {
Debugf("STAN: [Client:%s] Connect failed; already connected", clientID)
s.sendConnectErr(replyInbox, ErrInvalidClient.Error())
// We have replaced the old with the new.
s.finishConnectRequest(sc, req, replyInbox)
func (s *StanServer) sendConnectErr(replyInbox, err string) {
cr := &pb.ConnectResponse{Error: err}
b, _ := cr.Marshal()
|, b)
// Send a heartbeat call to the client.
func (s *StanServer) checkClientHealth(clientID string) {
sc :=
if sc == nil {
client := sc.UserData.(*client)
hbInbox := sc.HbInbox
// Capture these under lock (as of now, there are not configurable,
// but we tweak them in tests and maybe they will be settable in
// the future)
hbInterval := s.hbInterval
hbTimeout := s.hbTimeout
maxFailedHB := s.maxFailedHB
if client.unregistered {
if _, err :=, nil, hbTimeout); err != nil {
if client.fhb > maxFailedHB {
Debugf("STAN: [Client:%s] Timed out on heartbeats.", clientID)
s.closeClient(useLocking, clientID)
} else {
client.fhb = 0
// Close a client
func (s *StanServer) closeClient(lock bool, clientID string) bool {
if lock {
defer s.closeProtosMu.Unlock()
// Remove from our clientStore.
sc := s.clients.Unregister(clientID)
if sc == nil {
return false
hbInbox := sc.HbInbox
// At this point, client.unregistered has been set to true,
// in Unregister() preventing any addition/removal of subs, etc..
client := sc.UserData.(*client)
if client.hbt != nil {
// Remove all non-durable subscribers.
Debugf("STAN: [Client:%s] Closed (Inbox=%v)", clientID, hbInbox)
return true
// processCloseRequest process inbound messages from clients.
func (s *StanServer) processCloseRequest(m *nats.Msg) {
req := &pb.CloseRequest{}
err := req.Unmarshal(m.Data)
if err != nil {
Errorf("STAN: Received invalid close request, subject=%s.", m.Subject)
s.sendCloseErr(m.Reply, ErrInvalidCloseReq.Error())
// Lock for the remainder of the function
defer s.closeProtosMu.Unlock()
ctrlMsg := &spb.CtrlMsg{
MsgType: spb.CtrlMsg_ConnClose,
ServerID: s.srvCtrlMsgID,
Data: []byte(req.ClientID),
ctrlBytes, _ := ctrlMsg.Marshal()
ctrlMsgNatsMsg := &nats.Msg{
Subject: + ".close", // any pub subject will do
Reply: m.Reply,
Data: ctrlBytes,
refs := 0
if s.ncs.PublishMsg(ctrlMsgNatsMsg) == nil {
subs := s.clients.GetSubs(req.ClientID)
if len(subs) > 0 {
// There are subscribers, we will schedule the connection
// close request to subscriber's ackInbox subscribers.
for _, sub := range subs {
if sub.ackSub != nil {
ctrlMsgNatsMsg.Subject = sub.AckInbox
if s.ncs.PublishMsg(ctrlMsgNatsMsg) == nil {
// If were unable to schedule a single proto, then execute
// performConnClose from here.
if refs == 0 {
s.connCloseReqs[req.ClientID] = 1
s.performConnClose(dontUseLocking, m, req.ClientID)
} else {
// Store our reference count and wait for performConnClose to
// be invoked...
s.connCloseReqs[req.ClientID] = refs
// performConnClose performs a connection close operation after all
// client's pubMsg or client acks have been processed.
func (s *StanServer) performConnClose(locking bool, m *nats.Msg, clientID string) {
if locking {
defer s.closeProtosMu.Unlock()
refs := s.connCloseReqs[clientID]
if refs > 0 {
// Not done yet, update reference count
s.connCloseReqs[clientID] = refs
// Perform the connection close here...
delete(s.connCloseReqs, clientID)
// The function or the caller is already locking, so do not use
// locking in that function.
if !s.closeClient(dontUseLocking, clientID) {
Errorf("STAN: Unknown client %q in close request", clientID)
s.sendCloseErr(m.Reply, ErrUnknownClient.Error())
resp := &pb.CloseResponse{}
b, _ := resp.Marshal()
|, b)
func (s *StanServer) sendCloseErr(subj, err string) {
resp := &pb.CloseResponse{Error: err}
if b, err := resp.Marshal(); err == nil {
|, b)
// processClientPublish process inbound messages from clients.
func (s *StanServer) processClientPublish(m *nats.Msg) {
iopm := &ioPendingMsg{m: m}
pm := &
if pm.Unmarshal(m.Data) != nil {
// Expecting only a connection close request...
if s.processInternalCloseRequest(m, true) {
// else we will report an error below...
// Make sure we have a clientID, guid, etc.
if pm.Guid == "" || !s.clients.IsValid(pm.ClientID) || !isValidSubject(pm.Subject) {
Errorf("STAN: Received invalid client publish message %v", pm)
s.sendPublishErr(m.Reply, pm.Guid, ErrInvalidPubReq)
s.ioChannel <- iopm
// processInternalCloseRequest processes the incoming message has
// a CtrlMsg. If this is not a CtrlMsg, returns false to indicate an error.
// If the CtrlMsg's ServerID is not this server, the request is simply
// ignored and this function returns true (so the caller does not fail).
// Based on the CtrlMsg type, invokes appropriate function to
// do final processing of unsub/subclose/conn close request.
func (s *StanServer) processInternalCloseRequest(m *nats.Msg, onlyConnClose bool) bool {
cm := &spb.CtrlMsg{}
if cm.Unmarshal(m.Data) != nil {
return false
// If this control message is not intended for us, simply
// ignore the request and does not return a failure.
if cm.ServerID != s.srvCtrlMsgID {
return true
// If we expect only a connection close request but get
// something else, report as a failure.
if onlyConnClose && cm.MsgType != spb.CtrlMsg_ConnClose {
return false
switch cm.MsgType {
case spb.CtrlMsg_SubUnsubscribe:
// SubUnsub and SubClose use same function, using cm.MsgType
// to differentiate between unsubscribe and close.
case spb.CtrlMsg_SubClose:
req := &pb.UnsubscribeRequest{}
s.performSubUnsubOrClose(cm.MsgType, processRequest, m, req)
case spb.CtrlMsg_ConnClose:
clientID := string(cm.Data)
s.performConnClose(useLocking, m, clientID)
return false // Valid ctrl message, but unexpected type, return failure.
return true
func (s *StanServer) sendPublishErr(subj, guid string, err error) {
badMsgAck := &pb.PubAck{Guid: guid, Error: err.Error()}
if b, err := badMsgAck.Marshal(); err == nil {
s.ncs.Publish(subj, b)
// FIXME(dlc) - place holder to pick sub that has least outstanding, should just sort,
// or use insertion sort, etc.
func findBestQueueSub(sl []*subState) (rsub *subState) {
for _, sub := range sl {
if rsub == nil {
rsub = sub
rOut := len(rsub.acksPending)
rStalled := rsub.stalled
sOut := len(sub.acksPending)
sStalled := sub.stalled
// Favor non stalled subscribers
if (!sStalled || rStalled) && (sOut < rOut) {
rsub = sub
len := len(sl)
if len > 1 && rsub == sl[0] {
copy(sl, sl[1:len])
sl[len-1] = rsub
// Send a message to the queue group
// Assumes qs lock held for write
func (s *StanServer) sendMsgToQueueGroup(qs *queueState, m *pb.MsgProto, force bool) (*subState, bool, bool) {
if qs == nil {
return nil, false, false
sub := findBestQueueSub(qs.subs)
if sub == nil {
return nil, false, false
didSend, sendMore := s.sendMsgToSub(sub, m, force)
lastSent := sub.LastSent
if didSend && lastSent > qs.lastSent {
qs.lastSent = lastSent
if !sendMore {
qs.stalled = true
return sub, didSend, sendMore
// processMsg will proces a message, and possibly send to clients, etc.
func (s *StanServer) processMsg(cs *stores.ChannelStore) {
ss := cs.UserData.(*subStore)
// Since we iterate through them all.
// Walk the plain subscribers and deliver to each one
for _, sub := range ss.psubs {
s.sendAvailableMessages(cs, sub)
// Check the queue subscribers
for _, qs := range ss.qsubs {
s.sendAvailableMessagesToQueue(cs, qs)
// Used for sorting by sequence
type bySeq []uint64
func (a bySeq) Len() int { return (len(a)) }
func (a bySeq) Swap(i, j int) { a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i] }
func (a bySeq) Less(i, j int) bool { return a[i] < a[j] }
func makeSortedSequences(sequences map[uint64]struct{}) []uint64 {
results := make([]uint64, 0, len(sequences))
for seq := range sequences {
results = append(results, seq)
return results
// Redeliver all outstanding messages to a durable subscriber, used on resubscribe.
func (s *StanServer) performDurableRedelivery(cs *stores.ChannelStore, sub *subState) {
// Sort our messages outstanding from acksPending, grab some state and unlock.
sortedSeqs := makeSortedSequences(sub.acksPending)
clientID := sub.ClientID
if s.debug {
durName := sub.DurableName
if durName == "" {
durName = sub.QGroup
Debugf("STAN: [Client:%s] Redelivering to durable %s", clientID, durName)
// If we don't find the client, we are done.
client := s.clients.Lookup(clientID)
if client == nil {
// Go through all messages
for _, seq := range sortedSeqs {
m := s.getMsgForRedelivery(cs, sub, seq)
if m == nil {
if s.trace {
Tracef("STAN: [Client:%s] Redelivery, sending seqno=%d", clientID, m.Sequence)
// Flag as redelivered.
m.Redelivered = true
// Force delivery
s.sendMsgToSub(sub, m, forceDelivery)
// Redeliver all outstanding messages that have expired.
func (s *StanServer) performAckExpirationRedelivery(sub *subState) {
// Sort our messages outstanding from acksPending, grab some state and unlock.
expTime := int64(sub.ackWait)
cs :=
sortedSequences := makeSortedSequences(sub.acksPending)
subject := sub.subject
qs := sub.qstate
clientID := sub.ClientID
floorTimestamp := sub.ackTimeFloor
inbox := sub.Inbox
// If we don't find the client, we are done.
client := s.clients.Lookup(clientID)
if client == nil {
// If the client has some failed heartbeats, ignore this request.
fhbs := client.fhb
if fhbs != 0 {
// Reset the timer.
if sub.ackTimer != nil {
if s.debug {
Debugf("STAN: [Client:%s] Skipping redelivering on ack expiration due to client missed hearbeat, subject=%s, inbox=%s",
clientID, subject, inbox)
if s.debug {
Debugf("STAN: [Client:%s] Redelivering on ack expiration, subject=%s, inbox=%s",
clientID, subject, inbox)
now := time.Now().UnixNano()
var pick *subState
sent := false
// The messages from sortedSequences are possibly going to be acknowledged
// by the end of this function, but we are going to set the timer based on
// the oldest on that list, which is the sooner the timer should fire anyway.
// The timer will correctly be adjusted.
firstUnacked := int64(0)
// We will move through acksPending(sorted) and see what needs redelivery.
for _, seq := range sortedSequences {
m := s.getMsgForRedelivery(cs, sub, seq)
if m == nil {
if firstUnacked == 0 {
firstUnacked = m.Timestamp
// Ignore messages with a timestamp below our floor
if floorTimestamp > 0 && floorTimestamp > m.Timestamp {
if m.Timestamp+expTime > now {
// the messages are ordered by seq so the expiration
// times are ascending. Once we've get here, we've hit an
// unexpired message, and we're done. Reset the sub's ack
// timer to fire on the next message expiration.
if s.trace {
Tracef("STAN: [Client:%s] redelivery, skipping seqno=%d.", clientID, m.Sequence)
// Flag as redelivered.
m.Redelivered = true
if s.trace {
Tracef("STAN: [Client:%s] Redelivery, sending seqno=%d", clientID, m.Sequence)
// Handle QueueSubscribers differently, since we will choose best subscriber
// to redeliver to, not necessarily the same one.
if qs != nil {
pick, sent, _ = s.sendMsgToQueueGroup(qs, m, forceDelivery)
if pick == nil {
Errorf("STAN: [Client:%s] Unable to find queue subscriber", clientID)
// If the message is redelivered to a different queue subscriber,
// we need to process an implicit ack for the original subscriber.
// We do this only after confirmation that it was successfully added
// as pending on the other queue subscriber.
if pick != sub && sent {
s.processAck(cs, sub, m.Sequence)
} else {
s.sendMsgToSub(sub, m, forceDelivery)
// Adjust the timer
// getMsgForRedelivery looks up the message from storage. If not found -
// because it has been removed due to limit - processes an ACK for this
// sub/sequence number and returns nil, otherwise return a copy of the
// message (since it is going to be modified: m.Redelivered = true)
func (s *StanServer) getMsgForRedelivery(cs *stores.ChannelStore, sub *subState, seq uint64) *pb.MsgProto {
m := cs.Msgs.Lookup(seq)
if m == nil {
// Ack it so that it does not reincarnate on restart
s.processAck(cs, sub, seq)
return nil
// The store implementation does not return a copy, we need one
mcopy := *m
return &mcopy
// Sends the message to the subscriber
// Unless `force` is true, in which case message is always sent, if the number
// of acksPending is greater or equal to the sub's MaxInFlight limit, messages
// are not sent and subscriber is marked as stalled.
// Sub lock should be held before calling.
func (s *StanServer) sendMsgToSub(sub *subState, m *pb.MsgProto, force bool) (bool, bool) {
if sub == nil || m == nil || (sub.newOnHold && !m.Redelivered) {
return false, false
if s.trace {
Tracef("STAN: [Client:%s] Sending msg subject=%s inbox=%s seqno=%d.",
sub.ClientID, m.Subject, sub.Inbox, m.Sequence)
// Don't send if we have too many outstanding already, unless forced to send.
ap := int32(len(sub.acksPending))
if !force && (ap >= sub.MaxInFlight) {
sub.stalled = true
if s.debug {
Debugf("STAN: [Client:%s] Stalled msgseq %s:%d to %s.",
sub.ClientID, m.Subject, m.Sequence, sub.Inbox)
return false, false
b, _ := m.Marshal()
if err := s.ncs.Publish(sub.Inbox, b); err != nil {
Errorf("STAN: [Client:%s] Failed Sending msgseq %s:%d to %s (%s).",
sub.ClientID, m.Subject, m.Sequence, sub.Inbox, err)
return false, false
// Setup the ackTimer as needed now. I don't want to use defer in this
// function, and want to make sure that if we exit before the end, the
// timer is set. It will be adjusted/stopped as needed.
if sub.ackTimer == nil {
s.setupAckTimer(sub, sub.ackWait)
// If this message is already pending, nothing else to do.
if _, present := sub.acksPending[m.Sequence]; present {
return true, true
// Store in storage
if err :=, m.Sequence); err != nil {
Errorf("STAN: [Client:%s] Unable to update subscription for %s:%v (%v)",
sub.ClientID, m.Subject, m.Sequence, err)
return false, false
// Update LastSent if applicable
if m.Sequence > sub.LastSent {
sub.LastSent = m.Sequence
// Store in ackPending.
sub.acksPending[m.Sequence] = struct{}{}
// Now that we have added to acksPending, check again if we
// have reached the max and tell the caller that it should not
// be sending more at this time.
if !force && (ap+1 == sub.MaxInFlight) {
sub.stalled = true
if s.debug {
Debugf("STAN: [Client:%s] Stalling after msgseq %s:%d to %s.",
sub.ClientID, m.Subject, m.Sequence, sub.Inbox)
return true, false
return true, true
// Sets up the ackTimer to fire at the given duration.
// sub's lock held on entry.
func (s *StanServer) setupAckTimer(sub *subState, d time.Duration) {
sub.ackTimer = time.AfterFunc(d, func() {
func (s *StanServer) startIOLoop() {
s.ioChannel = make(chan *ioPendingMsg, ioChannelSize)
// Use wait group to ensure that the loop is as ready as
// possible before we setup the subscriptions and open the door
// to incoming NATS messages.
ready := &sync.WaitGroup{}
go s.ioLoop(ready)
func (s *StanServer) ioLoop(ready *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer s.ioChannelWG.Done()
// This is where we will store the message and wait for others in the
// potential cluster to do so as well, once we have a quorom someone can
// ack the publisher. We simply do so here for now.
// Once we have ack'd the publisher, we need to assign this a sequence ID.
// This will be done by a master election within the cluster, for now we
// assume we are the master and assign the sequence ID here.
storesToFlush := make(map[*stores.ChannelStore]struct{}, 64)
var _pendingMsgs [ioChannelSize]*ioPendingMsg
var pendingMsgs = _pendingMsgs[:0]
storeIOPendingMsg := func(iopm *ioPendingMsg) {
cs, err := s.assignAndStore(&
if err != nil {
Errorf("STAN: [Client:%s] Error processing message for subject %q: %v",, iopm.m.Subject, err)
s.sendPublishErr(iopm.m.Reply,, err)
} else {
pendingMsgs = append(pendingMsgs, iopm)
storesToFlush[cs] = struct{}{}
batchSize := s.opts.IOBatchSize
sleepTime := s.opts.IOSleepTime
sleepDur := time.Duration(sleepTime) * time.Microsecond
max := 0
for {
select {
case iopm := <-s.ioChannel:
// store the one we just pulled
remaining := batchSize - 1
// fill the pending messages slice with at most our batch size,
// unless the channel is empty.
for remaining > 0 {
ioChanLen := len(s.ioChannel)
// if we are empty, wait, check again, and break if nothing.
// While this adds some latency, it optimizes batching.
if ioChanLen == 0 {
if sleepTime > 0 {
ioChanLen = len(s.ioChannel)
if ioChanLen == 0 {
} else {
// stick to our buffer size
if ioChanLen > remaining {
ioChanLen = remaining
for i := 0; i < ioChanLen; i++ {
// Keep track of max number of messages in a batch
if ioChanLen > max {
max = ioChanLen
atomic.StoreInt64(&(s.ioChannelStatsMaxBatchSize), int64(max))
remaining -= ioChanLen
// flush all the stores with messages written to them...
for cs := range storesToFlush {
if err := cs.Msgs.Flush(); err != nil {
// TODO: Attempt recovery, notify publishers of error.
panic(fmt.Errorf("Unable to flush msg store: %v", err))
// Call this here, so messages are sent to subscribers,
// which means that msg seq is added to subscription file
if err := cs.Subs.Flush(); err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("Unable to flush sub store: %v", err))
// Remove entry from map (this is safe in Go)
delete(storesToFlush, cs)
// Ack our messages back to the publisher
for i := range pendingMsgs {
iopm := pendingMsgs[i]
pendingMsgs[i] = nil
// clear out pending messages
pendingMsgs = pendingMsgs[:0]
case <-s.ioChannelQuit:
// assignAndStore will assign a sequence ID and then store the message.
func (s *StanServer) assignAndStore(pm *pb.PubMsg) (*stores.ChannelStore, error) {
cs, err := s.lookupOrCreateChannel(pm.Subject)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if _, err := cs.Msgs.Store(pm.Data); err != nil {
return nil, err
return cs, nil
// ackPublisher sends the ack for a message.
func (s *StanServer) ackPublisher(iopm *ioPendingMsg) {
msgAck := &
msgAck.Guid =
var buf [32]byte
b := buf[:]
n, _ := msgAck.MarshalTo(b)
if s.trace {
pm := &
Tracef("STAN: [Client:%s] Acking Publisher subj=%s guid=%s", pm.ClientID, pm.Subject, pm.Guid)
s.ncs.Publish(iopm.m.Reply, b[:n])
// Delete a sub from a given list.
func (sub *subState) deleteFromList(sl []*subState) ([]*subState, bool) {
for i := 0; i < len(sl); i++ {
if sl[i] == sub {
sl[i] = sl[len(sl)-1]
sl[len(sl)-1] = nil
sl = sl[:len(sl)-1]
return shrinkSubListIfNeeded(sl), true
return sl, false
// Checks if we need to do a resize. This is for very large growth then
// subsequent return to a more normal size.
func shrinkSubListIfNeeded(sl []*subState) []*subState {
lsl := len(sl)
csl := cap(sl)
// Don't bother if list not too big
if csl <= 8 {
return sl
pFree := float32(csl-lsl) / float32(csl)
if pFree > 0.50 {
return append([]*subState(nil), sl...)
return sl
// removeAllNonDurableSubscribers will remove all non-durable subscribers for the client.
func (s *StanServer) removeAllNonDurableSubscribers(client *client) {
// client has been unregistered and no other routine can add/remove
// subscriptions, so it is safe to use the original.
subs := client.subs
for _, sub := range subs {
subject := sub.subject
// Get the ChannelStore
cs :=
if cs == nil {
// Get the subStore from the ChannelStore
ss := cs.UserData.(*subStore)
// Don't remove durables
ss.Remove(cs, sub, false)
// processUnsubscribeRequest will process a unsubscribe request.
func (s *StanServer) processUnsubscribeRequest(m *nats.Msg) {
req := &pb.UnsubscribeRequest{}
err := req.Unmarshal(m.Data)
if err != nil {
Errorf("STAN: Invalid unsub request from %s.", m.Subject)
s.sendSubscriptionResponseErr(m.Reply, ErrInvalidUnsubReq)
s.performSubUnsubOrClose(spb.CtrlMsg_SubUnsubscribe, scheduleRequest, m, req)
// processSubCloseRequest will process a subscription close request.
func (s *StanServer) processSubCloseRequest(m *nats.Msg) {
req := &pb.UnsubscribeRequest{}
err := req.Unmarshal(m.Data)
if err != nil {
Errorf("STAN: Invalid sub close request from %s.", m.Subject)
s.sendSubscriptionResponseErr(m.Reply, ErrInvalidUnsubReq)
s.performSubUnsubOrClose(spb.CtrlMsg_SubClose, scheduleRequest, m, req)
// performSubUnsubOrClose either schedules the request to the
// subscriber's AckInbox subscriber, or processes the request in place.
func (s *StanServer) performSubUnsubOrClose(reqType spb.CtrlMsg_Type, schedule bool, m *nats.Msg, req *pb.UnsubscribeRequest) {
action := "unsub"
isSubClose := false
if reqType == spb.CtrlMsg_SubClose {
action = "sub close"
isSubClose = true
cs :=
if cs == nil {
Errorf("STAN: [Client:%s] %s request missing subject %s.",
req.ClientID, action, req.Subject)
s.sendSubscriptionResponseErr(m.Reply, ErrInvalidSub)
// Get the subStore
ss := cs.UserData.(*subStore)
sub := ss.LookupByAckInbox(req.Inbox)
if sub == nil {
Errorf("STAN: [Client:%s] %s request for missing inbox %s.",
req.ClientID, action, req.Inbox)
s.sendSubscriptionResponseErr(m.Reply, ErrInvalidSub)
// Lock for the remainder of the function
defer s.closeProtosMu.Unlock()
if schedule {
processInPlace := true
if sub.ackSub != nil {
ctrlMsg := &spb.CtrlMsg{
MsgType: reqType,
ServerID: s.srvCtrlMsgID,
Data: m.Data,
ctrlBytes, _ := ctrlMsg.Marshal()
ctrlMsgNatsMsg := &nats.Msg{
Subject: sub.AckInbox,
Reply: m.Reply,
Data: ctrlBytes,
if s.ncs.PublishMsg(ctrlMsgNatsMsg) == nil {
// This function will be called from processAckMsg with
// internal == true.
processInPlace = false
if !processInPlace {
// Remove from Client
if !s.clients.RemoveSub(req.ClientID, sub) {
Errorf("STAN: [Client:%s] %s request for missing client", req.ClientID, action)
s.sendSubscriptionResponseErr(m.Reply, ErrUnknownClient)
// Remove the subscription
unsubscribe := !isSubClose
ss.Remove(cs, sub, unsubscribe)
if s.debug {
if isSubClose {
Debugf("STAN: [Client:%s] Unsubscribing subject=%s.", req.ClientID, req.Subject)
} else {
Debugf("STAN: [Client:%s] Closing subscription subject=%s.", req.ClientID, req.Subject)
// Create a non-error response
resp := &pb.SubscriptionResponse{AckInbox: req.Inbox}
b, _ := resp.Marshal()
s.ncs.Publish(m.Reply, b)
func (s *StanServer) sendSubscriptionResponseErr(reply string, err error) {
resp := &pb.SubscriptionResponse{Error: err.Error()}
b, _ := resp.Marshal()
s.ncs.Publish(reply, b)
// Check for valid subjects
func isValidSubject(subject string) bool {
if subject == "" {
return false
for i := 0; i < len(subject); i++ {
c := subject[i]
if c == '*' || c == '>' {
return false
return true
// Clear the ackTimer.
// sub Lock held in entry.
func (sub *subState) clearAckTimer() {
if sub.ackTimer != nil {
sub.ackTimer = nil
// adjustAckTimer adjusts the timer based on a given timestamp
// The timer will be stopped if there is no more pending ack.
// If there are pending acks, the timer will be reset to the
// default sub.ackWait value if the given timestamp is
// 0 or in the past. Otherwise, it is set to the remaining time
// between the given timestamp and now.
func (sub *subState) adjustAckTimer(firstUnackedTimestamp int64) {
defer sub.Unlock()
// Possible that the subscriber has been destroyed, and timer cleared
if sub.ackTimer == nil {
// Reset the floor (it will be set if needed)
sub.ackTimeFloor = 0
// Check if there are still pending acks
if len(sub.acksPending) > 0 {
// Capture time
now := time.Now().UnixNano()
// ackWait in int64
expTime := int64(sub.ackWait)
// If the message timestamp + expiration is in the past
// (which will happen when a message is redelivered more
// than once), or if timestamp is 0, use the default ackWait
if firstUnackedTimestamp+expTime <= now {
} else {
// Compute the time the ackTimer should fire, which is the
// ack timeout less the duration the message has been in
// the server.
fireIn := (firstUnackedTimestamp + expTime - now)
// Skip redelivery of messages before this one.
sub.ackTimeFloor = firstUnackedTimestamp
} else {
// No more pending acks, clear the timer.
// Used to generate durable key. This should not be called on non-durables.
func (sub *subState) durableKey() string {
if sub.DurableName == "" {
return ""
return fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s-%s", sub.ClientID, sub.subject, sub.DurableName)
// Returns true if this sub is a queue subscriber (durable or not)
func (sub *subState) isQueueSubscriber() bool {
return sub.QGroup != ""
// Returns true if this is a "shadow" durable queue subscriber
func (sub *subState) isShadowQueueDurable() bool {
return sub.IsDurable && sub.QGroup != "" && sub.ClientID == ""
// Returns true if this sub is a durable subscriber (not a durable queue sub)
func (sub *subState) isDurableSubscriber() bool {
return sub.DurableName != ""
// Returns true if this is an offline durable subscriber.
func (sub *subState) isOfflineDurableSubscriber() bool {
return sub.DurableName != "" && sub.ClientID == ""
// Used to generate durable key. This should not be called on non-durables.
func durableKey(sr *pb.SubscriptionRequest) string {
if sr.DurableName == "" {
return ""
return fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s-%s", sr.ClientID, sr.Subject, sr.DurableName)
// addSubscription adds `sub` to the client and store.
func (s *StanServer) addSubscription(ss *subStore, sub *subState) error {
// Store in client
if !s.clients.AddSub(sub.ClientID, sub) {
return fmt.Errorf("can't find clientID: %v", sub.ClientID)
// Store this subscription in subStore
if err := ss.Store(sub); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// updateDurable adds back `sub` to the client and updates the store.
// No lock is needed for `sub` since it has just been created.
func (s *StanServer) updateDurable(ss *subStore, sub *subState) error {
// Store in the client
if !s.clients.AddSub(sub.ClientID, sub) {
return fmt.Errorf("can't find clientID: %v", sub.ClientID)
// Update this subscription in the store
if err :=; err != nil {
return err
// Do this only for durable subscribers (not durable queue subscribers).
if sub.isDurableSubscriber() {
// Add back into plain subscribers
ss.psubs = append(ss.psubs, sub)
// And in ackInbox lookup map.
ss.acks[sub.AckInbox] = sub
return nil
// processSubscriptionRequest will process a subscription request.
func (s *StanServer) processSubscriptionRequest(m *nats.Msg) {
sr := &pb.SubscriptionRequest{}
err := sr.Unmarshal(m.Data)
if err != nil {
Errorf("STAN: Invalid Subscription request from %s.", m.Subject)
s.sendSubscriptionResponseErr(m.Reply, ErrInvalidSubReq)
// FIXME(dlc) check for multiple errors, mis-configurations, etc.
// AckWait must be >= 1s
if sr.AckWaitInSecs <= 0 {
Debugf("STAN: [Client:%s] Invalid AckWait in subscription request from %s.",
sr.ClientID, m.Subject)
s.sendSubscriptionResponseErr(m.Reply, ErrInvalidAckWait)
// Make sure subject is valid
if !isValidSubject(sr.Subject) {
Debugf("STAN: [Client:%s] Invalid subject <%s> in subscription request from %s.",
sr.ClientID, sr.Subject, m.Subject)
s.sendSubscriptionResponseErr(m.Reply, ErrInvalidSubject)
// ClientID must not be empty.
if sr.ClientID == "" {
Debugf("STAN: missing clientID in subscription request from %s", m.Subject)
errors.New("stan: malformed subscription request, clientID missing"))
// Grab channel state, create a new one if needed.
cs, err := s.lookupOrCreateChannel(sr.Subject)
if err != nil {
Errorf("STAN: Unable to create store for subject %s.", sr.Subject)
s.sendSubscriptionResponseErr(m.Reply, err)
// Get the subStore
ss := cs.UserData.(*subStore)
var sub *subState
ackInbox := nats.NewInbox()
// Will be true for durable queue subscribers and durable subscribers alike.
isDurable := false
// Will be set to false for en existing durable subscriber or existing
// queue group (durable or not).
setStartPos := true
// Check for durable queue subscribers
if sr.QGroup != "" {
if sr.DurableName != "" {
// For queue subscribers, we prevent DurableName to contain
// the ':' character, since we use it for the compound name.
if strings.Contains(sr.DurableName, ":") {
Debugf("STAN: [Client:%s] %s", sr.ClientID, ErrInvalidDurName)
s.sendSubscriptionResponseErr(m.Reply, ErrInvalidDurName)
isDurable = true
// Make the queue group a compound name between durable name and q group.
sr.QGroup = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", sr.DurableName, sr.QGroup)
// Clear DurableName from this subscriber.
sr.DurableName = ""
// Lookup for an existing group. Only interested in situation where
// the group exist, but is empty and had a shadow subscriber.
qs := ss.qsubs[sr.QGroup]
if qs != nil {
if qs.shadow != nil {
sub = qs.shadow
qs.shadow = nil
qs.subs = append(qs.subs, sub)
setStartPos = false
} else if sr.DurableName != "" {
// Check for DurableSubscriber status
if sub = ss.LookupByDurable(durableKey(sr)); sub != nil {
clientID := sub.ClientID
if clientID != "" {
Debugf("STAN: [Client:%s] Invalid client id in subscription request from %s.",
sr.ClientID, m.Subject)
s.sendSubscriptionResponseErr(m.Reply, ErrDupDurable)
setStartPos = false
isDurable = true
if sub != nil {
// ok we have a remembered subscription
// Set ClientID and new AckInbox but leave LastSent to the
// remembered value.
sub.AckInbox = ackInbox
sub.ClientID = sr.ClientID
sub.Inbox = sr.Inbox
sub.IsDurable = true
// Use some of the new options, but ignore the ones regarding start position
sub.MaxInFlight = sr.MaxInFlight
sub.AckWaitInSecs = sr.AckWaitInSecs
sub.ackWait = time.Duration(sr.AckWaitInSecs) * time.Second
sub.stalled = false
if len(sub.acksPending) > 0 {
s.setupAckTimer(sub, sub.ackWait)
// Case of restarted durable subscriber, or first durable queue
// subscriber re-joining a group that was left with pending messages.
err = s.updateDurable(ss, sub)
} else {
// Create sub here (can be plain, durable or queue subscriber)
sub = &subState{
SubState: spb.SubState{
ClientID: sr.ClientID,
QGroup: sr.QGroup,
Inbox: sr.Inbox,
AckInbox: ackInbox,
MaxInFlight: sr.MaxInFlight,
AckWaitInSecs: sr.AckWaitInSecs,
DurableName: sr.DurableName,
IsDurable: isDurable,
subject: sr.Subject,
ackWait: time.Duration(sr.AckWaitInSecs) * time.Second,
acksPending: make(map[uint64]struct{}),
store: cs.Subs,
if setStartPos {
// set the start sequence of the subscriber.
s.setSubStartSequence(cs, sub, sr)
// add the subscription to stan
err = s.addSubscription(ss, sub)
if err != nil {
// Try to undo what has been done.
ss.Remove(cs, sub, false)
Errorf("STAN: Unable to add subscription for %s: %v", sr.Subject, err)
s.sendSubscriptionResponseErr(m.Reply, err)
Debugf("STAN: [Client:%s] Added subscription on subject=%s, inbox=%s",
sr.ClientID, sr.Subject, sr.Inbox)
// In case this is a durable, sub already exists so we need to protect access
// Subscribe to acks.
// We MUST use the same connection than all other chan subscribers
// if we want to receive messages in order from NATS server.
sub.ackSub, err =, s.processAckMsg)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Could not subscribe to ack subject, %v\n", err))
sub.ackSub.SetPendingLimits(-1, -1)
// However, we need to flush to ensure that NATS server processes
// this subscription request before we return OK and start sending
// messages to the client.
// Create a non-error response
resp := &pb.SubscriptionResponse{AckInbox: ackInbox}
b, _ := resp.Marshal()
s.ncs.Publish(m.Reply, b)
// If we are a durable (queue or not) and have state
if isDurable {
// Redeliver any oustanding.
s.performDurableRedelivery(cs, sub)
// publish messages to this subscriber
qs := sub.qstate
if qs != nil {
s.sendAvailableMessagesToQueue(cs, qs)
} else {
s.sendAvailableMessages(cs, sub)
// processAckMsg processes inbound acks from clients for delivered messages.
func (s *StanServer) processAckMsg(m *nats.Msg) {
ack := &pb.Ack{}
if ack.Unmarshal(m.Data) != nil {
// Expecting the full range of "close" requests: subUnsub, subClose, or connClose
if s.processInternalCloseRequest(m, false) {
cs :=
if cs == nil {
Errorf("STAN: [Client:?] Ack received, invalid channel (%s)", ack.Subject)
s.processAck(cs, cs.UserData.(*subStore).LookupByAckInbox(m.Subject), ack.Sequence)
// processAck processes an ack and if needed sends more messages.
func (s *StanServer) processAck(cs *stores.ChannelStore, sub *subState, sequence uint64) {
if sub == nil {
if s.trace {
Tracef("STAN: [Client:%s] removing pending ack, subj=%s, seq=%d",
sub.ClientID, sub.subject, sequence)
if err :=, sequence); err != nil {
Errorf("STAN: [Client:%s] Unable to persist ack for %s:%v (%v)",
sub.ClientID, sub.subject, sequence, err)
delete(sub.acksPending, sequence)
stalled := sub.stalled
if int32(len(sub.acksPending)) < sub.MaxInFlight {
sub.stalled = false
// Leave the reset/cancel of the ackTimer to the redelivery cb.
qs := sub.qstate
if qs != nil {
stalled = qs.stalled
qs.stalled = false
if !stalled {
if qs != nil {
s.sendAvailableMessagesToQueue(cs, qs)
} else {
s.sendAvailableMessages(cs, sub)
// Send any messages that are ready to be sent that have been queued to the group.
func (s *StanServer) sendAvailableMessagesToQueue(cs *stores.ChannelStore, qs *queueState) {
if cs == nil || qs == nil {
for nextSeq := qs.lastSent + 1; ; nextSeq++ {
nextMsg := getNextMsg(cs, &nextSeq, &qs.lastSent)
if nextMsg == nil {
if _, sent, sendMore := s.sendMsgToQueueGroup(qs, nextMsg, honorMaxInFlight); !sent || !sendMore {
// Send any messages that are ready to be sent that have been queued.
func (s *StanServer) sendAvailableMessages(cs *stores.ChannelStore, sub *subState) {
for nextSeq := sub.LastSent + 1; ; nextSeq++ {
nextMsg := getNextMsg(cs, &nextSeq, &sub.LastSent)
if nextMsg == nil {
if sent, sendMore := s.sendMsgToSub(sub, nextMsg, honorMaxInFlight); !sent || !sendMore {
func getNextMsg(cs *stores.ChannelStore, nextSeq, lastSent *uint64) *pb.MsgProto {
for {
nextMsg := cs.Msgs.Lookup(*nextSeq)
if nextMsg != nil {
return nextMsg
// Reason why we don't call FirstMsg here is that
// FirstMsg could be costly (read from disk, etc)
// to realize that the message is of lower sequence.
// So check with cheaper FirstSequence() first.
firstAvail := cs.Msgs.FirstSequence()
if firstAvail <= *nextSeq {
return nil
// TODO: We may send dataloss advisories to the client
// through the use of a subscription created optionally
// by the sub and given to the server through the SubscriptionRequest.
// For queue group, server would pick one of the member to send
// the advisory to.
// For now, just skip the missing ones.
*nextSeq = firstAvail
*lastSent = firstAvail - 1
// Note that the next lookup could still fail because
// the first avail message may have been dropped in the
// meantime.
func (s *StanServer) getSequenceFromStartTime(cs *stores.ChannelStore, startTime int64) uint64 {
return cs.Msgs.GetSequenceFromTimestamp(startTime)
// Setup the start position for the subscriber.
func (s *StanServer) setSubStartSequence(cs *stores.ChannelStore, sub *subState, sr *pb.SubscriptionRequest) {
lastSent := uint64(0)
// In all start position cases, if there is no message, ensure
// lastSent stays at 0.
switch sr.StartPosition {
case pb.StartPosition_NewOnly:
lastSent = cs.Msgs.LastSequence()
Debugf("STAN: [Client:%s] Sending new-only subject=%s, seq=%d.",
sub.ClientID, sub.subject, lastSent)
case pb.StartPosition_LastReceived:
lastSeq := cs.Msgs.LastSequence()
if lastSeq > 0 {
lastSent = lastSeq - 1
Debugf("STAN: [Client:%s] Sending last message, subject=%s.",
sub.ClientID, sub.subject)
case pb.StartPosition_TimeDeltaStart:
startTime := time.Now().UnixNano() - sr.StartTimeDelta
// If there is no message, seq will be 0.
seq := s.getSequenceFromStartTime(cs, startTime)
if seq > 0 {
// If the time delta is in the future relative to the last
// message in the log, 'seq' will be equal to last sequence + 1,
// so this would translate to "new only" semantic.
lastSent = seq - 1
Debugf("STAN: [Client:%s] Sending from time, subject=%s time=%d seq=%d",
sub.ClientID, sub.subject, startTime, lastSent)
case pb.StartPosition_SequenceStart:
// If there is no message, firstSeq and lastSeq will be equal to 0.
firstSeq, lastSeq := cs.Msgs.FirstAndLastSequence()
// StartSequence is an uint64, so can't be lower than 0.
if sr.StartSequence < firstSeq {
// That translates to sending the first message available.
lastSent = firstSeq - 1
} else if sr.StartSequence > lastSeq {
// That translates to "new only"
lastSent = lastSeq
} else if sr.StartSequence > 0 {
// That translates to sending the message with StartSequence
// sequence number.
lastSent = sr.StartSequence - 1
Debugf("STAN: [Client:%s] Sending from sequence, subject=%s seq_asked=%d actual_seq=%d",
sub.ClientID, sub.subject, sr.StartSequence, lastSent)
case pb.StartPosition_First:
firstSeq := cs.Msgs.FirstSequence()
if firstSeq > 0 {
lastSent = firstSeq - 1
Debugf("STAN: [Client:%s] Sending from beginning, subject=%s seq=%d",
sub.ClientID, sub.subject, lastSent)
sub.LastSent = lastSent
// ClusterID returns the STAN Server's ID.
func (s *StanServer) ClusterID() string {
// Shutdown will close our NATS connection and shutdown any embedded NATS server.
func (s *StanServer) Shutdown() {
Noticef("STAN: Shutting down.")
if s.shutdown {
// Allows Shutdown() to be idempotent
s.shutdown = true
// We need to make sure that the storeIOLoop returns before
// closing the Store
waitForIOStoreLoop := true
// Capture under lock
store :=
ns := s.natsServer
// Do not close and nil the connections here, they are used in many places
// without locking. Once closed, calls will simply fail, but
// we won't panic.
ncs := s.ncs
nc :=
if s.ioChannel != nil {
// Notify the IO channel that we are shutting down
s.ioChannelQuit <- struct{}{}
} else {
waitForIOStoreLoop = false
// Make sure the StoreIOLoop returns before closing the Store
if waitForIOStoreLoop {
// Close/Shutdown resources. Note that unless one instantiates StanServer
// directly (instead of calling RunServer() and the like), these should
// not be nil.
if store != nil {
if ncs != nil {
if nc != nil {
if ns != nil {
// Wait for go-routines to return