Initial vendor list validated with empty $GOPATH and only master checked out; followed by `make` and verified that all binaries build properly. Updates require tool. Signed-off-by: Phil Estes <>
526 lines
14 KiB
526 lines
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// Copyright 2013-2015 Apcera Inc. All rights reserved.
package server
import (
// Snapshot this
var numCores int
func init() {
numCores = runtime.NumCPU()
// Connz represents detailed information on current client connections.
type Connz struct {
Now time.Time `json:"now"`
NumConns int `json:"num_connections"`
Total int `json:"total"`
Offset int `json:"offset"`
Limit int `json:"limit"`
Conns []ConnInfo `json:"connections"`
// ConnInfo has detailed information on a per connection basis.
type ConnInfo struct {
Cid uint64 `json:"cid"`
IP string `json:"ip"`
Port int `json:"port"`
Start time.Time `json:"start"`
LastActivity time.Time `json:"last_activity"`
Uptime string `json:"uptime"`
Idle string `json:"idle"`
Pending int `json:"pending_bytes"`
InMsgs int64 `json:"in_msgs"`
OutMsgs int64 `json:"out_msgs"`
InBytes int64 `json:"in_bytes"`
OutBytes int64 `json:"out_bytes"`
NumSubs uint32 `json:"subscriptions"`
Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
Lang string `json:"lang,omitempty"`
Version string `json:"version,omitempty"`
TLSVersion string `json:"tls_version,omitempty"`
TLSCipher string `json:"tls_cipher_suite,omitempty"`
AuthorizedUser string `json:"authorized_user,omitempty"`
Subs []string `json:"subscriptions_list,omitempty"`
// DefaultConnListSize is the default size of the connection list.
const DefaultConnListSize = 1024
const defaultStackBufSize = 10000
// HandleConnz process HTTP requests for connection information.
func (s *Server) HandleConnz(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
sortOpt := SortOpt(r.URL.Query().Get("sort"))
// If no sort option given or sort is by uptime, then sort by cid
if sortOpt == "" || sortOpt == byUptime {
sortOpt = byCid
} else if !sortOpt.IsValid() {
w.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("Invalid sorting option: %s", sortOpt)))
c := &Connz{}
c.Now = time.Now()
auth, _ := strconv.Atoi(r.URL.Query().Get("auth"))
subs, _ := strconv.Atoi(r.URL.Query().Get("subs"))
c.Offset, _ = strconv.Atoi(r.URL.Query().Get("offset"))
c.Limit, _ = strconv.Atoi(r.URL.Query().Get("limit"))
if c.Limit == 0 {
c.Limit = DefaultConnListSize
// Walk the list
tlsRequired :=
// number total of clients. The resulting ConnInfo array
// may be smaller if pagination is used.
totalClients := len(s.clients)
c.Total = totalClients
i := 0
pairs := make(Pairs, totalClients)
for _, client := range s.clients {
switch sortOpt {
case byCid:
pairs[i] = Pair{Key: client, Val: int64(client.cid)}
case bySubs:
pairs[i] = Pair{Key: client, Val: int64(len(client.subs))}
case byPending:
pairs[i] = Pair{Key: client, Val: int64(}
case byOutMsgs:
pairs[i] = Pair{Key: client, Val: client.outMsgs}
case byInMsgs:
pairs[i] = Pair{Key: client, Val: atomic.LoadInt64(&client.inMsgs)}
case byOutBytes:
pairs[i] = Pair{Key: client, Val: client.outBytes}
case byInBytes:
pairs[i] = Pair{Key: client, Val: atomic.LoadInt64(&client.inBytes)}
case byLast:
pairs[i] = Pair{Key: client, Val: client.last.UnixNano()}
case byIdle:
pairs[i] = Pair{Key: client, Val: c.Now.Sub(client.last).Nanoseconds()}
if totalClients > 0 {
if sortOpt == byCid {
// Return in ascending order
} else {
// Return in descending order
minoff := c.Offset
maxoff := c.Offset + c.Limit
// Make sure these are sane.
if minoff > totalClients {
minoff = totalClients
if maxoff > totalClients {
maxoff = totalClients
pairs = pairs[minoff:maxoff]
// Now we have the real number of ConnInfo objects, we can set c.NumConns
// and allocate the array
c.NumConns = len(pairs)
c.Conns = make([]ConnInfo, c.NumConns)
i = 0
for _, pair := range pairs {
client := pair.Key
// First, fill ConnInfo with current client's values. We will
// then overwrite the field used for the sort with what was stored
// in 'pair'.
ci := &c.Conns[i]
ci.Cid = client.cid
ci.Start = client.start
ci.LastActivity = client.last
ci.Uptime = myUptime(c.Now.Sub(client.start))
ci.Idle = myUptime(c.Now.Sub(client.last))
ci.OutMsgs = client.outMsgs
ci.OutBytes = client.outBytes
ci.NumSubs = uint32(len(client.subs))
ci.Pending =
ci.Name = client.opts.Name
ci.Lang = client.opts.Lang
ci.Version = client.opts.Version
// inMsgs and inBytes are updated outside of the client's lock, so
// we need to use atomic here.
ci.InMsgs = atomic.LoadInt64(&client.inMsgs)
ci.InBytes = atomic.LoadInt64(&client.inBytes)
// Now overwrite the field that was used as the sort key, so results
// still look sorted even if the value has changed since sort occurred.
sortValue := pair.Val
switch sortOpt {
case bySubs:
ci.NumSubs = uint32(sortValue)
case byPending:
ci.Pending = int(sortValue)
case byOutMsgs:
ci.OutMsgs = sortValue
case byInMsgs:
ci.InMsgs = sortValue
case byOutBytes:
ci.OutBytes = sortValue
case byInBytes:
ci.InBytes = sortValue
case byLast:
ci.LastActivity = time.Unix(0, sortValue)
case byIdle:
ci.Idle = myUptime(time.Duration(sortValue))
// If the connection is gone, too bad, we won't set TLSVersion and TLSCipher.
if tlsRequired && != nil {
conn :=*tls.Conn)
cs := conn.ConnectionState()
ci.TLSVersion = tlsVersion(cs.Version)
ci.TLSCipher = tlsCipher(cs.CipherSuite)
switch conn := {
case *net.TCPConn, *tls.Conn:
addr := conn.RemoteAddr().(*net.TCPAddr)
ci.Port = addr.Port
ci.IP = addr.IP.String()
// Fill in subscription data if requested.
if subs == 1 {
sublist := make([]*subscription, 0, len(client.subs))
for _, sub := range client.subs {
sublist = append(sublist, sub)
ci.Subs = castToSliceString(sublist)
// Fill in user if auth requested.
if auth == 1 {
ci.AuthorizedUser = client.opts.Username
b, err := json.MarshalIndent(c, "", " ")
if err != nil {
Errorf("Error marshalling response to /connz request: %v", err)
// Handle response
ResponseHandler(w, r, b)
func castToSliceString(input []*subscription) []string {
output := make([]string, 0, len(input))
for _, line := range input {
output = append(output, string(line.subject))
return output
// Subsz represents detail information on current connections.
type Subsz struct {
// Routez represents detailed information on current client connections.
type Routez struct {
Now time.Time `json:"now"`
NumRoutes int `json:"num_routes"`
Routes []*RouteInfo `json:"routes"`
// RouteInfo has detailed information on a per connection basis.
type RouteInfo struct {
Rid uint64 `json:"rid"`
RemoteID string `json:"remote_id"`
DidSolicit bool `json:"did_solicit"`
IsConfigured bool `json:"is_configured"`
IP string `json:"ip"`
Port int `json:"port"`
Pending int `json:"pending_size"`
InMsgs int64 `json:"in_msgs"`
OutMsgs int64 `json:"out_msgs"`
InBytes int64 `json:"in_bytes"`
OutBytes int64 `json:"out_bytes"`
NumSubs uint32 `json:"subscriptions"`
Subs []string `json:"subscriptions_list,omitempty"`
// HandleRoutez process HTTP requests for route information.
func (s *Server) HandleRoutez(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
rs := &Routez{Routes: []*RouteInfo{}}
rs.Now = time.Now()
subs, _ := strconv.Atoi(r.URL.Query().Get("subs"))
// Walk the list
rs.NumRoutes = len(s.routes)
for _, r := range s.routes {
ri := &RouteInfo{
Rid: r.cid,
RemoteID: r.route.remoteID,
DidSolicit: r.route.didSolicit,
IsConfigured: r.route.routeType == Explicit,
InMsgs: atomic.LoadInt64(&r.inMsgs),
OutMsgs: r.outMsgs,
InBytes: atomic.LoadInt64(&r.inBytes),
OutBytes: r.outBytes,
NumSubs: uint32(len(r.subs)),
if subs == 1 {
sublist := make([]*subscription, 0, len(r.subs))
for _, sub := range r.subs {
sublist = append(sublist, sub)
ri.Subs = castToSliceString(sublist)
if ip, ok :=*net.TCPConn); ok {
addr := ip.RemoteAddr().(*net.TCPAddr)
ri.Port = addr.Port
ri.IP = addr.IP.String()
rs.Routes = append(rs.Routes, ri)
b, err := json.MarshalIndent(rs, "", " ")
if err != nil {
Errorf("Error marshalling response to /routez request: %v", err)
// Handle response
ResponseHandler(w, r, b)
// HandleSubsz processes HTTP requests for subjects stats.
func (s *Server) HandleSubsz(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
st := &Subsz{}
b, err := json.MarshalIndent(st, "", " ")
if err != nil {
Errorf("Error marshalling response to /subscriptionsz request: %v", err)
// Handle response
ResponseHandler(w, r, b)
// HandleStacksz processes HTTP requests for getting stacks
func (s *Server) HandleStacksz(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// Do not get any lock here that would prevent getting the stacks
// if we were to have a deadlock somewhere.
var defaultBuf [defaultStackBufSize]byte
size := defaultStackBufSize
buf := defaultBuf[:size]
n := 0
for {
n = runtime.Stack(buf, true)
if n < size {
size *= 2
buf = make([]byte, size)
// Handle response
ResponseHandler(w, r, buf[:n])
// Varz will output server information on the monitoring port at /varz.
type Varz struct {
Port int `json:"port"`
MaxPayload int `json:"max_payload"`
Start time.Time `json:"start"`
Now time.Time `json:"now"`
Uptime string `json:"uptime"`
Mem int64 `json:"mem"`
Cores int `json:"cores"`
CPU float64 `json:"cpu"`
Connections int `json:"connections"`
TotalConnections uint64 `json:"total_connections"`
Routes int `json:"routes"`
Remotes int `json:"remotes"`
InMsgs int64 `json:"in_msgs"`
OutMsgs int64 `json:"out_msgs"`
InBytes int64 `json:"in_bytes"`
OutBytes int64 `json:"out_bytes"`
SlowConsumers int64 `json:"slow_consumers"`
Subscriptions uint32 `json:"subscriptions"`
HTTPReqStats map[string]uint64 `json:"http_req_stats"`
type usage struct {
CPU float32
Cores int
Mem int64
func myUptime(d time.Duration) string {
// Just use total seconds for uptime, and display days / years
tsecs := d / time.Second
tmins := tsecs / 60
thrs := tmins / 60
tdays := thrs / 24
tyrs := tdays / 365
if tyrs > 0 {
return fmt.Sprintf("%dy%dd%dh%dm%ds", tyrs, tdays%365, thrs%24, tmins%60, tsecs%60)
if tdays > 0 {
return fmt.Sprintf("%dd%dh%dm%ds", tdays, thrs%24, tmins%60, tsecs%60)
if thrs > 0 {
return fmt.Sprintf("%dh%dm%ds", thrs, tmins%60, tsecs%60)
if tmins > 0 {
return fmt.Sprintf("%dm%ds", tmins, tsecs%60)
return fmt.Sprintf("%ds", tsecs)
// HandleRoot will show basic info and links to others handlers.
func (s *Server) HandleRoot(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// This feels dumb to me, but is required:
if r.URL.Path != "/" {
http.NotFound(w, r)
fmt.Fprintf(w, `<html lang="en">
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="">
<style type="text/css">
body { font-family: "Century Gothic", CenturyGothic, AppleGothic, sans-serif; font-size: 22; }
a { margin-left: 32px; }
<img src="" alt="NATS">
<a href=/varz>varz</a><br/>
<a href=/connz>connz</a><br/>
<a href=/routez>routez</a><br/>
<a href=/subsz>subsz</a><br/>
<a href=>help</a>
// HandleVarz will process HTTP requests for server information.
func (s *Server) HandleVarz(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
v := &Varz{Info: &, Options: s.opts, MaxPayload: s.opts.MaxPayload, Start: s.start}
v.Now = time.Now()
v.Uptime = myUptime(time.Since(s.start))
v.Port = v.Info.Port
v.Connections = len(s.clients)
v.TotalConnections = s.totalClients
v.Routes = len(s.routes)
v.Remotes = len(s.remotes)
v.InMsgs = s.inMsgs
v.InBytes = s.inBytes
v.OutMsgs = s.outMsgs
v.OutBytes = s.outBytes
v.SlowConsumers = s.slowConsumers
v.Subscriptions =
// Need a copy here since s.httpReqStas can change while doing
// the marshaling down below.
v.HTTPReqStats = make(map[string]uint64, len(s.httpReqStats))
for key, val := range s.httpReqStats {
v.HTTPReqStats[key] = val
b, err := json.MarshalIndent(v, "", " ")
if err != nil {
Errorf("Error marshalling response to /varz request: %v", err)
// Handle response
ResponseHandler(w, r, b)
// Grab RSS and PCPU
func updateUsage(v *Varz) {
var rss, vss int64
var pcpu float64
pse.ProcUsage(&pcpu, &rss, &vss)
v.Mem = rss
v.CPU = pcpu
v.Cores = numCores
// ResponseHandler handles responses for monitoring routes
func ResponseHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, data []byte) {
// Get callback from request
callback := r.URL.Query().Get("callback")
// If callback is not empty then
if callback != "" {
// Response for JSONP
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/javascript")
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s(%s)", callback, data)
} else {
// Otherwise JSON
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")