We now define the `snapshot.Driver` interface based on earlier work. Many details of the model are worked out, such as snapshot lifecycle and parentage of commits against "Active" snapshots. The impetus of this change is to provide a snapshot POC that does a complete push/pull workflow. The beginnings of a test suite for snapshot drivers is included that we can use to verify the assumptions of drivers. The intent is to port the existing tests over to this test suite and start scaling contributions and test to the snapshot driver subsystem. There are still some details that need to be worked out, such as listing and metadata access. We can do this activity as we further integrate with tooling. Signed-off-by: Stephen J Day <stephen.day@docker.com>
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package snapshot
import (
// Driver defines the methods required to implement a snapshot driver for
// allocating, snapshotting and mounting abstract filesystems. The model works
// by building up sets of changes with parent-child relationships.
// These differ from the concept of the graphdriver in that the Manager has no
// knowledge of images, layers or containers. Users simply prepare and commit
// directories. We also avoid the integration between graph driver's and the
// tar format used to represent the changesets.
// A snapshot represents a filesystem state. Every snapshot has a parent, where
// the empty parent is represented by the empty string. A diff can be taken
// between a parent and its snapshot to generate a classic layer.
// For convention, we define the following terms to be used throughout this
// interface for driver implementations:
// `name` - refers to a forkable snapshot, typically read only
// `key` - refers to an active transaction, either a prepare or view
// `parent` - refers to the parent in relation to a name
// TODO(stevvooe): Update this description when things settle.
// Importing a Layer
// To import a layer, we simply have the Manager provide a list of
// mounts to be applied such that our dst will capture a changeset. We start
// out by getting a path to the layer tar file and creating a temp location to
// unpack it to:
// layerPath, tmpLocation := getLayerPath(), mkTmpDir() // just a path to layer tar file.
// We then use a Manager to prepare the temporary location as a
// snapshot point:
// sm := NewManager()
// mounts, err := sm.Prepare(tmpLocation, "")
// if err != nil { ... }
// Note that we provide "" as the parent, since we are applying the diff to an
// empty directory. We get back a list of mounts from Manager.Prepare.
// Before proceeding, we perform all these mounts:
// if err := MountAll(mounts); err != nil { ... }
// Once the mounts are performed, our temporary location is ready to capture
// a diff. In practice, this works similar to a filesystem transaction. The
// next step is to unpack the layer. We have a special function unpackLayer
// that applies the contents of the layer to target location and calculates the
// DiffID of the unpacked layer (this is a requirement for docker
// implementation):
// layer, err := os.Open(layerPath)
// if err != nil { ... }
// digest, err := unpackLayer(tmpLocation, layer) // unpack into layer location
// if err != nil { ... }
// When the above completes, we should have a filesystem the represents the
// contents of the layer. Careful implementations should verify that digest
// matches the expected DiffID. When completed, we unmount the mounts:
// unmount(mounts) // optional, for now
// Now that we've verified and unpacked our layer, we create a location to
// commit the actual diff. For this example, we are just going to use the layer
// digest, but in practice, this will probably be the ChainID:
// diffPath := filepath.Join("/layers", digest) // name location for the uncompressed layer digest
// if err := sm.Commit(diffPath, tmpLocation); err != nil { ... }
// Now, we have a layer in the Manager that can be accessed with the
// opaque diffPath provided during commit.
// Importing the Next Layer
// Making a layer depend on the above is identical to the process described
// above except that the parent is provided as diffPath when calling
// Manager.Prepare:
// mounts, err := sm.Prepare(tmpLocation, parentDiffPath)
// The diff will be captured at tmpLocation, as the layer is applied.
// Running a Container
// To run a container, we simply provide Manager.Prepare the diffPath
// of the image we want to start the container from. After mounting, the
// prepared path can be used directly as the container's filesystem:
// mounts, err := sm.Prepare(containerRootFS, imageDiffPath)
// The returned mounts can then be passed directly to the container runtime. If
// one would like to create a new image from the filesystem,
// Manager.Commit is called:
// if err := sm.Commit(newImageDiff, containerRootFS); err != nil { ... }
// Alternatively, for most container runs, Manager.Rollback will be
// called to signal Manager to abandon the changes.
type Driver interface {
// Prepare returns a set of mounts corresponding to an active snapshot
// transaction, identified by the provided transaction key.
// If a parent is provided, after performing the mounts, the destination
// will start with the content of the parent. Changes to the mounted
// destination will be captured in relation to the provided parent. The
// default parent, "", is an empty directory.
// The changes may be saved to a new snapshot by calling Commit. When one
// is done with the transaction, Remove should be called on the key.
// Multiple calls to Prepare or View with the same key should fail.
Prepare(key, parent string) ([]containerd.Mount, error)
// View behaves identically to Prepare except the result may not be committed
// back to the snapshot manager. View returns a readonly view on the
// parent, with the transaction tracked by the given key.
// This method operates identically to Prepare, except that Mounts returned
// may have the readonly flag set. Any modifications to the underlying
// filesystem will be ignored.
// Commit may not be called on the provided key. To collect the resources
// associated with key, Remove must be called with key as the argument.
View(key, parent string) ([]containerd.Mount, error)
// Commit captures the changes between key and its parent into a snapshot
// identified by name. The name can then be used with the driver's other
// methods to create subsequent snapshots.
// A snapshot will be created under name with the parent that started the
// transaction.
// Commit may be called multiple times on the same key. Snapshots created
// in this manner will all reference the parent used to start the
// transaction.
Commit(name, key string) error
// Mounts returns the mounts for the transaction identified by key. Can be
// called on an read-write or readonly transaction.
// This can be used to recover mounts after calling View or Prepare.
Mounts(key string) ([]containerd.Mount, error)
// Remove abandons the transaction identified by key. All resources
// associated with the key will be removed.
Remove(key string) error
// Parent returns the parent of snapshot identified by name.
Parent(name string) (string, error)
// Exists returns true if the snapshot with name exists.
Exists(name string) bool
// Delete the snapshot idenfitied by name.
// If name has children, the operation will fail.
Delete(name string) error
// TODO(stevvooe): The methods below are still in flux. We'll need to work
// out the roles of active and committed snapshots for this to become more
// clear.
// Walk the committed snapshots.
Walk(fn func(name string) error) error
// Active will call fn for each active transaction.
Active(fn func(key string) error) error
// DriverSuite runs a test suite on the driver given a factory function.
func DriverSuite(t *testing.T, name string, driverFn func(root string) (Driver, func(), error)) {
t.Run("Basic", makeTest(t, name, driverFn, checkDriverBasic))
func makeTest(t *testing.T, name string, driverFn func(root string) (Driver, func(), error), fn func(t *testing.T, driver Driver, work string)) func(t *testing.T) {
return func(t *testing.T) {
// Make two directories: a driver root and a play area for the tests:
// /tmp
// work/ -> passed to test functions
// root/ -> passed to driver
tmpDir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "snapshot-suite-"+name+"-")
if err != nil {
defer os.RemoveAll(tmpDir)
root := filepath.Join(tmpDir, "root")
if err := os.MkdirAll(root, 0777); err != nil {
driver, cleanup, err := driverFn(root)
if err != nil {
defer cleanup()
work := filepath.Join(tmpDir, "work")
if err := os.MkdirAll(work, 0777); err != nil {
defer testutil.DumpDir(t, tmpDir)
fn(t, driver, work)
// checkDriverBasic tests the basic workflow of a snapshot driver.
func checkDriverBasic(t *testing.T, driver Driver, work string) {
preparing := filepath.Join(work, "preparing")
if err := os.MkdirAll(preparing, 0777); err != nil {
mounts, err := driver.Prepare(preparing, "")
if err != nil {
if len(mounts) < 1 {
t.Fatal("expected mounts to have entries")
if err := containerd.MountAll(mounts, preparing); err != nil {
defer testutil.Unmount(t, preparing)
if err := ioutil.WriteFile(filepath.Join(preparing, "foo"), []byte("foo\n"), 0777); err != nil {
if err := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Join(preparing, "a", "b", "c"), 0755); err != nil {
committed := filepath.Join(work, "committed")
if err := driver.Commit(committed, preparing); err != nil {
parent, err := driver.Parent(committed)
if err != nil {
if parent != "" {
t.Fatalf("parent of new layer should be empty, got driver.Parent(%q) == %q", committed, parent)
next := filepath.Join(work, "nextlayer")
if err := os.MkdirAll(next, 0777); err != nil {
mounts, err = driver.Prepare(next, committed)
if err != nil {
if err := containerd.MountAll(mounts, next); err != nil {
defer testutil.Unmount(t, next)
if err := ioutil.WriteFile(filepath.Join(next, "bar"), []byte("bar\n"), 0777); err != nil {
// also, change content of foo to bar
if err := ioutil.WriteFile(filepath.Join(next, "foo"), []byte("bar\n"), 0777); err != nil {
if err := os.RemoveAll(filepath.Join(next, "a", "b")); err != nil {
nextCommitted := filepath.Join(work, "committed-next")
if err := driver.Commit(nextCommitted, next); err != nil {
parent, err = driver.Parent(nextCommitted)
if parent != committed {
t.Fatalf("parent of new layer should be %q, got driver.Parent(%q) == %q", committed, next, parent)