
241 lines
6.6 KiB
Protocol Buffer

syntax = "proto3";
package types;
service API {
rpc CreateContainer(CreateContainerRequest) returns (CreateContainerResponse) {}
rpc UpdateContainer(UpdateContainerRequest) returns (UpdateContainerResponse) {}
rpc Signal(SignalRequest) returns (SignalResponse) {}
rpc AddProcess(AddProcessRequest) returns (AddProcessResponse) {}
rpc CreateCheckpoint(CreateCheckpointRequest) returns (CreateCheckpointResponse) {}
rpc DeleteCheckpoint(DeleteCheckpointRequest) returns (DeleteCheckpointResponse) {}
rpc ListCheckpoint(ListCheckpointRequest) returns (ListCheckpointResponse) {}
rpc State(StateRequest) returns (StateResponse) {}
rpc Events(EventsRequest) returns (stream Event) {}
rpc GetStats(StatsRequest) returns (stream Stats) {}
message CreateContainerRequest {
string id = 1; // ID of container
string bundlePath = 2; // path to OCI bundle
string stdin = 3; // path to the file where stdin will be read (optional)
string stdout = 4; // path to file where stdout will be written (optional)
string stderr = 5; // path to file where stderr will be written (optional)
string console = 6; // path to the console for a container (optional)
string checkpoint = 7; // checkpoint name if you want to create immediate checkpoint (optional)
message CreateContainerResponse {
uint32 pid = 1; // PID of the containers main process
message SignalRequest {
string id = 1; // ID of container
uint32 pid = 2; // PID of process inside container
uint32 signal = 3; // Signal which will be sent, you can find value in "man 7 signal"
message SignalResponse {
message AddProcessRequest {
string id = 1; // ID of container
bool terminal = 2; // Use tty for container stdio
User user = 3; // User under which process will be run
repeated string args = 4; // Arguments for process, first is binary path itself
repeated string env = 5; // List of environment variables for process
string cwd = 6; // Workind directory of process
string stdin = 7; // path to the file where stdin will be read (optional)
string stdout = 8; // path to file where stdout will be written (optional)
string stderr = 9; // path to file where stderr will be written (optional)
string console = 10; // path to the console for a container (optional)
message User {
uint32 uid = 1; // UID of user
uint32 gid = 2; // GID of user
repeated uint32 additionalGids = 3; // Additional groups to which user will be added
message AddProcessResponse {
uint32 pid = 1; // PID of process is returned in case of success
message CreateCheckpointRequest {
string id = 1; // ID of container
Checkpoint checkpoint = 2; // Checkpoint configuration
message CreateCheckpointResponse {
message DeleteCheckpointRequest {
string id = 1; // ID of container
string name = 2; // Name of checkpoint
message DeleteCheckpointResponse {
message ListCheckpointRequest {
string id = 1; // ID of container
message Checkpoint {
string name = 1; // Name of checkpoint
bool exit = 2; // checkpoint configuration: should container exit on checkpoint or not
bool tcp = 3; // allow open tcp connections
bool unixSockets = 4; // allow external unix sockets
bool shell = 5; // allow shell-jobs
message ListCheckpointResponse {
repeated Checkpoint checkpoints = 1; // List of checkpoints
message StateRequest {
message ContainerState {
string status = 1;
message Process {
uint32 pid = 1;
bool terminal = 2; // Use tty for container stdio
User user = 3; // User under which process will be run
repeated string args = 4; // Arguments for process, first is binary path itself
repeated string env = 5; // List of environment variables for process
string cwd = 6; // Workind directory of process
message Container {
string id = 1; // ID of container
string name = 2; // Name of container (???)
string bundlePath = 3; // Path to OCI bundle
repeated Process processes = 4; // List of processes which run in container
string status = 5; // Container status ("running", "paused", etc.)
// Machine is information about machine on which containerd is run
message Machine {
string id = 1; // ID of machine
uint32 cpus = 2; // number of cpus
uint64 memory = 3; // amount of memory
// StateResponse is information about containerd daemon
message StateResponse {
repeated Container containers = 1;
Machine machine = 2;
message UpdateContainerRequest {
string id = 1; // ID of container
uint32 signal = 2; // Signal
string status = 3; // Status to whcih containerd will try to change
message UpdateContainerResponse {
message EventsRequest {
message Event {
string type = 1;
string id = 2;
uint32 status = 3;
string bundlePath = 4;
uint32 pid = 5;
uint32 signal = 7;
Process process = 8;
repeated Container containers = 9;
Checkpoint checkpoint = 10;
message NetworkStats {
string name = 1; // name of network interface
uint64 rx_bytes = 2;
uint64 rx_Packets = 3;
uint64 Rx_errors = 4;
uint64 Rx_dropped = 5;
uint64 Tx_bytes = 6;
uint64 Tx_packets = 7;
uint64 Tx_errors = 8;
uint64 Tx_dropped = 9;
message CpuUsage {
uint64 total_usage = 1;
repeated uint64 percpu_usage = 2;
uint64 usage_in_kernelmode = 3;
uint64 usage_in_usermode = 4;
message ThrottlingData {
uint64 periods = 1;
uint64 throttled_periods = 2;
uint64 throttled_time = 3;
message CpuStats {
CpuUsage cpu_usage = 1;
ThrottlingData throttling_data = 2;
message MemoryData {
uint64 usage = 1;
uint64 max_usage = 2;
uint64 failcnt = 3;
message MemoryStats {
uint64 cache = 1;
MemoryData usage = 2;
MemoryData swap_usage = 3;
MemoryData kernel_usage = 4;
map<string, uint64> stats = 5;
message BlkioStatsEntry {
uint64 major = 1;
uint64 minor = 2;
string op = 3;
uint64 value = 4;
message BlkioStats {
repeated BlkioStatsEntry io_service_bytes_recursive = 1; // number of bytes tranferred to and from the block device
repeated BlkioStatsEntry io_serviced_recursive = 2;
repeated BlkioStatsEntry io_queued_recursive = 3;
repeated BlkioStatsEntry io_service_time_recursive = 4;
repeated BlkioStatsEntry io_wait_time_recursive = 5;
repeated BlkioStatsEntry io_merged_recursive = 6;
repeated BlkioStatsEntry io_time_recursive = 7;
repeated BlkioStatsEntry sectors_recursive = 8;
message HugetlbStats {
uint64 usage = 1;
uint64 max_usage = 2;
uint64 failcnt = 3;
message CgroupStats {
CpuStats cpu_stats = 1;
MemoryStats memory_stats = 2;
BlkioStats blkio_stats = 3;
map<string, HugetlbStats> hugetlb_stats = 4; // the map is in the format "size of hugepage: stats of the hugepage"
message Stats {
repeated NetworkStats network_stats = 1;
CgroupStats cgroup_stats = 2;
uint64 timestamp = 3;
message StatsRequest {
string id = 1;