2017-01-31 16:45:59 -08:00
/ *
Copyright 2014 The Kubernetes Authors .
Licensed under the Apache License , Version 2.0 ( the "License" ) ;
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License .
You may obtain a copy of the License at
http : //www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing , software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS ,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License .
* /
package limitranger
import (
lru "github.com/hashicorp/golang-lru"
2017-02-03 14:41:32 +01:00
metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
2017-01-31 16:45:59 -08:00
utilerrors "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/errors"
2017-02-03 14:41:32 +01:00
2017-01-31 16:45:59 -08:00
coreinternallisters "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/listers/core/internalversion"
kubeapiserveradmission "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/kubeapiserver/admission"
const (
limitRangerAnnotation = "kubernetes.io/limit-ranger"
func init ( ) {
admission . RegisterPlugin ( "LimitRanger" , func ( config io . Reader ) ( admission . Interface , error ) {
return NewLimitRanger ( & DefaultLimitRangerActions { } )
} )
// limitRanger enforces usage limits on a per resource basis in the namespace
type limitRanger struct {
* admission . Handler
client internalclientset . Interface
actions LimitRangerActions
lister coreinternallisters . LimitRangeLister
// liveLookups holds the last few live lookups we've done to help ammortize cost on repeated lookup failures.
// This let's us handle the case of latent caches, by looking up actual results for a namespace on cache miss/no results.
// We track the lookup result here so that for repeated requests, we don't look it up very often.
liveLookupCache * lru . Cache
liveTTL time . Duration
type liveLookupEntry struct {
expiry time . Time
items [ ] * api . LimitRange
func ( l * limitRanger ) SetInformerFactory ( f informers . SharedInformerFactory ) {
limitRangeInformer := f . InternalLimitRanges ( ) . Informer ( )
l . SetReadyFunc ( limitRangeInformer . HasSynced )
l . lister = f . InternalLimitRanges ( ) . Lister ( )
func ( l * limitRanger ) Validate ( ) error {
if l . lister == nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "missing limitRange lister" )
if l . client == nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "missing client" )
return nil
// Admit admits resources into cluster that do not violate any defined LimitRange in the namespace
func ( l * limitRanger ) Admit ( a admission . Attributes ) ( err error ) {
if ! l . actions . SupportsAttributes ( a ) {
return nil
obj := a . GetObject ( )
name := "Unknown"
if obj != nil {
name , _ = meta . NewAccessor ( ) . Name ( obj )
if len ( name ) == 0 {
name , _ = meta . NewAccessor ( ) . GenerateName ( obj )
items , err := l . lister . LimitRanges ( a . GetNamespace ( ) ) . List ( labels . Everything ( ) )
if err != nil {
return admission . NewForbidden ( a , fmt . Errorf ( "unable to %s %v at this time because there was an error enforcing limit ranges" , a . GetOperation ( ) , a . GetResource ( ) ) )
// if there are no items held in our indexer, check our live-lookup LRU, if that misses, do the live lookup to prime it.
if len ( items ) == 0 {
lruItemObj , ok := l . liveLookupCache . Get ( a . GetNamespace ( ) )
if ! ok || lruItemObj . ( liveLookupEntry ) . expiry . Before ( time . Now ( ) ) {
// TODO: If there are multiple operations at the same time and cache has just expired,
// this may cause multiple List operations being issued at the same time.
// If there is already in-flight List() for a given namespace, we should wait until
// it is finished and cache is updated instead of doing the same, also to avoid
// throttling - see #22422 for details.
2017-02-03 14:41:32 +01:00
liveList , err := l . client . Core ( ) . LimitRanges ( a . GetNamespace ( ) ) . List ( metav1 . ListOptions { } )
2017-01-31 16:45:59 -08:00
if err != nil {
return admission . NewForbidden ( a , err )
newEntry := liveLookupEntry { expiry : time . Now ( ) . Add ( l . liveTTL ) }
for i := range liveList . Items {
newEntry . items = append ( newEntry . items , & liveList . Items [ i ] )
l . liveLookupCache . Add ( a . GetNamespace ( ) , newEntry )
lruItemObj = newEntry
lruEntry := lruItemObj . ( liveLookupEntry )
for i := range lruEntry . items {
items = append ( items , lruEntry . items [ i ] )
// ensure it meets each prescribed min/max
for i := range items {
limitRange := items [ i ]
if ! l . actions . SupportsLimit ( limitRange ) {
err = l . actions . Limit ( limitRange , a . GetResource ( ) . Resource , a . GetObject ( ) )
if err != nil {
return admission . NewForbidden ( a , err )
return nil
// NewLimitRanger returns an object that enforces limits based on the supplied limit function
func NewLimitRanger ( actions LimitRangerActions ) ( admission . Interface , error ) {
liveLookupCache , err := lru . New ( 10000 )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
if actions == nil {
actions = & DefaultLimitRangerActions { }
return & limitRanger {
Handler : admission . NewHandler ( admission . Create , admission . Update ) ,
actions : actions ,
liveLookupCache : liveLookupCache ,
liveTTL : time . Duration ( 30 * time . Second ) ,
} , nil
var _ = kubeapiserveradmission . WantsInternalClientSet ( & limitRanger { } )
func ( a * limitRanger ) SetInternalClientSet ( client internalclientset . Interface ) {
a . client = client
// defaultContainerResourceRequirements returns the default requirements for a container
// the requirement.Limits are taken from the LimitRange defaults (if specified)
// the requirement.Requests are taken from the LimitRange default request (if specified)
func defaultContainerResourceRequirements ( limitRange * api . LimitRange ) api . ResourceRequirements {
requirements := api . ResourceRequirements { }
requirements . Requests = api . ResourceList { }
requirements . Limits = api . ResourceList { }
for i := range limitRange . Spec . Limits {
limit := limitRange . Spec . Limits [ i ]
if limit . Type == api . LimitTypeContainer {
for k , v := range limit . DefaultRequest {
value := v . Copy ( )
requirements . Requests [ k ] = * value
for k , v := range limit . Default {
value := v . Copy ( )
requirements . Limits [ k ] = * value
return requirements
// mergeContainerResources handles defaulting all of the resources on a container.
func mergeContainerResources ( container * api . Container , defaultRequirements * api . ResourceRequirements , annotationPrefix string , annotations [ ] string ) [ ] string {
setRequests := [ ] string { }
setLimits := [ ] string { }
if container . Resources . Limits == nil {
container . Resources . Limits = api . ResourceList { }
if container . Resources . Requests == nil {
container . Resources . Requests = api . ResourceList { }
for k , v := range defaultRequirements . Limits {
_ , found := container . Resources . Limits [ k ]
if ! found {
container . Resources . Limits [ k ] = * v . Copy ( )
setLimits = append ( setLimits , string ( k ) )
for k , v := range defaultRequirements . Requests {
_ , found := container . Resources . Requests [ k ]
if ! found {
container . Resources . Requests [ k ] = * v . Copy ( )
setRequests = append ( setRequests , string ( k ) )
if len ( setRequests ) > 0 {
sort . Strings ( setRequests )
a := strings . Join ( setRequests , ", " ) + fmt . Sprintf ( " request for %s %s" , annotationPrefix , container . Name )
annotations = append ( annotations , a )
if len ( setLimits ) > 0 {
sort . Strings ( setLimits )
a := strings . Join ( setLimits , ", " ) + fmt . Sprintf ( " limit for %s %s" , annotationPrefix , container . Name )
annotations = append ( annotations , a )
return annotations
// mergePodResourceRequirements merges enumerated requirements with default requirements
// it annotates the pod with information about what requirements were modified
func mergePodResourceRequirements ( pod * api . Pod , defaultRequirements * api . ResourceRequirements ) {
annotations := [ ] string { }
for i := range pod . Spec . Containers {
annotations = mergeContainerResources ( & pod . Spec . Containers [ i ] , defaultRequirements , "container" , annotations )
for i := range pod . Spec . InitContainers {
annotations = mergeContainerResources ( & pod . Spec . InitContainers [ i ] , defaultRequirements , "init container" , annotations )
if len ( annotations ) > 0 {
if pod . ObjectMeta . Annotations == nil {
pod . ObjectMeta . Annotations = make ( map [ string ] string )
val := "LimitRanger plugin set: " + strings . Join ( annotations , "; " )
pod . ObjectMeta . Annotations [ limitRangerAnnotation ] = val
// requestLimitEnforcedValues returns the specified values at a common precision to support comparability
func requestLimitEnforcedValues ( requestQuantity , limitQuantity , enforcedQuantity resource . Quantity ) ( request , limit , enforced int64 ) {
request = requestQuantity . Value ( )
limit = limitQuantity . Value ( )
enforced = enforcedQuantity . Value ( )
// do a more precise comparison if possible (if the value won't overflow)
if request <= resource . MaxMilliValue && limit <= resource . MaxMilliValue && enforced <= resource . MaxMilliValue {
request = requestQuantity . MilliValue ( )
limit = limitQuantity . MilliValue ( )
enforced = enforcedQuantity . MilliValue ( )
// minConstraint enforces the min constraint over the specified resource
func minConstraint ( limitType api . LimitType , resourceName api . ResourceName , enforced resource . Quantity , request api . ResourceList , limit api . ResourceList ) error {
req , reqExists := request [ resourceName ]
lim , limExists := limit [ resourceName ]
observedReqValue , observedLimValue , enforcedValue := requestLimitEnforcedValues ( req , lim , enforced )
if ! reqExists {
return fmt . Errorf ( "minimum %s usage per %s is %s. No request is specified." , resourceName , limitType , enforced . String ( ) )
if observedReqValue < enforcedValue {
return fmt . Errorf ( "minimum %s usage per %s is %s, but request is %s." , resourceName , limitType , enforced . String ( ) , req . String ( ) )
if limExists && ( observedLimValue < enforcedValue ) {
return fmt . Errorf ( "minimum %s usage per %s is %s, but limit is %s." , resourceName , limitType , enforced . String ( ) , lim . String ( ) )
return nil
// maxRequestConstraint enforces the max constraint over the specified resource
// use when specify LimitType resource doesn't recognize limit values
func maxRequestConstraint ( limitType api . LimitType , resourceName api . ResourceName , enforced resource . Quantity , request api . ResourceList ) error {
req , reqExists := request [ resourceName ]
observedReqValue , _ , enforcedValue := requestLimitEnforcedValues ( req , resource . Quantity { } , enforced )
if ! reqExists {
return fmt . Errorf ( "maximum %s usage per %s is %s. No request is specified." , resourceName , limitType , enforced . String ( ) )
if observedReqValue > enforcedValue {
return fmt . Errorf ( "maximum %s usage per %s is %s, but request is %s." , resourceName , limitType , enforced . String ( ) , req . String ( ) )
return nil
// maxConstraint enforces the max constraint over the specified resource
func maxConstraint ( limitType api . LimitType , resourceName api . ResourceName , enforced resource . Quantity , request api . ResourceList , limit api . ResourceList ) error {
req , reqExists := request [ resourceName ]
lim , limExists := limit [ resourceName ]
observedReqValue , observedLimValue , enforcedValue := requestLimitEnforcedValues ( req , lim , enforced )
if ! limExists {
return fmt . Errorf ( "maximum %s usage per %s is %s. No limit is specified." , resourceName , limitType , enforced . String ( ) )
if observedLimValue > enforcedValue {
return fmt . Errorf ( "maximum %s usage per %s is %s, but limit is %s." , resourceName , limitType , enforced . String ( ) , lim . String ( ) )
if reqExists && ( observedReqValue > enforcedValue ) {
return fmt . Errorf ( "maximum %s usage per %s is %s, but request is %s." , resourceName , limitType , enforced . String ( ) , req . String ( ) )
return nil
// limitRequestRatioConstraint enforces the limit to request ratio over the specified resource
func limitRequestRatioConstraint ( limitType api . LimitType , resourceName api . ResourceName , enforced resource . Quantity , request api . ResourceList , limit api . ResourceList ) error {
req , reqExists := request [ resourceName ]
lim , limExists := limit [ resourceName ]
observedReqValue , observedLimValue , _ := requestLimitEnforcedValues ( req , lim , enforced )
if ! reqExists || ( observedReqValue == int64 ( 0 ) ) {
return fmt . Errorf ( "%s max limit to request ratio per %s is %s, but no request is specified or request is 0." , resourceName , limitType , enforced . String ( ) )
if ! limExists || ( observedLimValue == int64 ( 0 ) ) {
return fmt . Errorf ( "%s max limit to request ratio per %s is %s, but no limit is specified or limit is 0." , resourceName , limitType , enforced . String ( ) )
observedRatio := float64 ( observedLimValue ) / float64 ( observedReqValue )
displayObservedRatio := observedRatio
maxLimitRequestRatio := float64 ( enforced . Value ( ) )
if enforced . Value ( ) <= resource . MaxMilliValue {
observedRatio = observedRatio * 1000
maxLimitRequestRatio = float64 ( enforced . MilliValue ( ) )
if observedRatio > maxLimitRequestRatio {
return fmt . Errorf ( "%s max limit to request ratio per %s is %s, but provided ratio is %f." , resourceName , limitType , enforced . String ( ) , displayObservedRatio )
return nil
// sum takes the total of each named resource across all inputs
// if a key is not in each input, then the output resource list will omit the key
func sum ( inputs [ ] api . ResourceList ) api . ResourceList {
result := api . ResourceList { }
keys := [ ] api . ResourceName { }
for i := range inputs {
for k := range inputs [ i ] {
keys = append ( keys , k )
for _ , key := range keys {
total , isSet := int64 ( 0 ) , true
for i := range inputs {
input := inputs [ i ]
v , exists := input [ key ]
if exists {
if key == api . ResourceCPU {
total = total + v . MilliValue ( )
} else {
total = total + v . Value ( )
} else {
isSet = false
if isSet {
if key == api . ResourceCPU {
result [ key ] = * ( resource . NewMilliQuantity ( total , resource . DecimalSI ) )
} else {
result [ key ] = * ( resource . NewQuantity ( total , resource . DecimalSI ) )
return result
// DefaultLimitRangerActions is the default implementation of LimitRangerActions.
type DefaultLimitRangerActions struct { }
// ensure DefaultLimitRangerActions implements the LimitRangerActions interface.
var _ LimitRangerActions = & DefaultLimitRangerActions { }
// Limit enforces resource requirements of incoming resources against enumerated constraints
// on the LimitRange. It may modify the incoming object to apply default resource requirements
// if not specified, and enumerated on the LimitRange
func ( d * DefaultLimitRangerActions ) Limit ( limitRange * api . LimitRange , resourceName string , obj runtime . Object ) error {
switch resourceName {
case "pods" :
return PodLimitFunc ( limitRange , obj . ( * api . Pod ) )
case "persistentvolumeclaims" :
return PersistentVolumeClaimLimitFunc ( limitRange , obj . ( * api . PersistentVolumeClaim ) )
return nil
// SupportsAttributes ignores all calls that do not deal with pod resources or storage requests (PVCs).
// Also ignores any call that has a subresource defined.
func ( d * DefaultLimitRangerActions ) SupportsAttributes ( a admission . Attributes ) bool {
if a . GetSubresource ( ) != "" {
return false
return a . GetKind ( ) . GroupKind ( ) == api . Kind ( "Pod" ) || a . GetKind ( ) . GroupKind ( ) == api . Kind ( "PersistentVolumeClaim" )
// SupportsLimit always returns true.
func ( d * DefaultLimitRangerActions ) SupportsLimit ( limitRange * api . LimitRange ) bool {
return true
// PersistentVolumeClaimLimitFunc enforces storage limits for PVCs.
// Users request storage via pvc.Spec.Resources.Requests. Min/Max is enforced by an admin with LimitRange.
// Claims will not be modified with default values because storage is a required part of pvc.Spec.
// All storage enforced values *only* apply to pvc.Spec.Resources.Requests.
func PersistentVolumeClaimLimitFunc ( limitRange * api . LimitRange , pvc * api . PersistentVolumeClaim ) error {
var errs [ ] error
for i := range limitRange . Spec . Limits {
limit := limitRange . Spec . Limits [ i ]
limitType := limit . Type
if limitType == api . LimitTypePersistentVolumeClaim {
for k , v := range limit . Min {
// normal usage of minConstraint. pvc.Spec.Resources.Limits is not recognized as user input
if err := minConstraint ( limitType , k , v , pvc . Spec . Resources . Requests , api . ResourceList { } ) ; err != nil {
errs = append ( errs , err )
for k , v := range limit . Max {
// We want to enforce the max of the LimitRange against what
// the user requested.
if err := maxRequestConstraint ( limitType , k , v , pvc . Spec . Resources . Requests ) ; err != nil {
errs = append ( errs , err )
return utilerrors . NewAggregate ( errs )
// PodLimitFunc enforces resource requirements enumerated by the pod against
// the specified LimitRange. The pod may be modified to apply default resource
// requirements if not specified, and enumerated on the LimitRange
func PodLimitFunc ( limitRange * api . LimitRange , pod * api . Pod ) error {
var errs [ ] error
defaultResources := defaultContainerResourceRequirements ( limitRange )
mergePodResourceRequirements ( pod , & defaultResources )
for i := range limitRange . Spec . Limits {
limit := limitRange . Spec . Limits [ i ]
limitType := limit . Type
// enforce container limits
if limitType == api . LimitTypeContainer {
for j := range pod . Spec . Containers {
container := & pod . Spec . Containers [ j ]
for k , v := range limit . Min {
if err := minConstraint ( limitType , k , v , container . Resources . Requests , container . Resources . Limits ) ; err != nil {
errs = append ( errs , err )
for k , v := range limit . Max {
if err := maxConstraint ( limitType , k , v , container . Resources . Requests , container . Resources . Limits ) ; err != nil {
errs = append ( errs , err )
for k , v := range limit . MaxLimitRequestRatio {
if err := limitRequestRatioConstraint ( limitType , k , v , container . Resources . Requests , container . Resources . Limits ) ; err != nil {
errs = append ( errs , err )
for j := range pod . Spec . InitContainers {
container := & pod . Spec . InitContainers [ j ]
for k , v := range limit . Min {
if err := minConstraint ( limitType , k , v , container . Resources . Requests , container . Resources . Limits ) ; err != nil {
errs = append ( errs , err )
for k , v := range limit . Max {
if err := maxConstraint ( limitType , k , v , container . Resources . Requests , container . Resources . Limits ) ; err != nil {
errs = append ( errs , err )
for k , v := range limit . MaxLimitRequestRatio {
if err := limitRequestRatioConstraint ( limitType , k , v , container . Resources . Requests , container . Resources . Limits ) ; err != nil {
errs = append ( errs , err )
// enforce pod limits on init containers
if limitType == api . LimitTypePod {
containerRequests , containerLimits := [ ] api . ResourceList { } , [ ] api . ResourceList { }
for j := range pod . Spec . Containers {
container := & pod . Spec . Containers [ j ]
containerRequests = append ( containerRequests , container . Resources . Requests )
containerLimits = append ( containerLimits , container . Resources . Limits )
podRequests := sum ( containerRequests )
podLimits := sum ( containerLimits )
for j := range pod . Spec . InitContainers {
container := & pod . Spec . InitContainers [ j ]
// take max(sum_containers, any_init_container)
for k , v := range container . Resources . Requests {
if v2 , ok := podRequests [ k ] ; ok {
if v . Cmp ( v2 ) > 0 {
podRequests [ k ] = v
} else {
podRequests [ k ] = v
for k , v := range container . Resources . Limits {
if v2 , ok := podLimits [ k ] ; ok {
if v . Cmp ( v2 ) > 0 {
podLimits [ k ] = v
} else {
podLimits [ k ] = v
for k , v := range limit . Min {
if err := minConstraint ( limitType , k , v , podRequests , podLimits ) ; err != nil {
errs = append ( errs , err )
for k , v := range limit . Max {
if err := maxConstraint ( limitType , k , v , podRequests , podLimits ) ; err != nil {
errs = append ( errs , err )
for k , v := range limit . MaxLimitRequestRatio {
if err := limitRequestRatioConstraint ( limitType , k , v , podRequests , podLimits ) ; err != nil {
errs = append ( errs , err )
return utilerrors . NewAggregate ( errs )