2017-01-31 16:45:59 -08:00
/ *
Copyright 2014 The Kubernetes Authors .
Licensed under the Apache License , Version 2.0 ( the "License" ) ;
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License .
You may obtain a copy of the License at
http : //www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing , software
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* /
// A tiny web server for checking networking connectivity.
// Will dial out to, and expect to hear from, every pod that is a member of
// the service passed in the flag -service.
// Will serve a webserver on given -port.
// Visit /read to see the current state, or /quit to shut down.
// Visit /status to see pass/running/fail determination. (literally, it will
// return one of those words.)
// /write is used by other network test pods to register connectivity.
package main
import (
v1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
2017-02-03 14:41:32 +01:00
restclient "k8s.io/client-go/rest"
2017-01-31 16:45:59 -08:00
clientset "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/clientset_generated/internalclientset"
var (
port = flag . Int ( "port" , 8080 , "Port number to serve at." )
peerCount = flag . Int ( "peers" , 8 , "Must find at least this many peers for the test to pass." )
service = flag . String ( "service" , "nettest" , "Service to find other network test pods in." )
namespace = flag . String ( "namespace" , "default" , "Namespace of this pod. TODO: kubernetes should make this discoverable." )
delayShutdown = flag . Int ( "delay-shutdown" , 0 , "Number of seconds to delay shutdown when receiving SIGTERM." )
// State tracks the internal state of our little http server.
// It's returned verbatim over the /read endpoint.
type State struct {
// Hostname is set once and never changed-- it's always safe to read.
Hostname string
// The below fields require that lock is held before reading or writing.
Sent map [ string ] int
Received map [ string ] int
Errors [ ] string
Log [ ] string
StillContactingPeers bool
lock sync . Mutex
func ( s * State ) doneContactingPeers ( ) {
s . lock . Lock ( )
defer s . lock . Unlock ( )
s . StillContactingPeers = false
// serveStatus returns "pass", "running", or "fail".
func ( s * State ) serveStatus ( w http . ResponseWriter , r * http . Request ) {
s . lock . Lock ( )
defer s . lock . Unlock ( )
if len ( s . Sent ) >= * peerCount && len ( s . Received ) >= * peerCount {
fmt . Fprintf ( w , "pass" )
if s . StillContactingPeers {
fmt . Fprintf ( w , "running" )
// Logf can't be called while holding the lock, so defer using a goroutine
go s . Logf ( "Declaring failure for %s/%s with %d sent and %d received and %d peers" , * namespace , * service , len ( s . Sent ) , len ( s . Received ) , * peerCount )
fmt . Fprintf ( w , "fail" )
// serveRead writes our json encoded state
func ( s * State ) serveRead ( w http . ResponseWriter , r * http . Request ) {
s . lock . Lock ( )
defer s . lock . Unlock ( )
w . WriteHeader ( http . StatusOK )
b , err := json . MarshalIndent ( s , "" , "\t" )
s . appendErr ( err )
_ , err = w . Write ( b )
s . appendErr ( err )
// WritePost is the format that (json encoded) requests to the /write handler should take.
type WritePost struct {
Source string
Dest string
// WriteResp is returned by /write
type WriteResp struct {
Hostname string
// serveWrite records the contact in our state.
func ( s * State ) serveWrite ( w http . ResponseWriter , r * http . Request ) {
defer r . Body . Close ( )
s . lock . Lock ( )
defer s . lock . Unlock ( )
w . WriteHeader ( http . StatusOK )
var wp WritePost
s . appendErr ( json . NewDecoder ( r . Body ) . Decode ( & wp ) )
if wp . Source == "" {
s . appendErr ( fmt . Errorf ( "%v: Got request with no source" , s . Hostname ) )
} else {
if s . Received == nil {
s . Received = map [ string ] int { }
s . Received [ wp . Source ] += 1
s . appendErr ( json . NewEncoder ( w ) . Encode ( & WriteResp { Hostname : s . Hostname } ) )
// appendErr adds err to the list, if err is not nil. s must be locked.
func ( s * State ) appendErr ( err error ) {
if err != nil {
s . Errors = append ( s . Errors , err . Error ( ) )
// Logf writes to the log message list. s must not be locked.
// s's Log member will drop an old message if it would otherwise
// become longer than 500 messages.
func ( s * State ) Logf ( format string , args ... interface { } ) {
s . lock . Lock ( )
defer s . lock . Unlock ( )
s . Log = append ( s . Log , fmt . Sprintf ( format , args ... ) )
if len ( s . Log ) > 500 {
s . Log = s . Log [ 1 : ]
// s must not be locked
func ( s * State ) appendSuccessfulSend ( toHostname string ) {
s . lock . Lock ( )
defer s . lock . Unlock ( )
if s . Sent == nil {
s . Sent = map [ string ] int { }
s . Sent [ toHostname ] += 1
var (
// Our one and only state object
state State
func main ( ) {
flag . Parse ( )
if * service == "" {
log . Fatal ( "Must provide -service flag." )
hostname , err := os . Hostname ( )
if err != nil {
log . Fatalf ( "Error getting hostname: %v" , err )
if * delayShutdown > 0 {
termCh := make ( chan os . Signal )
signal . Notify ( termCh , syscall . SIGTERM )
go func ( ) {
<- termCh
log . Printf ( "Sleeping %d seconds before exit ..." , * delayShutdown )
time . Sleep ( time . Duration ( * delayShutdown ) * time . Second )
os . Exit ( 0 )
} ( )
state := State {
Hostname : hostname ,
StillContactingPeers : true ,
go contactOthers ( & state )
http . HandleFunc ( "/quit" , func ( w http . ResponseWriter , r * http . Request ) {
os . Exit ( 0 )
} )
http . HandleFunc ( "/read" , state . serveRead )
http . HandleFunc ( "/write" , state . serveWrite )
http . HandleFunc ( "/status" , state . serveStatus )
go log . Fatal ( http . ListenAndServe ( fmt . Sprintf ( "" , * port ) , nil ) )
select { }
// Find all sibling pods in the service and post to their /write handler.
func contactOthers ( state * State ) {
sleepTime := 5 * time . Second
// In large cluster getting all endpoints is pretty expensive.
// Thus, we will limit ourselves to send on average at most 10 such
// requests per second
if sleepTime < time . Duration ( * peerCount / 10 ) * time . Second {
sleepTime = time . Duration ( * peerCount / 10 ) * time . Second
timeout := 5 * time . Minute
// Similarly we need to bump timeout so that it is reasonable in large
// clusters.
if timeout < time . Duration ( * peerCount ) * time . Second {
timeout = time . Duration ( * peerCount ) * time . Second
defer state . doneContactingPeers ( )
config , err := restclient . InClusterConfig ( )
if err != nil {
log . Fatalf ( "Unable to create config; error: %v\n" , err )
config . ContentType = "application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf"
client , err := clientset . NewForConfig ( config )
if err != nil {
log . Fatalf ( "Unable to create client; error: %v\n" , err )
// Double check that that worked by getting the server version.
if v , err := client . Discovery ( ) . ServerVersion ( ) ; err != nil {
log . Fatalf ( "Unable to get server version: %v\n" , err )
} else {
log . Printf ( "Server version: %#v\n" , v )
for start := time . Now ( ) ; time . Since ( start ) < timeout ; time . Sleep ( sleepTime ) {
eps := getWebserverEndpoints ( client )
if eps . Len ( ) >= * peerCount {
state . Logf ( "%v/%v has %v endpoints (%v), which is less than %v as expected. Waiting for all endpoints to come up." , * namespace , * service , len ( eps ) , eps . List ( ) , * peerCount )
// Do this repeatedly, in case there's some propagation delay with getting
// newly started pods into the endpoints list.
for i := 0 ; i < 15 ; i ++ {
eps := getWebserverEndpoints ( client )
for ep := range eps {
state . Logf ( "Attempting to contact %s" , ep )
contactSingle ( ep , state )
time . Sleep ( sleepTime )
//getWebserverEndpoints returns the webserver endpoints as a set of String, each in the format like "http://{ip}:{port}"
func getWebserverEndpoints ( client clientset . Interface ) sets . String {
endpoints , err := client . Core ( ) . Endpoints ( * namespace ) . Get ( * service , v1 . GetOptions { } )
eps := sets . String { }
if err != nil {
state . Logf ( "Unable to read the endpoints for %v/%v: %v." , * namespace , * service , err )
return eps
for _ , ss := range endpoints . Subsets {
for _ , a := range ss . Addresses {
for _ , p := range ss . Ports {
eps . Insert ( fmt . Sprintf ( "http://%s:%d" , a . IP , p . Port ) )
return eps
// contactSingle dials the address 'e' and tries to POST to its /write address.
func contactSingle ( e string , state * State ) {
body , err := json . Marshal ( & WritePost {
Dest : e ,
Source : state . Hostname ,
} )
if err != nil {
log . Fatalf ( "json marshal error: %v" , err )
resp , err := http . Post ( e + "/write" , "application/json" , bytes . NewReader ( body ) )
if err != nil {
state . Logf ( "Warning: unable to contact the endpoint %q: %v" , e , err )
defer resp . Body . Close ( )
body , err = ioutil . ReadAll ( resp . Body )
if err != nil {
state . Logf ( "Warning: unable to read response from '%v': '%v'" , e , err )
var wr WriteResp
err = json . Unmarshal ( body , & wr )
if err != nil {
state . Logf ( "Warning: unable to unmarshal response (%v) from '%v': '%v'" , string ( body ) , e , err )
state . appendSuccessfulSend ( wr . Hostname )