2017-01-31 16:45:59 -08:00
/ *
Copyright 2015 The Kubernetes Authors .
Licensed under the Apache License , Version 2.0 ( the "License" ) ;
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License .
You may obtain a copy of the License at
http : //www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing , software
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License .
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package initialresources
import (
apierrors "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/errors"
2017-02-03 14:41:32 +01:00
2017-01-31 16:45:59 -08:00
var (
source = flag . String ( "ir-data-source" , "influxdb" , "Data source used by InitialResources. Supported options: influxdb, gcm." )
percentile = flag . Int64 ( "ir-percentile" , 90 , "Which percentile of samples should InitialResources use when estimating resources. For experiment purposes." )
nsOnly = flag . Bool ( "ir-namespace-only" , false , "Whether the estimation should be made only based on data from the same namespace." )
const (
initialResourcesAnnotation = "kubernetes.io/initial-resources"
samplesThreshold = 30
week = 7 * 24 * time . Hour
month = 30 * 24 * time . Hour
// WARNING: this feature is experimental and will definitely change.
func init ( ) {
admission . RegisterPlugin ( "InitialResources" , func ( config io . Reader ) ( admission . Interface , error ) {
// TODO: remove the usage of flags in favor of reading versioned configuration
s , err := newDataSource ( * source )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
return newInitialResources ( s , * percentile , * nsOnly ) , nil
} )
type initialResources struct {
* admission . Handler
source dataSource
percentile int64
nsOnly bool
func newInitialResources ( source dataSource , percentile int64 , nsOnly bool ) admission . Interface {
return & initialResources {
Handler : admission . NewHandler ( admission . Create ) ,
source : source ,
percentile : percentile ,
nsOnly : nsOnly ,
func ( ir initialResources ) Admit ( a admission . Attributes ) ( err error ) {
// Ignore all calls to subresources or resources other than pods.
if a . GetSubresource ( ) != "" || a . GetResource ( ) . GroupResource ( ) != api . Resource ( "pods" ) {
return nil
pod , ok := a . GetObject ( ) . ( * api . Pod )
if ! ok {
return apierrors . NewBadRequest ( "Resource was marked with kind Pod but was unable to be converted" )
ir . estimateAndFillResourcesIfNotSet ( pod )
return nil
// The method veryfies whether resources should be set for the given pod and
// if there is estimation available the method fills Request field.
func ( ir initialResources ) estimateAndFillResourcesIfNotSet ( pod * api . Pod ) {
var annotations [ ] string
for i := range pod . Spec . InitContainers {
annotations = append ( annotations , ir . estimateContainer ( pod , & pod . Spec . InitContainers [ i ] , "init container" ) ... )
for i := range pod . Spec . Containers {
annotations = append ( annotations , ir . estimateContainer ( pod , & pod . Spec . Containers [ i ] , "container" ) ... )
if len ( annotations ) > 0 {
if pod . ObjectMeta . Annotations == nil {
pod . ObjectMeta . Annotations = make ( map [ string ] string )
val := "Initial Resources plugin set: " + strings . Join ( annotations , "; " )
pod . ObjectMeta . Annotations [ initialResourcesAnnotation ] = val
func ( ir initialResources ) estimateContainer ( pod * api . Pod , c * api . Container , message string ) [ ] string {
var annotations [ ] string
req := c . Resources . Requests
cpu := ir . getEstimationIfNeeded ( api . ResourceCPU , c , pod . ObjectMeta . Namespace )
mem := ir . getEstimationIfNeeded ( api . ResourceMemory , c , pod . ObjectMeta . Namespace )
// If Requests doesn't exits and an estimation was made, create Requests.
if req == nil && ( cpu != nil || mem != nil ) {
c . Resources . Requests = api . ResourceList { }
req = c . Resources . Requests
setRes := [ ] string { }
if cpu != nil {
glog . Infof ( "CPU estimation for %s %v in pod %v/%v is %v" , message , c . Name , pod . ObjectMeta . Namespace , pod . ObjectMeta . Name , cpu . String ( ) )
setRes = append ( setRes , string ( api . ResourceCPU ) )
req [ api . ResourceCPU ] = * cpu
if mem != nil {
glog . Infof ( "Memory estimation for %s %v in pod %v/%v is %v" , message , c . Name , pod . ObjectMeta . Namespace , pod . ObjectMeta . Name , mem . String ( ) )
setRes = append ( setRes , string ( api . ResourceMemory ) )
req [ api . ResourceMemory ] = * mem
if len ( setRes ) > 0 {
sort . Strings ( setRes )
a := strings . Join ( setRes , ", " ) + fmt . Sprintf ( " request for %s %s" , message , c . Name )
annotations = append ( annotations , a )
return annotations
// getEstimationIfNeeded estimates compute resource for container if its corresponding
// Request(min amount) and Limit(max amount) both are not specified.
func ( ir initialResources ) getEstimationIfNeeded ( kind api . ResourceName , c * api . Container , ns string ) * resource . Quantity {
requests := c . Resources . Requests
limits := c . Resources . Limits
var quantity * resource . Quantity
var err error
if _ , requestFound := requests [ kind ] ; ! requestFound {
if _ , limitFound := limits [ kind ] ; ! limitFound {
quantity , err = ir . getEstimation ( kind , c , ns )
if err != nil {
glog . Errorf ( "Error while trying to estimate resources: %v" , err )
return quantity
func ( ir initialResources ) getEstimation ( kind api . ResourceName , c * api . Container , ns string ) ( * resource . Quantity , error ) {
end := time . Now ( )
start := end . Add ( - week )
var usage , samples int64
var err error
// Historical data from last 7 days for the same image:tag within the same namespace.
if usage , samples , err = ir . source . GetUsagePercentile ( kind , ir . percentile , c . Image , ns , true , start , end ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
if samples < samplesThreshold {
// Historical data from last 30 days for the same image:tag within the same namespace.
start := end . Add ( - month )
if usage , samples , err = ir . source . GetUsagePercentile ( kind , ir . percentile , c . Image , ns , true , start , end ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
// If we are allowed to estimate only based on data from the same namespace.
if ir . nsOnly {
if samples < samplesThreshold {
// Historical data from last 30 days for the same image within the same namespace.
start := end . Add ( - month )
image := strings . Split ( c . Image , ":" ) [ 0 ]
if usage , samples , err = ir . source . GetUsagePercentile ( kind , ir . percentile , image , ns , false , start , end ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
} else {
if samples < samplesThreshold {
// Historical data from last 7 days for the same image:tag within all namespaces.
start := end . Add ( - week )
if usage , samples , err = ir . source . GetUsagePercentile ( kind , ir . percentile , c . Image , "" , true , start , end ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
if samples < samplesThreshold {
// Historical data from last 30 days for the same image:tag within all namespaces.
start := end . Add ( - month )
if usage , samples , err = ir . source . GetUsagePercentile ( kind , ir . percentile , c . Image , "" , true , start , end ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
if samples < samplesThreshold {
// Historical data from last 30 days for the same image within all namespaces.
start := end . Add ( - month )
image := strings . Split ( c . Image , ":" ) [ 0 ]
if usage , samples , err = ir . source . GetUsagePercentile ( kind , ir . percentile , image , "" , false , start , end ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
if samples > 0 && kind == api . ResourceCPU {
return resource . NewMilliQuantity ( usage , resource . DecimalSI ) , nil
if samples > 0 && kind == api . ResourceMemory {
return resource . NewQuantity ( usage , resource . DecimalSI ) , nil
return nil , nil