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483 lines
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package otbuiltin
import (
glib "github.com/ostreedev/ostree-go/pkg/glibobject"
// #cgo pkg-config: ostree-1
// #include <stdlib.h>
// #include <glib.h>
// #include <ostree.h>
// #include "builtin.go.h"
import "C"
// Declare global variable to store commitOptions
var options commitOptions
// Declare a function prototype for being passed into another function
type handleLineFunc func(string, *glib.GHashTable) error
// Contains all of the options for commmiting to an ostree repo. Initialize
// with NewCommitOptions()
type commitOptions struct {
Subject string // One line subject
Body string // Full description
Parent string // Parent of the commit
Tree []string // 'dir=PATH' or 'tar=TARFILE' or 'ref=COMMIT': overlay the given argument as a tree
AddMetadataString []string // Add a key/value pair to metadata
AddDetachedMetadataString []string // Add a key/value pair to detached metadata
OwnerUID int // Set file ownership to user id
OwnerGID int // Set file ownership to group id
NoXattrs bool // Do not import extended attributes
LinkCheckoutSpeedup bool // Optimize for commits of trees composed of hardlinks in the repository
TarAutoCreateParents bool // When loading tar archives, automatically create parent directories as needed
SkipIfUnchanged bool // If the contents are unchanged from a previous commit, do nothing
StatOverrideFile string // File containing list of modifications to make permissions
SkipListFile string // File containing list of file paths to skip
GenerateSizes bool // Generate size information along with commit metadata
GpgSign []string // GPG Key ID with which to sign the commit (if you have GPGME - GNU Privacy Guard Made Easy)
GpgHomedir string // GPG home directory to use when looking for keyrings (if you have GPGME - GNU Privacy Guard Made Easy)
Timestamp time.Time // Override the timestamp of the commit
Orphan bool // Commit does not belong to a branch
Fsync bool // Specify whether fsync should be used or not. Default to true
// Initializes a commitOptions struct and sets default values
func NewCommitOptions() commitOptions {
var co commitOptions
co.OwnerUID = -1
co.OwnerGID = -1
co.Fsync = true
return co
type OstreeRepoTransactionStats struct {
metadata_objects_total int32
metadata_objects_written int32
content_objects_total int32
content_objects_written int32
content_bytes_written uint64
func (repo *Repo) PrepareTransaction() (bool, error) {
var cerr *C.GError = nil
var resume C.gboolean
r := glib.GoBool(glib.GBoolean(C.ostree_repo_prepare_transaction(repo.native(), &resume, nil, &cerr)))
if !r {
return false, generateError(cerr)
return glib.GoBool(glib.GBoolean(resume)), nil
func (repo *Repo) CommitTransaction() (*OstreeRepoTransactionStats, error) {
var cerr *C.GError = nil
var stats OstreeRepoTransactionStats = OstreeRepoTransactionStats{}
statsPtr := (*C.OstreeRepoTransactionStats)(unsafe.Pointer(&stats))
r := glib.GoBool(glib.GBoolean(C.ostree_repo_commit_transaction(repo.native(), statsPtr, nil, &cerr)))
if !r {
return nil, generateError(cerr)
return &stats, nil
func (repo *Repo) TransactionSetRef(remote string, ref string, checksum string) {
var cRemote *C.char = nil
var cRef *C.char = nil
var cChecksum *C.char = nil
if remote != "" {
cRemote = C.CString(remote)
if ref != "" {
cRef = C.CString(ref)
if checksum != "" {
cChecksum = C.CString(checksum)
C.ostree_repo_transaction_set_ref(repo.native(), cRemote, cRef, cChecksum)
func (repo *Repo) AbortTransaction() error {
var cerr *C.GError = nil
r := glib.GoBool(glib.GBoolean(C.ostree_repo_abort_transaction(repo.native(), nil, &cerr)))
if !r {
return generateError(cerr)
return nil
func (repo *Repo) RegenerateSummary() error {
var cerr *C.GError = nil
r := glib.GoBool(glib.GBoolean(C.ostree_repo_regenerate_summary(repo.native(), nil, nil, &cerr)))
if !r {
return generateError(cerr)
return nil
// Commits a directory, specified by commitPath, to an ostree repo as a given branch
func (repo *Repo) Commit(commitPath, branch string, opts commitOptions) (string, error) {
options = opts
var err error
var modeAdds *glib.GHashTable
var skipList *glib.GHashTable
var objectToCommit *glib.GFile
var skipCommit bool = false
var ccommitChecksum *C.char
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(ccommitChecksum))
var flags C.OstreeRepoCommitModifierFlags = 0
var filter_data C.CommitFilterData
var cerr *C.GError
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cerr))
var metadata *C.GVariant = nil
defer func(){
if metadata != nil {
defer C.g_variant_unref(metadata)
var detachedMetadata *C.GVariant = nil
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(detachedMetadata))
var mtree *C.OstreeMutableTree
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(mtree))
var root *C.GFile
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(root))
var modifier *C.OstreeRepoCommitModifier
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(modifier))
var cancellable *C.GCancellable
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cancellable))
cpath := C.CString(commitPath)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cpath))
csubject := C.CString(options.Subject)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(csubject))
cbody := C.CString(options.Body)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cbody))
cbranch := C.CString(branch)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cbranch))
cparent := C.CString(options.Parent)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cparent))
if !glib.GoBool(glib.GBoolean(C.ostree_repo_is_writable(repo.native(), &cerr))) {
goto out
// If the user provided a stat override file
if strings.Compare(options.StatOverrideFile, "") != 0 {
modeAdds = glib.ToGHashTable(unsafe.Pointer(C._g_hash_table_new_full()))
if err = parseFileByLine(options.StatOverrideFile, handleStatOverrideLine, modeAdds, cancellable); err != nil {
goto out
// If the user provided a skiplist file
if strings.Compare(options.SkipListFile, "") != 0 {
skipList = glib.ToGHashTable(unsafe.Pointer(C._g_hash_table_new_full()))
if err = parseFileByLine(options.SkipListFile, handleSkipListline, skipList, cancellable); err != nil {
goto out
if options.AddMetadataString != nil {
metadata, err = parseKeyValueStrings(options.AddMetadataString)
if err != nil {
goto out
if options.AddDetachedMetadataString != nil {
_, err := parseKeyValueStrings(options.AddDetachedMetadataString)
if err != nil {
goto out
if strings.Compare(branch, "") == 0 && !options.Orphan {
err = errors.New("A branch must be specified or use commitOptions.Orphan")
goto out
if options.NoXattrs {
C._ostree_repo_append_modifier_flags(&flags, C.OSTREE_REPO_COMMIT_MODIFIER_FLAGS_SKIP_XATTRS)
if options.GenerateSizes {
C._ostree_repo_append_modifier_flags(&flags, C.OSTREE_REPO_COMMIT_MODIFIER_FLAGS_GENERATE_SIZES)
if !options.Fsync {
C.ostree_repo_set_disable_fsync(repo.native(), C.TRUE)
if flags != 0 || options.OwnerUID >= 0 || options.OwnerGID >= 0 || strings.Compare(options.StatOverrideFile, "") != 0 || options.NoXattrs {
filter_data.mode_adds = (*C.GHashTable)(modeAdds.Ptr())
filter_data.skip_list = (*C.GHashTable)(skipList.Ptr())
modifier = C._ostree_repo_commit_modifier_new_wrapper(flags, C.gpointer(&filter_data), nil)
if strings.Compare(options.Parent, "") != 0 {
if strings.Compare(options.Parent, "none") == 0 {
options.Parent = ""
} else if !options.Orphan {
cerr = nil
if !glib.GoBool(glib.GBoolean(C.ostree_repo_resolve_rev(repo.native(), cbranch, C.TRUE, &cparent, &cerr))) {
goto out
if options.LinkCheckoutSpeedup && !glib.GoBool(glib.GBoolean(C.ostree_repo_scan_hardlinks(repo.native(), cancellable, &cerr))) {
goto out
mtree = C.ostree_mutable_tree_new()
if len(commitPath) == 0 && (len(options.Tree) == 0 || len(options.Tree[0]) == 0) {
currentDir := (*C.char)(C.g_get_current_dir())
objectToCommit = glib.ToGFile(unsafe.Pointer(C.g_file_new_for_path(currentDir)))
if !glib.GoBool(glib.GBoolean(C.ostree_repo_write_directory_to_mtree(repo.native(), (*C.GFile)(objectToCommit.Ptr()), mtree, modifier, cancellable, &cerr))) {
goto out
} else if len(options.Tree) != 0 {
var eq int = -1
cerr = nil
for tree := range options.Tree {
eq = strings.Index(options.Tree[tree], "=")
if eq == -1 {
C._g_set_error_onearg(cerr, C.CString("Missing type in tree specification"), C.CString(options.Tree[tree]))
goto out
treeType := options.Tree[tree][:eq]
treeVal := options.Tree[tree][eq+1:]
if strings.Compare(treeType, "dir") == 0 {
objectToCommit = glib.ToGFile(unsafe.Pointer(C.g_file_new_for_path(C.CString(treeVal))))
if !glib.GoBool(glib.GBoolean(C.ostree_repo_write_directory_to_mtree(repo.native(), (*C.GFile)(objectToCommit.Ptr()), mtree, modifier, cancellable, &cerr))) {
goto out
} else if strings.Compare(treeType, "tar") == 0 {
objectToCommit = glib.ToGFile(unsafe.Pointer(C.g_file_new_for_path(C.CString(treeVal))))
if !glib.GoBool(glib.GBoolean(C.ostree_repo_write_archive_to_mtree(repo.native(), (*C.GFile)(objectToCommit.Ptr()), mtree, modifier, (C.gboolean)(glib.GBool(opts.TarAutoCreateParents)), cancellable, &cerr))) {
fmt.Println("error 1")
goto out
} else if strings.Compare(treeType, "ref") == 0 {
if !glib.GoBool(glib.GBoolean(C.ostree_repo_read_commit(repo.native(), C.CString(treeVal), (**C.GFile)(objectToCommit.Ptr()), nil, cancellable, &cerr))) {
goto out
if !glib.GoBool(glib.GBoolean(C.ostree_repo_write_directory_to_mtree(repo.native(), (*C.GFile)(objectToCommit.Ptr()), mtree, modifier, cancellable, &cerr))) {
goto out
} else {
C._g_set_error_onearg(cerr, C.CString("Missing type in tree specification"), C.CString(treeVal))
goto out
} else {
objectToCommit = glib.ToGFile(unsafe.Pointer(C.g_file_new_for_path(cpath)))
cerr = nil
if !glib.GoBool(glib.GBoolean(C.ostree_repo_write_directory_to_mtree(repo.native(), (*C.GFile)(objectToCommit.Ptr()), mtree, modifier, cancellable, &cerr))) {
goto out
if modeAdds != nil && C.g_hash_table_size((*C.GHashTable)(modeAdds.Ptr())) > 0 {
var hashIter *C.GHashTableIter
var key, value C.gpointer
C.g_hash_table_iter_init(hashIter, (*C.GHashTable)(modeAdds.Ptr()))
for glib.GoBool(glib.GBoolean(C.g_hash_table_iter_next(hashIter, &key, &value))) {
C._g_printerr_onearg(C.CString("Unmatched StatOverride path: "), C._gptr_to_str(key))
err = errors.New("Unmatched StatOverride paths")
goto out
if skipList != nil && C.g_hash_table_size((*C.GHashTable)(skipList.Ptr())) > 0 {
var hashIter *C.GHashTableIter
var key, value C.gpointer
C.g_hash_table_iter_init(hashIter, (*C.GHashTable)(skipList.Ptr()))
for glib.GoBool(glib.GBoolean(C.g_hash_table_iter_next(hashIter, &key, &value))) {
C._g_printerr_onearg(C.CString("Unmatched SkipList path: "), C._gptr_to_str(key))
err = errors.New("Unmatched SkipList paths")
goto out
cerr = nil
if !glib.GoBool(glib.GBoolean(C.ostree_repo_write_mtree(repo.native(), mtree, &root, cancellable, &cerr))) {
goto out
if options.SkipIfUnchanged && strings.Compare(options.Parent, "") != 0 {
var parentRoot *C.GFile
cerr = nil
if !glib.GoBool(glib.GBoolean(C.ostree_repo_read_commit(repo.native(), cparent, &parentRoot, nil, cancellable, &cerr))) {
goto out
if glib.GoBool(glib.GBoolean(C.g_file_equal(root, parentRoot))) {
skipCommit = true
if !skipCommit {
var timestamp C.guint64
if options.Timestamp.IsZero() {
var now *C.GDateTime = C.g_date_time_new_now_utc()
timestamp = (C.guint64)(C.g_date_time_to_unix(now))
cerr = nil
ret := C.ostree_repo_write_commit(repo.native(), cparent, csubject, cbody, metadata, C._ostree_repo_file(root), &ccommitChecksum, cancellable, &cerr)
if !glib.GoBool(glib.GBoolean(ret)) {
goto out
} else {
timestamp = (C.guint64)(options.Timestamp.Unix())
if !glib.GoBool(glib.GBoolean(C.ostree_repo_write_commit_with_time(repo.native(), cparent, csubject, cbody,
metadata, C._ostree_repo_file(root), timestamp, &ccommitChecksum, cancellable, &cerr))) {
goto out
if detachedMetadata != nil {
C.ostree_repo_write_commit_detached_metadata(repo.native(), ccommitChecksum, detachedMetadata, cancellable, &cerr)
if len(options.GpgSign) != 0 {
for key := range options.GpgSign {
if !glib.GoBool(glib.GBoolean(C.ostree_repo_sign_commit(repo.native(), (*C.gchar)(ccommitChecksum), (*C.gchar)(C.CString(options.GpgSign[key])), (*C.gchar)(C.CString(options.GpgHomedir)), cancellable, &cerr))) {
goto out
if strings.Compare(branch, "") != 0 {
C.ostree_repo_transaction_set_ref(repo.native(), nil, cbranch, ccommitChecksum)
} else if !options.Orphan {
goto out
} else {
// TODO: Looks like I forgot to implement this.
} else {
ccommitChecksum = C.CString(options.Parent)
return C.GoString(ccommitChecksum), nil
if repo.native() != nil {
C.ostree_repo_abort_transaction(repo.native(), cancellable, nil)
if modifier != nil {
if err != nil {
return "", err
return "", generateError(cerr)
// Parse an array of key value pairs of the format KEY=VALUE and add them to a GVariant
func parseKeyValueStrings(pairs []string) (*C.GVariant, error) {
builder := C.g_variant_builder_new(C._g_variant_type(C.CString("a{sv}")))
defer C.g_variant_builder_unref(builder)
for iter := range pairs {
index := strings.Index(pairs[iter], "=")
if index <= 0 {
var buffer bytes.Buffer
buffer.WriteString("Missing '=' in KEY=VALUE metadata '%s'")
return nil, errors.New(buffer.String())
key := C.CString(pairs[iter][:index])
value := C.CString(pairs[iter][index+1:])
valueVariant := C.g_variant_new_string((*C.gchar)(value))
C._g_variant_builder_add_twoargs(builder, C.CString("{sv}"), key, valueVariant)
metadata := C.g_variant_builder_end(builder)
return C.g_variant_ref_sink(metadata), nil
// Parse a file linue by line and handle the line with the handleLineFunc
func parseFileByLine(path string, fn handleLineFunc, table *glib.GHashTable, cancellable *C.GCancellable) error {
var contents *C.char
var file *glib.GFile
var lines []string
var gerr = glib.NewGError()
cerr := (*C.GError)(gerr.Ptr())
file = glib.ToGFile(unsafe.Pointer(C.g_file_new_for_path(C.CString(path))))
if !glib.GoBool(glib.GBoolean(C.g_file_load_contents((*C.GFile)(file.Ptr()), cancellable, &contents, nil, nil, &cerr))) {
return generateError(cerr)
lines = strings.Split(C.GoString(contents), "\n")
for line := range lines {
if strings.Compare(lines[line], "") == 0 {
if err := fn(lines[line], table); err != nil {
return generateError(cerr)
return nil
// Handle an individual line from a Statoverride file
func handleStatOverrideLine(line string, table *glib.GHashTable) error {
var space int
var modeAdd C.guint
if space = strings.IndexRune(line, ' '); space == -1 {
return errors.New("Malformed StatOverrideFile (no space found)")
modeAdd = (C.guint)(C.g_ascii_strtod((*C.gchar)(C.CString(line)), nil))
C.g_hash_table_insert((*C.GHashTable)(table.Ptr()), C.gpointer(C.g_strdup((*C.gchar)(C.CString(line[space+1:])))), C._guint_to_pointer(modeAdd))
return nil
// Handle an individual line from a Skiplist file
func handleSkipListline(line string, table *glib.GHashTable) error {
C.g_hash_table_add((*C.GHashTable)(table.Ptr()), C.gpointer( C.g_strdup((*C.gchar)(C.CString(line)))))
return nil