2017-01-31 16:45:59 -08:00
/ *
Copyright 2016 The Kubernetes Authors .
Licensed under the Apache License , Version 2.0 ( the "License" ) ;
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License .
You may obtain a copy of the License at
http : //www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing , software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS ,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License .
* /
package kubefed
import (
2017-02-03 14:41:32 +01:00
clientcmdapi "k8s.io/client-go/tools/clientcmd/api"
2017-01-31 16:45:59 -08:00
kubectlcmd "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/kubectl/cmd"
cmdutil "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/kubectl/cmd/util"
const (
// defaultClusterCIDR is the default CIDR range accepted by the
// joining API server. See `apis/federation.ClusterSpec` for
// details.
// TODO(madhusudancs): Make this value customizable.
defaultClientCIDR = ""
var (
join_long = templates . LongDesc ( `
Join a cluster to a federation .
Current context is assumed to be a federation API
server . Please use the -- context flag otherwise . ` )
join_example = templates . Examples ( `
# Join a cluster to a federation by specifying the
# cluster name and the context name of the federation
# control plane ' s host cluster . Cluster name must be
# a valid RFC 1123 subdomain name . Cluster context
# must be specified if the cluster name is different
# than the cluster ' s context in the local kubeconfig .
kubectl join foo -- host - cluster - context = bar ` )
// NewCmdJoin defines the `join` command that joins a cluster to a
// federation.
func NewCmdJoin ( f cmdutil . Factory , cmdOut io . Writer , config util . AdminConfig ) * cobra . Command {
cmd := & cobra . Command {
Use : "join CLUSTER_NAME --host-cluster-context=HOST_CONTEXT" ,
Short : "Join a cluster to a federation" ,
Long : join_long ,
Example : join_example ,
Run : func ( cmd * cobra . Command , args [ ] string ) {
err := joinFederation ( f , cmdOut , config , cmd , args )
cmdutil . CheckErr ( err )
} ,
cmdutil . AddApplyAnnotationFlags ( cmd )
cmdutil . AddValidateFlags ( cmd )
cmdutil . AddPrinterFlags ( cmd )
cmdutil . AddGeneratorFlags ( cmd , cmdutil . ClusterV1Beta1GeneratorName )
util . AddSubcommandFlags ( cmd )
cmd . Flags ( ) . String ( "cluster-context" , "" , "Name of the cluster's context in the local kubeconfig. Defaults to cluster name if unspecified." )
cmd . Flags ( ) . String ( "secret-name" , "" , "Name of the secret where the cluster's credentials will be stored in the host cluster. This name should be a valid RFC 1035 label. Defaults to cluster name if unspecified." )
return cmd
// joinFederation is the implementation of the `join federation` command.
func joinFederation ( f cmdutil . Factory , cmdOut io . Writer , config util . AdminConfig , cmd * cobra . Command , args [ ] string ) error {
joinFlags , err := util . GetSubcommandFlags ( cmd , args )
if err != nil {
return err
clusterContext := cmdutil . GetFlagString ( cmd , "cluster-context" )
secretName := cmdutil . GetFlagString ( cmd , "secret-name" )
dryRun := cmdutil . GetDryRunFlag ( cmd )
if clusterContext == "" {
clusterContext = joinFlags . Name
if secretName == "" {
secretName = joinFlags . Name
glog . V ( 2 ) . Infof ( "Args and flags: name %s, host: %s, host-system-namespace: %s, kubeconfig: %s, cluster-context: %s, secret-name: %s, dry-run: %s" , joinFlags . Name , joinFlags . Host , joinFlags . FederationSystemNamespace , joinFlags . Kubeconfig , clusterContext , secretName , dryRun )
po := config . PathOptions ( )
po . LoadingRules . ExplicitPath = joinFlags . Kubeconfig
clientConfig , err := po . GetStartingConfig ( )
if err != nil {
return err
generator , err := clusterGenerator ( clientConfig , joinFlags . Name , clusterContext , secretName )
if err != nil {
glog . V ( 2 ) . Infof ( "Failed creating cluster generator: %v" , err )
return err
glog . V ( 2 ) . Infof ( "Created cluster generator: %#v" , generator )
hostFactory := config . HostFactory ( joinFlags . Host , joinFlags . Kubeconfig )
// We are not using the `kubectl create secret` machinery through
// `RunCreateSubcommand` as we do to the cluster resource below
// because we have a bunch of requirements that the machinery does
// not satisfy.
// 1. We want to create the secret in a specific namespace, which
// is neither the "default" namespace nor the one specified
// via the `--namespace` flag.
// 2. `SecretGeneratorV1` requires LiteralSources in a string-ified
// form that it parses to generate the secret data key-value
// pairs. We, however, have the key-value pairs ready without a
// need for parsing.
// 3. The result printing mechanism needs to be mostly quiet. We
// don't have to print the created secret in the default case.
// Having said that, secret generation machinery could be altered to
// suit our needs, but it is far less invasive and readable this way.
_ , err = createSecret ( hostFactory , clientConfig , joinFlags . FederationSystemNamespace , clusterContext , secretName , dryRun )
if err != nil {
glog . V ( 2 ) . Infof ( "Failed creating the cluster credentials secret: %v" , err )
return err
glog . V ( 2 ) . Infof ( "Cluster credentials secret created" )
return kubectlcmd . RunCreateSubcommand ( f , cmd , cmdOut , & kubectlcmd . CreateSubcommandOptions {
Name : joinFlags . Name ,
StructuredGenerator : generator ,
DryRun : dryRun ,
OutputFormat : cmdutil . GetFlagString ( cmd , "output" ) ,
} )
// minifyConfig is a wrapper around `clientcmdapi.MinifyConfig()` that
// sets the current context to the given context before calling
// `clientcmdapi.MinifyConfig()`.
func minifyConfig ( clientConfig * clientcmdapi . Config , context string ) ( * clientcmdapi . Config , error ) {
// MinifyConfig inline-modifies the passed clientConfig. So we make a
// copy of it before passing the config to it. A shallow copy is
// sufficient because the underlying fields will be reconstructed by
// MinifyConfig anyway.
newClientConfig := * clientConfig
newClientConfig . CurrentContext = context
err := clientcmdapi . MinifyConfig ( & newClientConfig )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
return & newClientConfig , nil
// createSecret extracts the kubeconfig for a given cluster and populates
// a secret with that kubeconfig.
func createSecret ( hostFactory cmdutil . Factory , clientConfig * clientcmdapi . Config , namespace , contextName , secretName string , dryRun bool ) ( runtime . Object , error ) {
// Minify the kubeconfig to ensure that there is only information
// relevant to the cluster we are registering.
newClientConfig , err := minifyConfig ( clientConfig , contextName )
if err != nil {
glog . V ( 2 ) . Infof ( "Failed to minify the kubeconfig for the given context %q: %v" , contextName , err )
return nil , err
// Flatten the kubeconfig to ensure that all the referenced file
// contents are inlined.
err = clientcmdapi . FlattenConfig ( newClientConfig )
if err != nil {
glog . V ( 2 ) . Infof ( "Failed to flatten the kubeconfig for the given context %q: %v" , contextName , err )
return nil , err
// Boilerplate to create the secret in the host cluster.
clientset , err := hostFactory . ClientSet ( )
if err != nil {
glog . V ( 2 ) . Infof ( "Failed to serialize the kubeconfig for the given context %q: %v" , contextName , err )
return nil , err
return util . CreateKubeconfigSecret ( clientset , newClientConfig , namespace , secretName , dryRun )
// clusterGenerator extracts the cluster information from the supplied
// kubeconfig and builds a StructuredGenerator for the
// `federation/cluster` API resource.
func clusterGenerator ( clientConfig * clientcmdapi . Config , name , contextName , secretName string ) ( kubectl . StructuredGenerator , error ) {
// Get the context from the config.
ctx , found := clientConfig . Contexts [ contextName ]
if ! found {
return nil , fmt . Errorf ( "cluster context %q not found" , contextName )
// Get the cluster object corresponding to the supplied context.
cluster , found := clientConfig . Clusters [ ctx . Cluster ]
if ! found {
return nil , fmt . Errorf ( "cluster endpoint not found for %q" , name )
// Extract the scheme portion of the cluster APIServer endpoint and
// default it to `https` if it isn't specified.
scheme := extractScheme ( cluster . Server )
serverAddress := cluster . Server
if scheme == "" {
// Use "https" as the default scheme.
scheme := "https"
serverAddress = strings . Join ( [ ] string { scheme , serverAddress } , "://" )
generator := & kubectl . ClusterGeneratorV1Beta1 {
Name : name ,
ClientCIDR : defaultClientCIDR ,
ServerAddress : serverAddress ,
SecretName : secretName ,
return generator , nil
// extractScheme parses the given URL to extract the scheme portion
// out of it.
func extractScheme ( url string ) string {
scheme := ""
segs := strings . SplitN ( url , "://" , 2 )
if len ( segs ) == 2 {
scheme = segs [ 0 ]
return scheme