2017-01-31 16:45:59 -08:00
/ *
Copyright 2014 The Kubernetes Authors .
Licensed under the Apache License , Version 2.0 ( the "License" ) ;
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License .
You may obtain a copy of the License at
http : //www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing , software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS ,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License .
* /
package e2e
import (
2017-02-03 14:41:32 +01:00
metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
2017-01-31 16:45:59 -08:00
testutils "k8s.io/kubernetes/test/utils"
. "github.com/onsi/ginkgo"
. "github.com/onsi/gomega"
const (
// Try all the proxy tests this many times (to catch even rare flakes).
proxyAttempts = 20
// Only print this many characters of the response (to keep the logs
// legible).
maxDisplayBodyLen = 100
// We have seen one of these calls take just over 15 seconds, so putting this at 30.
proxyHTTPCallTimeout = 30 * time . Second
var _ = framework . KubeDescribe ( "Proxy" , func ( ) {
version := api . Registry . GroupOrDie ( v1 . GroupName ) . GroupVersion . Version
Context ( "version " + version , func ( ) {
options := framework . FrameworkOptions {
ClientQPS : - 1.0 ,
f := framework . NewFramework ( "proxy" , options , nil )
prefix := "/api/" + version
// Port here has to be kept in sync with default kubelet port.
It ( "should proxy logs on node with explicit kubelet port [Conformance]" , func ( ) { nodeProxyTest ( f , prefix + "/proxy/nodes/" , ":10250/logs/" ) } )
It ( "should proxy logs on node [Conformance]" , func ( ) { nodeProxyTest ( f , prefix + "/proxy/nodes/" , "/logs/" ) } )
It ( "should proxy to cadvisor" , func ( ) { nodeProxyTest ( f , prefix + "/proxy/nodes/" , ":4194/containers/" ) } )
It ( "should proxy logs on node with explicit kubelet port using proxy subresource [Conformance]" , func ( ) { nodeProxyTest ( f , prefix + "/nodes/" , ":10250/proxy/logs/" ) } )
It ( "should proxy logs on node using proxy subresource [Conformance]" , func ( ) { nodeProxyTest ( f , prefix + "/nodes/" , "/proxy/logs/" ) } )
It ( "should proxy to cadvisor using proxy subresource" , func ( ) { nodeProxyTest ( f , prefix + "/nodes/" , ":4194/proxy/containers/" ) } )
// using the porter image to serve content, access the content
// (of multiple pods?) from multiple (endpoints/services?)
It ( "should proxy through a service and a pod [Conformance]" , func ( ) {
start := time . Now ( )
labels := map [ string ] string { "proxy-service-target" : "true" }
service , err := f . ClientSet . Core ( ) . Services ( f . Namespace . Name ) . Create ( & v1 . Service {
2017-02-03 14:41:32 +01:00
ObjectMeta : metav1 . ObjectMeta {
2017-01-31 16:45:59 -08:00
GenerateName : "proxy-service-" ,
} ,
Spec : v1 . ServiceSpec {
Selector : labels ,
Ports : [ ] v1 . ServicePort {
Name : "portname1" ,
Port : 80 ,
TargetPort : intstr . FromString ( "dest1" ) ,
} ,
Name : "portname2" ,
Port : 81 ,
TargetPort : intstr . FromInt ( 162 ) ,
} ,
Name : "tlsportname1" ,
Port : 443 ,
TargetPort : intstr . FromString ( "tlsdest1" ) ,
} ,
Name : "tlsportname2" ,
Port : 444 ,
TargetPort : intstr . FromInt ( 462 ) ,
} ,
} ,
} ,
} )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
// Make an RC with a single pod. The 'porter' image is
// a simple server which serves the values of the
// environmental variables below.
By ( "starting an echo server on multiple ports" )
pods := [ ] * v1 . Pod { }
cfg := testutils . RCConfig {
Client : f . ClientSet ,
InternalClient : f . InternalClientset ,
Image : "gcr.io/google_containers/porter:cd5cb5791ebaa8641955f0e8c2a9bed669b1eaab" ,
Name : service . Name ,
Namespace : f . Namespace . Name ,
Replicas : 1 ,
PollInterval : time . Second ,
Env : map [ string ] string {
"SERVE_PORT_80" : ` <a href="/rewriteme">test</a> ` ,
"SERVE_PORT_1080" : ` <a href="/rewriteme">test</a> ` ,
"SERVE_PORT_160" : "foo" ,
"SERVE_PORT_162" : "bar" ,
"SERVE_TLS_PORT_443" : ` <a href="/tlsrewriteme">test</a> ` ,
"SERVE_TLS_PORT_460" : ` tls baz ` ,
"SERVE_TLS_PORT_462" : ` tls qux ` ,
} ,
Ports : map [ string ] int {
"dest1" : 160 ,
"dest2" : 162 ,
"tlsdest1" : 460 ,
"tlsdest2" : 462 ,
} ,
ReadinessProbe : & v1 . Probe {
Handler : v1 . Handler {
HTTPGet : & v1 . HTTPGetAction {
Port : intstr . FromInt ( 80 ) ,
} ,
} ,
InitialDelaySeconds : 1 ,
TimeoutSeconds : 5 ,
PeriodSeconds : 10 ,
} ,
Labels : labels ,
CreatedPods : & pods ,
Expect ( framework . RunRC ( cfg ) ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
defer framework . DeleteRCAndPods ( f . ClientSet , f . InternalClientset , f . Namespace . Name , cfg . Name )
Expect ( f . WaitForAnEndpoint ( service . Name ) ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
// table constructors
// Try proxying through the service and directly to through the pod.
svcProxyURL := func ( scheme , port string ) string {
return prefix + "/proxy/namespaces/" + f . Namespace . Name + "/services/" + net . JoinSchemeNamePort ( scheme , service . Name , port )
subresourceServiceProxyURL := func ( scheme , port string ) string {
return prefix + "/namespaces/" + f . Namespace . Name + "/services/" + net . JoinSchemeNamePort ( scheme , service . Name , port ) + "/proxy"
podProxyURL := func ( scheme , port string ) string {
return prefix + "/proxy/namespaces/" + f . Namespace . Name + "/pods/" + net . JoinSchemeNamePort ( scheme , pods [ 0 ] . Name , port )
subresourcePodProxyURL := func ( scheme , port string ) string {
return prefix + "/namespaces/" + f . Namespace . Name + "/pods/" + net . JoinSchemeNamePort ( scheme , pods [ 0 ] . Name , port ) + "/proxy"
// construct the table
expectations := map [ string ] string {
svcProxyURL ( "" , "portname1" ) + "/" : "foo" ,
svcProxyURL ( "" , "80" ) + "/" : "foo" ,
svcProxyURL ( "" , "portname2" ) + "/" : "bar" ,
svcProxyURL ( "" , "81" ) + "/" : "bar" ,
svcProxyURL ( "http" , "portname1" ) + "/" : "foo" ,
svcProxyURL ( "http" , "80" ) + "/" : "foo" ,
svcProxyURL ( "http" , "portname2" ) + "/" : "bar" ,
svcProxyURL ( "http" , "81" ) + "/" : "bar" ,
svcProxyURL ( "https" , "tlsportname1" ) + "/" : "tls baz" ,
svcProxyURL ( "https" , "443" ) + "/" : "tls baz" ,
svcProxyURL ( "https" , "tlsportname2" ) + "/" : "tls qux" ,
svcProxyURL ( "https" , "444" ) + "/" : "tls qux" ,
subresourceServiceProxyURL ( "" , "portname1" ) + "/" : "foo" ,
subresourceServiceProxyURL ( "http" , "portname1" ) + "/" : "foo" ,
subresourceServiceProxyURL ( "" , "portname2" ) + "/" : "bar" ,
subresourceServiceProxyURL ( "http" , "portname2" ) + "/" : "bar" ,
subresourceServiceProxyURL ( "https" , "tlsportname1" ) + "/" : "tls baz" ,
subresourceServiceProxyURL ( "https" , "tlsportname2" ) + "/" : "tls qux" ,
podProxyURL ( "" , "1080" ) + "/" : ` <a href=" ` + podProxyURL ( "" , "1080" ) + ` /rewriteme">test</a> ` ,
podProxyURL ( "" , "160" ) + "/" : "foo" ,
podProxyURL ( "" , "162" ) + "/" : "bar" ,
podProxyURL ( "http" , "1080" ) + "/" : ` <a href=" ` + podProxyURL ( "http" , "1080" ) + ` /rewriteme">test</a> ` ,
podProxyURL ( "http" , "160" ) + "/" : "foo" ,
podProxyURL ( "http" , "162" ) + "/" : "bar" ,
subresourcePodProxyURL ( "" , "" ) + "/" : ` <a href=" ` + subresourcePodProxyURL ( "" , "" ) + ` /rewriteme">test</a> ` ,
subresourcePodProxyURL ( "" , "1080" ) + "/" : ` <a href=" ` + subresourcePodProxyURL ( "" , "1080" ) + ` /rewriteme">test</a> ` ,
subresourcePodProxyURL ( "http" , "1080" ) + "/" : ` <a href=" ` + subresourcePodProxyURL ( "http" , "1080" ) + ` /rewriteme">test</a> ` ,
subresourcePodProxyURL ( "" , "160" ) + "/" : "foo" ,
subresourcePodProxyURL ( "http" , "160" ) + "/" : "foo" ,
subresourcePodProxyURL ( "" , "162" ) + "/" : "bar" ,
subresourcePodProxyURL ( "http" , "162" ) + "/" : "bar" ,
subresourcePodProxyURL ( "https" , "443" ) + "/" : ` <a href=" ` + subresourcePodProxyURL ( "https" , "443" ) + ` /tlsrewriteme">test</a> ` ,
subresourcePodProxyURL ( "https" , "460" ) + "/" : "tls baz" ,
subresourcePodProxyURL ( "https" , "462" ) + "/" : "tls qux" ,
// TODO: below entries don't work, but I believe we should make them work.
// podPrefix + ":dest1": "foo",
// podPrefix + ":dest2": "bar",
wg := sync . WaitGroup { }
errs := [ ] string { }
errLock := sync . Mutex { }
recordError := func ( s string ) {
errLock . Lock ( )
defer errLock . Unlock ( )
errs = append ( errs , s )
d := time . Since ( start )
framework . Logf ( "setup took %v, starting test cases" , d )
numberTestCases := len ( expectations )
totalAttempts := numberTestCases * proxyAttempts
By ( fmt . Sprintf ( "running %v cases, %v attempts per case, %v total attempts" , numberTestCases , proxyAttempts , totalAttempts ) )
for i := 0 ; i < proxyAttempts ; i ++ {
wg . Add ( numberTestCases )
for path , val := range expectations {
go func ( i int , path , val string ) {
defer wg . Done ( )
// this runs the test case
body , status , d , err := doProxy ( f , path , i )
if err != nil {
if serr , ok := err . ( * errors . StatusError ) ; ok {
recordError ( fmt . Sprintf ( "%v (%v; %v): path %v gave status error: %+v" ,
i , status , d , path , serr . Status ( ) ) )
} else {
recordError ( fmt . Sprintf ( "%v: path %v gave error: %v" , i , path , err ) )
if status != http . StatusOK {
recordError ( fmt . Sprintf ( "%v: path %v gave status: %v" , i , path , status ) )
if e , a := val , string ( body ) ; e != a {
recordError ( fmt . Sprintf ( "%v: path %v: wanted %v, got %v" , i , path , e , a ) )
if d > proxyHTTPCallTimeout {
recordError ( fmt . Sprintf ( "%v: path %v took %v > %v" , i , path , d , proxyHTTPCallTimeout ) )
} ( i , path , val )
wg . Wait ( )
if len ( errs ) != 0 {
body , err := f . ClientSet . Core ( ) . Pods ( f . Namespace . Name ) . GetLogs ( pods [ 0 ] . Name , & v1 . PodLogOptions { } ) . Do ( ) . Raw ( )
if err != nil {
framework . Logf ( "Error getting logs for pod %s: %v" , pods [ 0 ] . Name , err )
} else {
framework . Logf ( "Pod %s has the following error logs: %s" , pods [ 0 ] . Name , body )
Fail ( strings . Join ( errs , "\n" ) )
} )
} )
} )
func doProxy ( f * framework . Framework , path string , i int ) ( body [ ] byte , statusCode int , d time . Duration , err error ) {
// About all of the proxy accesses in this file:
// * AbsPath is used because it preserves the trailing '/'.
// * Do().Raw() is used (instead of DoRaw()) because it will turn an
// error from apiserver proxy into an actual error, and there is no
// chance of the things we are talking to being confused for an error
// that apiserver would have emitted.
start := time . Now ( )
body , err = f . ClientSet . Core ( ) . RESTClient ( ) . Get ( ) . AbsPath ( path ) . Do ( ) . StatusCode ( & statusCode ) . Raw ( )
d = time . Since ( start )
if len ( body ) > 0 {
framework . Logf ( "(%v) %v: %s (%v; %v)" , i , path , truncate ( body , maxDisplayBodyLen ) , statusCode , d )
} else {
framework . Logf ( "%v: %s (%v; %v)" , path , "no body" , statusCode , d )
func truncate ( b [ ] byte , maxLen int ) [ ] byte {
if len ( b ) <= maxLen - 3 {
return b
b2 := append ( [ ] byte ( nil ) , b [ : maxLen - 3 ] ... )
b2 = append ( b2 , '.' , '.' , '.' )
return b2
func pickNode ( cs clientset . Interface ) ( string , error ) {
// TODO: investigate why it doesn't work on master Node.
nodes := framework . GetReadySchedulableNodesOrDie ( cs )
if len ( nodes . Items ) == 0 {
return "" , fmt . Errorf ( "no nodes exist, can't test node proxy" )
return nodes . Items [ 0 ] . Name , nil
func nodeProxyTest ( f * framework . Framework , prefix , nodeDest string ) {
node , err := pickNode ( f . ClientSet )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
// TODO: Change it to test whether all requests succeeded when requests
// not reaching Kubelet issue is debugged.
serviceUnavailableErrors := 0
for i := 0 ; i < proxyAttempts ; i ++ {
_ , status , d , err := doProxy ( f , prefix + node + nodeDest , i )
if status == http . StatusServiceUnavailable {
framework . Logf ( "Failed proxying node logs due to service unavailable: %v" , err )
time . Sleep ( time . Second )
serviceUnavailableErrors ++
} else {
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
Expect ( status ) . To ( Equal ( http . StatusOK ) )
Expect ( d ) . To ( BeNumerically ( "<" , proxyHTTPCallTimeout ) )
if serviceUnavailableErrors > 0 {
framework . Logf ( "error: %d requests to proxy node logs failed" , serviceUnavailableErrors )
maxFailures := int ( math . Floor ( 0.1 * float64 ( proxyAttempts ) ) )
Expect ( serviceUnavailableErrors ) . To ( BeNumerically ( "<" , maxFailures ) )