2017-01-31 16:45:59 -08:00
/ *
Copyright 2014 The Kubernetes Authors .
Licensed under the Apache License , Version 2.0 ( the "License" ) ;
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License .
You may obtain a copy of the License at
http : //www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing , software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS ,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License .
* /
package serviceaccount
import (
metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
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kubeapiserveradmission "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/kubeapiserver/admission"
kubelet "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/kubelet/types"
// DefaultServiceAccountName is the name of the default service account to set on pods which do not specify a service account
const DefaultServiceAccountName = "default"
// EnforceMountableSecretsAnnotation is a default annotation that indicates that a service account should enforce mountable secrets.
// The value must be true to have this annotation take effect
const EnforceMountableSecretsAnnotation = "kubernetes.io/enforce-mountable-secrets"
// DefaultAPITokenMountPath is the path that ServiceAccountToken secrets are automounted to.
// The token file would then be accessible at /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount
const DefaultAPITokenMountPath = "/var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount"
// PluginName is the name of this admission plugin
const PluginName = "ServiceAccount"
func init ( ) {
admission . RegisterPlugin ( PluginName , func ( config io . Reader ) ( admission . Interface , error ) {
serviceAccountAdmission := NewServiceAccount ( )
return serviceAccountAdmission , nil
} )
var _ = admission . Interface ( & serviceAccount { } )
type serviceAccount struct {
* admission . Handler
// LimitSecretReferences rejects pods that reference secrets their service accounts do not reference
LimitSecretReferences bool
// RequireAPIToken determines whether pod creation attempts are rejected if no API token exists for the pod's service account
RequireAPIToken bool
// MountServiceAccountToken creates Volume and VolumeMounts for the first referenced ServiceAccountToken for the pod's service account
MountServiceAccountToken bool
client internalclientset . Interface
serviceAccounts cache . Indexer
secrets cache . Indexer
stopChan chan struct { }
serviceAccountsReflector * cache . Reflector
secretsReflector * cache . Reflector
var _ = kubeapiserveradmission . WantsInternalClientSet ( & serviceAccount { } )
// NewServiceAccount returns an admission.Interface implementation which limits admission of Pod CREATE requests based on the pod's ServiceAccount:
// 1. If the pod does not specify a ServiceAccount, it sets the pod's ServiceAccount to "default"
// 2. It ensures the ServiceAccount referenced by the pod exists
// 3. If LimitSecretReferences is true, it rejects the pod if the pod references Secret objects which the pod's ServiceAccount does not reference
// 4. If the pod does not contain any ImagePullSecrets, the ImagePullSecrets of the service account are added.
// 5. If MountServiceAccountToken is true, it adds a VolumeMount with the pod's ServiceAccount's api token secret to containers
func NewServiceAccount ( ) * serviceAccount {
return & serviceAccount {
Handler : admission . NewHandler ( admission . Create ) ,
// TODO: enable this once we've swept secret usage to account for adding secret references to service accounts
LimitSecretReferences : false ,
// Auto mount service account API token secrets
MountServiceAccountToken : true ,
// Reject pod creation until a service account token is available
RequireAPIToken : true ,
func ( a * serviceAccount ) SetInternalClientSet ( cl internalclientset . Interface ) {
a . client = cl
a . serviceAccounts , a . serviceAccountsReflector = cache . NewNamespaceKeyedIndexerAndReflector (
& cache . ListWatch {
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ListFunc : func ( options metav1 . ListOptions ) ( runtime . Object , error ) {
return cl . Core ( ) . ServiceAccounts ( metav1 . NamespaceAll ) . List ( options )
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} ,
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WatchFunc : func ( options metav1 . ListOptions ) ( watch . Interface , error ) {
return cl . Core ( ) . ServiceAccounts ( metav1 . NamespaceAll ) . Watch ( options )
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} ,
} ,
& api . ServiceAccount { } ,
0 ,
tokenSelector := fields . SelectorFromSet ( map [ string ] string { api . SecretTypeField : string ( api . SecretTypeServiceAccountToken ) } )
a . secrets , a . secretsReflector = cache . NewNamespaceKeyedIndexerAndReflector (
& cache . ListWatch {
2017-02-03 14:41:32 +01:00
ListFunc : func ( options metav1 . ListOptions ) ( runtime . Object , error ) {
options . FieldSelector = tokenSelector . String ( )
return cl . Core ( ) . Secrets ( metav1 . NamespaceAll ) . List ( options )
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} ,
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WatchFunc : func ( options metav1 . ListOptions ) ( watch . Interface , error ) {
options . FieldSelector = tokenSelector . String ( )
return cl . Core ( ) . Secrets ( metav1 . NamespaceAll ) . Watch ( options )
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} ,
} ,
& api . Secret { } ,
0 ,
if cl != nil {
a . Run ( )
// Validate ensures an authorizer is set.
func ( a * serviceAccount ) Validate ( ) error {
if a . client == nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "missing client" )
if a . secrets == nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "missing secretsIndexer" )
if a . secretsReflector == nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "missing secretsReflector" )
if a . serviceAccounts == nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "missing serviceAccountsIndexer" )
if a . serviceAccountsReflector == nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "missing serviceAccountsReflector" )
return nil
func ( s * serviceAccount ) Run ( ) {
if s . stopChan == nil {
s . stopChan = make ( chan struct { } )
s . serviceAccountsReflector . RunUntil ( s . stopChan )
s . secretsReflector . RunUntil ( s . stopChan )
func ( s * serviceAccount ) Stop ( ) {
if s . stopChan != nil {
close ( s . stopChan )
s . stopChan = nil
func ( s * serviceAccount ) Admit ( a admission . Attributes ) ( err error ) {
if a . GetResource ( ) . GroupResource ( ) != api . Resource ( "pods" ) {
return nil
obj := a . GetObject ( )
if obj == nil {
return nil
pod , ok := obj . ( * api . Pod )
if ! ok {
return nil
// Don't modify the spec of mirror pods.
// That makes the kubelet very angry and confused, and it immediately deletes the pod (because the spec doesn't match)
// That said, don't allow mirror pods to reference ServiceAccounts or SecretVolumeSources either
if _ , isMirrorPod := pod . Annotations [ kubelet . ConfigMirrorAnnotationKey ] ; isMirrorPod {
if len ( pod . Spec . ServiceAccountName ) != 0 {
return admission . NewForbidden ( a , fmt . Errorf ( "a mirror pod may not reference service accounts" ) )
for _ , volume := range pod . Spec . Volumes {
if volume . VolumeSource . Secret != nil {
return admission . NewForbidden ( a , fmt . Errorf ( "a mirror pod may not reference secrets" ) )
return nil
// Set the default service account if needed
if len ( pod . Spec . ServiceAccountName ) == 0 {
pod . Spec . ServiceAccountName = DefaultServiceAccountName
// Ensure the referenced service account exists
serviceAccount , err := s . getServiceAccount ( a . GetNamespace ( ) , pod . Spec . ServiceAccountName )
if err != nil {
return admission . NewForbidden ( a , fmt . Errorf ( "error looking up service account %s/%s: %v" , a . GetNamespace ( ) , pod . Spec . ServiceAccountName , err ) )
if serviceAccount == nil {
// TODO: convert to a ServerTimeout error (or other error that sends a Retry-After header)
return admission . NewForbidden ( a , fmt . Errorf ( "service account %s/%s was not found, retry after the service account is created" , a . GetNamespace ( ) , pod . Spec . ServiceAccountName ) )
if s . enforceMountableSecrets ( serviceAccount ) {
if err := s . limitSecretReferences ( serviceAccount , pod ) ; err != nil {
return admission . NewForbidden ( a , err )
if s . MountServiceAccountToken {
if err := s . mountServiceAccountToken ( serviceAccount , pod ) ; err != nil {
if _ , ok := err . ( errors . APIStatus ) ; ok {
return err
return admission . NewForbidden ( a , err )
if len ( pod . Spec . ImagePullSecrets ) == 0 {
pod . Spec . ImagePullSecrets = make ( [ ] api . LocalObjectReference , len ( serviceAccount . ImagePullSecrets ) )
copy ( pod . Spec . ImagePullSecrets , serviceAccount . ImagePullSecrets )
return nil
// enforceMountableSecrets indicates whether mountable secrets should be enforced for a particular service account
// A global setting of true will override any flag set on the individual service account
func ( s * serviceAccount ) enforceMountableSecrets ( serviceAccount * api . ServiceAccount ) bool {
if s . LimitSecretReferences {
return true
if value , ok := serviceAccount . Annotations [ EnforceMountableSecretsAnnotation ] ; ok {
enforceMountableSecretCheck , _ := strconv . ParseBool ( value )
return enforceMountableSecretCheck
return false
// getServiceAccount returns the ServiceAccount for the given namespace and name if it exists
func ( s * serviceAccount ) getServiceAccount ( namespace string , name string ) ( * api . ServiceAccount , error ) {
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key := & api . ServiceAccount { ObjectMeta : metav1 . ObjectMeta { Namespace : namespace } }
2017-01-31 16:45:59 -08:00
index , err := s . serviceAccounts . Index ( "namespace" , key )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
for _ , obj := range index {
serviceAccount := obj . ( * api . ServiceAccount )
if serviceAccount . Name == name {
return serviceAccount , nil
// Could not find in cache, attempt to look up directly
numAttempts := 1
if name == DefaultServiceAccountName {
// If this is the default serviceaccount, attempt more times, since it should be auto-created by the controller
numAttempts = 10
retryInterval := time . Duration ( rand . Int63n ( 100 ) + int64 ( 100 ) ) * time . Millisecond
for i := 0 ; i < numAttempts ; i ++ {
if i != 0 {
time . Sleep ( retryInterval )
serviceAccount , err := s . client . Core ( ) . ServiceAccounts ( namespace ) . Get ( name , metav1 . GetOptions { } )
if err == nil {
return serviceAccount , nil
if ! errors . IsNotFound ( err ) {
return nil , err
return nil , nil
// getReferencedServiceAccountToken returns the name of the first referenced secret which is a ServiceAccountToken for the service account
func ( s * serviceAccount ) getReferencedServiceAccountToken ( serviceAccount * api . ServiceAccount ) ( string , error ) {
if len ( serviceAccount . Secrets ) == 0 {
return "" , nil
tokens , err := s . getServiceAccountTokens ( serviceAccount )
if err != nil {
return "" , err
references := sets . NewString ( )
for _ , secret := range serviceAccount . Secrets {
references . Insert ( secret . Name )
for _ , token := range tokens {
if references . Has ( token . Name ) {
return token . Name , nil
return "" , nil
// getServiceAccountTokens returns all ServiceAccountToken secrets for the given ServiceAccount
func ( s * serviceAccount ) getServiceAccountTokens ( serviceAccount * api . ServiceAccount ) ( [ ] * api . Secret , error ) {
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key := & api . Secret { ObjectMeta : metav1 . ObjectMeta { Namespace : serviceAccount . Namespace } }
2017-01-31 16:45:59 -08:00
index , err := s . secrets . Index ( "namespace" , key )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
tokens := [ ] * api . Secret { }
for _ , obj := range index {
token := obj . ( * api . Secret )
if serviceaccount . InternalIsServiceAccountToken ( token , serviceAccount ) {
tokens = append ( tokens , token )
return tokens , nil
func ( s * serviceAccount ) limitSecretReferences ( serviceAccount * api . ServiceAccount , pod * api . Pod ) error {
// Ensure all secrets the pod references are allowed by the service account
mountableSecrets := sets . NewString ( )
for _ , s := range serviceAccount . Secrets {
mountableSecrets . Insert ( s . Name )
for _ , volume := range pod . Spec . Volumes {
source := volume . VolumeSource
if source . Secret == nil {
secretName := source . Secret . SecretName
if ! mountableSecrets . Has ( secretName ) {
return fmt . Errorf ( "volume with secret.secretName=\"%s\" is not allowed because service account %s does not reference that secret" , secretName , serviceAccount . Name )
for _ , container := range pod . Spec . InitContainers {
for _ , env := range container . Env {
if env . ValueFrom != nil && env . ValueFrom . SecretKeyRef != nil {
if ! mountableSecrets . Has ( env . ValueFrom . SecretKeyRef . Name ) {
return fmt . Errorf ( "init container %s with envVar %s referencing secret.secretName=\"%s\" is not allowed because service account %s does not reference that secret" , container . Name , env . Name , env . ValueFrom . SecretKeyRef . Name , serviceAccount . Name )
for _ , container := range pod . Spec . Containers {
for _ , env := range container . Env {
if env . ValueFrom != nil && env . ValueFrom . SecretKeyRef != nil {
if ! mountableSecrets . Has ( env . ValueFrom . SecretKeyRef . Name ) {
return fmt . Errorf ( "container %s with envVar %s referencing secret.secretName=\"%s\" is not allowed because service account %s does not reference that secret" , container . Name , env . Name , env . ValueFrom . SecretKeyRef . Name , serviceAccount . Name )
// limit pull secret references as well
pullSecrets := sets . NewString ( )
for _ , s := range serviceAccount . ImagePullSecrets {
pullSecrets . Insert ( s . Name )
for i , pullSecretRef := range pod . Spec . ImagePullSecrets {
if ! pullSecrets . Has ( pullSecretRef . Name ) {
return fmt . Errorf ( ` imagePullSecrets[%d].name="%s" is not allowed because service account %s does not reference that imagePullSecret ` , i , pullSecretRef . Name , serviceAccount . Name )
return nil
func ( s * serviceAccount ) mountServiceAccountToken ( serviceAccount * api . ServiceAccount , pod * api . Pod ) error {
// Find the name of a referenced ServiceAccountToken secret we can mount
serviceAccountToken , err := s . getReferencedServiceAccountToken ( serviceAccount )
if err != nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "Error looking up service account token for %s/%s: %v" , serviceAccount . Namespace , serviceAccount . Name , err )
if len ( serviceAccountToken ) == 0 {
// We don't have an API token to mount, so return
if s . RequireAPIToken {
// If a token is required, this is considered an error
err := errors . NewServerTimeout ( schema . GroupResource { Resource : "serviceaccounts" } , "create pod" , 1 )
err . ErrStatus . Message = fmt . Sprintf ( "No API token found for service account %q, retry after the token is automatically created and added to the service account" , serviceAccount . Name )
return err
return nil
// Find the volume and volume name for the ServiceAccountTokenSecret if it already exists
tokenVolumeName := ""
hasTokenVolume := false
allVolumeNames := sets . NewString ( )
for _ , volume := range pod . Spec . Volumes {
allVolumeNames . Insert ( volume . Name )
if volume . Secret != nil && volume . Secret . SecretName == serviceAccountToken {
tokenVolumeName = volume . Name
hasTokenVolume = true
// Determine a volume name for the ServiceAccountTokenSecret in case we need it
if len ( tokenVolumeName ) == 0 {
// Try naming the volume the same as the serviceAccountToken, and uniquify if needed
tokenVolumeName = serviceAccountToken
if allVolumeNames . Has ( tokenVolumeName ) {
tokenVolumeName = names . SimpleNameGenerator . GenerateName ( fmt . Sprintf ( "%s-" , serviceAccountToken ) )
// Create the prototypical VolumeMount
volumeMount := api . VolumeMount {
Name : tokenVolumeName ,
ReadOnly : true ,
MountPath : DefaultAPITokenMountPath ,
// Ensure every container mounts the APISecret volume
needsTokenVolume := false
for i , container := range pod . Spec . InitContainers {
existingContainerMount := false
for _ , volumeMount := range container . VolumeMounts {
// Existing mounts at the default mount path prevent mounting of the API token
if volumeMount . MountPath == DefaultAPITokenMountPath {
existingContainerMount = true
if ! existingContainerMount {
pod . Spec . InitContainers [ i ] . VolumeMounts = append ( pod . Spec . InitContainers [ i ] . VolumeMounts , volumeMount )
needsTokenVolume = true
for i , container := range pod . Spec . Containers {
existingContainerMount := false
for _ , volumeMount := range container . VolumeMounts {
// Existing mounts at the default mount path prevent mounting of the API token
if volumeMount . MountPath == DefaultAPITokenMountPath {
existingContainerMount = true
if ! existingContainerMount {
pod . Spec . Containers [ i ] . VolumeMounts = append ( pod . Spec . Containers [ i ] . VolumeMounts , volumeMount )
needsTokenVolume = true
// Add the volume if a container needs it
if ! hasTokenVolume && needsTokenVolume {
volume := api . Volume {
Name : tokenVolumeName ,
VolumeSource : api . VolumeSource {
Secret : & api . SecretVolumeSource {
SecretName : serviceAccountToken ,
} ,
} ,
pod . Spec . Volumes = append ( pod . Spec . Volumes , volume )
return nil