An image served by an OpenShift(Atomic) Registry server. The current OpenShift project and OpenShift Registry instance are by default read from `$HOME/.kube/config`, which is set e.g. using `(oc login)`.
An existing local directory _path_ storing the manifest, layer tarballs and signatures as individual files. This is a non-standardized format, primarily useful for debugging or noninvasive container inspection.
An image in a registry implementing the "Docker Registry HTTP API V2". By default, uses the authorization state in `$HOME/.docker/config.json`, which is set e.g. using `(docker login)`.
An image is stored in the `docker save` formatted file. _docker-reference_ is only used when creating such a file, and it must not contain a digest.
An image _docker-reference_ stored in the docker daemon internal storage. _docker-reference_ must contain either a tag or a digest. Alternatively, when reading images, the format can also be docker-daemon:algo:digest (an image ID).
An image _tag_ in a directory compliant with "Open Container Image Layout Specification" at _path_.
An image in local OSTree repository. _/absolute/repo/path_ defaults to _/ostree/repo_.