2017-01-31 16:45:59 -08:00
/ *
Copyright 2014 The Kubernetes Authors .
Licensed under the Apache License , Version 2.0 ( the "License" ) ;
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License .
You may obtain a copy of the License at
http : //www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing , software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS ,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License .
* /
package kubectl
import (
metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
2017-02-03 14:41:32 +01:00
2017-01-31 16:45:59 -08:00
fedclientset "k8s.io/kubernetes/federation/client/clientset_generated/federation_internalclientset"
2017-02-03 14:41:32 +01:00
2017-01-31 16:45:59 -08:00
versionedextension "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/apis/extensions/v1beta1"
storageutil "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/apis/storage/util"
versionedclientset "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/clientset_generated/clientset"
clientset "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/clientset_generated/internalclientset"
coreclient "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/clientset_generated/internalclientset/typed/core/internalversion"
extensionsclient "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/clientset_generated/internalclientset/typed/extensions/internalversion"
deploymentutil "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/controller/deployment/util"
// Describer generates output for the named resource or an error
// if the output could not be generated. Implementers typically
// abstract the retrieval of the named object from a remote server.
type Describer interface {
Describe ( namespace , name string , describerSettings DescriberSettings ) ( output string , err error )
// DescriberSettings holds display configuration for each object
// describer to control what is printed.
type DescriberSettings struct {
ShowEvents bool
// ObjectDescriber is an interface for displaying arbitrary objects with extra
// information. Use when an object is in hand (on disk, or already retrieved).
// Implementers may ignore the additional information passed on extra, or use it
// by default. ObjectDescribers may return ErrNoDescriber if no suitable describer
// is found.
type ObjectDescriber interface {
DescribeObject ( object interface { } , extra ... interface { } ) ( output string , err error )
// ErrNoDescriber is a structured error indicating the provided object or objects
// cannot be described.
type ErrNoDescriber struct {
Types [ ] string
// Error implements the error interface.
func ( e ErrNoDescriber ) Error ( ) string {
return fmt . Sprintf ( "no describer has been defined for %v" , e . Types )
// Each level has 2 spaces for PrefixWriter
const (
LEVEL_0 = iota
type PrefixWriter struct {
out io . Writer
func ( pw * PrefixWriter ) Write ( level int , format string , a ... interface { } ) {
levelSpace := " "
prefix := ""
for i := 0 ; i < level ; i ++ {
prefix += levelSpace
fmt . Fprintf ( pw . out , prefix + format , a ... )
func ( pw * PrefixWriter ) WriteLine ( a ... interface { } ) {
fmt . Fprintln ( pw . out , a ... )
func describerMap ( c clientset . Interface ) map [ schema . GroupKind ] Describer {
m := map [ schema . GroupKind ] Describer {
api . Kind ( "Pod" ) : & PodDescriber { c } ,
api . Kind ( "ReplicationController" ) : & ReplicationControllerDescriber { c } ,
api . Kind ( "Secret" ) : & SecretDescriber { c } ,
api . Kind ( "Service" ) : & ServiceDescriber { c } ,
api . Kind ( "ServiceAccount" ) : & ServiceAccountDescriber { c } ,
api . Kind ( "Node" ) : & NodeDescriber { c } ,
api . Kind ( "LimitRange" ) : & LimitRangeDescriber { c } ,
api . Kind ( "ResourceQuota" ) : & ResourceQuotaDescriber { c } ,
api . Kind ( "PersistentVolume" ) : & PersistentVolumeDescriber { c } ,
api . Kind ( "PersistentVolumeClaim" ) : & PersistentVolumeClaimDescriber { c } ,
api . Kind ( "Namespace" ) : & NamespaceDescriber { c } ,
api . Kind ( "Endpoints" ) : & EndpointsDescriber { c } ,
api . Kind ( "ConfigMap" ) : & ConfigMapDescriber { c } ,
extensions . Kind ( "ReplicaSet" ) : & ReplicaSetDescriber { c } ,
extensions . Kind ( "HorizontalPodAutoscaler" ) : & HorizontalPodAutoscalerDescriber { c } ,
extensions . Kind ( "NetworkPolicy" ) : & NetworkPolicyDescriber { c } ,
autoscaling . Kind ( "HorizontalPodAutoscaler" ) : & HorizontalPodAutoscalerDescriber { c } ,
extensions . Kind ( "DaemonSet" ) : & DaemonSetDescriber { c } ,
extensions . Kind ( "Deployment" ) : & DeploymentDescriber { c , versionedClientsetForDeployment ( c ) } ,
extensions . Kind ( "Ingress" ) : & IngressDescriber { c } ,
batch . Kind ( "Job" ) : & JobDescriber { c } ,
batch . Kind ( "CronJob" ) : & CronJobDescriber { c } ,
apps . Kind ( "StatefulSet" ) : & StatefulSetDescriber { c } ,
certificates . Kind ( "CertificateSigningRequest" ) : & CertificateSigningRequestDescriber { c } ,
storage . Kind ( "StorageClass" ) : & StorageClassDescriber { c } ,
policy . Kind ( "PodDisruptionBudget" ) : & PodDisruptionBudgetDescriber { c } ,
return m
// List of all resource types we can describe
func DescribableResources ( ) [ ] string {
keys := make ( [ ] string , 0 )
for k := range describerMap ( nil ) {
resource := strings . ToLower ( k . Kind )
keys = append ( keys , resource )
return keys
// Describer returns the default describe functions for each of the standard
// Kubernetes types.
func DescriberFor ( kind schema . GroupKind , c clientset . Interface ) ( Describer , bool ) {
f , ok := describerMap ( c ) [ kind ]
return f , ok
// DefaultObjectDescriber can describe the default Kubernetes objects.
var DefaultObjectDescriber ObjectDescriber
func init ( ) {
d := & Describers { }
err := d . Add (
describeLimitRange ,
describeQuota ,
describePod ,
describeService ,
describeReplicationController ,
describeDaemonSet ,
describeNode ,
describeNamespace ,
if err != nil {
glog . Fatalf ( "Cannot register describers: %v" , err )
DefaultObjectDescriber = d
// NamespaceDescriber generates information about a namespace
type NamespaceDescriber struct {
clientset . Interface
func ( d * NamespaceDescriber ) Describe ( namespace , name string , describerSettings DescriberSettings ) ( string , error ) {
ns , err := d . Core ( ) . Namespaces ( ) . Get ( name , metav1 . GetOptions { } )
if err != nil {
return "" , err
2017-02-03 14:41:32 +01:00
resourceQuotaList , err := d . Core ( ) . ResourceQuotas ( name ) . List ( metav1 . ListOptions { } )
2017-01-31 16:45:59 -08:00
if err != nil {
if errors . IsNotFound ( err ) {
// Server does not support resource quotas.
// Not an error, will not show resource quotas information.
resourceQuotaList = nil
} else {
return "" , err
2017-02-03 14:41:32 +01:00
limitRangeList , err := d . Core ( ) . LimitRanges ( name ) . List ( metav1 . ListOptions { } )
2017-01-31 16:45:59 -08:00
if err != nil {
if errors . IsNotFound ( err ) {
// Server does not support limit ranges.
// Not an error, will not show limit ranges information.
limitRangeList = nil
} else {
return "" , err
return describeNamespace ( ns , resourceQuotaList , limitRangeList )
func describeNamespace ( namespace * api . Namespace , resourceQuotaList * api . ResourceQuotaList , limitRangeList * api . LimitRangeList ) ( string , error ) {
return tabbedString ( func ( out io . Writer ) error {
w := & PrefixWriter { out }
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Name:\t%s\n" , namespace . Name )
printLabelsMultiline ( w , "Labels" , namespace . Labels )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Status:\t%s\n" , string ( namespace . Status . Phase ) )
if resourceQuotaList != nil {
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "\n" )
DescribeResourceQuotas ( resourceQuotaList , w )
if limitRangeList != nil {
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "\n" )
DescribeLimitRanges ( limitRangeList , w )
return nil
} )
func describeLimitRangeSpec ( spec api . LimitRangeSpec , prefix string , w * PrefixWriter ) {
for i := range spec . Limits {
item := spec . Limits [ i ]
maxResources := item . Max
minResources := item . Min
defaultLimitResources := item . Default
defaultRequestResources := item . DefaultRequest
ratio := item . MaxLimitRequestRatio
set := map [ api . ResourceName ] bool { }
for k := range maxResources {
set [ k ] = true
for k := range minResources {
set [ k ] = true
for k := range defaultLimitResources {
set [ k ] = true
for k := range defaultRequestResources {
set [ k ] = true
for k := range ratio {
set [ k ] = true
for k := range set {
// if no value is set, we output -
maxValue := "-"
minValue := "-"
defaultLimitValue := "-"
defaultRequestValue := "-"
ratioValue := "-"
maxQuantity , maxQuantityFound := maxResources [ k ]
if maxQuantityFound {
maxValue = maxQuantity . String ( )
minQuantity , minQuantityFound := minResources [ k ]
if minQuantityFound {
minValue = minQuantity . String ( )
defaultLimitQuantity , defaultLimitQuantityFound := defaultLimitResources [ k ]
if defaultLimitQuantityFound {
defaultLimitValue = defaultLimitQuantity . String ( )
defaultRequestQuantity , defaultRequestQuantityFound := defaultRequestResources [ k ]
if defaultRequestQuantityFound {
defaultRequestValue = defaultRequestQuantity . String ( )
ratioQuantity , ratioQuantityFound := ratio [ k ]
if ratioQuantityFound {
ratioValue = ratioQuantity . String ( )
msg := "%s%s\t%v\t%v\t%v\t%v\t%v\t%v\n"
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , msg , prefix , item . Type , k , minValue , maxValue , defaultRequestValue , defaultLimitValue , ratioValue )
// DescribeLimitRanges merges a set of limit range items into a single tabular description
func DescribeLimitRanges ( limitRanges * api . LimitRangeList , w * PrefixWriter ) {
if len ( limitRanges . Items ) == 0 {
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "No resource limits.\n" )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Resource Limits\n Type\tResource\tMin\tMax\tDefault Request\tDefault Limit\tMax Limit/Request Ratio\n" )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , " ----\t--------\t---\t---\t---------------\t-------------\t-----------------------\n" )
for _ , limitRange := range limitRanges . Items {
describeLimitRangeSpec ( limitRange . Spec , " " , w )
// DescribeResourceQuotas merges a set of quota items into a single tabular description of all quotas
func DescribeResourceQuotas ( quotas * api . ResourceQuotaList , w * PrefixWriter ) {
if len ( quotas . Items ) == 0 {
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "No resource quota.\n" )
sort . Sort ( SortableResourceQuotas ( quotas . Items ) )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Resource Quotas" )
for _ , q := range quotas . Items {
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "\n Name:\t%s\n" , q . Name )
if len ( q . Spec . Scopes ) > 0 {
scopes := make ( [ ] string , 0 , len ( q . Spec . Scopes ) )
for _ , scope := range q . Spec . Scopes {
scopes = append ( scopes , string ( scope ) )
sort . Strings ( scopes )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , " Scopes:\t%s\n" , strings . Join ( scopes , ", " ) )
for _ , scope := range scopes {
helpText := helpTextForResourceQuotaScope ( api . ResourceQuotaScope ( scope ) )
if len ( helpText ) > 0 {
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , " * %s\n" , helpText )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , " Resource\tUsed\tHard\n" )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , " --------\t---\t---\n" )
resources := make ( [ ] api . ResourceName , 0 , len ( q . Status . Hard ) )
for resource := range q . Status . Hard {
resources = append ( resources , resource )
sort . Sort ( SortableResourceNames ( resources ) )
for _ , resource := range resources {
hardQuantity := q . Status . Hard [ resource ]
usedQuantity := q . Status . Used [ resource ]
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , " %s\t%s\t%s\n" , string ( resource ) , usedQuantity . String ( ) , hardQuantity . String ( ) )
// LimitRangeDescriber generates information about a limit range
type LimitRangeDescriber struct {
clientset . Interface
func ( d * LimitRangeDescriber ) Describe ( namespace , name string , describerSettings DescriberSettings ) ( string , error ) {
lr := d . Core ( ) . LimitRanges ( namespace )
limitRange , err := lr . Get ( name , metav1 . GetOptions { } )
if err != nil {
return "" , err
return describeLimitRange ( limitRange )
func describeLimitRange ( limitRange * api . LimitRange ) ( string , error ) {
return tabbedString ( func ( out io . Writer ) error {
w := & PrefixWriter { out }
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Name:\t%s\n" , limitRange . Name )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Namespace:\t%s\n" , limitRange . Namespace )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Type\tResource\tMin\tMax\tDefault Request\tDefault Limit\tMax Limit/Request Ratio\n" )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "----\t--------\t---\t---\t---------------\t-------------\t-----------------------\n" )
describeLimitRangeSpec ( limitRange . Spec , "" , w )
return nil
} )
// ResourceQuotaDescriber generates information about a resource quota
type ResourceQuotaDescriber struct {
clientset . Interface
func ( d * ResourceQuotaDescriber ) Describe ( namespace , name string , describerSettings DescriberSettings ) ( string , error ) {
rq := d . Core ( ) . ResourceQuotas ( namespace )
resourceQuota , err := rq . Get ( name , metav1 . GetOptions { } )
if err != nil {
return "" , err
return describeQuota ( resourceQuota )
func helpTextForResourceQuotaScope ( scope api . ResourceQuotaScope ) string {
switch scope {
case api . ResourceQuotaScopeTerminating :
return "Matches all pods that have an active deadline. These pods have a limited lifespan on a node before being actively terminated by the system."
case api . ResourceQuotaScopeNotTerminating :
return "Matches all pods that do not have an active deadline. These pods usually include long running pods whose container command is not expected to terminate."
case api . ResourceQuotaScopeBestEffort :
return "Matches all pods that do not have resource requirements set. These pods have a best effort quality of service."
case api . ResourceQuotaScopeNotBestEffort :
return "Matches all pods that have at least one resource requirement set. These pods have a burstable or guaranteed quality of service."
default :
return ""
func describeQuota ( resourceQuota * api . ResourceQuota ) ( string , error ) {
return tabbedString ( func ( out io . Writer ) error {
w := & PrefixWriter { out }
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Name:\t%s\n" , resourceQuota . Name )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Namespace:\t%s\n" , resourceQuota . Namespace )
if len ( resourceQuota . Spec . Scopes ) > 0 {
scopes := make ( [ ] string , 0 , len ( resourceQuota . Spec . Scopes ) )
for _ , scope := range resourceQuota . Spec . Scopes {
scopes = append ( scopes , string ( scope ) )
sort . Strings ( scopes )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Scopes:\t%s\n" , strings . Join ( scopes , ", " ) )
for _ , scope := range scopes {
helpText := helpTextForResourceQuotaScope ( api . ResourceQuotaScope ( scope ) )
if len ( helpText ) > 0 {
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , " * %s\n" , helpText )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Resource\tUsed\tHard\n" )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "--------\t----\t----\n" )
resources := make ( [ ] api . ResourceName , 0 , len ( resourceQuota . Status . Hard ) )
for resource := range resourceQuota . Status . Hard {
resources = append ( resources , resource )
sort . Sort ( SortableResourceNames ( resources ) )
msg := "%v\t%v\t%v\n"
for i := range resources {
resource := resources [ i ]
hardQuantity := resourceQuota . Status . Hard [ resource ]
usedQuantity := resourceQuota . Status . Used [ resource ]
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , msg , resource , usedQuantity . String ( ) , hardQuantity . String ( ) )
return nil
} )
// PodDescriber generates information about a pod and the replication controllers that
// create it.
type PodDescriber struct {
clientset . Interface
func ( d * PodDescriber ) Describe ( namespace , name string , describerSettings DescriberSettings ) ( string , error ) {
pod , err := d . Core ( ) . Pods ( namespace ) . Get ( name , metav1 . GetOptions { } )
if err != nil {
if describerSettings . ShowEvents {
eventsInterface := d . Core ( ) . Events ( namespace )
selector := eventsInterface . GetFieldSelector ( & name , & namespace , nil , nil )
2017-02-03 14:41:32 +01:00
options := metav1 . ListOptions { FieldSelector : selector . String ( ) }
2017-01-31 16:45:59 -08:00
events , err2 := eventsInterface . List ( options )
if describerSettings . ShowEvents && err2 == nil && len ( events . Items ) > 0 {
return tabbedString ( func ( out io . Writer ) error {
w := & PrefixWriter { out }
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Pod '%v': error '%v', but found events.\n" , name , err )
DescribeEvents ( events , w )
return nil
} )
return "" , err
var events * api . EventList
if describerSettings . ShowEvents {
if ref , err := api . GetReference ( pod ) ; err != nil {
glog . Errorf ( "Unable to construct reference to '%#v': %v" , pod , err )
} else {
ref . Kind = ""
events , _ = d . Core ( ) . Events ( namespace ) . Search ( ref )
return describePod ( pod , events )
func describePod ( pod * api . Pod , events * api . EventList ) ( string , error ) {
return tabbedString ( func ( out io . Writer ) error {
w := & PrefixWriter { out }
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Name:\t%s\n" , pod . Name )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Namespace:\t%s\n" , pod . Namespace )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Node:\t%s\n" , pod . Spec . NodeName + "/" + pod . Status . HostIP )
if pod . Status . StartTime != nil {
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Start Time:\t%s\n" , pod . Status . StartTime . Time . Format ( time . RFC1123Z ) )
printLabelsMultiline ( w , "Labels" , pod . Labels )
if pod . DeletionTimestamp != nil {
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Status:\tTerminating (expires %s)\n" , pod . DeletionTimestamp . Time . Format ( time . RFC1123Z ) )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Termination Grace Period:\t%ds\n" , * pod . DeletionGracePeriodSeconds )
} else {
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Status:\t%s\n" , string ( pod . Status . Phase ) )
if len ( pod . Status . Reason ) > 0 {
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Reason:\t%s\n" , pod . Status . Reason )
if len ( pod . Status . Message ) > 0 {
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Message:\t%s\n" , pod . Status . Message )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "IP:\t%s\n" , pod . Status . PodIP )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Controllers:\t%s\n" , printControllers ( pod . Annotations ) )
if len ( pod . Spec . InitContainers ) > 0 {
describeContainers ( "Init Containers" , pod . Spec . InitContainers , pod . Status . InitContainerStatuses , EnvValueRetriever ( pod ) , w , "" )
describeContainers ( "Containers" , pod . Spec . Containers , pod . Status . ContainerStatuses , EnvValueRetriever ( pod ) , w , "" )
if len ( pod . Status . Conditions ) > 0 {
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Conditions:\n Type\tStatus\n" )
for _ , c := range pod . Status . Conditions {
w . Write ( LEVEL_1 , "%v \t%v \n" ,
c . Type ,
c . Status )
describeVolumes ( pod . Spec . Volumes , w , "" )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "QoS Class:\t%s\n" , pod . Status . QOSClass )
printLabelsMultiline ( w , "Node-Selectors" , pod . Spec . NodeSelector )
printTolerationsInAnnotationMultiline ( w , "Tolerations" , pod . Annotations )
if events != nil {
DescribeEvents ( events , w )
return nil
} )
func printControllers ( annotation map [ string ] string ) string {
value , ok := annotation [ api . CreatedByAnnotation ]
if ok {
var r api . SerializedReference
err := json . Unmarshal ( [ ] byte ( value ) , & r )
if err == nil {
return fmt . Sprintf ( "%s/%s" , r . Reference . Kind , r . Reference . Name )
return "<none>"
func describeVolumes ( volumes [ ] api . Volume , w * PrefixWriter , space string ) {
if volumes == nil || len ( volumes ) == 0 {
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "%sNo volumes.\n" , space )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "%sVolumes:\n" , space )
for _ , volume := range volumes {
nameIndent := ""
if len ( space ) > 0 {
nameIndent = " "
w . Write ( LEVEL_1 , "%s%v:\n" , nameIndent , volume . Name )
switch {
case volume . VolumeSource . HostPath != nil :
printHostPathVolumeSource ( volume . VolumeSource . HostPath , w )
case volume . VolumeSource . EmptyDir != nil :
printEmptyDirVolumeSource ( volume . VolumeSource . EmptyDir , w )
case volume . VolumeSource . GCEPersistentDisk != nil :
printGCEPersistentDiskVolumeSource ( volume . VolumeSource . GCEPersistentDisk , w )
case volume . VolumeSource . AWSElasticBlockStore != nil :
printAWSElasticBlockStoreVolumeSource ( volume . VolumeSource . AWSElasticBlockStore , w )
case volume . VolumeSource . GitRepo != nil :
printGitRepoVolumeSource ( volume . VolumeSource . GitRepo , w )
case volume . VolumeSource . Secret != nil :
printSecretVolumeSource ( volume . VolumeSource . Secret , w )
case volume . VolumeSource . ConfigMap != nil :
printConfigMapVolumeSource ( volume . VolumeSource . ConfigMap , w )
case volume . VolumeSource . NFS != nil :
printNFSVolumeSource ( volume . VolumeSource . NFS , w )
case volume . VolumeSource . ISCSI != nil :
printISCSIVolumeSource ( volume . VolumeSource . ISCSI , w )
case volume . VolumeSource . Glusterfs != nil :
printGlusterfsVolumeSource ( volume . VolumeSource . Glusterfs , w )
case volume . VolumeSource . PersistentVolumeClaim != nil :
printPersistentVolumeClaimVolumeSource ( volume . VolumeSource . PersistentVolumeClaim , w )
case volume . VolumeSource . RBD != nil :
printRBDVolumeSource ( volume . VolumeSource . RBD , w )
case volume . VolumeSource . Quobyte != nil :
printQuobyteVolumeSource ( volume . VolumeSource . Quobyte , w )
case volume . VolumeSource . DownwardAPI != nil :
printDownwardAPIVolumeSource ( volume . VolumeSource . DownwardAPI , w )
case volume . VolumeSource . AzureDisk != nil :
printAzureDiskVolumeSource ( volume . VolumeSource . AzureDisk , w )
case volume . VolumeSource . VsphereVolume != nil :
printVsphereVolumeSource ( volume . VolumeSource . VsphereVolume , w )
case volume . VolumeSource . Cinder != nil :
printCinderVolumeSource ( volume . VolumeSource . Cinder , w )
case volume . VolumeSource . PhotonPersistentDisk != nil :
printPhotonPersistentDiskVolumeSource ( volume . VolumeSource . PhotonPersistentDisk , w )
default :
w . Write ( LEVEL_1 , "<unknown>\n" )
func printHostPathVolumeSource ( hostPath * api . HostPathVolumeSource , w * PrefixWriter ) {
w . Write ( LEVEL_2 , "Type:\tHostPath (bare host directory volume)\n" +
" Path:\t%v\n" , hostPath . Path )
func printEmptyDirVolumeSource ( emptyDir * api . EmptyDirVolumeSource , w * PrefixWriter ) {
w . Write ( LEVEL_2 , "Type:\tEmptyDir (a temporary directory that shares a pod's lifetime)\n" +
" Medium:\t%v\n" , emptyDir . Medium )
func printGCEPersistentDiskVolumeSource ( gce * api . GCEPersistentDiskVolumeSource , w * PrefixWriter ) {
w . Write ( LEVEL_2 , "Type:\tGCEPersistentDisk (a Persistent Disk resource in Google Compute Engine)\n" +
" PDName:\t%v\n" +
" FSType:\t%v\n" +
" Partition:\t%v\n" +
" ReadOnly:\t%v\n" ,
gce . PDName , gce . FSType , gce . Partition , gce . ReadOnly )
func printAWSElasticBlockStoreVolumeSource ( aws * api . AWSElasticBlockStoreVolumeSource , w * PrefixWriter ) {
w . Write ( LEVEL_2 , "Type:\tAWSElasticBlockStore (a Persistent Disk resource in AWS)\n" +
" VolumeID:\t%v\n" +
" FSType:\t%v\n" +
" Partition:\t%v\n" +
" ReadOnly:\t%v\n" ,
aws . VolumeID , aws . FSType , aws . Partition , aws . ReadOnly )
func printGitRepoVolumeSource ( git * api . GitRepoVolumeSource , w * PrefixWriter ) {
w . Write ( LEVEL_2 , "Type:\tGitRepo (a volume that is pulled from git when the pod is created)\n" +
" Repository:\t%v\n" +
" Revision:\t%v\n" ,
git . Repository , git . Revision )
func printSecretVolumeSource ( secret * api . SecretVolumeSource , w * PrefixWriter ) {
2017-02-03 14:41:32 +01:00
optional := secret . Optional != nil && * secret . Optional
2017-01-31 16:45:59 -08:00
w . Write ( LEVEL_2 , "Type:\tSecret (a volume populated by a Secret)\n" +
2017-02-03 14:41:32 +01:00
" SecretName:\t%v\n" ,
" Optional:\t%v\n" ,
secret . SecretName , optional )
2017-01-31 16:45:59 -08:00
func printConfigMapVolumeSource ( configMap * api . ConfigMapVolumeSource , w * PrefixWriter ) {
2017-02-03 14:41:32 +01:00
optional := configMap . Optional != nil && * configMap . Optional
2017-01-31 16:45:59 -08:00
w . Write ( LEVEL_2 , "Type:\tConfigMap (a volume populated by a ConfigMap)\n" +
2017-02-03 14:41:32 +01:00
" Name:\t%v\n" +
" Optional:\t%v\n" ,
configMap . Name , optional )
2017-01-31 16:45:59 -08:00
func printNFSVolumeSource ( nfs * api . NFSVolumeSource , w * PrefixWriter ) {
w . Write ( LEVEL_2 , "Type:\tNFS (an NFS mount that lasts the lifetime of a pod)\n" +
" Server:\t%v\n" +
" Path:\t%v\n" +
" ReadOnly:\t%v\n" ,
nfs . Server , nfs . Path , nfs . ReadOnly )
func printQuobyteVolumeSource ( quobyte * api . QuobyteVolumeSource , w * PrefixWriter ) {
w . Write ( LEVEL_2 , "Type:\tQuobyte (a Quobyte mount on the host that shares a pod's lifetime)\n" +
" Registry:\t%v\n" +
" Volume:\t%v\n" +
" ReadOnly:\t%v\n" ,
quobyte . Registry , quobyte . Volume , quobyte . ReadOnly )
func printISCSIVolumeSource ( iscsi * api . ISCSIVolumeSource , w * PrefixWriter ) {
w . Write ( LEVEL_2 , "Type:\tISCSI (an ISCSI Disk resource that is attached to a kubelet's host machine and then exposed to the pod)\n" +
" TargetPortal:\t%v\n" +
" IQN:\t%v\n" +
" Lun:\t%v\n" +
" ISCSIInterface\t%v\n" +
" FSType:\t%v\n" +
" ReadOnly:\t%v\n" ,
iscsi . TargetPortal , iscsi . IQN , iscsi . Lun , iscsi . ISCSIInterface , iscsi . FSType , iscsi . ReadOnly )
func printGlusterfsVolumeSource ( glusterfs * api . GlusterfsVolumeSource , w * PrefixWriter ) {
w . Write ( LEVEL_2 , "Type:\tGlusterfs (a Glusterfs mount on the host that shares a pod's lifetime)\n" +
" EndpointsName:\t%v\n" +
" Path:\t%v\n" +
" ReadOnly:\t%v\n" ,
glusterfs . EndpointsName , glusterfs . Path , glusterfs . ReadOnly )
func printPersistentVolumeClaimVolumeSource ( claim * api . PersistentVolumeClaimVolumeSource , w * PrefixWriter ) {
w . Write ( LEVEL_2 , "Type:\tPersistentVolumeClaim (a reference to a PersistentVolumeClaim in the same namespace)\n" +
" ClaimName:\t%v\n" +
" ReadOnly:\t%v\n" ,
claim . ClaimName , claim . ReadOnly )
func printRBDVolumeSource ( rbd * api . RBDVolumeSource , w * PrefixWriter ) {
w . Write ( LEVEL_2 , "Type:\tRBD (a Rados Block Device mount on the host that shares a pod's lifetime)\n" +
" CephMonitors:\t%v\n" +
" RBDImage:\t%v\n" +
" FSType:\t%v\n" +
" RBDPool:\t%v\n" +
" RadosUser:\t%v\n" +
" Keyring:\t%v\n" +
" SecretRef:\t%v\n" +
" ReadOnly:\t%v\n" ,
rbd . CephMonitors , rbd . RBDImage , rbd . FSType , rbd . RBDPool , rbd . RadosUser , rbd . Keyring , rbd . SecretRef , rbd . ReadOnly )
func printDownwardAPIVolumeSource ( d * api . DownwardAPIVolumeSource , w * PrefixWriter ) {
w . Write ( LEVEL_2 , "Type:\tDownwardAPI (a volume populated by information about the pod)\n Items:\n" )
for _ , mapping := range d . Items {
if mapping . FieldRef != nil {
w . Write ( LEVEL_3 , "%v -> %v\n" , mapping . FieldRef . FieldPath , mapping . Path )
if mapping . ResourceFieldRef != nil {
w . Write ( LEVEL_3 , "%v -> %v\n" , mapping . ResourceFieldRef . Resource , mapping . Path )
func printAzureDiskVolumeSource ( d * api . AzureDiskVolumeSource , w * PrefixWriter ) {
w . Write ( LEVEL_2 , "Type:\tAzureDisk (an Azure Data Disk mount on the host and bind mount to the pod)\n" +
" DiskName:\t%v\n" +
" DiskURI:\t%v\n" +
" FSType:\t%v\n" +
" CachingMode:\t%v\n" +
" ReadOnly:\t%v\n" ,
d . DiskName , d . DataDiskURI , * d . FSType , * d . CachingMode , * d . ReadOnly )
func printVsphereVolumeSource ( vsphere * api . VsphereVirtualDiskVolumeSource , w * PrefixWriter ) {
w . Write ( LEVEL_2 , "Type:\tvSphereVolume (a Persistent Disk resource in vSphere)\n" +
" VolumePath:\t%v\n" +
" FSType:\t%v\n" ,
vsphere . VolumePath , vsphere . FSType )
func printPhotonPersistentDiskVolumeSource ( photon * api . PhotonPersistentDiskVolumeSource , w * PrefixWriter ) {
w . Write ( LEVEL_2 , "Type:\tPhotonPersistentDisk (a Persistent Disk resource in photon platform)\n" +
" PdID:\t%v\n" +
" FSType:\t%v\n" ,
photon . PdID , photon . FSType )
func printCinderVolumeSource ( cinder * api . CinderVolumeSource , w * PrefixWriter ) {
w . Write ( LEVEL_2 , "Type:\tCinder (a Persistent Disk resource in OpenStack)\n" +
" VolumeID:\t%v\n" +
" FSType:\t%v\n" +
" ReadOnly:\t%v\n" ,
cinder . VolumeID , cinder . FSType , cinder . ReadOnly )
type PersistentVolumeDescriber struct {
clientset . Interface
func ( d * PersistentVolumeDescriber ) Describe ( namespace , name string , describerSettings DescriberSettings ) ( string , error ) {
c := d . Core ( ) . PersistentVolumes ( )
pv , err := c . Get ( name , metav1 . GetOptions { } )
if err != nil {
return "" , err
storage := pv . Spec . Capacity [ api . ResourceStorage ]
var events * api . EventList
if describerSettings . ShowEvents {
events , _ = d . Core ( ) . Events ( namespace ) . Search ( pv )
return tabbedString ( func ( out io . Writer ) error {
w := & PrefixWriter { out }
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Name:\t%s\n" , pv . Name )
printLabelsMultiline ( w , "Labels" , pv . Labels )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "StorageClass:\t%s\n" , storageutil . GetStorageClassAnnotation ( pv . ObjectMeta ) )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Status:\t%s\n" , pv . Status . Phase )
if pv . Spec . ClaimRef != nil {
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Claim:\t%s\n" , pv . Spec . ClaimRef . Namespace + "/" + pv . Spec . ClaimRef . Name )
} else {
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Claim:\t%s\n" , "" )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Reclaim Policy:\t%v\n" , pv . Spec . PersistentVolumeReclaimPolicy )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Access Modes:\t%s\n" , api . GetAccessModesAsString ( pv . Spec . AccessModes ) )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Capacity:\t%s\n" , storage . String ( ) )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Message:\t%s\n" , pv . Status . Message )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Source:\n" )
switch {
case pv . Spec . HostPath != nil :
printHostPathVolumeSource ( pv . Spec . HostPath , w )
case pv . Spec . GCEPersistentDisk != nil :
printGCEPersistentDiskVolumeSource ( pv . Spec . GCEPersistentDisk , w )
case pv . Spec . AWSElasticBlockStore != nil :
printAWSElasticBlockStoreVolumeSource ( pv . Spec . AWSElasticBlockStore , w )
case pv . Spec . NFS != nil :
printNFSVolumeSource ( pv . Spec . NFS , w )
case pv . Spec . ISCSI != nil :
printISCSIVolumeSource ( pv . Spec . ISCSI , w )
case pv . Spec . Glusterfs != nil :
printGlusterfsVolumeSource ( pv . Spec . Glusterfs , w )
case pv . Spec . RBD != nil :
printRBDVolumeSource ( pv . Spec . RBD , w )
case pv . Spec . Quobyte != nil :
printQuobyteVolumeSource ( pv . Spec . Quobyte , w )
case pv . Spec . VsphereVolume != nil :
printVsphereVolumeSource ( pv . Spec . VsphereVolume , w )
case pv . Spec . Cinder != nil :
printCinderVolumeSource ( pv . Spec . Cinder , w )
case pv . Spec . AzureDisk != nil :
printAzureDiskVolumeSource ( pv . Spec . AzureDisk , w )
case pv . Spec . PhotonPersistentDisk != nil :
printPhotonPersistentDiskVolumeSource ( pv . Spec . PhotonPersistentDisk , w )
if events != nil {
DescribeEvents ( events , w )
return nil
} )
type PersistentVolumeClaimDescriber struct {
clientset . Interface
func ( d * PersistentVolumeClaimDescriber ) Describe ( namespace , name string , describerSettings DescriberSettings ) ( string , error ) {
c := d . Core ( ) . PersistentVolumeClaims ( namespace )
pvc , err := c . Get ( name , metav1 . GetOptions { } )
if err != nil {
return "" , err
storage := pvc . Spec . Resources . Requests [ api . ResourceStorage ]
capacity := ""
accessModes := ""
if pvc . Spec . VolumeName != "" {
accessModes = api . GetAccessModesAsString ( pvc . Status . AccessModes )
storage = pvc . Status . Capacity [ api . ResourceStorage ]
capacity = storage . String ( )
events , _ := d . Core ( ) . Events ( namespace ) . Search ( pvc )
return tabbedString ( func ( out io . Writer ) error {
w := & PrefixWriter { out }
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Name:\t%s\n" , pvc . Name )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Namespace:\t%s\n" , pvc . Namespace )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "StorageClass:\t%s\n" , storageutil . GetStorageClassAnnotation ( pvc . ObjectMeta ) )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Status:\t%v\n" , pvc . Status . Phase )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Volume:\t%s\n" , pvc . Spec . VolumeName )
printLabelsMultiline ( w , "Labels" , pvc . Labels )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Capacity:\t%s\n" , capacity )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Access Modes:\t%s\n" , accessModes )
if events != nil {
DescribeEvents ( events , w )
return nil
} )
func describeContainers ( label string , containers [ ] api . Container , containerStatuses [ ] api . ContainerStatus ,
resolverFn EnvVarResolverFunc , w * PrefixWriter , space string ) {
statuses := map [ string ] api . ContainerStatus { }
for _ , status := range containerStatuses {
statuses [ status . Name ] = status
describeContainersLabel ( containers , label , space , w )
for _ , container := range containers {
status , ok := statuses [ container . Name ]
describeContainerBasicInfo ( container , status , ok , space , w )
describeContainerCommand ( container , w )
describeContainerResource ( container , w )
if ok {
describeContainerState ( status , w )
describeContainerProbe ( container , w )
describeContainerVolumes ( container , w )
describeContainerEnvFrom ( container , resolverFn , w )
describeContainerEnvVars ( container , resolverFn , w )
func describeContainersLabel ( containers [ ] api . Container , label , space string , w * PrefixWriter ) {
none := ""
if len ( containers ) == 0 {
none = " <none>"
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "%s%s:%s\n" , space , label , none )
func describeContainerBasicInfo ( container api . Container , status api . ContainerStatus , ok bool , space string , w * PrefixWriter ) {
nameIndent := ""
if len ( space ) > 0 {
nameIndent = " "
w . Write ( LEVEL_1 , "%s%v:\n" , nameIndent , container . Name )
if ok {
w . Write ( LEVEL_2 , "Container ID:\t%s\n" , status . ContainerID )
w . Write ( LEVEL_2 , "Image:\t%s\n" , container . Image )
if ok {
w . Write ( LEVEL_2 , "Image ID:\t%s\n" , status . ImageID )
portString := describeContainerPorts ( container . Ports )
if strings . Contains ( portString , "," ) {
w . Write ( LEVEL_2 , "Ports:\t%s\n" , portString )
} else {
w . Write ( LEVEL_2 , "Port:\t%s\n" , portString )
func describeContainerPorts ( cPorts [ ] api . ContainerPort ) string {
ports := make ( [ ] string , 0 , len ( cPorts ) )
for _ , cPort := range cPorts {
ports = append ( ports , fmt . Sprintf ( "%d/%s" , cPort . ContainerPort , cPort . Protocol ) )
return strings . Join ( ports , ", " )
func describeContainerCommand ( container api . Container , w * PrefixWriter ) {
if len ( container . Command ) > 0 {
w . Write ( LEVEL_2 , "Command:\n" )
for _ , c := range container . Command {
w . Write ( LEVEL_3 , "%s\n" , c )
if len ( container . Args ) > 0 {
w . Write ( LEVEL_2 , "Args:\n" )
for _ , arg := range container . Args {
w . Write ( LEVEL_3 , "%s\n" , arg )
func describeContainerResource ( container api . Container , w * PrefixWriter ) {
resources := container . Resources
if len ( resources . Limits ) > 0 {
w . Write ( LEVEL_2 , "Limits:\n" )
for _ , name := range SortedResourceNames ( resources . Limits ) {
quantity := resources . Limits [ name ]
w . Write ( LEVEL_3 , "%s:\t%s\n" , name , quantity . String ( ) )
if len ( resources . Requests ) > 0 {
w . Write ( LEVEL_2 , "Requests:\n" )
for _ , name := range SortedResourceNames ( resources . Requests ) {
quantity := resources . Requests [ name ]
w . Write ( LEVEL_3 , "%s:\t%s\n" , name , quantity . String ( ) )
func describeContainerState ( status api . ContainerStatus , w * PrefixWriter ) {
describeStatus ( "State" , status . State , w )
if status . LastTerminationState . Terminated != nil {
describeStatus ( "Last State" , status . LastTerminationState , w )
w . Write ( LEVEL_2 , "Ready:\t%v\n" , printBool ( status . Ready ) )
w . Write ( LEVEL_2 , "Restart Count:\t%d\n" , status . RestartCount )
func describeContainerProbe ( container api . Container , w * PrefixWriter ) {
if container . LivenessProbe != nil {
probe := DescribeProbe ( container . LivenessProbe )
w . Write ( LEVEL_2 , "Liveness:\t%s\n" , probe )
if container . ReadinessProbe != nil {
probe := DescribeProbe ( container . ReadinessProbe )
w . Write ( LEVEL_2 , "Readiness:\t%s\n" , probe )
func describeContainerVolumes ( container api . Container , w * PrefixWriter ) {
none := ""
if len ( container . VolumeMounts ) == 0 {
none = "\t<none>"
w . Write ( LEVEL_2 , "Volume Mounts:%s\n" , none )
sort . Sort ( SortableVolumeMounts ( container . VolumeMounts ) )
for _ , mount := range container . VolumeMounts {
flags := [ ] string { }
switch {
case mount . ReadOnly :
flags = append ( flags , "ro" )
case ! mount . ReadOnly :
flags = append ( flags , "rw" )
case len ( mount . SubPath ) > 0 :
flags = append ( flags , fmt . Sprintf ( "path=%q" , mount . SubPath ) )
w . Write ( LEVEL_3 , "%s from %s (%s)\n" , mount . MountPath , mount . Name , strings . Join ( flags , "," ) )
func describeContainerEnvVars ( container api . Container , resolverFn EnvVarResolverFunc , w * PrefixWriter ) {
none := ""
if len ( container . Env ) == 0 {
none = "\t<none>"
w . Write ( LEVEL_2 , "Environment Variables:%s\n" , none )
for _ , e := range container . Env {
if e . ValueFrom == nil {
w . Write ( LEVEL_3 , "%s:\t%s\n" , e . Name , e . Value )
switch {
case e . ValueFrom . FieldRef != nil :
var valueFrom string
if resolverFn != nil {
valueFrom = resolverFn ( e )
w . Write ( LEVEL_3 , "%s:\t%s (%s:%s)\n" , e . Name , valueFrom , e . ValueFrom . FieldRef . APIVersion , e . ValueFrom . FieldRef . FieldPath )
case e . ValueFrom . ResourceFieldRef != nil :
valueFrom , err := fieldpath . InternalExtractContainerResourceValue ( e . ValueFrom . ResourceFieldRef , & container )
if err != nil {
valueFrom = ""
resource := e . ValueFrom . ResourceFieldRef . Resource
if valueFrom == "0" && ( resource == "limits.cpu" || resource == "limits.memory" ) {
valueFrom = "node allocatable"
w . Write ( LEVEL_3 , "%s:\t%s (%s)\n" , e . Name , valueFrom , resource )
case e . ValueFrom . SecretKeyRef != nil :
2017-02-03 14:41:32 +01:00
optional := e . ValueFrom . SecretKeyRef . Optional != nil && * e . ValueFrom . SecretKeyRef . Optional
w . Write ( LEVEL_3 , "%s:\t<set to the key '%s' in secret '%s'>\tOptional: %t\n" , e . Name , e . ValueFrom . SecretKeyRef . Key , e . ValueFrom . SecretKeyRef . Name , optional )
2017-01-31 16:45:59 -08:00
case e . ValueFrom . ConfigMapKeyRef != nil :
2017-02-03 14:41:32 +01:00
optional := e . ValueFrom . ConfigMapKeyRef . Optional != nil && * e . ValueFrom . ConfigMapKeyRef . Optional
w . Write ( LEVEL_3 , "%s:\t<set to the key '%s' of config map '%s'>\tOptional: %t\n" , e . Name , e . ValueFrom . ConfigMapKeyRef . Key , e . ValueFrom . ConfigMapKeyRef . Name , optional )
2017-01-31 16:45:59 -08:00
func describeContainerEnvFrom ( container api . Container , resolverFn EnvVarResolverFunc , w * PrefixWriter ) {
none := ""
if len ( container . EnvFrom ) == 0 {
none = "\t<none>"
w . Write ( LEVEL_2 , "Environment Variables from:%s\n" , none )
for _ , e := range container . EnvFrom {
2017-02-03 14:41:32 +01:00
from := ""
name := ""
optional := false
if e . ConfigMapRef != nil {
from = "ConfigMap"
name = e . ConfigMapRef . Name
optional = e . ConfigMapRef . Optional != nil && * e . ConfigMapRef . Optional
} else if e . SecretRef != nil {
from = "Secret"
name = e . SecretRef . Name
optional = e . SecretRef . Optional != nil && * e . SecretRef . Optional
2017-01-31 16:45:59 -08:00
if len ( e . Prefix ) == 0 {
2017-02-03 14:41:32 +01:00
w . Write ( LEVEL_3 , "%s\t%s\tOptional: %t\n" , name , from , optional )
2017-01-31 16:45:59 -08:00
} else {
2017-02-03 14:41:32 +01:00
w . Write ( LEVEL_3 , "%s\t%s with prefix '%s'\tOptional: %t\n" , name , from , e . Prefix , optional )
2017-01-31 16:45:59 -08:00
// DescribeProbe is exported for consumers in other API groups that have probes
func DescribeProbe ( probe * api . Probe ) string {
attrs := fmt . Sprintf ( "delay=%ds timeout=%ds period=%ds #success=%d #failure=%d" , probe . InitialDelaySeconds , probe . TimeoutSeconds , probe . PeriodSeconds , probe . SuccessThreshold , probe . FailureThreshold )
switch {
case probe . Exec != nil :
return fmt . Sprintf ( "exec %v %s" , probe . Exec . Command , attrs )
case probe . HTTPGet != nil :
url := & url . URL { }
url . Scheme = strings . ToLower ( string ( probe . HTTPGet . Scheme ) )
if len ( probe . HTTPGet . Port . String ( ) ) > 0 {
url . Host = net . JoinHostPort ( probe . HTTPGet . Host , probe . HTTPGet . Port . String ( ) )
} else {
url . Host = probe . HTTPGet . Host
url . Path = probe . HTTPGet . Path
return fmt . Sprintf ( "http-get %s %s" , url . String ( ) , attrs )
case probe . TCPSocket != nil :
return fmt . Sprintf ( "tcp-socket :%s %s" , probe . TCPSocket . Port . String ( ) , attrs )
return fmt . Sprintf ( "unknown %s" , attrs )
type EnvVarResolverFunc func ( e api . EnvVar ) string
// EnvValueFrom is exported for use by describers in other packages
func EnvValueRetriever ( pod * api . Pod ) EnvVarResolverFunc {
return func ( e api . EnvVar ) string {
internalFieldPath , _ , err := api . Scheme . ConvertFieldLabel ( e . ValueFrom . FieldRef . APIVersion , "Pod" , e . ValueFrom . FieldRef . FieldPath , "" )
if err != nil {
return "" // pod validation should catch this on create
valueFrom , err := fieldpath . ExtractFieldPathAsString ( pod , internalFieldPath )
if err != nil {
return "" // pod validation should catch this on create
return valueFrom
func describeStatus ( stateName string , state api . ContainerState , w * PrefixWriter ) {
switch {
case state . Running != nil :
w . Write ( LEVEL_2 , "%s:\tRunning\n" , stateName )
w . Write ( LEVEL_3 , "Started:\t%v\n" , state . Running . StartedAt . Time . Format ( time . RFC1123Z ) )
case state . Waiting != nil :
w . Write ( LEVEL_2 , "%s:\tWaiting\n" , stateName )
if state . Waiting . Reason != "" {
w . Write ( LEVEL_3 , "Reason:\t%s\n" , state . Waiting . Reason )
case state . Terminated != nil :
w . Write ( LEVEL_2 , "%s:\tTerminated\n" , stateName )
if state . Terminated . Reason != "" {
w . Write ( LEVEL_3 , "Reason:\t%s\n" , state . Terminated . Reason )
if state . Terminated . Message != "" {
w . Write ( LEVEL_3 , "Message:\t%s\n" , state . Terminated . Message )
w . Write ( LEVEL_3 , "Exit Code:\t%d\n" , state . Terminated . ExitCode )
if state . Terminated . Signal > 0 {
w . Write ( LEVEL_3 , "Signal:\t%d\n" , state . Terminated . Signal )
w . Write ( LEVEL_3 , "Started:\t%s\n" , state . Terminated . StartedAt . Time . Format ( time . RFC1123Z ) )
w . Write ( LEVEL_3 , "Finished:\t%s\n" , state . Terminated . FinishedAt . Time . Format ( time . RFC1123Z ) )
default :
w . Write ( LEVEL_2 , "%s:\tWaiting\n" , stateName )
func printBoolPtr ( value * bool ) string {
if value != nil {
return printBool ( * value )
return "<unset>"
func printBool ( value bool ) string {
if value {
return "True"
return "False"
// ReplicationControllerDescriber generates information about a replication controller
// and the pods it has created.
type ReplicationControllerDescriber struct {
clientset . Interface
func ( d * ReplicationControllerDescriber ) Describe ( namespace , name string , describerSettings DescriberSettings ) ( string , error ) {
rc := d . Core ( ) . ReplicationControllers ( namespace )
pc := d . Core ( ) . Pods ( namespace )
controller , err := rc . Get ( name , metav1 . GetOptions { } )
if err != nil {
return "" , err
running , waiting , succeeded , failed , err := getPodStatusForController ( pc , labels . SelectorFromSet ( controller . Spec . Selector ) )
if err != nil {
return "" , err
var events * api . EventList
if describerSettings . ShowEvents {
events , _ = d . Core ( ) . Events ( namespace ) . Search ( controller )
return describeReplicationController ( controller , events , running , waiting , succeeded , failed )
func describeReplicationController ( controller * api . ReplicationController , events * api . EventList , running , waiting , succeeded , failed int ) ( string , error ) {
return tabbedString ( func ( out io . Writer ) error {
w := & PrefixWriter { out }
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Name:\t%s\n" , controller . Name )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Namespace:\t%s\n" , controller . Namespace )
if controller . Spec . Template != nil {
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Image(s):\t%s\n" , makeImageList ( & controller . Spec . Template . Spec ) )
} else {
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Image(s):\t%s\n" , "<unset>" )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Selector:\t%s\n" , labels . FormatLabels ( controller . Spec . Selector ) )
printLabelsMultiline ( w , "Labels" , controller . Labels )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Replicas:\t%d current / %d desired\n" , controller . Status . Replicas , controller . Spec . Replicas )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Pods Status:\t%d Running / %d Waiting / %d Succeeded / %d Failed\n" , running , waiting , succeeded , failed )
if controller . Spec . Template != nil {
describeVolumes ( controller . Spec . Template . Spec . Volumes , w , "" )
if events != nil {
DescribeEvents ( events , w )
return nil
} )
func DescribePodTemplate ( template * api . PodTemplateSpec , out io . Writer ) {
w := & PrefixWriter { out }
if template == nil {
w . Write ( LEVEL_1 , "<unset>" )
printLabelsMultiline ( w , " Labels" , template . Labels )
if len ( template . Annotations ) > 0 {
printLabelsMultiline ( w , " Annotations" , template . Annotations )
if len ( template . Spec . ServiceAccountName ) > 0 {
w . Write ( LEVEL_1 , "Service Account:\t%s\n" , template . Spec . ServiceAccountName )
if len ( template . Spec . InitContainers ) > 0 {
describeContainers ( "Init Containers" , template . Spec . InitContainers , nil , nil , w , " " )
describeContainers ( "Containers" , template . Spec . Containers , nil , nil , w , " " )
describeVolumes ( template . Spec . Volumes , w , " " )
// ReplicaSetDescriber generates information about a ReplicaSet and the pods it has created.
type ReplicaSetDescriber struct {
clientset . Interface
func ( d * ReplicaSetDescriber ) Describe ( namespace , name string , describerSettings DescriberSettings ) ( string , error ) {
rsc := d . Extensions ( ) . ReplicaSets ( namespace )
pc := d . Core ( ) . Pods ( namespace )
rs , err := rsc . Get ( name , metav1 . GetOptions { } )
if err != nil {
return "" , err
selector , err := metav1 . LabelSelectorAsSelector ( rs . Spec . Selector )
if err != nil {
return "" , err
running , waiting , succeeded , failed , getPodErr := getPodStatusForController ( pc , selector )
var events * api . EventList
if describerSettings . ShowEvents {
events , _ = d . Core ( ) . Events ( namespace ) . Search ( rs )
return describeReplicaSet ( rs , events , running , waiting , succeeded , failed , getPodErr )
func describeReplicaSet ( rs * extensions . ReplicaSet , events * api . EventList , running , waiting , succeeded , failed int , getPodErr error ) ( string , error ) {
return tabbedString ( func ( out io . Writer ) error {
w := & PrefixWriter { out }
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Name:\t%s\n" , rs . Name )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Namespace:\t%s\n" , rs . Namespace )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Image(s):\t%s\n" , makeImageList ( & rs . Spec . Template . Spec ) )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Selector:\t%s\n" , metav1 . FormatLabelSelector ( rs . Spec . Selector ) )
printLabelsMultiline ( w , "Labels" , rs . Labels )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Replicas:\t%d current / %d desired\n" , rs . Status . Replicas , rs . Spec . Replicas )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Pods Status:\t" )
if getPodErr != nil {
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "error in fetching pods: %s\n" , getPodErr )
} else {
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "%d Running / %d Waiting / %d Succeeded / %d Failed\n" , running , waiting , succeeded , failed )
describeVolumes ( rs . Spec . Template . Spec . Volumes , w , "" )
if events != nil {
DescribeEvents ( events , w )
return nil
} )
// JobDescriber generates information about a job and the pods it has created.
type JobDescriber struct {
clientset . Interface
func ( d * JobDescriber ) Describe ( namespace , name string , describerSettings DescriberSettings ) ( string , error ) {
job , err := d . Batch ( ) . Jobs ( namespace ) . Get ( name , metav1 . GetOptions { } )
if err != nil {
return "" , err
var events * api . EventList
if describerSettings . ShowEvents {
events , _ = d . Core ( ) . Events ( namespace ) . Search ( job )
return describeJob ( job , events )
func describeJob ( job * batch . Job , events * api . EventList ) ( string , error ) {
return tabbedString ( func ( out io . Writer ) error {
w := & PrefixWriter { out }
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Name:\t%s\n" , job . Name )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Namespace:\t%s\n" , job . Namespace )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Image(s):\t%s\n" , makeImageList ( & job . Spec . Template . Spec ) )
selector , _ := metav1 . LabelSelectorAsSelector ( job . Spec . Selector )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Selector:\t%s\n" , selector )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Parallelism:\t%d\n" , * job . Spec . Parallelism )
if job . Spec . Completions != nil {
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Completions:\t%d\n" , * job . Spec . Completions )
} else {
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Completions:\t<unset>\n" )
if job . Status . StartTime != nil {
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Start Time:\t%s\n" , job . Status . StartTime . Time . Format ( time . RFC1123Z ) )
if job . Spec . ActiveDeadlineSeconds != nil {
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Active Deadline Seconds:\t%ds\n" , * job . Spec . ActiveDeadlineSeconds )
printLabelsMultiline ( w , "Labels" , job . Labels )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Pods Statuses:\t%d Running / %d Succeeded / %d Failed\n" , job . Status . Active , job . Status . Succeeded , job . Status . Failed )
describeVolumes ( job . Spec . Template . Spec . Volumes , w , "" )
if events != nil {
DescribeEvents ( events , w )
return nil
} )
// CronJobDescriber generates information about a scheduled job and the jobs it has created.
type CronJobDescriber struct {
clientset . Interface
func ( d * CronJobDescriber ) Describe ( namespace , name string , describerSettings DescriberSettings ) ( string , error ) {
scheduledJob , err := d . Batch ( ) . CronJobs ( namespace ) . Get ( name , metav1 . GetOptions { } )
if err != nil {
return "" , err
var events * api . EventList
if describerSettings . ShowEvents {
events , _ = d . Core ( ) . Events ( namespace ) . Search ( scheduledJob )
return describeCronJob ( scheduledJob , events )
func describeCronJob ( scheduledJob * batch . CronJob , events * api . EventList ) ( string , error ) {
return tabbedString ( func ( out io . Writer ) error {
w := & PrefixWriter { out }
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Name:\t%s\n" , scheduledJob . Name )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Namespace:\t%s\n" , scheduledJob . Namespace )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Schedule:\t%s\n" , scheduledJob . Spec . Schedule )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Concurrency Policy:\t%s\n" , scheduledJob . Spec . ConcurrencyPolicy )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Suspend:\t%s\n" , printBoolPtr ( scheduledJob . Spec . Suspend ) )
if scheduledJob . Spec . StartingDeadlineSeconds != nil {
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Starting Deadline Seconds:\t%ds\n" , * scheduledJob . Spec . StartingDeadlineSeconds )
} else {
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Starting Deadline Seconds:\t<unset>\n" )
describeJobTemplate ( scheduledJob . Spec . JobTemplate , w )
printLabelsMultiline ( w , "Labels" , scheduledJob . Labels )
if scheduledJob . Status . LastScheduleTime != nil {
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Last Schedule Time:\t%s\n" , scheduledJob . Status . LastScheduleTime . Time . Format ( time . RFC1123Z ) )
} else {
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Last Schedule Time:\t<unset>\n" )
printActiveJobs ( w , "Active Jobs" , scheduledJob . Status . Active )
if events != nil {
DescribeEvents ( events , w )
return nil
} )
func describeJobTemplate ( jobTemplate batch . JobTemplateSpec , w * PrefixWriter ) {
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Image(s):\t%s\n" , makeImageList ( & jobTemplate . Spec . Template . Spec ) )
if jobTemplate . Spec . Selector != nil {
selector , _ := metav1 . LabelSelectorAsSelector ( jobTemplate . Spec . Selector )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Selector:\t%s\n" , selector )
} else {
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Selector:\t<unset>\n" )
if jobTemplate . Spec . Parallelism != nil {
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Parallelism:\t%d\n" , * jobTemplate . Spec . Parallelism )
} else {
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Parallelism:\t<unset>\n" )
if jobTemplate . Spec . Completions != nil {
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Completions:\t%d\n" , * jobTemplate . Spec . Completions )
} else {
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Completions:\t<unset>\n" )
if jobTemplate . Spec . ActiveDeadlineSeconds != nil {
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Active Deadline Seconds:\t%ds\n" , * jobTemplate . Spec . ActiveDeadlineSeconds )
describeVolumes ( jobTemplate . Spec . Template . Spec . Volumes , w , "" )
func printActiveJobs ( w * PrefixWriter , title string , jobs [ ] api . ObjectReference ) {
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "%s:\t" , title )
if len ( jobs ) == 0 {
w . WriteLine ( "<none>" )
for i , job := range jobs {
if i != 0 {
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , ", " )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "%s" , job . Name )
w . WriteLine ( "" )
// DaemonSetDescriber generates information about a daemon set and the pods it has created.
type DaemonSetDescriber struct {
clientset . Interface
func ( d * DaemonSetDescriber ) Describe ( namespace , name string , describerSettings DescriberSettings ) ( string , error ) {
dc := d . Extensions ( ) . DaemonSets ( namespace )
pc := d . Core ( ) . Pods ( namespace )
daemon , err := dc . Get ( name , metav1 . GetOptions { } )
if err != nil {
return "" , err
selector , err := metav1 . LabelSelectorAsSelector ( daemon . Spec . Selector )
if err != nil {
return "" , err
running , waiting , succeeded , failed , err := getPodStatusForController ( pc , selector )
if err != nil {
return "" , err
var events * api . EventList
if describerSettings . ShowEvents {
events , _ = d . Core ( ) . Events ( namespace ) . Search ( daemon )
return describeDaemonSet ( daemon , events , running , waiting , succeeded , failed )
func describeDaemonSet ( daemon * extensions . DaemonSet , events * api . EventList , running , waiting , succeeded , failed int ) ( string , error ) {
return tabbedString ( func ( out io . Writer ) error {
w := & PrefixWriter { out }
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Name:\t%s\n" , daemon . Name )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Image(s):\t%s\n" , makeImageList ( & daemon . Spec . Template . Spec ) )
selector , err := metav1 . LabelSelectorAsSelector ( daemon . Spec . Selector )
if err != nil {
// this shouldn't happen if LabelSelector passed validation
return err
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Selector:\t%s\n" , selector )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Node-Selector:\t%s\n" , labels . FormatLabels ( daemon . Spec . Template . Spec . NodeSelector ) )
printLabelsMultiline ( w , "Labels" , daemon . Labels )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Desired Number of Nodes Scheduled: %d\n" , daemon . Status . DesiredNumberScheduled )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Current Number of Nodes Scheduled: %d\n" , daemon . Status . CurrentNumberScheduled )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Number of Nodes Misscheduled: %d\n" , daemon . Status . NumberMisscheduled )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Pods Status:\t%d Running / %d Waiting / %d Succeeded / %d Failed\n" , running , waiting , succeeded , failed )
if events != nil {
DescribeEvents ( events , w )
return nil
} )
// SecretDescriber generates information about a secret
type SecretDescriber struct {
clientset . Interface
func ( d * SecretDescriber ) Describe ( namespace , name string , describerSettings DescriberSettings ) ( string , error ) {
c := d . Core ( ) . Secrets ( namespace )
secret , err := c . Get ( name , metav1 . GetOptions { } )
if err != nil {
return "" , err
return describeSecret ( secret )
func describeSecret ( secret * api . Secret ) ( string , error ) {
return tabbedString ( func ( out io . Writer ) error {
w := & PrefixWriter { out }
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Name:\t%s\n" , secret . Name )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Namespace:\t%s\n" , secret . Namespace )
printLabelsMultiline ( w , "Labels" , secret . Labels )
printLabelsMultiline ( w , "Annotations" , secret . Annotations )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "\nType:\t%s\n" , secret . Type )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "\nData\n====\n" )
for k , v := range secret . Data {
switch {
case k == api . ServiceAccountTokenKey && secret . Type == api . SecretTypeServiceAccountToken :
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "%s:\t%s\n" , k , string ( v ) )
default :
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "%s:\t%d bytes\n" , k , len ( v ) )
return nil
} )
type IngressDescriber struct {
clientset . Interface
func ( i * IngressDescriber ) Describe ( namespace , name string , describerSettings DescriberSettings ) ( string , error ) {
c := i . Extensions ( ) . Ingresses ( namespace )
ing , err := c . Get ( name , metav1 . GetOptions { } )
if err != nil {
return "" , err
return i . describeIngress ( ing , describerSettings )
func ( i * IngressDescriber ) describeBackend ( ns string , backend * extensions . IngressBackend ) string {
endpoints , _ := i . Core ( ) . Endpoints ( ns ) . Get ( backend . ServiceName , metav1 . GetOptions { } )
service , _ := i . Core ( ) . Services ( ns ) . Get ( backend . ServiceName , metav1 . GetOptions { } )
spName := ""
for i := range service . Spec . Ports {
sp := & service . Spec . Ports [ i ]
switch backend . ServicePort . Type {
case intstr . String :
if backend . ServicePort . StrVal == sp . Name {
spName = sp . Name
case intstr . Int :
if int32 ( backend . ServicePort . IntVal ) == sp . Port {
spName = sp . Name
return formatEndpoints ( endpoints , sets . NewString ( spName ) )
func ( i * IngressDescriber ) describeIngress ( ing * extensions . Ingress , describerSettings DescriberSettings ) ( string , error ) {
return tabbedString ( func ( out io . Writer ) error {
w := & PrefixWriter { out }
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Name:\t%v\n" , ing . Name )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Namespace:\t%v\n" , ing . Namespace )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Address:\t%v\n" , loadBalancerStatusStringer ( ing . Status . LoadBalancer , true ) )
def := ing . Spec . Backend
ns := ing . Namespace
if def == nil {
// Ingresses that don't specify a default backend inherit the
// default backend in the kube-system namespace.
def = & extensions . IngressBackend {
ServiceName : "default-http-backend" ,
ServicePort : intstr . IntOrString { Type : intstr . Int , IntVal : 80 } ,
2017-02-03 14:41:32 +01:00
ns = metav1 . NamespaceSystem
2017-01-31 16:45:59 -08:00
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Default backend:\t%s (%s)\n" , backendStringer ( def ) , i . describeBackend ( ns , def ) )
if len ( ing . Spec . TLS ) != 0 {
describeIngressTLS ( w , ing . Spec . TLS )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Rules:\n Host\tPath\tBackends\n" )
w . Write ( LEVEL_1 , "----\t----\t--------\n" )
count := 0
for _ , rules := range ing . Spec . Rules {
if rules . HTTP == nil {
count ++
host := rules . Host
if len ( host ) == 0 {
host = "*"
w . Write ( LEVEL_1 , "%s\t\n" , host )
for _ , path := range rules . HTTP . Paths {
w . Write ( LEVEL_2 , "\t%s \t%s (%s)\n" , path . Path , backendStringer ( & path . Backend ) , i . describeBackend ( ns , & path . Backend ) )
if count == 0 {
w . Write ( LEVEL_1 , "%s\t%s \t%s (%s)\n" , "*" , "*" , backendStringer ( def ) , i . describeBackend ( ns , def ) )
describeIngressAnnotations ( w , ing . Annotations )
if describerSettings . ShowEvents {
events , _ := i . Core ( ) . Events ( ing . Namespace ) . Search ( ing )
if events != nil {
DescribeEvents ( events , w )
return nil
} )
func describeIngressTLS ( w * PrefixWriter , ingTLS [ ] extensions . IngressTLS ) {
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "TLS:\n" )
for _ , t := range ingTLS {
if t . SecretName == "" {
w . Write ( LEVEL_1 , "SNI routes %v\n" , strings . Join ( t . Hosts , "," ) )
} else {
w . Write ( LEVEL_1 , "%v terminates %v\n" , t . SecretName , strings . Join ( t . Hosts , "," ) )
// TODO: Move from annotations into Ingress status.
func describeIngressAnnotations ( w * PrefixWriter , annotations map [ string ] string ) {
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Annotations:\n" )
for k , v := range annotations {
if ! strings . HasPrefix ( k , "ingress" ) {
parts := strings . Split ( k , "/" )
name := parts [ len ( parts ) - 1 ]
w . Write ( LEVEL_1 , "%v:\t%s\n" , name , v )
// ServiceDescriber generates information about a service.
type ServiceDescriber struct {
clientset . Interface
func ( d * ServiceDescriber ) Describe ( namespace , name string , describerSettings DescriberSettings ) ( string , error ) {
c := d . Core ( ) . Services ( namespace )
service , err := c . Get ( name , metav1 . GetOptions { } )
if err != nil {
return "" , err
endpoints , _ := d . Core ( ) . Endpoints ( namespace ) . Get ( name , metav1 . GetOptions { } )
var events * api . EventList
if describerSettings . ShowEvents {
events , _ = d . Core ( ) . Events ( namespace ) . Search ( service )
return describeService ( service , endpoints , events )
func buildIngressString ( ingress [ ] api . LoadBalancerIngress ) string {
var buffer bytes . Buffer
for i := range ingress {
if i != 0 {
buffer . WriteString ( ", " )
if ingress [ i ] . IP != "" {
buffer . WriteString ( ingress [ i ] . IP )
} else {
buffer . WriteString ( ingress [ i ] . Hostname )
return buffer . String ( )
func describeService ( service * api . Service , endpoints * api . Endpoints , events * api . EventList ) ( string , error ) {
if endpoints == nil {
endpoints = & api . Endpoints { }
return tabbedString ( func ( out io . Writer ) error {
w := & PrefixWriter { out }
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Name:\t%s\n" , service . Name )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Namespace:\t%s\n" , service . Namespace )
printLabelsMultiline ( w , "Labels" , service . Labels )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Selector:\t%s\n" , labels . FormatLabels ( service . Spec . Selector ) )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Type:\t%s\n" , service . Spec . Type )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "IP:\t%s\n" , service . Spec . ClusterIP )
if len ( service . Spec . ExternalIPs ) > 0 {
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "External IPs:\t%v\n" , strings . Join ( service . Spec . ExternalIPs , "," ) )
if service . Spec . ExternalName != "" {
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "External Name:\t%s\n" , service . Spec . ExternalName )
if len ( service . Status . LoadBalancer . Ingress ) > 0 {
list := buildIngressString ( service . Status . LoadBalancer . Ingress )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "LoadBalancer Ingress:\t%s\n" , list )
for i := range service . Spec . Ports {
sp := & service . Spec . Ports [ i ]
name := sp . Name
if name == "" {
name = "<unset>"
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Port:\t%s\t%d/%s\n" , name , sp . Port , sp . Protocol )
if sp . NodePort != 0 {
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "NodePort:\t%s\t%d/%s\n" , name , sp . NodePort , sp . Protocol )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Endpoints:\t%s\n" , formatEndpoints ( endpoints , sets . NewString ( sp . Name ) ) )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Session Affinity:\t%s\n" , service . Spec . SessionAffinity )
if events != nil {
DescribeEvents ( events , w )
return nil
} )
// EndpointsDescriber generates information about an Endpoint.
type EndpointsDescriber struct {
clientset . Interface
func ( d * EndpointsDescriber ) Describe ( namespace , name string , describerSettings DescriberSettings ) ( string , error ) {
c := d . Core ( ) . Endpoints ( namespace )
ep , err := c . Get ( name , metav1 . GetOptions { } )
if err != nil {
return "" , err
var events * api . EventList
if describerSettings . ShowEvents {
events , _ = d . Core ( ) . Events ( namespace ) . Search ( ep )
return describeEndpoints ( ep , events )
func describeEndpoints ( ep * api . Endpoints , events * api . EventList ) ( string , error ) {
return tabbedString ( func ( out io . Writer ) error {
w := & PrefixWriter { out }
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Name:\t%s\n" , ep . Name )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Namespace:\t%s\n" , ep . Namespace )
printLabelsMultiline ( w , "Labels" , ep . Labels )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Subsets:\n" )
for i := range ep . Subsets {
subset := & ep . Subsets [ i ]
addresses := make ( [ ] string , 0 , len ( subset . Addresses ) )
for _ , addr := range subset . Addresses {
addresses = append ( addresses , addr . IP )
addressesString := strings . Join ( addresses , "," )
if len ( addressesString ) == 0 {
addressesString = "<none>"
w . Write ( LEVEL_1 , "Addresses:\t%s\n" , addressesString )
notReadyAddresses := make ( [ ] string , 0 , len ( subset . NotReadyAddresses ) )
for _ , addr := range subset . NotReadyAddresses {
notReadyAddresses = append ( notReadyAddresses , addr . IP )
notReadyAddressesString := strings . Join ( notReadyAddresses , "," )
if len ( notReadyAddressesString ) == 0 {
notReadyAddressesString = "<none>"
w . Write ( LEVEL_1 , "NotReadyAddresses:\t%s\n" , notReadyAddressesString )
if len ( subset . Ports ) > 0 {
w . Write ( LEVEL_1 , "Ports:\n" )
w . Write ( LEVEL_2 , "Name\tPort\tProtocol\n" )
w . Write ( LEVEL_2 , "----\t----\t--------\n" )
for _ , port := range subset . Ports {
name := port . Name
if len ( name ) == 0 {
name = "<unset>"
w . Write ( LEVEL_2 , "%s\t%d\t%s\n" , name , port . Port , port . Protocol )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "\n" )
if events != nil {
DescribeEvents ( events , w )
return nil
} )
// ServiceAccountDescriber generates information about a service.
type ServiceAccountDescriber struct {
clientset . Interface
func ( d * ServiceAccountDescriber ) Describe ( namespace , name string , describerSettings DescriberSettings ) ( string , error ) {
c := d . Core ( ) . ServiceAccounts ( namespace )
serviceAccount , err := c . Get ( name , metav1 . GetOptions { } )
if err != nil {
return "" , err
tokens := [ ] api . Secret { }
2017-02-03 14:41:32 +01:00
// missingSecrets is the set of all secrets present in the
// serviceAccount but not present in the set of existing secrets.
missingSecrets := sets . NewString ( )
secrets , err := d . Core ( ) . Secrets ( namespace ) . List ( metav1 . ListOptions { } )
// errors are tolerated here in order to describe the serviceAccount with all
// of the secrets that it references, even if those secrets cannot be fetched.
2017-01-31 16:45:59 -08:00
if err == nil {
2017-02-03 14:41:32 +01:00
// existingSecrets is the set of all secrets remaining on a
// service account that are not present in the "tokens" slice.
existingSecrets := sets . NewString ( )
2017-01-31 16:45:59 -08:00
for _ , s := range secrets . Items {
2017-02-03 14:41:32 +01:00
if s . Type == api . SecretTypeServiceAccountToken {
name , _ := s . Annotations [ api . ServiceAccountNameKey ]
uid , _ := s . Annotations [ api . ServiceAccountUIDKey ]
if name == serviceAccount . Name && uid == string ( serviceAccount . UID ) {
tokens = append ( tokens , s )
existingSecrets . Insert ( s . Name )
for _ , s := range serviceAccount . Secrets {
if ! existingSecrets . Has ( s . Name ) {
missingSecrets . Insert ( s . Name )
for _ , s := range serviceAccount . ImagePullSecrets {
if ! existingSecrets . Has ( s . Name ) {
missingSecrets . Insert ( s . Name )
2017-01-31 16:45:59 -08:00
2017-02-03 14:41:32 +01:00
return describeServiceAccount ( serviceAccount , tokens , missingSecrets )
2017-01-31 16:45:59 -08:00
2017-02-03 14:41:32 +01:00
func describeServiceAccount ( serviceAccount * api . ServiceAccount , tokens [ ] api . Secret , missingSecrets sets . String ) ( string , error ) {
2017-01-31 16:45:59 -08:00
return tabbedString ( func ( out io . Writer ) error {
w := & PrefixWriter { out }
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Name:\t%s\n" , serviceAccount . Name )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Namespace:\t%s\n" , serviceAccount . Namespace )
printLabelsMultiline ( w , "Labels" , serviceAccount . Labels )
w . WriteLine ( )
var (
emptyHeader = " "
pullHeader = "Image pull secrets:"
mountHeader = "Mountable secrets: "
tokenHeader = "Tokens: "
pullSecretNames = [ ] string { }
mountSecretNames = [ ] string { }
tokenSecretNames = [ ] string { }
for _ , s := range serviceAccount . ImagePullSecrets {
pullSecretNames = append ( pullSecretNames , s . Name )
for _ , s := range serviceAccount . Secrets {
mountSecretNames = append ( mountSecretNames , s . Name )
for _ , s := range tokens {
tokenSecretNames = append ( tokenSecretNames , s . Name )
types := map [ string ] [ ] string {
pullHeader : pullSecretNames ,
mountHeader : mountSecretNames ,
tokenHeader : tokenSecretNames ,
for header , names := range types {
if len ( names ) == 0 {
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "%s\t<none>\n" , header )
} else {
prefix := header
for _ , name := range names {
2017-02-03 14:41:32 +01:00
if missingSecrets . Has ( name ) {
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "%s\t%s (not found)\n" , prefix , name )
} else {
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "%s\t%s\n" , prefix , name )
2017-01-31 16:45:59 -08:00
prefix = emptyHeader
w . WriteLine ( )
return nil
} )
// NodeDescriber generates information about a node.
type NodeDescriber struct {
clientset . Interface
func ( d * NodeDescriber ) Describe ( namespace , name string , describerSettings DescriberSettings ) ( string , error ) {
mc := d . Core ( ) . Nodes ( )
node , err := mc . Get ( name , metav1 . GetOptions { } )
if err != nil {
return "" , err
fieldSelector , err := fields . ParseSelector ( "spec.nodeName=" + name + ",status.phase!=" + string ( api . PodSucceeded ) + ",status.phase!=" + string ( api . PodFailed ) )
if err != nil {
return "" , err
// in a policy aware setting, users may have access to a node, but not all pods
// in that case, we note that the user does not have access to the pods
canViewPods := true
2017-02-03 14:41:32 +01:00
nodeNonTerminatedPodsList , err := d . Core ( ) . Pods ( namespace ) . List ( metav1 . ListOptions { FieldSelector : fieldSelector . String ( ) } )
2017-01-31 16:45:59 -08:00
if err != nil {
if ! errors . IsForbidden ( err ) {
return "" , err
canViewPods = false
var events * api . EventList
if describerSettings . ShowEvents {
if ref , err := api . GetReference ( node ) ; err != nil {
glog . Errorf ( "Unable to construct reference to '%#v': %v" , node , err )
} else {
// TODO: We haven't decided the namespace for Node object yet.
ref . UID = types . UID ( ref . Name )
events , _ = d . Core ( ) . Events ( "" ) . Search ( ref )
return describeNode ( node , nodeNonTerminatedPodsList , events , canViewPods )
func describeNode ( node * api . Node , nodeNonTerminatedPodsList * api . PodList , events * api . EventList , canViewPods bool ) ( string , error ) {
return tabbedString ( func ( out io . Writer ) error {
w := & PrefixWriter { out }
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Name:\t%s\n" , node . Name )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Role:\t%s\n" , findNodeRole ( node ) )
printLabelsMultiline ( w , "Labels" , node . Labels )
printTaintsInAnnotationMultiline ( w , "Taints" , node . Annotations )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "CreationTimestamp:\t%s\n" , node . CreationTimestamp . Time . Format ( time . RFC1123Z ) )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Phase:\t%v\n" , node . Status . Phase )
if len ( node . Status . Conditions ) > 0 {
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Conditions:\n Type\tStatus\tLastHeartbeatTime\tLastTransitionTime\tReason\tMessage\n" )
w . Write ( LEVEL_1 , "----\t------\t-----------------\t------------------\t------\t-------\n" )
for _ , c := range node . Status . Conditions {
w . Write ( LEVEL_1 , "%v \t%v \t%s \t%s \t%v \t%v\n" ,
c . Type ,
c . Status ,
c . LastHeartbeatTime . Time . Format ( time . RFC1123Z ) ,
c . LastTransitionTime . Time . Format ( time . RFC1123Z ) ,
c . Reason ,
c . Message )
addresses := make ( [ ] string , 0 , len ( node . Status . Addresses ) )
for _ , address := range node . Status . Addresses {
addresses = append ( addresses , address . Address )
printResourceList := func ( resourceList api . ResourceList ) {
resources := make ( [ ] api . ResourceName , 0 , len ( resourceList ) )
for resource := range resourceList {
resources = append ( resources , resource )
sort . Sort ( SortableResourceNames ( resources ) )
for _ , resource := range resources {
value := resourceList [ resource ]
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , " %s:\t%s\n" , resource , value . String ( ) )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Addresses:\t%s\n" , strings . Join ( addresses , "," ) )
if len ( node . Status . Capacity ) > 0 {
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Capacity:\n" )
printResourceList ( node . Status . Capacity )
if len ( node . Status . Allocatable ) > 0 {
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Allocatable:\n" )
printResourceList ( node . Status . Allocatable )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "System Info:\n" )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , " Machine ID:\t%s\n" , node . Status . NodeInfo . MachineID )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , " System UUID:\t%s\n" , node . Status . NodeInfo . SystemUUID )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , " Boot ID:\t%s\n" , node . Status . NodeInfo . BootID )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , " Kernel Version:\t%s\n" , node . Status . NodeInfo . KernelVersion )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , " OS Image:\t%s\n" , node . Status . NodeInfo . OSImage )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , " Operating System:\t%s\n" , node . Status . NodeInfo . OperatingSystem )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , " Architecture:\t%s\n" , node . Status . NodeInfo . Architecture )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , " Container Runtime Version:\t%s\n" , node . Status . NodeInfo . ContainerRuntimeVersion )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , " Kubelet Version:\t%s\n" , node . Status . NodeInfo . KubeletVersion )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , " Kube-Proxy Version:\t%s\n" , node . Status . NodeInfo . KubeProxyVersion )
if len ( node . Spec . PodCIDR ) > 0 {
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "PodCIDR:\t%s\n" , node . Spec . PodCIDR )
if len ( node . Spec . ExternalID ) > 0 {
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "ExternalID:\t%s\n" , node . Spec . ExternalID )
if canViewPods && nodeNonTerminatedPodsList != nil {
if err := describeNodeResource ( nodeNonTerminatedPodsList , node , w ) ; err != nil {
return err
} else {
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Pods:\tnot authorized\n" )
if events != nil {
DescribeEvents ( events , w )
return nil
} )
type StatefulSetDescriber struct {
client clientset . Interface
func ( p * StatefulSetDescriber ) Describe ( namespace , name string , describerSettings DescriberSettings ) ( string , error ) {
ps , err := p . client . Apps ( ) . StatefulSets ( namespace ) . Get ( name , metav1 . GetOptions { } )
if err != nil {
return "" , err
pc := p . client . Core ( ) . Pods ( namespace )
selector , err := metav1 . LabelSelectorAsSelector ( ps . Spec . Selector )
if err != nil {
return "" , err
running , waiting , succeeded , failed , err := getPodStatusForController ( pc , selector )
if err != nil {
return "" , err
return tabbedString ( func ( out io . Writer ) error {
w := & PrefixWriter { out }
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Name:\t%s\n" , ps . Name )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Namespace:\t%s\n" , ps . Namespace )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Image(s):\t%s\n" , makeImageList ( & ps . Spec . Template . Spec ) )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Selector:\t%s\n" , metav1 . FormatLabelSelector ( ps . Spec . Selector ) )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Labels:\t%s\n" , labels . FormatLabels ( ps . Labels ) )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Replicas:\t%d current / %d desired\n" , ps . Status . Replicas , ps . Spec . Replicas )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Annotations:\t%s\n" , labels . FormatLabels ( ps . Annotations ) )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "CreationTimestamp:\t%s\n" , ps . CreationTimestamp . Time . Format ( time . RFC1123Z ) )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Pods Status:\t%d Running / %d Waiting / %d Succeeded / %d Failed\n" , running , waiting , succeeded , failed )
describeVolumes ( ps . Spec . Template . Spec . Volumes , w , "" )
if describerSettings . ShowEvents {
events , _ := p . client . Core ( ) . Events ( namespace ) . Search ( ps )
if events != nil {
DescribeEvents ( events , w )
return nil
} )
type CertificateSigningRequestDescriber struct {
client clientset . Interface
func ( p * CertificateSigningRequestDescriber ) Describe ( namespace , name string , describerSettings DescriberSettings ) ( string , error ) {
csr , err := p . client . Certificates ( ) . CertificateSigningRequests ( ) . Get ( name , metav1 . GetOptions { } )
if err != nil {
return "" , err
cr , err := certificates . ParseCSR ( csr )
if err != nil {
return "" , fmt . Errorf ( "Error parsing CSR: %v" , err )
status , err := extractCSRStatus ( csr )
if err != nil {
return "" , err
printListHelper := func ( w * PrefixWriter , prefix , name string , values [ ] string ) {
if len ( values ) == 0 {
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , prefix + name + ":\t" )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , strings . Join ( values , "\n" + prefix + "\t" ) )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "\n" )
return tabbedString ( func ( out io . Writer ) error {
w := & PrefixWriter { out }
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Name:\t%s\n" , csr . Name )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Labels:\t%s\n" , labels . FormatLabels ( csr . Labels ) )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Annotations:\t%s\n" , labels . FormatLabels ( csr . Annotations ) )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "CreationTimestamp:\t%s\n" , csr . CreationTimestamp . Time . Format ( time . RFC1123Z ) )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Requesting User:\t%s\n" , csr . Spec . Username )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Status:\t%s\n" , status )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Subject:\n" )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "\tCommon Name:\t%s\n" , cr . Subject . CommonName )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "\tSerial Number:\t%s\n" , cr . Subject . SerialNumber )
printListHelper ( w , "\t" , "Organization" , cr . Subject . Organization )
printListHelper ( w , "\t" , "Organizational Unit" , cr . Subject . OrganizationalUnit )
printListHelper ( w , "\t" , "Country" , cr . Subject . Country )
printListHelper ( w , "\t" , "Locality" , cr . Subject . Locality )
printListHelper ( w , "\t" , "Province" , cr . Subject . Province )
printListHelper ( w , "\t" , "StreetAddress" , cr . Subject . StreetAddress )
printListHelper ( w , "\t" , "PostalCode" , cr . Subject . PostalCode )
if len ( cr . DNSNames ) + len ( cr . EmailAddresses ) + len ( cr . IPAddresses ) > 0 {
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Subject Alternative Names:\n" )
printListHelper ( w , "\t" , "DNS Names" , cr . DNSNames )
printListHelper ( w , "\t" , "Email Addresses" , cr . EmailAddresses )
var ipaddrs [ ] string
for _ , ipaddr := range cr . IPAddresses {
ipaddrs = append ( ipaddrs , ipaddr . String ( ) )
printListHelper ( w , "\t" , "IP Addresses" , ipaddrs )
if describerSettings . ShowEvents {
events , _ := p . client . Core ( ) . Events ( namespace ) . Search ( csr )
if events != nil {
DescribeEvents ( events , w )
return nil
} )
// HorizontalPodAutoscalerDescriber generates information about a horizontal pod autoscaler.
type HorizontalPodAutoscalerDescriber struct {
client clientset . Interface
func ( d * HorizontalPodAutoscalerDescriber ) Describe ( namespace , name string , describerSettings DescriberSettings ) ( string , error ) {
hpa , err := d . client . Autoscaling ( ) . HorizontalPodAutoscalers ( namespace ) . Get ( name , metav1 . GetOptions { } )
if err != nil {
return "" , err
return tabbedString ( func ( out io . Writer ) error {
w := & PrefixWriter { out }
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Name:\t%s\n" , hpa . Name )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Namespace:\t%s\n" , hpa . Namespace )
printLabelsMultiline ( w , "Labels" , hpa . Labels )
printLabelsMultiline ( w , "Annotations" , hpa . Annotations )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "CreationTimestamp:\t%s\n" , hpa . CreationTimestamp . Time . Format ( time . RFC1123Z ) )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Reference:\t%s/%s\n" ,
hpa . Spec . ScaleTargetRef . Kind ,
hpa . Spec . ScaleTargetRef . Name )
if hpa . Spec . TargetCPUUtilizationPercentage != nil {
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Target CPU utilization:\t%d%%\n" , * hpa . Spec . TargetCPUUtilizationPercentage )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Current CPU utilization:\t" )
if hpa . Status . CurrentCPUUtilizationPercentage != nil {
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "%d%%\n" , * hpa . Status . CurrentCPUUtilizationPercentage )
} else {
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "<unset>\n" )
minReplicas := "<unset>"
if hpa . Spec . MinReplicas != nil {
minReplicas = fmt . Sprintf ( "%d" , * hpa . Spec . MinReplicas )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Min replicas:\t%s\n" , minReplicas )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Max replicas:\t%d\n" , hpa . Spec . MaxReplicas )
// TODO: switch to scale subresource once the required code is submitted.
if strings . ToLower ( hpa . Spec . ScaleTargetRef . Kind ) == "replicationcontroller" {
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "ReplicationController pods:\t" )
rc , err := d . client . Core ( ) . ReplicationControllers ( hpa . Namespace ) . Get ( hpa . Spec . ScaleTargetRef . Name , metav1 . GetOptions { } )
if err == nil {
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "%d current / %d desired\n" , rc . Status . Replicas , rc . Spec . Replicas )
} else {
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "failed to check Replication Controller\n" )
if describerSettings . ShowEvents {
events , _ := d . client . Core ( ) . Events ( namespace ) . Search ( hpa )
if events != nil {
DescribeEvents ( events , w )
return nil
} )
func describeNodeResource ( nodeNonTerminatedPodsList * api . PodList , node * api . Node , w * PrefixWriter ) error {
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Non-terminated Pods:\t(%d in total)\n" , len ( nodeNonTerminatedPodsList . Items ) )
w . Write ( LEVEL_1 , "Namespace\tName\t\tCPU Requests\tCPU Limits\tMemory Requests\tMemory Limits\n" )
w . Write ( LEVEL_1 , "---------\t----\t\t------------\t----------\t---------------\t-------------\n" )
allocatable := node . Status . Capacity
if len ( node . Status . Allocatable ) > 0 {
allocatable = node . Status . Allocatable
for _ , pod := range nodeNonTerminatedPodsList . Items {
req , limit , err := api . PodRequestsAndLimits ( & pod )
if err != nil {
return err
cpuReq , cpuLimit , memoryReq , memoryLimit := req [ api . ResourceCPU ] , limit [ api . ResourceCPU ] , req [ api . ResourceMemory ] , limit [ api . ResourceMemory ]
fractionCpuReq := float64 ( cpuReq . MilliValue ( ) ) / float64 ( allocatable . Cpu ( ) . MilliValue ( ) ) * 100
fractionCpuLimit := float64 ( cpuLimit . MilliValue ( ) ) / float64 ( allocatable . Cpu ( ) . MilliValue ( ) ) * 100
fractionMemoryReq := float64 ( memoryReq . Value ( ) ) / float64 ( allocatable . Memory ( ) . Value ( ) ) * 100
fractionMemoryLimit := float64 ( memoryLimit . Value ( ) ) / float64 ( allocatable . Memory ( ) . Value ( ) ) * 100
w . Write ( LEVEL_1 , "%s\t%s\t\t%s (%d%%)\t%s (%d%%)\t%s (%d%%)\t%s (%d%%)\n" , pod . Namespace , pod . Name ,
cpuReq . String ( ) , int64 ( fractionCpuReq ) , cpuLimit . String ( ) , int64 ( fractionCpuLimit ) ,
memoryReq . String ( ) , int64 ( fractionMemoryReq ) , memoryLimit . String ( ) , int64 ( fractionMemoryLimit ) )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Allocated resources:\n (Total limits may be over 100 percent, i.e., overcommitted.\n CPU Requests\tCPU Limits\tMemory Requests\tMemory Limits\n" )
w . Write ( LEVEL_1 , "------------\t----------\t---------------\t-------------\n" )
reqs , limits , err := getPodsTotalRequestsAndLimits ( nodeNonTerminatedPodsList )
if err != nil {
return err
cpuReqs , cpuLimits , memoryReqs , memoryLimits := reqs [ api . ResourceCPU ] , limits [ api . ResourceCPU ] , reqs [ api . ResourceMemory ] , limits [ api . ResourceMemory ]
fractionCpuReqs := float64 ( cpuReqs . MilliValue ( ) ) / float64 ( allocatable . Cpu ( ) . MilliValue ( ) ) * 100
fractionCpuLimits := float64 ( cpuLimits . MilliValue ( ) ) / float64 ( allocatable . Cpu ( ) . MilliValue ( ) ) * 100
fractionMemoryReqs := float64 ( memoryReqs . Value ( ) ) / float64 ( allocatable . Memory ( ) . Value ( ) ) * 100
fractionMemoryLimits := float64 ( memoryLimits . Value ( ) ) / float64 ( allocatable . Memory ( ) . Value ( ) ) * 100
w . Write ( LEVEL_1 , "%s (%d%%)\t%s (%d%%)\t%s (%d%%)\t%s (%d%%)\n" ,
cpuReqs . String ( ) , int64 ( fractionCpuReqs ) , cpuLimits . String ( ) , int64 ( fractionCpuLimits ) ,
memoryReqs . String ( ) , int64 ( fractionMemoryReqs ) , memoryLimits . String ( ) , int64 ( fractionMemoryLimits ) )
return nil
func filterTerminatedPods ( pods [ ] * api . Pod ) [ ] * api . Pod {
if len ( pods ) == 0 {
return pods
result := [ ] * api . Pod { }
for _ , pod := range pods {
if pod . Status . Phase == api . PodSucceeded || pod . Status . Phase == api . PodFailed {
result = append ( result , pod )
return result
func getPodsTotalRequestsAndLimits ( podList * api . PodList ) ( reqs map [ api . ResourceName ] resource . Quantity , limits map [ api . ResourceName ] resource . Quantity , err error ) {
reqs , limits = map [ api . ResourceName ] resource . Quantity { } , map [ api . ResourceName ] resource . Quantity { }
for _ , pod := range podList . Items {
podReqs , podLimits , err := api . PodRequestsAndLimits ( & pod )
if err != nil {
return nil , nil , err
for podReqName , podReqValue := range podReqs {
if value , ok := reqs [ podReqName ] ; ! ok {
reqs [ podReqName ] = * podReqValue . Copy ( )
} else {
value . Add ( podReqValue )
reqs [ podReqName ] = value
for podLimitName , podLimitValue := range podLimits {
if value , ok := limits [ podLimitName ] ; ! ok {
limits [ podLimitName ] = * podLimitValue . Copy ( )
} else {
value . Add ( podLimitValue )
limits [ podLimitName ] = value
func DescribeEvents ( el * api . EventList , w * PrefixWriter ) {
if len ( el . Items ) == 0 {
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "No events.\n" )
sort . Sort ( events . SortableEvents ( el . Items ) )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Events:\n FirstSeen\tLastSeen\tCount\tFrom\tSubObjectPath\tType\tReason\tMessage\n" )
w . Write ( LEVEL_1 , "---------\t--------\t-----\t----\t-------------\t--------\t------\t-------\n" )
for _ , e := range el . Items {
w . Write ( LEVEL_1 , "%s\t%s\t%d\t%v\t%v\t%v\t%v\t%v\n" ,
translateTimestamp ( e . FirstTimestamp ) ,
translateTimestamp ( e . LastTimestamp ) ,
e . Count ,
e . Source ,
e . InvolvedObject . FieldPath ,
e . Type ,
e . Reason ,
e . Message )
// DeploymentDescriber generates information about a deployment.
type DeploymentDescriber struct {
clientset . Interface
versionedClient versionedclientset . Interface
func ( dd * DeploymentDescriber ) Describe ( namespace , name string , describerSettings DescriberSettings ) ( string , error ) {
d , err := dd . versionedClient . Extensions ( ) . Deployments ( namespace ) . Get ( name , metav1 . GetOptions { } )
if err != nil {
return "" , err
selector , err := metav1 . LabelSelectorAsSelector ( d . Spec . Selector )
if err != nil {
return "" , err
return tabbedString ( func ( out io . Writer ) error {
w := & PrefixWriter { out }
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Name:\t%s\n" , d . ObjectMeta . Name )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Namespace:\t%s\n" , d . ObjectMeta . Namespace )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "CreationTimestamp:\t%s\n" , d . CreationTimestamp . Time . Format ( time . RFC1123Z ) )
printLabelsMultiline ( w , "Labels" , d . Labels )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Selector:\t%s\n" , selector )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Replicas:\t%d updated | %d total | %d available | %d unavailable\n" , d . Status . UpdatedReplicas , * d . Spec . Replicas , d . Status . AvailableReplicas , d . Status . UnavailableReplicas )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "StrategyType:\t%s\n" , d . Spec . Strategy . Type )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "MinReadySeconds:\t%d\n" , d . Spec . MinReadySeconds )
if d . Spec . Strategy . RollingUpdate != nil {
ru := d . Spec . Strategy . RollingUpdate
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "RollingUpdateStrategy:\t%s max unavailable, %s max surge\n" , ru . MaxUnavailable . String ( ) , ru . MaxSurge . String ( ) )
if len ( d . Status . Conditions ) > 0 {
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Conditions:\n Type\tStatus\tReason\n" )
w . Write ( LEVEL_1 , "----\t------\t------\n" )
for _ , c := range d . Status . Conditions {
w . Write ( LEVEL_1 , "%v \t%v\t%v\n" , c . Type , c . Status , c . Reason )
oldRSs , _ , newRS , err := deploymentutil . GetAllReplicaSets ( d , dd . versionedClient )
if err == nil {
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "OldReplicaSets:\t%s\n" , printReplicaSetsByLabels ( oldRSs ) )
var newRSs [ ] * versionedextension . ReplicaSet
if newRS != nil {
newRSs = append ( newRSs , newRS )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "NewReplicaSet:\t%s\n" , printReplicaSetsByLabels ( newRSs ) )
overlapWith := d . Annotations [ deploymentutil . OverlapAnnotation ]
if len ( overlapWith ) > 0 {
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "!!!WARNING!!! This deployment has overlapping label selector with deployment %q and won't behave as expected. Please fix it before continue.\n" , overlapWith )
if describerSettings . ShowEvents {
events , err := dd . Core ( ) . Events ( namespace ) . Search ( d )
if err == nil && events != nil {
DescribeEvents ( events , w )
return nil
} )
// Get all daemon set whose selectors would match a given set of labels.
// TODO: Move this to pkg/client and ideally implement it server-side (instead
// of getting all DS's and searching through them manually).
// TODO: write an interface for controllers and fuse getReplicationControllersForLabels
// and getDaemonSetsForLabels.
func getDaemonSetsForLabels ( c extensionsclient . DaemonSetInterface , labelsToMatch labels . Labels ) ( [ ] extensions . DaemonSet , error ) {
// Get all daemon sets
// TODO: this needs a namespace scope as argument
2017-02-03 14:41:32 +01:00
dss , err := c . List ( metav1 . ListOptions { } )
2017-01-31 16:45:59 -08:00
if err != nil {
return nil , fmt . Errorf ( "error getting daemon set: %v" , err )
// Find the ones that match labelsToMatch.
var matchingDaemonSets [ ] extensions . DaemonSet
for _ , ds := range dss . Items {
selector , err := metav1 . LabelSelectorAsSelector ( ds . Spec . Selector )
if err != nil {
// this should never happen if the DaemonSet passed validation
return nil , err
if selector . Matches ( labelsToMatch ) {
matchingDaemonSets = append ( matchingDaemonSets , ds )
return matchingDaemonSets , nil
func printReplicationControllersByLabels ( matchingRCs [ ] * api . ReplicationController ) string {
// Format the matching RC's into strings.
rcStrings := make ( [ ] string , 0 , len ( matchingRCs ) )
for _ , controller := range matchingRCs {
rcStrings = append ( rcStrings , fmt . Sprintf ( "%s (%d/%d replicas created)" , controller . Name , controller . Status . Replicas , controller . Spec . Replicas ) )
list := strings . Join ( rcStrings , ", " )
if list == "" {
return "<none>"
return list
func printReplicaSetsByLabels ( matchingRSs [ ] * versionedextension . ReplicaSet ) string {
// Format the matching ReplicaSets into strings.
rsStrings := make ( [ ] string , 0 , len ( matchingRSs ) )
for _ , rs := range matchingRSs {
rsStrings = append ( rsStrings , fmt . Sprintf ( "%s (%d/%d replicas created)" , rs . Name , rs . Status . Replicas , * rs . Spec . Replicas ) )
list := strings . Join ( rsStrings , ", " )
if list == "" {
return "<none>"
return list
func getPodStatusForController ( c coreclient . PodInterface , selector labels . Selector ) ( running , waiting , succeeded , failed int , err error ) {
2017-02-03 14:41:32 +01:00
options := metav1 . ListOptions { LabelSelector : selector . String ( ) }
2017-01-31 16:45:59 -08:00
rcPods , err := c . List ( options )
if err != nil {
for _ , pod := range rcPods . Items {
switch pod . Status . Phase {
case api . PodRunning :
running ++
case api . PodPending :
waiting ++
case api . PodSucceeded :
succeeded ++
case api . PodFailed :
failed ++
// ConfigMapDescriber generates information about a ConfigMap
type ConfigMapDescriber struct {
clientset . Interface
func ( d * ConfigMapDescriber ) Describe ( namespace , name string , describerSettings DescriberSettings ) ( string , error ) {
c := d . Core ( ) . ConfigMaps ( namespace )
configMap , err := c . Get ( name , metav1 . GetOptions { } )
if err != nil {
return "" , err
return describeConfigMap ( configMap )
func describeConfigMap ( configMap * api . ConfigMap ) ( string , error ) {
return tabbedString ( func ( out io . Writer ) error {
w := & PrefixWriter { out }
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Name:\t%s\n" , configMap . Name )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Namespace:\t%s\n" , configMap . Namespace )
printLabelsMultiline ( w , "Labels" , configMap . Labels )
printLabelsMultiline ( w , "Annotations" , configMap . Annotations )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "\nData\n====\n" )
for k , v := range configMap . Data {
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "%s:\n----\n" , k )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "%s\n" , string ( v ) )
return nil
} )
type ClusterDescriber struct {
fedclientset . Interface
func ( d * ClusterDescriber ) Describe ( namespace , name string , describerSettings DescriberSettings ) ( string , error ) {
cluster , err := d . Federation ( ) . Clusters ( ) . Get ( name , metav1 . GetOptions { } )
if err != nil {
return "" , err
return describeCluster ( cluster )
func describeCluster ( cluster * federation . Cluster ) ( string , error ) {
return tabbedString ( func ( out io . Writer ) error {
w := & PrefixWriter { out }
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Name:\t%s\n" , cluster . Name )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Labels:\t%s\n" , labels . FormatLabels ( cluster . Labels ) )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "ServerAddressByClientCIDRs:\n ClientCIDR\tServerAddress\n" )
w . Write ( LEVEL_1 , "----\t----\n" )
for _ , cidrAddr := range cluster . Spec . ServerAddressByClientCIDRs {
w . Write ( LEVEL_1 , "%v \t%v\n\n" , cidrAddr . ClientCIDR , cidrAddr . ServerAddress )
if len ( cluster . Status . Conditions ) > 0 {
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Conditions:\n Type\tStatus\tLastUpdateTime\tLastTransitionTime\tReason\tMessage\n" )
w . Write ( LEVEL_1 , "----\t------\t-----------------\t------------------\t------\t-------\n" )
for _ , c := range cluster . Status . Conditions {
w . Write ( LEVEL_1 , "%v \t%v \t%s \t%s \t%v \t%v\n" ,
c . Type ,
c . Status ,
c . LastProbeTime . Time . Format ( time . RFC1123Z ) ,
c . LastTransitionTime . Time . Format ( time . RFC1123Z ) ,
c . Reason ,
c . Message )
return nil
} )
// NetworkPolicyDescriber generates information about a NetworkPolicy
type NetworkPolicyDescriber struct {
clientset . Interface
func ( d * NetworkPolicyDescriber ) Describe ( namespace , name string , describerSettings DescriberSettings ) ( string , error ) {
c := d . Extensions ( ) . NetworkPolicies ( namespace )
networkPolicy , err := c . Get ( name , metav1 . GetOptions { } )
if err != nil {
return "" , err
return describeNetworkPolicy ( networkPolicy )
func describeNetworkPolicy ( networkPolicy * extensions . NetworkPolicy ) ( string , error ) {
return tabbedString ( func ( out io . Writer ) error {
w := & PrefixWriter { out }
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Name:\t%s\n" , networkPolicy . Name )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Namespace:\t%s\n" , networkPolicy . Namespace )
printLabelsMultiline ( w , "Labels" , networkPolicy . Labels )
printLabelsMultiline ( w , "Annotations" , networkPolicy . Annotations )
return nil
} )
type StorageClassDescriber struct {
clientset . Interface
func ( s * StorageClassDescriber ) Describe ( namespace , name string , describerSettings DescriberSettings ) ( string , error ) {
sc , err := s . Storage ( ) . StorageClasses ( ) . Get ( name , metav1 . GetOptions { } )
if err != nil {
return "" , err
return tabbedString ( func ( out io . Writer ) error {
w := & PrefixWriter { out }
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Name:\t%s\n" , sc . Name )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "IsDefaultClass:\t%s\n" , storageutil . IsDefaultAnnotationText ( sc . ObjectMeta ) )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Annotations:\t%s\n" , labels . FormatLabels ( sc . Annotations ) )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Provisioner:\t%s\n" , sc . Provisioner )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Parameters:\t%s\n" , labels . FormatLabels ( sc . Parameters ) )
if describerSettings . ShowEvents {
events , err := s . Core ( ) . Events ( namespace ) . Search ( sc )
if err != nil {
return err
if events != nil {
DescribeEvents ( events , w )
return nil
} )
type PodDisruptionBudgetDescriber struct {
clientset . Interface
func ( p * PodDisruptionBudgetDescriber ) Describe ( namespace , name string , describerSettings DescriberSettings ) ( string , error ) {
pdb , err := p . Policy ( ) . PodDisruptionBudgets ( namespace ) . Get ( name , metav1 . GetOptions { } )
if err != nil {
return "" , err
return tabbedString ( func ( out io . Writer ) error {
w := & PrefixWriter { out }
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Name:\t%s\n" , pdb . Name )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Min available:\t%s\n" , pdb . Spec . MinAvailable . String ( ) )
if pdb . Spec . Selector != nil {
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Selector:\t%s\n" , metav1 . FormatLabelSelector ( pdb . Spec . Selector ) )
} else {
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Selector:\t<unset>\n" )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "Status:\n" )
w . Write ( LEVEL_2 , "Allowed disruptions:\t%d\n" , pdb . Status . PodDisruptionsAllowed )
w . Write ( LEVEL_2 , "Current:\t%d\n" , pdb . Status . CurrentHealthy )
w . Write ( LEVEL_2 , "Desired:\t%d\n" , pdb . Status . DesiredHealthy )
w . Write ( LEVEL_2 , "Total:\t%d\n" , pdb . Status . ExpectedPods )
if describerSettings . ShowEvents {
events , err := p . Core ( ) . Events ( namespace ) . Search ( pdb )
if err != nil {
return err
if events != nil {
DescribeEvents ( events , w )
return nil
} )
// newErrNoDescriber creates a new ErrNoDescriber with the names of the provided types.
func newErrNoDescriber ( types ... reflect . Type ) error {
names := make ( [ ] string , 0 , len ( types ) )
for _ , t := range types {
names = append ( names , t . String ( ) )
return ErrNoDescriber { Types : names }
// Describers implements ObjectDescriber against functions registered via Add. Those functions can
// be strongly typed. Types are exactly matched (no conversion or assignable checks).
type Describers struct {
searchFns map [ reflect . Type ] [ ] typeFunc
// DescribeObject implements ObjectDescriber and will attempt to print the provided object to a string,
// if at least one describer function has been registered with the exact types passed, or if any
// describer can print the exact object in its first argument (the remainder will be provided empty
// values). If no function registered with Add can satisfy the passed objects, an ErrNoDescriber will
// be returned
// TODO: reorder and partial match extra.
func ( d * Describers ) DescribeObject ( exact interface { } , extra ... interface { } ) ( string , error ) {
exactType := reflect . TypeOf ( exact )
fns , ok := d . searchFns [ exactType ]
if ! ok {
return "" , newErrNoDescriber ( exactType )
if len ( extra ) == 0 {
for _ , typeFn := range fns {
if len ( typeFn . Extra ) == 0 {
return typeFn . Describe ( exact , extra ... )
typeFn := fns [ 0 ]
for _ , t := range typeFn . Extra {
v := reflect . New ( t ) . Elem ( )
extra = append ( extra , v . Interface ( ) )
return fns [ 0 ] . Describe ( exact , extra ... )
types := make ( [ ] reflect . Type , 0 , len ( extra ) )
for _ , obj := range extra {
types = append ( types , reflect . TypeOf ( obj ) )
for _ , typeFn := range fns {
if typeFn . Matches ( types ) {
return typeFn . Describe ( exact , extra ... )
return "" , newErrNoDescriber ( append ( [ ] reflect . Type { exactType } , types ... ) ... )
// Add adds one or more describer functions to the Describer. The passed function must
// match the signature:
// func(...) (string, error)
// Any number of arguments may be provided.
func ( d * Describers ) Add ( fns ... interface { } ) error {
for _ , fn := range fns {
fv := reflect . ValueOf ( fn )
ft := fv . Type ( )
if ft . Kind ( ) != reflect . Func {
return fmt . Errorf ( "expected func, got: %v" , ft )
numIn := ft . NumIn ( )
if numIn == 0 {
return fmt . Errorf ( "expected at least one 'in' params, got: %v" , ft )
if ft . NumOut ( ) != 2 {
return fmt . Errorf ( "expected two 'out' params - (string, error), got: %v" , ft )
types := make ( [ ] reflect . Type , 0 , numIn )
for i := 0 ; i < numIn ; i ++ {
types = append ( types , ft . In ( i ) )
if ft . Out ( 0 ) != reflect . TypeOf ( string ( "" ) ) {
return fmt . Errorf ( "expected string return, got: %v" , ft )
var forErrorType error
// This convolution is necessary, otherwise TypeOf picks up on the fact
// that forErrorType is nil.
errorType := reflect . TypeOf ( & forErrorType ) . Elem ( )
if ft . Out ( 1 ) != errorType {
return fmt . Errorf ( "expected error return, got: %v" , ft )
exact := types [ 0 ]
extra := types [ 1 : ]
if d . searchFns == nil {
d . searchFns = make ( map [ reflect . Type ] [ ] typeFunc )
fns := d . searchFns [ exact ]
fn := typeFunc { Extra : extra , Fn : fv }
fns = append ( fns , fn )
d . searchFns [ exact ] = fns
return nil
// typeFunc holds information about a describer function and the types it accepts
type typeFunc struct {
Extra [ ] reflect . Type
Fn reflect . Value
// Matches returns true when the passed types exactly match the Extra list.
func ( fn typeFunc ) Matches ( types [ ] reflect . Type ) bool {
if len ( fn . Extra ) != len ( types ) {
return false
// reorder the items in array types and fn.Extra
// convert the type into string and sort them, check if they are matched
varMap := make ( map [ reflect . Type ] bool )
for i := range fn . Extra {
varMap [ fn . Extra [ i ] ] = true
for i := range types {
if _ , found := varMap [ types [ i ] ] ; ! found {
return false
return true
// Describe invokes the nested function with the exact number of arguments.
func ( fn typeFunc ) Describe ( exact interface { } , extra ... interface { } ) ( string , error ) {
values := [ ] reflect . Value { reflect . ValueOf ( exact ) }
for _ , obj := range extra {
values = append ( values , reflect . ValueOf ( obj ) )
out := fn . Fn . Call ( values )
s := out [ 0 ] . Interface ( ) . ( string )
var err error
if ! out [ 1 ] . IsNil ( ) {
err = out [ 1 ] . Interface ( ) . ( error )
return s , err
// printLabelsMultiline prints multiple labels with a proper alignment.
func printLabelsMultiline ( w * PrefixWriter , title string , labels map [ string ] string ) {
printLabelsMultilineWithIndent ( w , "" , title , "\t" , labels )
// printLabelsMultiline prints multiple labels with a user-defined alignment.
func printLabelsMultilineWithIndent ( w * PrefixWriter , initialIndent , title , innerIndent string , labels map [ string ] string ) {
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "%s%s:%s" , initialIndent , title , innerIndent )
if labels == nil || len ( labels ) == 0 {
w . WriteLine ( "<none>" )
// to print labels in the sorted order
keys := make ( [ ] string , 0 , len ( labels ) )
for key := range labels {
keys = append ( keys , key )
sort . Strings ( keys )
for i , key := range keys {
if i != 0 {
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "%s" , initialIndent )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "%s" , innerIndent )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "%s=%s\n" , key , labels [ key ] )
i ++
// printTaintsMultiline prints multiple taints with a proper alignment.
func printTaintsInAnnotationMultiline ( w * PrefixWriter , title string , annotations map [ string ] string ) {
2017-02-03 14:41:32 +01:00
v1Taints , err := v1 . GetTaintsFromNodeAnnotations ( annotations )
2017-01-31 16:45:59 -08:00
if err != nil {
2017-02-03 14:41:32 +01:00
v1Taints = [ ] v1 . Taint { }
taints := make ( [ ] api . Taint , len ( v1Taints ) )
for i := range v1Taints {
if err := v1 . Convert_v1_Taint_To_api_Taint ( & v1Taints [ i ] , & taints [ i ] , nil ) ; err != nil {
panic ( err )
2017-01-31 16:45:59 -08:00
printTaintsMultilineWithIndent ( w , "" , title , "\t" , taints )
// printTaintsMultilineWithIndent prints multiple taints with a user-defined alignment.
func printTaintsMultilineWithIndent ( w * PrefixWriter , initialIndent , title , innerIndent string , taints [ ] api . Taint ) {
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "%s%s:%s" , initialIndent , title , innerIndent )
if taints == nil || len ( taints ) == 0 {
w . WriteLine ( "<none>" )
// to print taints in the sorted order
keys := make ( [ ] string , 0 , len ( taints ) )
for _ , taint := range taints {
keys = append ( keys , string ( taint . Effect ) + "," + taint . Key )
sort . Strings ( keys )
for i , key := range keys {
for _ , taint := range taints {
if string ( taint . Effect ) + "," + taint . Key == key {
if i != 0 {
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "%s" , initialIndent )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "%s" , innerIndent )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "%s\n" , taint . ToString ( ) )
i ++
// printTolerationsMultiline prints multiple tolerations with a proper alignment.
func printTolerationsInAnnotationMultiline ( w * PrefixWriter , title string , annotations map [ string ] string ) {
2017-02-03 14:41:32 +01:00
v1Tolerations , err := v1 . GetTolerationsFromPodAnnotations ( annotations )
2017-01-31 16:45:59 -08:00
if err != nil {
2017-02-03 14:41:32 +01:00
v1Tolerations = [ ] v1 . Toleration { }
tolerations := make ( [ ] api . Toleration , len ( v1Tolerations ) )
for i := range v1Tolerations {
if err := v1 . Convert_v1_Toleration_To_api_Toleration ( & v1Tolerations [ i ] , & tolerations [ i ] , nil ) ; err != nil {
panic ( err )
2017-01-31 16:45:59 -08:00
printTolerationsMultilineWithIndent ( w , "" , title , "\t" , tolerations )
// printTolerationsMultilineWithIndent prints multiple tolerations with a user-defined alignment.
func printTolerationsMultilineWithIndent ( w * PrefixWriter , initialIndent , title , innerIndent string , tolerations [ ] api . Toleration ) {
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "%s%s:%s" , initialIndent , title , innerIndent )
if tolerations == nil || len ( tolerations ) == 0 {
w . WriteLine ( "<none>" )
// to print tolerations in the sorted order
keys := make ( [ ] string , 0 , len ( tolerations ) )
for _ , toleration := range tolerations {
keys = append ( keys , toleration . Key )
sort . Strings ( keys )
for i , key := range keys {
for _ , toleration := range tolerations {
if toleration . Key == key {
if i != 0 {
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "%s" , initialIndent )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "%s" , innerIndent )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "%s=%s" , toleration . Key , toleration . Value )
if len ( toleration . Operator ) != 0 {
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , ":%s" , toleration . Operator )
if len ( toleration . Effect ) != 0 {
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , ":%s" , toleration . Effect )
w . Write ( LEVEL_0 , "\n" )
i ++