2017-01-31 16:45:59 -08:00
/ *
Copyright 2015 The Kubernetes Authors .
Licensed under the Apache License , Version 2.0 ( the "License" ) ;
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License .
You may obtain a copy of the License at
http : //www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing , software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS ,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License .
* /
package dockertools
import (
2017-02-03 14:41:32 +01:00
2017-01-31 16:45:59 -08:00
dockertypes "github.com/docker/engine-api/types"
dockercontainer "github.com/docker/engine-api/types/container"
dockerstrslice "github.com/docker/engine-api/types/strslice"
dockerapiversion "github.com/docker/engine-api/types/versions"
dockernat "github.com/docker/go-connections/nat"
cadvisorapi "github.com/google/cadvisor/info/v1"
metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
kruntime "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime"
kubetypes "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/types"
utilruntime "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/runtime"
2017-02-03 14:41:32 +01:00
2017-01-31 16:45:59 -08:00
kubecontainer "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/kubelet/container"
proberesults "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/kubelet/prober/results"
utilstrings "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/util/strings"
2017-02-03 14:41:32 +01:00
2017-01-31 16:45:59 -08:00
utilversion "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/util/version"
const (
DockerType = "docker"
// https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/api/docker_remote_api/
// docker version should be at least 1.9.x
minimumDockerAPIVersion = "1.21"
// Remote API version for docker daemon versions
// https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/api/docker_remote_api/
dockerV110APIVersion = "1.22"
DockerV112APIVersion = "1.24"
// ndots specifies the minimum number of dots that a domain name must contain for the resolver to consider it as FQDN (fully-qualified)
// we want to able to consider SRV lookup names like _dns._udp.kube-dns.default.svc to be considered relative.
// hence, setting ndots to be 5.
ndotsDNSOption = "options ndots:5\n"
// In order to avoid unnecessary SIGKILLs, give every container a minimum grace
// period after SIGTERM. Docker will guarantee the termination, but SIGTERM is
// potentially dangerous.
// TODO: evaluate whether there are scenarios in which SIGKILL is preferable to
// SIGTERM for certain process types, which may justify setting this to 0.
minimumGracePeriodInSeconds = 2
DockerNetnsFmt = "/proc/%v/ns/net"
// String used to detect docker host mode for various namespaces (e.g.
// networking). Must match the value returned by docker inspect -f
// '{{.HostConfig.NetworkMode}}'.
namespaceModeHost = "host"
// The expiration time of version cache.
versionCacheTTL = 60 * time . Second
var (
// DockerManager implements the Runtime and DirectStreamingRuntime interfaces.
_ kubecontainer . Runtime = & DockerManager { }
_ kubecontainer . DirectStreamingRuntime = & DockerManager { }
// TODO: make this a TTL based pull (if image older than X policy, pull)
podInfraContainerImagePullPolicy = v1 . PullIfNotPresent
// Default set of seccomp security options.
defaultSeccompOpt = [ ] dockerOpt { { "seccomp" , "unconfined" , "" } }
type DockerManager struct {
client DockerInterface
recorder record . EventRecorder
containerRefManager * kubecontainer . RefManager
os kubecontainer . OSInterface
machineInfo * cadvisorapi . MachineInfo
// The image name of the pod infra container.
podInfraContainerImage string
// (Optional) Additional environment variables to be set for the pod infra container.
podInfraContainerEnv [ ] v1 . EnvVar
// TODO(yifan): Record the pull failure so we can eliminate the image checking?
// Lower level docker image puller.
dockerPuller DockerPuller
// wrapped image puller.
imagePuller images . ImageManager
// cgroup driver used by Docker runtime.
cgroupDriver string
// Directory of container logs.
containerLogsDir string
// Network plugin.
networkPlugin network . NetworkPlugin
// Health check results.
livenessManager proberesults . Manager
// RuntimeHelper that wraps kubelet to generate runtime container options.
runtimeHelper kubecontainer . RuntimeHelper
// Runner of lifecycle events.
runner kubecontainer . HandlerRunner
// Handler used to execute commands in containers.
execHandler ExecHandler
// Used to set OOM scores of processes.
oomAdjuster * oom . OOMAdjuster
// Get information from /proc mount.
procFs procfs . ProcFSInterface
// If true, enforce container cpu limits with CFS quota support
cpuCFSQuota bool
// Container GC manager
containerGC * containerGC
// Support for gathering custom metrics.
enableCustomMetrics bool
// If true, the "hairpin mode" flag is set on container interfaces.
// A false value means the kubelet just backs off from setting it,
// it might already be true.
configureHairpinMode bool
// Provides image stats
* imageStatsProvider
// The version cache of docker daemon.
versionCache * cache . ObjectCache
// Directory to host local seccomp profiles.
seccompProfileRoot string
// A subset of the pod.Manager interface extracted for testing purposes.
type podGetter interface {
GetPodByUID ( kubetypes . UID ) ( * v1 . Pod , bool )
func PodInfraContainerEnv ( env map [ string ] string ) kubecontainer . Option {
return func ( rt kubecontainer . Runtime ) {
dm := rt . ( * DockerManager )
for k , v := range env {
dm . podInfraContainerEnv = append ( dm . podInfraContainerEnv , v1 . EnvVar {
Name : k ,
Value : v ,
} )
func NewDockerManager (
client DockerInterface ,
recorder record . EventRecorder ,
livenessManager proberesults . Manager ,
containerRefManager * kubecontainer . RefManager ,
podGetter podGetter ,
machineInfo * cadvisorapi . MachineInfo ,
podInfraContainerImage string ,
qps float32 ,
burst int ,
containerLogsDir string ,
osInterface kubecontainer . OSInterface ,
networkPlugin network . NetworkPlugin ,
runtimeHelper kubecontainer . RuntimeHelper ,
httpClient types . HttpGetter ,
execHandler ExecHandler ,
oomAdjuster * oom . OOMAdjuster ,
procFs procfs . ProcFSInterface ,
cpuCFSQuota bool ,
imageBackOff * flowcontrol . Backoff ,
serializeImagePulls bool ,
enableCustomMetrics bool ,
hairpinMode bool ,
seccompProfileRoot string ,
options ... kubecontainer . Option ) * DockerManager {
// Wrap the docker client with instrumentedDockerInterface
client = NewInstrumentedDockerInterface ( client )
// cgroup driver is only detectable in docker 1.11+
// when the execution driver is not detectable, we provide the cgroupfs form.
// if your docker engine is configured to use the systemd cgroup driver, and you
// want to use pod level cgroups, you must be on docker 1.12+ to ensure cgroup-parent
// is converted appropriately. otherwise, docker will fail to launch the container
// and complain the cgroup name provided did not conform to systemd conventions.
var cgroupDriver string
dockerInfo , err := client . Info ( )
if err != nil {
glog . Errorf ( "Failed to execute Info() call to the Docker client: %v" , err )
} else {
cgroupDriver = dockerInfo . CgroupDriver
glog . Infof ( "Setting cgroupDriver to %s" , cgroupDriver )
dm := & DockerManager {
client : client ,
recorder : recorder ,
containerRefManager : containerRefManager ,
os : osInterface ,
machineInfo : machineInfo ,
podInfraContainerImage : podInfraContainerImage ,
dockerPuller : newDockerPuller ( client ) ,
cgroupDriver : cgroupDriver ,
containerLogsDir : containerLogsDir ,
networkPlugin : networkPlugin ,
livenessManager : livenessManager ,
runtimeHelper : runtimeHelper ,
execHandler : execHandler ,
oomAdjuster : oomAdjuster ,
procFs : procFs ,
cpuCFSQuota : cpuCFSQuota ,
enableCustomMetrics : enableCustomMetrics ,
configureHairpinMode : hairpinMode ,
imageStatsProvider : newImageStatsProvider ( client ) ,
seccompProfileRoot : seccompProfileRoot ,
cmdRunner := kubecontainer . DirectStreamingRunner ( dm )
dm . runner = lifecycle . NewHandlerRunner ( httpClient , cmdRunner , dm )
dm . imagePuller = images . NewImageManager ( kubecontainer . FilterEventRecorder ( recorder ) , dm , imageBackOff , serializeImagePulls , qps , burst )
dm . containerGC = NewContainerGC ( client , podGetter , containerLogsDir )
dm . versionCache = cache . NewObjectCache (
func ( ) ( interface { } , error ) {
return dm . getVersionInfo ( )
} ,
versionCacheTTL ,
// apply optional settings..
for _ , optf := range options {
optf ( dm )
return dm
// GetContainerLogs returns logs of a specific container. By
// default, it returns a snapshot of the container log. Set 'follow' to true to
// stream the log. Set 'follow' to false and specify the number of lines (e.g.
// "100" or "all") to tail the log.
// TODO: Make 'RawTerminal' option flagable.
func ( dm * DockerManager ) GetContainerLogs ( pod * v1 . Pod , containerID kubecontainer . ContainerID , logOptions * v1 . PodLogOptions , stdout , stderr io . Writer ) error {
container , err := dm . client . InspectContainer ( containerID . ID )
if err != nil {
return err
return GetContainerLogs ( dm . client , pod , containerID , logOptions , stdout , stderr , container . Config . Tty )
// Temporarily export this function to share with dockershim.
// TODO: clean this up.
func GetContainerLogs ( client DockerInterface , pod * v1 . Pod , containerID kubecontainer . ContainerID , logOptions * v1 . PodLogOptions , stdout , stderr io . Writer , rawTerm bool ) error {
var since int64
if logOptions . SinceSeconds != nil {
t := metav1 . Now ( ) . Add ( - time . Duration ( * logOptions . SinceSeconds ) * time . Second )
since = t . Unix ( )
if logOptions . SinceTime != nil {
since = logOptions . SinceTime . Unix ( )
opts := dockertypes . ContainerLogsOptions {
ShowStdout : true ,
ShowStderr : true ,
Since : strconv . FormatInt ( since , 10 ) ,
Timestamps : logOptions . Timestamps ,
Follow : logOptions . Follow ,
if logOptions . TailLines != nil {
opts . Tail = strconv . FormatInt ( * logOptions . TailLines , 10 )
sopts := StreamOptions {
OutputStream : stdout ,
ErrorStream : stderr ,
RawTerminal : rawTerm ,
return client . Logs ( containerID . ID , opts , sopts )
var (
// ErrNoContainersInPod is returned when there are no containers for a given pod
ErrNoContainersInPod = errors . New ( "NoContainersInPod" )
// ErrNoPodInfraContainerInPod is returned when there is no pod infra container for a given pod
ErrNoPodInfraContainerInPod = errors . New ( "NoPodInfraContainerInPod" )
// ErrContainerCannotRun is returned when a container is created, but cannot run properly
ErrContainerCannotRun = errors . New ( "ContainerCannotRun" )
// determineContainerIP determines the IP address of the given container. It is expected
// that the container passed is the infrastructure container of a pod and the responsibility
// of the caller to ensure that the correct container is passed.
func ( dm * DockerManager ) determineContainerIP ( podNamespace , podName string , container * dockertypes . ContainerJSON ) ( string , error ) {
result := getContainerIP ( container )
networkMode := getDockerNetworkMode ( container )
isHostNetwork := networkMode == namespaceModeHost
// For host networking or default network plugin, GetPodNetworkStatus doesn't work
if ! isHostNetwork && dm . networkPlugin . Name ( ) != network . DefaultPluginName {
netStatus , err := dm . networkPlugin . GetPodNetworkStatus ( podNamespace , podName , kubecontainer . DockerID ( container . ID ) . ContainerID ( ) )
if err != nil {
glog . Errorf ( "NetworkPlugin %s failed on the status hook for pod '%s' - %v" , dm . networkPlugin . Name ( ) , podName , err )
return result , err
} else if netStatus != nil {
result = netStatus . IP . String ( )
return result , nil
func ( dm * DockerManager ) inspectContainer ( id string , podName , podNamespace string ) ( * kubecontainer . ContainerStatus , string , error ) {
var ip string
iResult , err := dm . client . InspectContainer ( id )
if err != nil {
return nil , ip , err
glog . V ( 4 ) . Infof ( "Container inspect result: %+v" , * iResult )
// TODO: Get k8s container name by parsing the docker name. This will be
// replaced by checking docker labels eventually.
dockerName , hash , err := ParseDockerName ( iResult . Name )
if err != nil {
return nil , ip , fmt . Errorf ( "Unable to parse docker name %q" , iResult . Name )
containerName := dockerName . ContainerName
var containerInfo * labelledContainerInfo
containerInfo = getContainerInfoFromLabel ( iResult . Config . Labels )
parseTimestampError := func ( label , s string ) {
glog . Errorf ( "Failed to parse %q timestamp %q for container %q of pod %q" , label , s , id , kubecontainer . BuildPodFullName ( podName , podNamespace ) )
var createdAt , startedAt , finishedAt time . Time
if createdAt , err = ParseDockerTimestamp ( iResult . Created ) ; err != nil {
parseTimestampError ( "Created" , iResult . Created )
if startedAt , err = ParseDockerTimestamp ( iResult . State . StartedAt ) ; err != nil {
parseTimestampError ( "StartedAt" , iResult . State . StartedAt )
if finishedAt , err = ParseDockerTimestamp ( iResult . State . FinishedAt ) ; err != nil {
parseTimestampError ( "FinishedAt" , iResult . State . FinishedAt )
// default to the image ID, but try and inspect for the RepoDigests
imageID := DockerPrefix + iResult . Image
imgInspectResult , err := dm . client . InspectImageByID ( iResult . Image )
if err != nil {
utilruntime . HandleError ( fmt . Errorf ( "unable to inspect docker image %q while inspecting docker container %q: %v" , iResult . Image , containerName , err ) )
} else {
if len ( imgInspectResult . RepoDigests ) > 1 {
glog . V ( 4 ) . Infof ( "Container %q had more than one associated RepoDigest (%v), only using the first" , containerName , imgInspectResult . RepoDigests )
if len ( imgInspectResult . RepoDigests ) > 0 {
imageID = DockerPullablePrefix + imgInspectResult . RepoDigests [ 0 ]
imageName := iResult . Config . Image
if len ( imgInspectResult . RepoTags ) > 0 {
imageName = imgInspectResult . RepoTags [ 0 ]
status := kubecontainer . ContainerStatus {
Name : containerName ,
RestartCount : containerInfo . RestartCount ,
Image : imageName ,
ImageID : imageID ,
ID : kubecontainer . DockerID ( id ) . ContainerID ( ) ,
ExitCode : iResult . State . ExitCode ,
CreatedAt : createdAt ,
Hash : hash ,
if iResult . State . Running {
// Container that are running, restarting and paused
status . State = kubecontainer . ContainerStateRunning
status . StartedAt = startedAt
if containerProvidesPodIP ( dockerName ) {
ip , err = dm . determineContainerIP ( podNamespace , podName , iResult )
// Kubelet doesn't handle the network error scenario
if err != nil {
status . State = kubecontainer . ContainerStateUnknown
status . Message = fmt . Sprintf ( "Network error: %#v" , err )
return & status , ip , nil
// Find containers that have exited or failed to start.
if ! finishedAt . IsZero ( ) || iResult . State . ExitCode != 0 {
// Containers that are exited, dead or created (docker failed to start container)
// When a container fails to start State.ExitCode is non-zero, FinishedAt and StartedAt are both zero
reason := ""
message := iResult . State . Error
// Note: An application might handle OOMKilled gracefully.
// In that case, the container is oom killed, but the exit
// code could be 0.
if iResult . State . OOMKilled {
reason = "OOMKilled"
} else if iResult . State . ExitCode == 0 {
reason = "Completed"
} else if ! finishedAt . IsZero ( ) {
reason = "Error"
} else {
// finishedAt is zero and ExitCode is nonZero occurs when docker fails to start the container
reason = ErrContainerCannotRun . Error ( )
// Adjust time to the time docker attempted to run the container, otherwise startedAt and finishedAt will be set to epoch, which is misleading
finishedAt = createdAt
startedAt = createdAt
2017-02-03 14:41:32 +01:00
// retrieve the termination message from logs, file, or file with fallback to logs in case of failure
fallbackToLogs := containerInfo . TerminationMessagePolicy == v1 . TerminationMessageFallbackToLogsOnError && ( iResult . State . ExitCode != 0 || iResult . State . OOMKilled )
if msg := getTerminationMessage ( dm . c , iResult , containerInfo . TerminationMessagePath , fallbackToLogs ) ; len ( msg ) > 0 {
message = msg
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2017-01-31 16:45:59 -08:00
status . State = kubecontainer . ContainerStateExited
status . Message = message
status . Reason = reason
status . StartedAt = startedAt
status . FinishedAt = finishedAt
} else {
// Non-running containers that are created (not yet started or kubelet failed before calling
// start container function etc.) Kubelet doesn't handle these scenarios yet.
status . State = kubecontainer . ContainerStateUnknown
return & status , "" , nil
2017-02-03 14:41:32 +01:00
func getTerminationMessage ( c DockerInterface , iResult * dockertypes . ContainerJSON , terminationMessagePath string , fallbackToLogs bool ) string {
if len ( terminationMessagePath ) != 0 {
for _ , mount := range iResult . Mounts {
if mount . Destination != terminationMessagePath {
path := mount . Source
data , _ , err := tail . ReadAtMost ( path , kubecontainer . MaxContainerTerminationMessageLength )
if err != nil {
return fmt . Sprintf ( "Error on reading termination log %s: %v" , path , err )
if ! fallbackToLogs || len ( data ) != 0 {
return string ( data )
if ! fallbackToLogs {
return ""
return readLastStringFromContainerLogs ( c , iResult . Name )
// readLastStringFromContainerLogs attempts to a certain amount from the end of the logs for containerName.
// It will attempt to avoid reading excessive logs from the server, which may result in underestimating the amount
// of logs to fetch (such that the length of the response message is < max).
func readLastStringFromContainerLogs ( c DockerInterface , containerName string ) string {
logOptions := dockertypes . ContainerLogsOptions {
ShowStdout : true ,
ShowStderr : true ,
buf , _ := circbuf . NewBuffer ( kubecontainer . MaxContainerTerminationMessageLogLength )
streamOptions := StreamOptions {
ErrorStream : buf ,
OutputStream : buf ,
logOptions . Tail = strconv . FormatInt ( kubecontainer . MaxContainerTerminationMessageLogLines , 10 )
if err := c . Logs ( containerName , logOptions , streamOptions ) ; err != nil {
return fmt . Sprintf ( "Error on reading termination message from logs: %v" , err )
return buf . String ( )
2017-01-31 16:45:59 -08:00
// makeEnvList converts EnvVar list to a list of strings, in the form of
// '<key>=<value>', which can be understood by docker.
func makeEnvList ( envs [ ] kubecontainer . EnvVar ) ( result [ ] string ) {
for _ , env := range envs {
result = append ( result , fmt . Sprintf ( "%s=%s" , env . Name , env . Value ) )
// makeMountBindings converts the mount list to a list of strings that
// can be understood by docker.
// Each element in the string is in the form of:
// '<HostPath>:<ContainerPath>', or
// '<HostPath>:<ContainerPath>:ro', if the path is read only, or
// '<HostPath>:<ContainerPath>:Z', if the volume requires SELinux
// relabeling
func makeMountBindings ( mounts [ ] kubecontainer . Mount ) ( result [ ] string ) {
for _ , m := range mounts {
bind := fmt . Sprintf ( "%s:%s" , m . HostPath , m . ContainerPath )
if m . ReadOnly {
bind += ":ro"
if m . SELinuxRelabel && selinux . SELinuxEnabled ( ) {
if m . ReadOnly {
bind += ",Z"
} else {
bind += ":Z"
result = append ( result , bind )
func makePortsAndBindings ( portMappings [ ] kubecontainer . PortMapping ) ( map [ dockernat . Port ] struct { } , map [ dockernat . Port ] [ ] dockernat . PortBinding ) {
exposedPorts := map [ dockernat . Port ] struct { } { }
portBindings := map [ dockernat . Port ] [ ] dockernat . PortBinding { }
for _ , port := range portMappings {
exteriorPort := port . HostPort
if exteriorPort == 0 {
// No need to do port binding when HostPort is not specified
interiorPort := port . ContainerPort
// Some of this port stuff is under-documented voodoo.
// See http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20428302/binding-a-port-to-a-host-interface-using-the-rest-api
var protocol string
switch strings . ToUpper ( string ( port . Protocol ) ) {
case "UDP" :
protocol = "/udp"
case "TCP" :
protocol = "/tcp"
default :
glog . Warningf ( "Unknown protocol %q: defaulting to TCP" , port . Protocol )
protocol = "/tcp"
dockerPort := dockernat . Port ( strconv . Itoa ( interiorPort ) + protocol )
exposedPorts [ dockerPort ] = struct { } { }
hostBinding := dockernat . PortBinding {
HostPort : strconv . Itoa ( exteriorPort ) ,
HostIP : port . HostIP ,
// Allow multiple host ports bind to same docker port
if existedBindings , ok := portBindings [ dockerPort ] ; ok {
// If a docker port already map to a host port, just append the host ports
portBindings [ dockerPort ] = append ( existedBindings , hostBinding )
} else {
// Otherwise, it's fresh new port binding
portBindings [ dockerPort ] = [ ] dockernat . PortBinding {
hostBinding ,
return exposedPorts , portBindings
func ( dm * DockerManager ) runContainer (
pod * v1 . Pod ,
container * v1 . Container ,
opts * kubecontainer . RunContainerOptions ,
ref * v1 . ObjectReference ,
imageRef string ,
netMode string ,
ipcMode string ,
utsMode string ,
pidMode string ,
restartCount int ,
oomScoreAdj int ) ( kubecontainer . ContainerID , error ) {
dockerName := KubeletContainerName {
PodFullName : kubecontainer . GetPodFullName ( pod ) ,
PodUID : pod . UID ,
ContainerName : container . Name ,
securityOpts , err := dm . getSecurityOpts ( pod , container . Name )
if err != nil {
return kubecontainer . ContainerID { } , err
fmtSecurityOpts , err := dm . fmtDockerOpts ( securityOpts )
if err != nil {
return kubecontainer . ContainerID { } , err
// Pod information is recorded on the container as labels to preserve it in the event the pod is deleted
// while the Kubelet is down and there is no information available to recover the pod.
// TODO: keep these labels up to date if the pod changes
labels := newLabels ( container , pod , restartCount , dm . enableCustomMetrics )
// TODO(random-liu): Remove this when we start to use new labels for KillContainerInPod
if container . Lifecycle != nil && container . Lifecycle . PreStop != nil {
// TODO: This is kind of hacky, we should really just encode the bits we need.
// TODO: This is hacky because the Kubelet should be parameterized to encode a specific version
// and needs to be able to migrate this whenever we deprecate v1. Should be a member of DockerManager.
if data , err := kruntime . Encode ( api . Codecs . LegacyCodec ( schema . GroupVersion { Group : v1 . GroupName , Version : "v1" } ) , pod ) ; err == nil {
labels [ kubernetesPodLabel ] = string ( data )
} else {
glog . Errorf ( "Failed to encode pod: %s for prestop hook" , pod . Name )
memoryLimit := container . Resources . Limits . Memory ( ) . Value ( )
cpuRequest := container . Resources . Requests . Cpu ( )
cpuLimit := container . Resources . Limits . Cpu ( )
var cpuShares int64
// If request is not specified, but limit is, we want request to default to limit.
// API server does this for new containers, but we repeat this logic in Kubelet
// for containers running on existing Kubernetes clusters.
if cpuRequest . IsZero ( ) && ! cpuLimit . IsZero ( ) {
cpuShares = cm . MilliCPUToShares ( cpuLimit . MilliValue ( ) )
} else {
// if cpuRequest.Amount is nil, then milliCPUToShares will return the minimal number
// of CPU shares.
cpuShares = cm . MilliCPUToShares ( cpuRequest . MilliValue ( ) )
// Set devices for container.
devices := make ( [ ] dockercontainer . DeviceMapping , len ( opts . Devices ) )
for i , device := range opts . Devices {
devices [ i ] = dockercontainer . DeviceMapping {
PathOnHost : device . PathOnHost ,
PathInContainer : device . PathInContainer ,
CgroupPermissions : device . Permissions ,
binds := makeMountBindings ( opts . Mounts )
// The reason we create and mount the log file in here (not in kubelet) is because
// the file's location depends on the ID of the container, and we need to create and
// mount the file before actually starting the container.
// TODO(yifan): Consider to pull this logic out since we might need to reuse it in
// other container runtime.
_ , containerName , cid := BuildDockerName ( dockerName , container )
if opts . PodContainerDir != "" && len ( container . TerminationMessagePath ) != 0 {
// Because the PodContainerDir contains pod uid and container name which is unique enough,
// here we just add a unique container id to make the path unique for different instances
// of the same container.
containerLogPath := path . Join ( opts . PodContainerDir , cid )
fs , err := os . Create ( containerLogPath )
if err != nil {
// TODO: Clean up the previously created dir? return the error?
2017-02-03 14:41:32 +01:00
utilruntime . HandleError ( fmt . Errorf ( "error creating termination-log file %q: %v" , containerLogPath , err ) )
2017-01-31 16:45:59 -08:00
} else {
fs . Close ( ) // Close immediately; we're just doing a `touch` here
2017-02-03 14:41:32 +01:00
// Chmod is needed because ioutil.WriteFile() ends up calling
// open(2) to create the file, so the final mode used is "mode &
// ~umask". But we want to make sure the specified mode is used
// in the file no matter what the umask is.
if err := os . Chmod ( containerLogPath , 0666 ) ; err != nil {
utilruntime . HandleError ( fmt . Errorf ( "unable to set termination-log file permissions %q: %v" , containerLogPath , err ) )
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// Have docker relabel the termination log path if SELinux is
// enabled.
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b := fmt . Sprintf ( "%s:%s" , containerLogPath , container . TerminationMessagePath )
2017-01-31 16:45:59 -08:00
if selinux . SELinuxEnabled ( ) {
b += ":Z"
binds = append ( binds , b )
userNsMode := ""
if opts . EnableHostUserNamespace {
userNsMode = "host"
hc := & dockercontainer . HostConfig {
Binds : binds ,
NetworkMode : dockercontainer . NetworkMode ( netMode ) ,
IpcMode : dockercontainer . IpcMode ( ipcMode ) ,
UTSMode : dockercontainer . UTSMode ( utsMode ) ,
PidMode : dockercontainer . PidMode ( pidMode ) ,
UsernsMode : dockercontainer . UsernsMode ( userNsMode ) ,
ReadonlyRootfs : readOnlyRootFilesystem ( container ) ,
Resources : dockercontainer . Resources {
Memory : memoryLimit ,
MemorySwap : - 1 ,
CPUShares : cpuShares ,
Devices : devices ,
} ,
SecurityOpt : fmtSecurityOpts ,
updateHostConfig ( hc , opts )
// Set sysctls if requested
if container . Name == PodInfraContainerName {
sysctls , unsafeSysctls , err := v1 . SysctlsFromPodAnnotations ( pod . Annotations )
if err != nil {
dm . recorder . Eventf ( ref , v1 . EventTypeWarning , events . FailedToCreateContainer , "Failed to create docker container %q of pod %q with error: %v" , container . Name , format . Pod ( pod ) , err )
return kubecontainer . ContainerID { } , err
if len ( sysctls ) + len ( unsafeSysctls ) > 0 {
hc . Sysctls = make ( map [ string ] string , len ( sysctls ) + len ( unsafeSysctls ) )
for _ , c := range sysctls {
hc . Sysctls [ c . Name ] = c . Value
for _ , c := range unsafeSysctls {
hc . Sysctls [ c . Name ] = c . Value
// If current api version is equal to or newer than docker 1.10 requested, set OomScoreAdj to HostConfig
result , err := dm . checkDockerAPIVersion ( dockerV110APIVersion )
if err != nil {
glog . Errorf ( "Failed to check docker api version: %v" , err )
} else if result >= 0 {
hc . OomScoreAdj = oomScoreAdj
if dm . cpuCFSQuota {
// if cpuLimit.Amount is nil, then the appropriate default value is returned to allow full usage of cpu resource.
cpuQuota , cpuPeriod := cm . MilliCPUToQuota ( cpuLimit . MilliValue ( ) )
hc . CPUQuota = cpuQuota
hc . CPUPeriod = cpuPeriod
if len ( opts . CgroupParent ) > 0 {
cgroupParent := opts . CgroupParent
// if docker uses the systemd cgroup driver, it expects *.slice style names for cgroup parent.
// if we configured kubelet to use --cgroup-driver=cgroupfs, and docker is configured to use systemd driver
// docker will fail to launch the container because the name we provide will not be a valid slice.
// this is a very good thing.
if dm . cgroupDriver == "systemd" {
cgroupParent , err = cm . ConvertCgroupFsNameToSystemd ( opts . CgroupParent )
if err != nil {
return kubecontainer . ContainerID { } , err
hc . CgroupParent = cgroupParent
glog . V ( 3 ) . Infof ( "Container %v/%v/%v: setting cgroup parent: %v" , pod . Namespace , pod . Name , container . Name , hc . CgroupParent )
dockerOpts := dockertypes . ContainerCreateConfig {
Name : containerName ,
Config : & dockercontainer . Config {
Env : makeEnvList ( opts . Envs ) ,
Image : imageRef ,
WorkingDir : container . WorkingDir ,
Labels : labels ,
// Interactive containers:
OpenStdin : container . Stdin ,
StdinOnce : container . StdinOnce ,
Tty : container . TTY ,
} ,
HostConfig : hc ,
// Set network configuration for infra-container
if container . Name == PodInfraContainerName {
setInfraContainerNetworkConfig ( pod , netMode , opts , & dockerOpts )
setEntrypointAndCommand ( container , opts , dockerOpts )
glog . V ( 3 ) . Infof ( "Container %v/%v/%v: setting entrypoint \"%v\" and command \"%v\"" , pod . Namespace , pod . Name , container . Name , dockerOpts . Config . Entrypoint , dockerOpts . Config . Cmd )
supplementalGids := dm . runtimeHelper . GetExtraSupplementalGroupsForPod ( pod )
securityContextProvider := securitycontext . NewSimpleSecurityContextProvider ( )
securityContextProvider . ModifyContainerConfig ( pod , container , dockerOpts . Config )
securityContextProvider . ModifyHostConfig ( pod , container , dockerOpts . HostConfig , supplementalGids )
createResp , err := dm . client . CreateContainer ( dockerOpts )
if err != nil {
dm . recorder . Eventf ( ref , v1 . EventTypeWarning , events . FailedToCreateContainer , "Failed to create docker container %q of pod %q with error: %v" , container . Name , format . Pod ( pod ) , err )
return kubecontainer . ContainerID { } , err
if len ( createResp . Warnings ) != 0 {
glog . V ( 2 ) . Infof ( "Container %q of pod %q created with warnings: %v" , container . Name , format . Pod ( pod ) , createResp . Warnings )
createdEventMsg := fmt . Sprintf ( "Created container with docker id %v" , utilstrings . ShortenString ( createResp . ID , 12 ) )
if len ( securityOpts ) > 0 {
var msgs [ ] string
for _ , opt := range securityOpts {
msg := opt . msg
if msg == "" {
msg = opt . value
msgs = append ( msgs , fmt . Sprintf ( "%s=%s" , opt . key , truncateMsg ( msg , 256 ) ) )
createdEventMsg = fmt . Sprintf ( "%s; Security:[%s]" , createdEventMsg , strings . Join ( msgs , " " ) )
dm . recorder . Eventf ( ref , v1 . EventTypeNormal , events . CreatedContainer , createdEventMsg )
if err = dm . client . StartContainer ( createResp . ID ) ; err != nil {
dm . recorder . Eventf ( ref , v1 . EventTypeWarning , events . FailedToStartContainer ,
"Failed to start container with docker id %v with error: %v" , utilstrings . ShortenString ( createResp . ID , 12 ) , err )
return kubecontainer . ContainerID { } , err
dm . recorder . Eventf ( ref , v1 . EventTypeNormal , events . StartedContainer , "Started container with docker id %v" , utilstrings . ShortenString ( createResp . ID , 12 ) )
return kubecontainer . DockerID ( createResp . ID ) . ContainerID ( ) , nil
// setInfraContainerNetworkConfig sets the network configuration for the infra-container. We only set network configuration for infra-container, all
// the user containers will share the same network namespace with infra-container.
func setInfraContainerNetworkConfig ( pod * v1 . Pod , netMode string , opts * kubecontainer . RunContainerOptions , dockerOpts * dockertypes . ContainerCreateConfig ) {
exposedPorts , portBindings := makePortsAndBindings ( opts . PortMappings )
dockerOpts . Config . ExposedPorts = exposedPorts
dockerOpts . HostConfig . PortBindings = dockernat . PortMap ( portBindings )
if netMode != namespaceModeHost {
dockerOpts . Config . Hostname = opts . Hostname
if len ( opts . DNS ) > 0 {
dockerOpts . HostConfig . DNS = opts . DNS
if len ( opts . DNSSearch ) > 0 {
dockerOpts . HostConfig . DNSSearch = opts . DNSSearch
func setEntrypointAndCommand ( container * v1 . Container , opts * kubecontainer . RunContainerOptions , dockerOpts dockertypes . ContainerCreateConfig ) {
command , args := kubecontainer . ExpandContainerCommandAndArgs ( container , opts . Envs )
dockerOpts . Config . Entrypoint = dockerstrslice . StrSlice ( command )
dockerOpts . Config . Cmd = dockerstrslice . StrSlice ( args )
// A helper function to get the KubeletContainerName and hash from a docker
// container.
func getDockerContainerNameInfo ( c * dockertypes . Container ) ( * KubeletContainerName , uint64 , error ) {
if len ( c . Names ) == 0 {
return nil , 0 , fmt . Errorf ( "cannot parse empty docker container name: %#v" , c . Names )
dockerName , hash , err := ParseDockerName ( c . Names [ 0 ] )
if err != nil {
return nil , 0 , fmt . Errorf ( "parse docker container name %q error: %v" , c . Names [ 0 ] , err )
return dockerName , hash , nil
// Get pod UID, name, and namespace by examining the container names.
func getPodInfoFromContainer ( c * dockertypes . Container ) ( kubetypes . UID , string , string , error ) {
dockerName , _ , err := getDockerContainerNameInfo ( c )
if err != nil {
return kubetypes . UID ( "" ) , "" , "" , err
name , namespace , err := kubecontainer . ParsePodFullName ( dockerName . PodFullName )
if err != nil {
return kubetypes . UID ( "" ) , "" , "" , fmt . Errorf ( "parse pod full name %q error: %v" , dockerName . PodFullName , err )
return dockerName . PodUID , name , namespace , nil
// GetContainers returns a list of running containers if |all| is false;
// otherwise, it returns all containers.
func ( dm * DockerManager ) GetContainers ( all bool ) ( [ ] * kubecontainer . Container , error ) {
containers , err := GetKubeletDockerContainers ( dm . client , all )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
// Convert DockerContainers to []*kubecontainer.Container
result := make ( [ ] * kubecontainer . Container , 0 , len ( containers ) )
for _ , c := range containers {
converted , err := toRuntimeContainer ( c )
if err != nil {
glog . Errorf ( "Error examining the container %v: %v" , c . ID , err )
result = append ( result , converted )
return result , nil
func ( dm * DockerManager ) GetPods ( all bool ) ( [ ] * kubecontainer . Pod , error ) {
start := time . Now ( )
defer func ( ) {
metrics . ContainerManagerLatency . WithLabelValues ( "GetPods" ) . Observe ( metrics . SinceInMicroseconds ( start ) )
} ( )
pods := make ( map [ kubetypes . UID ] * kubecontainer . Pod )
var result [ ] * kubecontainer . Pod
containers , err := GetKubeletDockerContainers ( dm . client , all )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
// Group containers by pod.
for _ , c := range containers {
converted , err := toRuntimeContainer ( c )
if err != nil {
glog . Errorf ( "Error examining the container %v: %v" , c . ID , err )
podUID , podName , podNamespace , err := getPodInfoFromContainer ( c )
if err != nil {
glog . Errorf ( "Error examining the container %v: %v" , c . ID , err )
pod , found := pods [ podUID ]
if ! found {
pod = & kubecontainer . Pod {
ID : podUID ,
Name : podName ,
Namespace : podNamespace ,
pods [ podUID ] = pod
pod . Containers = append ( pod . Containers , converted )
// Convert map to list.
for _ , p := range pods {
result = append ( result , p )
return result , nil
// List all images in the local storage.
func ( dm * DockerManager ) ListImages ( ) ( [ ] kubecontainer . Image , error ) {
var images [ ] kubecontainer . Image
dockerImages , err := dm . client . ListImages ( dockertypes . ImageListOptions { } )
if err != nil {
return images , err
for _ , di := range dockerImages {
image , err := toRuntimeImage ( & di )
if err != nil {
images = append ( images , * image )
return images , nil
// GetImageRef returns the image digest if exists, or else returns the image ID.
// It is exported for reusing in dockershim.
func GetImageRef ( client DockerInterface , image string ) ( string , error ) {
img , err := client . InspectImageByRef ( image )
if err != nil {
return "" , err
if img == nil {
return "" , fmt . Errorf ( "unable to inspect image %s" , image )
// Returns the digest if it exist.
if len ( img . RepoDigests ) > 0 {
return img . RepoDigests [ 0 ] , nil
return img . ID , nil
// PullImage pulls an image from network to local storage.
func ( dm * DockerManager ) PullImage ( image kubecontainer . ImageSpec , secrets [ ] v1 . Secret ) ( string , error ) {
err := dm . dockerPuller . Pull ( image . Image , secrets )
if err != nil {
return "" , err
return GetImageRef ( dm . client , image . Image )
// GetImageRef gets the reference (digest or ID) of the image which has already been in
// the local storage. It returns ("", nil) if the image isn't in the local storage.
func ( dm * DockerManager ) GetImageRef ( image kubecontainer . ImageSpec ) ( string , error ) {
return dm . dockerPuller . GetImageRef ( image . Image )
// Removes the specified image.
func ( dm * DockerManager ) RemoveImage ( image kubecontainer . ImageSpec ) error {
// If the image has multiple tags, we need to remove all the tags
if inspectImage , err := dm . client . InspectImageByID ( image . Image ) ; err == nil && len ( inspectImage . RepoTags ) > 1 {
for _ , tag := range inspectImage . RepoTags {
if _ , err := dm . client . RemoveImage ( tag , dockertypes . ImageRemoveOptions { PruneChildren : true } ) ; err != nil {
return err
return nil
_ , err := dm . client . RemoveImage ( image . Image , dockertypes . ImageRemoveOptions { PruneChildren : true } )
return err
// podInfraContainerChanged returns true if the pod infra container has changed.
func ( dm * DockerManager ) podInfraContainerChanged ( pod * v1 . Pod , podInfraContainerStatus * kubecontainer . ContainerStatus ) ( bool , error ) {
var ports [ ] v1 . ContainerPort
// Check network mode.
if kubecontainer . IsHostNetworkPod ( pod ) {
dockerPodInfraContainer , err := dm . client . InspectContainer ( podInfraContainerStatus . ID . ID )
if err != nil {
return false , err
networkMode := getDockerNetworkMode ( dockerPodInfraContainer )
if networkMode != namespaceModeHost {
glog . V ( 4 ) . Infof ( "host: %v, %v" , pod . Spec . HostNetwork , networkMode )
return true , nil
} else if dm . networkPlugin . Name ( ) != "cni" && dm . networkPlugin . Name ( ) != "kubenet" {
// Docker only exports ports from the pod infra container. Let's
// collect all of the relevant ports and export them.
for _ , container := range pod . Spec . InitContainers {
ports = append ( ports , container . Ports ... )
for _ , container := range pod . Spec . Containers {
ports = append ( ports , container . Ports ... )
expectedPodInfraContainer := & v1 . Container {
Name : PodInfraContainerName ,
Image : dm . podInfraContainerImage ,
Ports : ports ,
ImagePullPolicy : podInfraContainerImagePullPolicy ,
Env : dm . podInfraContainerEnv ,
return podInfraContainerStatus . Hash != kubecontainer . HashContainer ( expectedPodInfraContainer ) , nil
// determine if the container root should be a read only filesystem.
func readOnlyRootFilesystem ( container * v1 . Container ) bool {
return container . SecurityContext != nil && container . SecurityContext . ReadOnlyRootFilesystem != nil && * container . SecurityContext . ReadOnlyRootFilesystem
// container must not be nil
func getDockerNetworkMode ( container * dockertypes . ContainerJSON ) string {
if container . HostConfig != nil {
return string ( container . HostConfig . NetworkMode )
return ""
// newDockerVersion returns a semantically versioned docker version value
func newDockerVersion ( version string ) ( * utilversion . Version , error ) {
return utilversion . ParseSemantic ( version )
// apiVersion implements kubecontainer.Version interface by implementing
// Compare() and String(). It uses the compare function of engine-api to
// compare docker apiversions.
type apiVersion string
func ( v apiVersion ) String ( ) string {
return string ( v )
func ( v apiVersion ) Compare ( other string ) ( int , error ) {
if dockerapiversion . LessThan ( string ( v ) , other ) {
return - 1 , nil
} else if dockerapiversion . GreaterThan ( string ( v ) , other ) {
return 1 , nil
return 0 , nil
func ( dm * DockerManager ) Type ( ) string {
return DockerType
func ( dm * DockerManager ) Version ( ) ( kubecontainer . Version , error ) {
v , err := dm . client . Version ( )
if err != nil {
return nil , fmt . Errorf ( "docker: failed to get docker version: %v" , err )
version , err := newDockerVersion ( v . Version )
if err != nil {
return nil , fmt . Errorf ( "docker: failed to parse docker version %q: %v" , v . Version , err )
return version , nil
func ( dm * DockerManager ) APIVersion ( ) ( kubecontainer . Version , error ) {
v , err := dm . client . Version ( )
if err != nil {
return nil , fmt . Errorf ( "docker: failed to get docker version: %v" , err )
return apiVersion ( v . APIVersion ) , nil
// Status returns error if docker daemon is unhealthy, nil otherwise.
// Now we do this by checking whether:
// 1) `docker version` works
// 2) docker version is compatible with minimum requirement
func ( dm * DockerManager ) Status ( ) ( * kubecontainer . RuntimeStatus , error ) {
return nil , dm . checkVersionCompatibility ( )
func ( dm * DockerManager ) checkVersionCompatibility ( ) error {
version , err := dm . APIVersion ( )
if err != nil {
return err
// Verify the docker version.
result , err := version . Compare ( minimumDockerAPIVersion )
if err != nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "failed to compare current docker version %v with minimum support Docker version %q - %v" , version , minimumDockerAPIVersion , err )
if result < 0 {
return fmt . Errorf ( "container runtime version is older than %s" , minimumDockerAPIVersion )
return nil
func ( dm * DockerManager ) fmtDockerOpts ( opts [ ] dockerOpt ) ( [ ] string , error ) {
version , err := dm . APIVersion ( )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
const (
// Docker changed the API for specifying options in v1.11
optSeparatorChangeVersion = "1.23" // Corresponds to docker 1.11.x
optSeparatorOld = ':'
optSeparatorNew = '='
sep := optSeparatorNew
if result , err := version . Compare ( optSeparatorChangeVersion ) ; err != nil {
return nil , fmt . Errorf ( "error parsing docker API version: %v" , err )
} else if result < 0 {
sep = optSeparatorOld
fmtOpts := make ( [ ] string , len ( opts ) )
for i , opt := range opts {
fmtOpts [ i ] = fmt . Sprintf ( "%s%c%s" , opt . key , sep , opt . value )
return fmtOpts , nil
type dockerOpt struct {
// The key-value pair passed to docker.
key , value string
// The alternative value to use in log/event messages.
msg string
// Expose key/value from dockertools
func ( d dockerOpt ) GetKV ( ) ( string , string ) {
return d . key , d . value
// Get the docker security options for seccomp.
func ( dm * DockerManager ) getSeccompOpts ( pod * v1 . Pod , ctrName string ) ( [ ] dockerOpt , error ) {
version , err := dm . APIVersion ( )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
// seccomp is only on docker versions >= v1.10
if result , err := version . Compare ( dockerV110APIVersion ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
} else if result < 0 {
return nil , nil // return early for Docker < 1.10
return GetSeccompOpts ( pod . ObjectMeta . Annotations , ctrName , dm . seccompProfileRoot )
// Temporarily export this function to share with dockershim.
// TODO: clean this up.
func GetSeccompOpts ( annotations map [ string ] string , ctrName , profileRoot string ) ( [ ] dockerOpt , error ) {
profile , profileOK := annotations [ v1 . SeccompContainerAnnotationKeyPrefix + ctrName ]
if ! profileOK {
// try the pod profile
profile , profileOK = annotations [ v1 . SeccompPodAnnotationKey ]
if ! profileOK {
// return early the default
return defaultSeccompOpt , nil
if profile == "unconfined" {
// return early the default
return defaultSeccompOpt , nil
if profile == "docker/default" {
// return nil so docker will load the default seccomp profile
return nil , nil
if ! strings . HasPrefix ( profile , "localhost/" ) {
return nil , fmt . Errorf ( "unknown seccomp profile option: %s" , profile )
name := strings . TrimPrefix ( profile , "localhost/" ) // by pod annotation validation, name is a valid subpath
fname := filepath . Join ( profileRoot , filepath . FromSlash ( name ) )
file , err := ioutil . ReadFile ( fname )
if err != nil {
return nil , fmt . Errorf ( "cannot load seccomp profile %q: %v" , name , err )
b := bytes . NewBuffer ( nil )
if err := json . Compact ( b , file ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
// Rather than the full profile, just put the filename & md5sum in the event log.
msg := fmt . Sprintf ( "%s(md5:%x)" , name , md5 . Sum ( file ) )
return [ ] dockerOpt { { "seccomp" , b . String ( ) , msg } } , nil
// Get the docker security options for AppArmor.
func ( dm * DockerManager ) getAppArmorOpts ( pod * v1 . Pod , ctrName string ) ( [ ] dockerOpt , error ) {
return GetAppArmorOpts ( pod . Annotations , ctrName )
// Temporarily export this function to share with dockershim.
// TODO: clean this up.
func GetAppArmorOpts ( annotations map [ string ] string , ctrName string ) ( [ ] dockerOpt , error ) {
profile := apparmor . GetProfileNameFromPodAnnotations ( annotations , ctrName )
if profile == "" || profile == apparmor . ProfileRuntimeDefault {
// The docker applies the default profile by default.
return nil , nil
// Assume validation has already happened.
profileName := strings . TrimPrefix ( profile , apparmor . ProfileNamePrefix )
return [ ] dockerOpt { { "apparmor" , profileName , "" } } , nil
type dockerExitError struct {
Inspect * dockertypes . ContainerExecInspect
func ( d * dockerExitError ) String ( ) string {
return d . Error ( )
func ( d * dockerExitError ) Error ( ) string {
return fmt . Sprintf ( "Error executing in Docker Container: %d" , d . Inspect . ExitCode )
func ( d * dockerExitError ) Exited ( ) bool {
return ! d . Inspect . Running
func ( d * dockerExitError ) ExitStatus ( ) int {
return d . Inspect . ExitCode
// ExecInContainer runs the command inside the container identified by containerID.
func ( dm * DockerManager ) ExecInContainer ( containerID kubecontainer . ContainerID , cmd [ ] string , stdin io . Reader , stdout , stderr io . WriteCloser , tty bool , resize <- chan term . Size , timeout time . Duration ) error {
if dm . execHandler == nil {
return errors . New ( "unable to exec without an exec handler" )
container , err := dm . client . InspectContainer ( containerID . ID )
if err != nil {
return err
if ! container . State . Running {
return fmt . Errorf ( "container not running (%s)" , container . ID )
return dm . execHandler . ExecInContainer ( dm . client , container , cmd , stdin , stdout , stderr , tty , resize , timeout )
func ( dm * DockerManager ) AttachContainer ( containerID kubecontainer . ContainerID , stdin io . Reader , stdout , stderr io . WriteCloser , tty bool , resize <- chan term . Size ) error {
return AttachContainer ( dm . client , containerID . ID , stdin , stdout , stderr , tty , resize )
// Temporarily export this function to share with dockershim.
// TODO: clean this up.
func AttachContainer ( client DockerInterface , containerID string , stdin io . Reader , stdout , stderr io . WriteCloser , tty bool , resize <- chan term . Size ) error {
// Have to start this before the call to client.AttachToContainer because client.AttachToContainer is a blocking
// call :-( Otherwise, resize events don't get processed and the terminal never resizes.
kubecontainer . HandleResizing ( resize , func ( size term . Size ) {
client . ResizeContainerTTY ( containerID , int ( size . Height ) , int ( size . Width ) )
} )
// TODO(random-liu): Do we really use the *Logs* field here?
opts := dockertypes . ContainerAttachOptions {
Stream : true ,
Stdin : stdin != nil ,
Stdout : stdout != nil ,
Stderr : stderr != nil ,
sopts := StreamOptions {
InputStream : stdin ,
OutputStream : stdout ,
ErrorStream : stderr ,
RawTerminal : tty ,
return client . AttachToContainer ( containerID , opts , sopts )
func noPodInfraContainerError ( podName , podNamespace string ) error {
return fmt . Errorf ( "cannot find pod infra container in pod %q" , kubecontainer . BuildPodFullName ( podName , podNamespace ) )
// PortForward executes socat in the pod's network namespace and copies
// data between stream (representing the user's local connection on their
// computer) and the specified port in the container.
// TODO:
// - match cgroups of container
// - should we support nsenter + socat on the host? (current impl)
// - should we support nsenter + socat in a container, running with elevated privs and --pid=host?
func ( dm * DockerManager ) PortForward ( pod * kubecontainer . Pod , port uint16 , stream io . ReadWriteCloser ) error {
podInfraContainer := pod . FindContainerByName ( PodInfraContainerName )
if podInfraContainer == nil {
return noPodInfraContainerError ( pod . Name , pod . Namespace )
return PortForward ( dm . client , podInfraContainer . ID . ID , port , stream )
// UpdatePodCIDR updates the podCIDR for the runtime.
// Currently no-ops, just implemented to satisfy the cri.
func ( dm * DockerManager ) UpdatePodCIDR ( podCIDR string ) error {
return nil
// Temporarily export this function to share with dockershim.
func PortForward ( client DockerInterface , podInfraContainerID string , port uint16 , stream io . ReadWriteCloser ) error {
container , err := client . InspectContainer ( podInfraContainerID )
if err != nil {
return err
if ! container . State . Running {
return fmt . Errorf ( "container not running (%s)" , container . ID )
containerPid := container . State . Pid
socatPath , lookupErr := exec . LookPath ( "socat" )
if lookupErr != nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "unable to do port forwarding: socat not found." )
args := [ ] string { "-t" , fmt . Sprintf ( "%d" , containerPid ) , "-n" , socatPath , "-" , fmt . Sprintf ( "TCP4:localhost:%d" , port ) }
nsenterPath , lookupErr := exec . LookPath ( "nsenter" )
if lookupErr != nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "unable to do port forwarding: nsenter not found." )
commandString := fmt . Sprintf ( "%s %s" , nsenterPath , strings . Join ( args , " " ) )
glog . V ( 4 ) . Infof ( "executing port forwarding command: %s" , commandString )
command := exec . Command ( nsenterPath , args ... )
command . Stdout = stream
stderr := new ( bytes . Buffer )
command . Stderr = stderr
// If we use Stdin, command.Run() won't return until the goroutine that's copying
// from stream finishes. Unfortunately, if you have a client like telnet connected
// via port forwarding, as long as the user's telnet client is connected to the user's
// local listener that port forwarding sets up, the telnet session never exits. This
// means that even if socat has finished running, command.Run() won't ever return
// (because the client still has the connection and stream open).
// The work around is to use StdinPipe(), as Wait() (called by Run()) closes the pipe
// when the command (socat) exits.
inPipe , err := command . StdinPipe ( )
if err != nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "unable to do port forwarding: error creating stdin pipe: %v" , err )
go func ( ) {
io . Copy ( inPipe , stream )
inPipe . Close ( )
} ( )
if err := command . Run ( ) ; err != nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "%v: %s" , err , stderr . String ( ) )
return nil
// TODO(random-liu): Change running pod to pod status in the future. We can't do it now, because kubelet also uses this function without pod status.
// We can only deprecate this after refactoring kubelet.
// TODO(random-liu): After using pod status for KillPod(), we can also remove the kubernetesPodLabel, because all the needed information should have
// been extract from new labels and stored in pod status.
// only hard eviction scenarios should provide a grace period override, all other code paths must pass nil.
func ( dm * DockerManager ) KillPod ( pod * v1 . Pod , runningPod kubecontainer . Pod , gracePeriodOverride * int64 ) error {
result := dm . killPodWithSyncResult ( pod , runningPod , gracePeriodOverride )
return result . Error ( )
// NOTE(random-liu): The pod passed in could be *nil* when kubelet restarted.
func ( dm * DockerManager ) killPodWithSyncResult ( pod * v1 . Pod , runningPod kubecontainer . Pod , gracePeriodOverride * int64 ) ( result kubecontainer . PodSyncResult ) {
// Short circuit if there's nothing to kill.
if len ( runningPod . Containers ) == 0 {
// Send the kills in parallel since they may take a long time.
// There may be len(runningPod.Containers) or len(runningPod.Containers)-1 of result in the channel
containerResults := make ( chan * kubecontainer . SyncResult , len ( runningPod . Containers ) )
wg := sync . WaitGroup { }
var (
networkContainer * kubecontainer . Container
networkSpec * v1 . Container
wg . Add ( len ( runningPod . Containers ) )
for _ , container := range runningPod . Containers {
go func ( container * kubecontainer . Container ) {
defer utilruntime . HandleCrash ( )
defer wg . Done ( )
var containerSpec * v1 . Container
if pod != nil {
for i , c := range pod . Spec . Containers {
if c . Name == container . Name {
containerSpec = & pod . Spec . Containers [ i ]
if containerSpec == nil {
for i , c := range pod . Spec . InitContainers {
if c . Name == container . Name {
containerSpec = & pod . Spec . InitContainers [ i ]
// TODO: Handle this without signaling the pod infra container to
// adapt to the generic container runtime.
if container . Name == PodInfraContainerName {
// Store the container runtime for later deletion.
// We do this so that PreStop handlers can run in the network namespace.
networkContainer = container
networkSpec = containerSpec
killContainerResult := kubecontainer . NewSyncResult ( kubecontainer . KillContainer , container . Name )
err := dm . KillContainerInPod ( container . ID , containerSpec , pod , "Need to kill pod." , gracePeriodOverride )
if err != nil {
killContainerResult . Fail ( kubecontainer . ErrKillContainer , err . Error ( ) )
glog . Errorf ( "Failed to delete container %v: %v; Skipping pod %q" , container . ID . ID , err , runningPod . ID )
containerResults <- killContainerResult
} ( container )
wg . Wait ( )
close ( containerResults )
for containerResult := range containerResults {
result . AddSyncResult ( containerResult )
if networkContainer != nil {
ins , err := dm . client . InspectContainer ( networkContainer . ID . ID )
if err != nil {
err = fmt . Errorf ( "Error inspecting container %v: %v" , networkContainer . ID . ID , err )
glog . Error ( err )
result . Fail ( err )
if getDockerNetworkMode ( ins ) != namespaceModeHost {
teardownNetworkResult := kubecontainer . NewSyncResult ( kubecontainer . TeardownNetwork , kubecontainer . BuildPodFullName ( runningPod . Name , runningPod . Namespace ) )
result . AddSyncResult ( teardownNetworkResult )
glog . V ( 3 ) . Infof ( "Calling network plugin %s to tear down pod for %s" , dm . networkPlugin . Name ( ) , kubecontainer . BuildPodFullName ( runningPod . Name , runningPod . Namespace ) )
if err := dm . networkPlugin . TearDownPod ( runningPod . Namespace , runningPod . Name , networkContainer . ID ) ; err != nil {
message := fmt . Sprintf ( "Failed to teardown network for pod %q using network plugins %q: %v" , runningPod . ID , dm . networkPlugin . Name ( ) , err )
teardownNetworkResult . Fail ( kubecontainer . ErrTeardownNetwork , message )
glog . Error ( message )
killContainerResult := kubecontainer . NewSyncResult ( kubecontainer . KillContainer , networkContainer . Name )
result . AddSyncResult ( killContainerResult )
if err := dm . KillContainerInPod ( networkContainer . ID , networkSpec , pod , "Need to kill pod." , gracePeriodOverride ) ; err != nil {
killContainerResult . Fail ( kubecontainer . ErrKillContainer , err . Error ( ) )
glog . Errorf ( "Failed to delete container %v: %v; Skipping pod %q" , networkContainer . ID . ID , err , runningPod . ID )
// KillContainerInPod kills a container in the pod. It must be passed either a container ID or a container and pod,
// and will attempt to lookup the other information if missing.
func ( dm * DockerManager ) KillContainerInPod ( containerID kubecontainer . ContainerID , container * v1 . Container , pod * v1 . Pod , message string , gracePeriodOverride * int64 ) error {
switch {
case containerID . IsEmpty ( ) :
// Locate the container.
pods , err := dm . GetPods ( false )
if err != nil {
return err
targetPod := kubecontainer . Pods ( pods ) . FindPod ( kubecontainer . GetPodFullName ( pod ) , pod . UID )
targetContainer := targetPod . FindContainerByName ( container . Name )
if targetContainer == nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "unable to find container %q in pod %q" , container . Name , targetPod . Name )
containerID = targetContainer . ID
case container == nil || pod == nil :
// Read information about the container from labels
inspect , err := dm . client . InspectContainer ( containerID . ID )
if err != nil {
return err
storedPod , storedContainer , cerr := containerAndPodFromLabels ( inspect )
if cerr != nil {
glog . Errorf ( "unable to access pod data from container: %v" , cerr )
if container == nil {
container = storedContainer
if pod == nil {
pod = storedPod
return dm . killContainer ( containerID , container , pod , message , gracePeriodOverride )
// killContainer accepts a containerID and an optional container or pod containing shutdown policies. Invoke
// KillContainerInPod if information must be retrieved first. It is only valid to provide a grace period override
// during hard eviction scenarios. All other code paths in kubelet must never provide a grace period override otherwise
// data corruption could occur in the end-user application.
func ( dm * DockerManager ) killContainer ( containerID kubecontainer . ContainerID , container * v1 . Container , pod * v1 . Pod , reason string , gracePeriodOverride * int64 ) error {
ID := containerID . ID
name := ID
if container != nil {
name = fmt . Sprintf ( "%s %s" , name , container . Name )
if pod != nil {
name = fmt . Sprintf ( "%s %s/%s" , name , pod . Namespace , pod . Name )
gracePeriod := int64 ( minimumGracePeriodInSeconds )
if pod != nil {
switch {
case pod . DeletionGracePeriodSeconds != nil :
gracePeriod = * pod . DeletionGracePeriodSeconds
case pod . Spec . TerminationGracePeriodSeconds != nil :
gracePeriod = * pod . Spec . TerminationGracePeriodSeconds
glog . V ( 2 ) . Infof ( "Killing container %q with %d second grace period" , name , gracePeriod )
start := metav1 . Now ( )
if pod != nil && container != nil && container . Lifecycle != nil && container . Lifecycle . PreStop != nil {
glog . V ( 4 ) . Infof ( "Running preStop hook for container %q" , name )
done := make ( chan struct { } )
go func ( ) {
defer close ( done )
defer utilruntime . HandleCrash ( )
if msg , err := dm . runner . Run ( containerID , pod , container , container . Lifecycle . PreStop ) ; err != nil {
glog . Errorf ( "preStop hook for container %q failed: %v" , name , err )
dm . generateFailedContainerEvent ( containerID , pod . Name , events . FailedPreStopHook , msg )
} ( )
select {
case <- time . After ( time . Duration ( gracePeriod ) * time . Second ) :
glog . Warningf ( "preStop hook for container %q did not complete in %d seconds" , name , gracePeriod )
message := fmt . Sprintf ( "preStop hook for container %q did not complete in %d seconds" , name , gracePeriod )
dm . generateFailedContainerEvent ( containerID , pod . Name , events . UnfinishedPreStopHook , message )
case <- done :
glog . V ( 4 ) . Infof ( "preStop hook for container %q completed" , name )
gracePeriod -= int64 ( metav1 . Now ( ) . Sub ( start . Time ) . Seconds ( ) )
// if the caller did not specify a grace period override, we ensure that the grace period
// is not less than the minimal shutdown window to avoid unnecessary SIGKILLs. if a caller
// did provide an override, we always set the gracePeriod to that value. the only valid
// time to send an override is during eviction scenarios where we want to do a hard kill of
// a container because of resource exhaustion for incompressible resources (i.e. disk, memory).
if gracePeriodOverride == nil {
if gracePeriod < minimumGracePeriodInSeconds {
gracePeriod = minimumGracePeriodInSeconds
} else {
gracePeriod = * gracePeriodOverride
glog . V ( 2 ) . Infof ( "Killing container %q, but using %d second grace period override" , name , gracePeriod )
err := dm . client . StopContainer ( ID , int ( gracePeriod ) )
if err == nil {
glog . V ( 2 ) . Infof ( "Container %q exited after %s" , name , metav1 . Now ( ) . Sub ( start . Time ) )
} else {
glog . Warningf ( "Container %q termination failed after %s: %v" , name , metav1 . Now ( ) . Sub ( start . Time ) , err )
ref , ok := dm . containerRefManager . GetRef ( containerID )
if ! ok {
glog . Warningf ( "No ref for pod '%q'" , name )
} else {
message := fmt . Sprintf ( "Killing container with docker id %v" , utilstrings . ShortenString ( ID , 12 ) )
if reason != "" {
message = fmt . Sprint ( message , ": " , reason )
dm . recorder . Event ( ref , v1 . EventTypeNormal , events . KillingContainer , message )
dm . containerRefManager . ClearRef ( containerID )
return err
func ( dm * DockerManager ) generateFailedContainerEvent ( containerID kubecontainer . ContainerID , podName , reason , message string ) {
ref , ok := dm . containerRefManager . GetRef ( containerID )
if ! ok {
glog . Warningf ( "No ref for pod '%q'" , podName )
dm . recorder . Event ( ref , v1 . EventTypeWarning , reason , message )
var errNoPodOnContainer = fmt . Errorf ( "no pod information labels on Docker container" )
// containerAndPodFromLabels tries to load the appropriate container info off of a Docker container's labels
func containerAndPodFromLabels ( inspect * dockertypes . ContainerJSON ) ( pod * v1 . Pod , container * v1 . Container , err error ) {
if inspect == nil || inspect . Config == nil || inspect . Config . Labels == nil {
return nil , nil , errNoPodOnContainer
labels := inspect . Config . Labels
// the pod data may not be set
if body , found := labels [ kubernetesPodLabel ] ; found {
pod = & v1 . Pod { }
if err = kruntime . DecodeInto ( api . Codecs . UniversalDecoder ( ) , [ ] byte ( body ) , pod ) ; err == nil {
name := labels [ types . KubernetesContainerNameLabel ]
for ix := range pod . Spec . Containers {
if pod . Spec . Containers [ ix ] . Name == name {
container = & pod . Spec . Containers [ ix ]
if container == nil {
for ix := range pod . Spec . InitContainers {
if pod . Spec . InitContainers [ ix ] . Name == name {
container = & pod . Spec . InitContainers [ ix ]
if container == nil {
err = fmt . Errorf ( "unable to find container %s in pod %v" , name , pod )
} else {
pod = nil
// attempt to find the default grace period if we didn't commit a pod, but set the generic metadata
// field (the one used by kill)
if pod == nil {
if period , ok := labels [ kubernetesPodTerminationGracePeriodLabel ] ; ok {
if seconds , err := strconv . ParseInt ( period , 10 , 64 ) ; err == nil {
pod = & v1 . Pod { }
pod . DeletionGracePeriodSeconds = & seconds
func ( dm * DockerManager ) applyOOMScoreAdj ( pod * v1 . Pod , container * v1 . Container , containerInfo * dockertypes . ContainerJSON ) error {
if containerInfo . State . Pid == 0 {
// Container exited. We cannot do anything about it. Ignore this error.
glog . V ( 2 ) . Infof ( "Failed to apply OOM score adj on container %q with ID %q. Init process does not exist." , containerInfo . Name , containerInfo . ID )
return nil
cgroupName , err := dm . procFs . GetFullContainerName ( containerInfo . State . Pid )
if err != nil {
if err == os . ErrNotExist {
// Container exited. We cannot do anything about it. Ignore this error.
glog . V ( 2 ) . Infof ( "Failed to apply OOM score adj on container %q with ID %q. Init process does not exist." , containerInfo . Name , containerInfo . ID )
return nil
return err
oomScoreAdj := dm . calculateOomScoreAdj ( pod , container )
if err = dm . oomAdjuster . ApplyOOMScoreAdjContainer ( cgroupName , oomScoreAdj , 5 ) ; err != nil {
if err == os . ErrNotExist {
// Container exited. We cannot do anything about it. Ignore this error.
glog . V ( 2 ) . Infof ( "Failed to apply OOM score adj on container %q with ID %q. Init process does not exist." , containerInfo . Name , containerInfo . ID )
return nil
return err
return nil
// Run a single container from a pod. Returns the docker container ID
// If do not need to pass labels, just pass nil.
func ( dm * DockerManager ) runContainerInPod ( pod * v1 . Pod , container * v1 . Container , netMode , ipcMode , pidMode , podIP , imageRef string , restartCount int ) ( kubecontainer . ContainerID , error ) {
start := time . Now ( )
defer func ( ) {
metrics . ContainerManagerLatency . WithLabelValues ( "runContainerInPod" ) . Observe ( metrics . SinceInMicroseconds ( start ) )
} ( )
ref , err := kubecontainer . GenerateContainerRef ( pod , container )
if err != nil {
glog . Errorf ( "Can't make a ref to pod %v, container %v: '%v'" , pod . Name , container . Name , err )
} else {
glog . V ( 5 ) . Infof ( "Generating ref for container %s: %#v" , container . Name , ref )
opts , err := dm . runtimeHelper . GenerateRunContainerOptions ( pod , container , podIP )
if err != nil {
return kubecontainer . ContainerID { } , fmt . Errorf ( "GenerateRunContainerOptions: %v" , err )
utsMode := ""
if kubecontainer . IsHostNetworkPod ( pod ) {
utsMode = namespaceModeHost
oomScoreAdj := dm . calculateOomScoreAdj ( pod , container )
id , err := dm . runContainer ( pod , container , opts , ref , imageRef , netMode , ipcMode , utsMode , pidMode , restartCount , oomScoreAdj )
if err != nil {
return kubecontainer . ContainerID { } , fmt . Errorf ( "runContainer: %v" , err )
// Remember this reference so we can report events about this container
if ref != nil {
dm . containerRefManager . SetRef ( id , ref )
if container . Lifecycle != nil && container . Lifecycle . PostStart != nil {
msg , handlerErr := dm . runner . Run ( id , pod , container , container . Lifecycle . PostStart )
if handlerErr != nil {
err := fmt . Errorf ( "PostStart handler: %v" , handlerErr )
dm . generateFailedContainerEvent ( id , pod . Name , events . FailedPostStartHook , msg )
dm . KillContainerInPod ( id , container , pod , err . Error ( ) , nil )
return kubecontainer . ContainerID { } , err
// Container information is used in adjusting OOM scores, adding ndots and getting the logPath.
containerInfo , err := dm . client . InspectContainer ( id . ID )
if err != nil {
return kubecontainer . ContainerID { } , fmt . Errorf ( "InspectContainer: %v" , err )
// Create a symbolic link to the Docker container log file using a name which captures the
// full pod name, the container name and the Docker container ID. Cluster level logging will
// capture these symbolic filenames which can be used for search terms in Elasticsearch or for
// labels for Cloud Logging.
containerLogFile := containerInfo . LogPath
symlinkFile := LogSymlink ( dm . containerLogsDir , kubecontainer . GetPodFullName ( pod ) , container . Name , id . ID )
if err = dm . os . Symlink ( containerLogFile , symlinkFile ) ; err != nil {
glog . Errorf ( "Failed to create symbolic link to the log file of pod %q container %q: %v" , format . Pod ( pod ) , container . Name , err )
// Check if current docker version is higher than 1.10. Otherwise, we have to apply OOMScoreAdj instead of using docker API.
// TODO: Remove this logic after we stop supporting docker version < 1.10.
if err = dm . applyOOMScoreAdjIfNeeded ( pod , container , containerInfo ) ; err != nil {
return kubecontainer . ContainerID { } , err
// The addNDotsOption call appends the ndots option to the resolv.conf file generated by docker.
// This resolv.conf file is shared by all containers of the same pod, and needs to be modified only once per pod.
// we modify it when the pause container is created since it is the first container created in the pod since it holds
// the networking namespace.
if container . Name == PodInfraContainerName && utsMode != namespaceModeHost {
err = addNDotsOption ( containerInfo . ResolvConfPath )
if err != nil {
return kubecontainer . ContainerID { } , fmt . Errorf ( "addNDotsOption: %v" , err )
return id , err
func ( dm * DockerManager ) applyOOMScoreAdjIfNeeded ( pod * v1 . Pod , container * v1 . Container , containerInfo * dockertypes . ContainerJSON ) error {
// Compare current API version with expected api version.
result , err := dm . checkDockerAPIVersion ( dockerV110APIVersion )
if err != nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "Failed to check docker api version: %v" , err )
// If current api version is older than OOMScoreAdj requested, use the old way.
if result < 0 {
if err := dm . applyOOMScoreAdj ( pod , container , containerInfo ) ; err != nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "Failed to apply oom-score-adj to container %q- %v" , containerInfo . Name , err )
return nil
func ( dm * DockerManager ) calculateOomScoreAdj ( pod * v1 . Pod , container * v1 . Container ) int {
// Set OOM score of the container based on the priority of the container.
// Processes in lower-priority pods should be killed first if the system runs out of memory.
// The main pod infrastructure container is considered high priority, since if it is killed the
// whole pod will die.
var oomScoreAdj int
if container . Name == PodInfraContainerName {
oomScoreAdj = qos . PodInfraOOMAdj
} else {
oomScoreAdj = qos . GetContainerOOMScoreAdjust ( pod , container , int64 ( dm . machineInfo . MemoryCapacity ) )
return oomScoreAdj
// versionInfo wraps api version and daemon version.
type versionInfo struct {
apiVersion kubecontainer . Version
daemonVersion kubecontainer . Version
// checkDockerAPIVersion checks current docker API version against expected version.
// Return:
// 1 : newer than expected version
// -1: older than expected version
// 0 : same version
func ( dm * DockerManager ) checkDockerAPIVersion ( expectedVersion string ) ( int , error ) {
value , err := dm . versionCache . Get ( dm . machineInfo . MachineID )
if err != nil {
return 0 , err
apiVersion := value . ( versionInfo ) . apiVersion
result , err := apiVersion . Compare ( expectedVersion )
if err != nil {
return 0 , fmt . Errorf ( "Failed to compare current docker api version %v with OOMScoreAdj supported Docker version %q - %v" ,
apiVersion , expectedVersion , err )
return result , nil
func addNDotsOption ( resolvFilePath string ) error {
if len ( resolvFilePath ) == 0 {
glog . Errorf ( "ResolvConfPath is empty." )
return nil
if _ , err := os . Stat ( resolvFilePath ) ; os . IsNotExist ( err ) {
return fmt . Errorf ( "ResolvConfPath %q does not exist" , resolvFilePath )
glog . V ( 4 ) . Infof ( "DNS ResolvConfPath exists: %s. Will attempt to add ndots option: %s" , resolvFilePath , ndotsDNSOption )
if err := appendToFile ( resolvFilePath , ndotsDNSOption ) ; err != nil {
glog . Errorf ( "resolv.conf could not be updated: %v" , err )
return err
return nil
func appendToFile ( filePath , stringToAppend string ) error {
f , err := os . OpenFile ( filePath , os . O_APPEND | os . O_WRONLY , 0644 )
if err != nil {
return err
defer f . Close ( )
_ , err = f . WriteString ( stringToAppend )
return err
// createPodInfraContainer starts the pod infra container for a pod. Returns the docker container ID of the newly created container.
// If any error occurs in this function, it will return a brief error and a detailed error message.
func ( dm * DockerManager ) createPodInfraContainer ( pod * v1 . Pod ) ( kubecontainer . DockerID , error , string ) {
start := time . Now ( )
defer func ( ) {
metrics . ContainerManagerLatency . WithLabelValues ( "createPodInfraContainer" ) . Observe ( metrics . SinceInMicroseconds ( start ) )
} ( )
// Use host networking if specified.
netNamespace := ""
var ports [ ] v1 . ContainerPort
if kubecontainer . IsHostNetworkPod ( pod ) {
netNamespace = namespaceModeHost
} else if dm . networkPlugin . Name ( ) == "cni" || dm . networkPlugin . Name ( ) == "kubenet" {
netNamespace = "none"
} else {
// Docker only exports ports from the pod infra container. Let's
// collect all of the relevant ports and export them.
for _ , container := range pod . Spec . InitContainers {
ports = append ( ports , container . Ports ... )
for _ , container := range pod . Spec . Containers {
ports = append ( ports , container . Ports ... )
container := & v1 . Container {
Name : PodInfraContainerName ,
Image : dm . podInfraContainerImage ,
Ports : ports ,
ImagePullPolicy : podInfraContainerImagePullPolicy ,
Env : dm . podInfraContainerEnv ,
// No pod secrets for the infra container.
// The message isn't needed for the Infra container
imageRef , msg , err := dm . imagePuller . EnsureImageExists ( pod , container , nil )
if err != nil {
return "" , err , msg
// Currently we don't care about restart count of infra container, just set it to 0.
id , err := dm . runContainerInPod ( pod , container , netNamespace , getIPCMode ( pod ) , getPidMode ( pod ) , "" , imageRef , 0 )
if err != nil {
return "" , kubecontainer . ErrRunContainer , err . Error ( )
return kubecontainer . DockerID ( id . ID ) , nil , ""
// Structure keeping information on changes that need to happen for a pod. The semantics is as follows:
// - startInfraContainer is true if new Infra Containers have to be started and old one (if running) killed.
// Additionally if it is true then containersToKeep have to be empty
// - infraContainerId have to be set if and only if startInfraContainer is false. It stores dockerID of running Infra Container
// - containersToStart keeps indices of Specs of containers that have to be started and reasons why containers will be started.
// - containersToKeep stores mapping from dockerIDs of running containers to indices of their Specs for containers that
// should be kept running. If startInfraContainer is false then it contains an entry for infraContainerId (mapped to -1).
// It shouldn't be the case where containersToStart is empty and containersToKeep contains only infraContainerId. In such case
// Infra Container should be killed, hence it's removed from this map.
// - all init containers are stored in initContainersToKeep
// - all running containers which are NOT contained in containersToKeep and initContainersToKeep should be killed.
type podContainerChangesSpec struct {
StartInfraContainer bool
InfraChanged bool
InfraContainerId kubecontainer . DockerID
InitFailed bool
InitContainersToKeep map [ kubecontainer . DockerID ] int
ContainersToStart map [ int ] string
ContainersToKeep map [ kubecontainer . DockerID ] int
func ( dm * DockerManager ) computePodContainerChanges ( pod * v1 . Pod , podStatus * kubecontainer . PodStatus ) ( podContainerChangesSpec , error ) {
start := time . Now ( )
defer func ( ) {
metrics . ContainerManagerLatency . WithLabelValues ( "computePodContainerChanges" ) . Observe ( metrics . SinceInMicroseconds ( start ) )
} ( )
glog . V ( 5 ) . Infof ( "Syncing Pod %q: %#v" , format . Pod ( pod ) , pod )
containersToStart := make ( map [ int ] string )
containersToKeep := make ( map [ kubecontainer . DockerID ] int )
var err error
var podInfraContainerID kubecontainer . DockerID
var changed bool
podInfraContainerStatus := podStatus . FindContainerStatusByName ( PodInfraContainerName )
if podInfraContainerStatus != nil && podInfraContainerStatus . State == kubecontainer . ContainerStateRunning {
glog . V ( 4 ) . Infof ( "Found pod infra container for %q" , format . Pod ( pod ) )
changed , err = dm . podInfraContainerChanged ( pod , podInfraContainerStatus )
if err != nil {
return podContainerChangesSpec { } , err
createPodInfraContainer := true
if podInfraContainerStatus == nil || podInfraContainerStatus . State != kubecontainer . ContainerStateRunning {
glog . V ( 2 ) . Infof ( "Need to restart pod infra container for %q because it is not found" , format . Pod ( pod ) )
} else if changed {
glog . V ( 2 ) . Infof ( "Need to restart pod infra container for %q because it is changed" , format . Pod ( pod ) )
} else {
glog . V ( 4 ) . Infof ( "Pod infra container looks good, keep it %q" , format . Pod ( pod ) )
createPodInfraContainer = false
podInfraContainerID = kubecontainer . DockerID ( podInfraContainerStatus . ID . ID )
containersToKeep [ podInfraContainerID ] = - 1
// check the status of the init containers
initFailed := false
initContainersToKeep := make ( map [ kubecontainer . DockerID ] int )
// always reset the init containers if the pod is reset
if ! createPodInfraContainer {
// keep all successfully completed containers up to and including the first failing container
Containers :
for i , container := range pod . Spec . InitContainers {
containerStatus := podStatus . FindContainerStatusByName ( container . Name )
switch {
case containerStatus == nil :
case containerStatus . State == kubecontainer . ContainerStateRunning :
initContainersToKeep [ kubecontainer . DockerID ( containerStatus . ID . ID ) ] = i
case containerStatus . State == kubecontainer . ContainerStateExited :
initContainersToKeep [ kubecontainer . DockerID ( containerStatus . ID . ID ) ] = i
// TODO: should we abstract the "did the init container fail" check?
if containerStatus . ExitCode != 0 {
initFailed = true
break Containers
// check the status of the containers
for index , container := range pod . Spec . Containers {
containerStatus := podStatus . FindContainerStatusByName ( container . Name )
if containerStatus == nil || containerStatus . State != kubecontainer . ContainerStateRunning {
if kubecontainer . ShouldContainerBeRestarted ( & container , pod , podStatus ) {
// If we are here it means that the container is dead and should be restarted, or never existed and should
// be created. We may be inserting this ID again if the container has changed and it has
// RestartPolicy::Always, but it's not a big deal.
message := fmt . Sprintf ( "Container %+v is dead, but RestartPolicy says that we should restart it." , container )
glog . V ( 3 ) . Info ( message )
containersToStart [ index ] = message
containerID := kubecontainer . DockerID ( containerStatus . ID . ID )
glog . V ( 3 ) . Infof ( "pod %q container %q exists as %v" , format . Pod ( pod ) , container . Name , containerID )
if createPodInfraContainer {
// createPodInfraContainer == true and Container exists
// If we're creating infra container everything will be killed anyway
// If RestartPolicy is Always or OnFailure we restart containers that were running before we
// killed them when restarting Infra Container.
if pod . Spec . RestartPolicy != v1 . RestartPolicyNever {
message := fmt . Sprintf ( "Infra Container is being recreated. %q will be restarted." , container . Name )
glog . V ( 1 ) . Info ( message )
containersToStart [ index ] = message
if initFailed {
// initialization failed and Container exists
// If we have an initialization failure everything will be killed anyway
// If RestartPolicy is Always or OnFailure we restart containers that were running before we
// killed them when re-running initialization
if pod . Spec . RestartPolicy != v1 . RestartPolicyNever {
message := fmt . Sprintf ( "Failed to initialize pod. %q will be restarted." , container . Name )
glog . V ( 1 ) . Info ( message )
containersToStart [ index ] = message
// At this point, the container is running and pod infra container is good.
// We will look for changes and check healthiness for the container.
expectedHash := kubecontainer . HashContainer ( & container )
hash := containerStatus . Hash
containerChanged := hash != 0 && hash != expectedHash
if containerChanged {
message := fmt . Sprintf ( "pod %q container %q hash changed (%d vs %d), it will be killed and re-created." , format . Pod ( pod ) , container . Name , hash , expectedHash )
glog . Info ( message )
containersToStart [ index ] = message
liveness , found := dm . livenessManager . Get ( containerStatus . ID )
if ! found || liveness == proberesults . Success {
containersToKeep [ containerID ] = index
if pod . Spec . RestartPolicy != v1 . RestartPolicyNever {
message := fmt . Sprintf ( "pod %q container %q is unhealthy, it will be killed and re-created." , format . Pod ( pod ) , container . Name )
glog . Info ( message )
containersToStart [ index ] = message
// After the loop one of the following should be true:
// - createPodInfraContainer is true and containersToKeep is empty.
// (In fact, when createPodInfraContainer is false, containersToKeep will not be touched).
// - createPodInfraContainer is false and containersToKeep contains at least ID of Infra Container
// If Infra container is the last running one, we don't want to keep it, and we don't want to
// keep any init containers.
if ! createPodInfraContainer && len ( containersToStart ) == 0 && len ( containersToKeep ) == 1 {
containersToKeep = make ( map [ kubecontainer . DockerID ] int )
initContainersToKeep = make ( map [ kubecontainer . DockerID ] int )
return podContainerChangesSpec {
StartInfraContainer : createPodInfraContainer ,
InfraChanged : changed ,
InfraContainerId : podInfraContainerID ,
InitFailed : initFailed ,
InitContainersToKeep : initContainersToKeep ,
ContainersToStart : containersToStart ,
ContainersToKeep : containersToKeep ,
} , nil
// Sync the running pod to match the specified desired pod.
func ( dm * DockerManager ) SyncPod ( pod * v1 . Pod , _ v1 . PodStatus , podStatus * kubecontainer . PodStatus , pullSecrets [ ] v1 . Secret , backOff * flowcontrol . Backoff ) ( result kubecontainer . PodSyncResult ) {
start := time . Now ( )
defer func ( ) {
metrics . ContainerManagerLatency . WithLabelValues ( "SyncPod" ) . Observe ( metrics . SinceInMicroseconds ( start ) )
} ( )
containerChanges , err := dm . computePodContainerChanges ( pod , podStatus )
if err != nil {
result . Fail ( err )
glog . V ( 3 ) . Infof ( "Got container changes for pod %q: %+v" , format . Pod ( pod ) , containerChanges )
if containerChanges . InfraChanged {
dm . recorder . Eventf ( pod , v1 . EventTypeNormal , "InfraChanged" , "Pod infrastructure changed, it will be killed and re-created." )
if containerChanges . StartInfraContainer || ( len ( containerChanges . ContainersToKeep ) == 0 && len ( containerChanges . ContainersToStart ) == 0 ) {
if len ( containerChanges . ContainersToKeep ) == 0 && len ( containerChanges . ContainersToStart ) == 0 {
glog . V ( 4 ) . Infof ( "Killing Infra Container for %q because all other containers are dead." , format . Pod ( pod ) )
} else {
glog . V ( 4 ) . Infof ( "Killing Infra Container for %q, will start new one" , format . Pod ( pod ) )
// Killing phase: if we want to start new infra container, or nothing is running kill everything (including infra container)
// TODO(random-liu): We'll use pod status directly in the future
killResult := dm . killPodWithSyncResult ( pod , kubecontainer . ConvertPodStatusToRunningPod ( dm . Type ( ) , podStatus ) , nil )
result . AddPodSyncResult ( killResult )
if killResult . Error ( ) != nil {
} else {
// Otherwise kill any running containers in this pod which are not specified as ones to keep.
runningContainerStatues := podStatus . GetRunningContainerStatuses ( )
for _ , containerStatus := range runningContainerStatues {
_ , keep := containerChanges . ContainersToKeep [ kubecontainer . DockerID ( containerStatus . ID . ID ) ]
_ , keepInit := containerChanges . InitContainersToKeep [ kubecontainer . DockerID ( containerStatus . ID . ID ) ]
if ! keep && ! keepInit {
glog . V ( 3 ) . Infof ( "Killing unwanted container %q(id=%q) for pod %q" , containerStatus . Name , containerStatus . ID , format . Pod ( pod ) )
// attempt to find the appropriate container policy
var podContainer * v1 . Container
var killMessage string
for i , c := range pod . Spec . Containers {
if c . Name == containerStatus . Name {
podContainer = & pod . Spec . Containers [ i ]
killMessage = containerChanges . ContainersToStart [ i ]
killContainerResult := kubecontainer . NewSyncResult ( kubecontainer . KillContainer , containerStatus . Name )
result . AddSyncResult ( killContainerResult )
if err := dm . KillContainerInPod ( containerStatus . ID , podContainer , pod , killMessage , nil ) ; err != nil {
killContainerResult . Fail ( kubecontainer . ErrKillContainer , err . Error ( ) )
glog . Errorf ( "Error killing container %q(id=%q) for pod %q: %v" , containerStatus . Name , containerStatus . ID , format . Pod ( pod ) , err )
// Keep terminated init containers fairly aggressively controlled
dm . pruneInitContainersBeforeStart ( pod , podStatus , containerChanges . InitContainersToKeep )
// We pass the value of the podIP down to runContainerInPod, which in turn
// passes it to various other functions, in order to facilitate
// functionality that requires this value (hosts file and downward API)
// and avoid races determining the pod IP in cases where a container
// requires restart but the podIP isn't in the status manager yet.
// We default to the IP in the passed-in pod status, and overwrite it if the
// infra container needs to be (re)started.
podIP := ""
if podStatus != nil {
podIP = podStatus . IP
// If we should create infra container then we do it first.
podInfraContainerID := containerChanges . InfraContainerId
if containerChanges . StartInfraContainer && ( len ( containerChanges . ContainersToStart ) > 0 ) {
glog . V ( 4 ) . Infof ( "Creating pod infra container for %q" , format . Pod ( pod ) )
startContainerResult := kubecontainer . NewSyncResult ( kubecontainer . StartContainer , PodInfraContainerName )
result . AddSyncResult ( startContainerResult )
var msg string
podInfraContainerID , err , msg = dm . createPodInfraContainer ( pod )
if err != nil {
startContainerResult . Fail ( err , msg )
glog . Errorf ( "Failed to create pod infra container: %v; Skipping pod %q: %s" , err , format . Pod ( pod ) , msg )
setupNetworkResult := kubecontainer . NewSyncResult ( kubecontainer . SetupNetwork , kubecontainer . GetPodFullName ( pod ) )
result . AddSyncResult ( setupNetworkResult )
if ! kubecontainer . IsHostNetworkPod ( pod ) {
glog . V ( 3 ) . Infof ( "Calling network plugin %s to setup pod for %s" , dm . networkPlugin . Name ( ) , format . Pod ( pod ) )
err = dm . networkPlugin . SetUpPod ( pod . Namespace , pod . Name , podInfraContainerID . ContainerID ( ) )
if err != nil {
// TODO: (random-liu) There shouldn't be "Skipping pod" in sync result message
message := fmt . Sprintf ( "Failed to setup network for pod %q using network plugins %q: %v; Skipping pod" , format . Pod ( pod ) , dm . networkPlugin . Name ( ) , err )
setupNetworkResult . Fail ( kubecontainer . ErrSetupNetwork , message )
glog . Error ( message )
// Delete infra container
killContainerResult := kubecontainer . NewSyncResult ( kubecontainer . KillContainer , PodInfraContainerName )
result . AddSyncResult ( killContainerResult )
if delErr := dm . KillContainerInPod ( kubecontainer . ContainerID {
ID : string ( podInfraContainerID ) ,
Type : "docker" } , nil , pod , message , nil ) ; delErr != nil {
killContainerResult . Fail ( kubecontainer . ErrKillContainer , delErr . Error ( ) )
glog . Warningf ( "Clear infra container failed for pod %q: %v" , format . Pod ( pod ) , delErr )
// Setup the host interface unless the pod is on the host's network (FIXME: move to networkPlugin when ready)
podInfraContainer , err := dm . client . InspectContainer ( string ( podInfraContainerID ) )
if err != nil {
glog . Errorf ( "Failed to inspect pod infra container: %v; Skipping pod %q" , err , format . Pod ( pod ) )
result . Fail ( err )
if dm . configureHairpinMode {
if err = hairpin . SetUpContainerPid ( podInfraContainer . State . Pid , network . DefaultInterfaceName ) ; err != nil {
glog . Warningf ( "Hairpin setup failed for pod %q: %v" , format . Pod ( pod ) , err )
// Overwrite the podIP passed in the pod status, since we just started the infra container.
podIP , err = dm . determineContainerIP ( pod . Namespace , pod . Name , podInfraContainer )
if err != nil {
glog . Errorf ( "Network error: %v; Skipping pod %q" , err , format . Pod ( pod ) )
result . Fail ( err )
glog . Infof ( "Determined pod ip after infra change: %q: %q" , format . Pod ( pod ) , podIP )
next , status , done := findActiveInitContainer ( pod , podStatus )
if status != nil {
if status . ExitCode != 0 {
// container initialization has failed, flag the pod as failed
initContainerResult := kubecontainer . NewSyncResult ( kubecontainer . InitContainer , status . Name )
initContainerResult . Fail ( kubecontainer . ErrRunInitContainer , fmt . Sprintf ( "init container %q exited with %d" , status . Name , status . ExitCode ) )
result . AddSyncResult ( initContainerResult )
if pod . Spec . RestartPolicy == v1 . RestartPolicyNever {
utilruntime . HandleError ( fmt . Errorf ( "error running pod %q init container %q, restart=Never: %#v" , format . Pod ( pod ) , status . Name , status ) )
utilruntime . HandleError ( fmt . Errorf ( "Error running pod %q init container %q, restarting: %#v" , format . Pod ( pod ) , status . Name , status ) )
// Note: when configuring the pod's containers anything that can be configured by pointing
// to the namespace of the infra container should use namespaceMode. This includes things like the net namespace
// and IPC namespace. PID mode cannot point to another container right now.
// See createPodInfraContainer for infra container setup.
namespaceMode := fmt . Sprintf ( "container:%v" , podInfraContainerID )
pidMode := getPidMode ( pod )
if next != nil {
if len ( containerChanges . ContainersToStart ) == 0 {
glog . V ( 4 ) . Infof ( "No containers to start, stopping at init container %+v in pod %v" , next . Name , format . Pod ( pod ) )
// If we need to start the next container, do so now then exit
container := next
startContainerResult := kubecontainer . NewSyncResult ( kubecontainer . StartContainer , container . Name )
result . AddSyncResult ( startContainerResult )
// containerChanges.StartInfraContainer causes the containers to be restarted for config reasons
if ! containerChanges . StartInfraContainer {
isInBackOff , err , msg := dm . doBackOff ( pod , container , podStatus , backOff )
if isInBackOff {
startContainerResult . Fail ( err , msg )
glog . V ( 4 ) . Infof ( "Backing Off restarting init container %+v in pod %v" , container , format . Pod ( pod ) )
glog . V ( 4 ) . Infof ( "Creating init container %+v in pod %v" , container , format . Pod ( pod ) )
if err , msg := dm . tryContainerStart ( container , pod , podStatus , pullSecrets , namespaceMode , pidMode , podIP ) ; err != nil {
startContainerResult . Fail ( err , msg )
utilruntime . HandleError ( fmt . Errorf ( "container start failed: %v: %s" , err , msg ) )
// Successfully started the container; clear the entry in the failure
glog . V ( 4 ) . Infof ( "Completed init container %q for pod %q" , container . Name , format . Pod ( pod ) )
if ! done {
// init container still running
glog . V ( 4 ) . Infof ( "An init container is still running in pod %v" , format . Pod ( pod ) )
if containerChanges . InitFailed {
// init container still running
glog . V ( 4 ) . Infof ( "Not all init containers have succeeded for pod %v" , format . Pod ( pod ) )
// Start regular containers
for idx := range containerChanges . ContainersToStart {
container := & pod . Spec . Containers [ idx ]
startContainerResult := kubecontainer . NewSyncResult ( kubecontainer . StartContainer , container . Name )
result . AddSyncResult ( startContainerResult )
// containerChanges.StartInfraContainer causes the containers to be restarted for config reasons
if ! containerChanges . StartInfraContainer {
isInBackOff , err , msg := dm . doBackOff ( pod , container , podStatus , backOff )
if isInBackOff {
startContainerResult . Fail ( err , msg )
glog . V ( 4 ) . Infof ( "Backing Off restarting container %+v in pod %v" , container , format . Pod ( pod ) )
glog . V ( 4 ) . Infof ( "Creating container %+v in pod %v" , container , format . Pod ( pod ) )
if err , msg := dm . tryContainerStart ( container , pod , podStatus , pullSecrets , namespaceMode , pidMode , podIP ) ; err != nil {
startContainerResult . Fail ( err , msg )
utilruntime . HandleError ( fmt . Errorf ( "container start failed: %v: %s" , err , msg ) )
// tryContainerStart attempts to pull and start the container, returning an error and a reason string if the start
// was not successful.
func ( dm * DockerManager ) tryContainerStart ( container * v1 . Container , pod * v1 . Pod , podStatus * kubecontainer . PodStatus , pullSecrets [ ] v1 . Secret , namespaceMode , pidMode , podIP string ) ( err error , reason string ) {
imageRef , msg , err := dm . imagePuller . EnsureImageExists ( pod , container , pullSecrets )
if err != nil {
return err , msg
if container . SecurityContext != nil && container . SecurityContext . RunAsNonRoot != nil && * container . SecurityContext . RunAsNonRoot {
err := dm . verifyNonRoot ( container )
if err != nil {
return kubecontainer . ErrVerifyNonRoot , err . Error ( )
// For a new container, the RestartCount should be 0
restartCount := 0
containerStatus := podStatus . FindContainerStatusByName ( container . Name )
if containerStatus != nil {
restartCount = containerStatus . RestartCount + 1
// Allow override of networking mode for specific platforms (e.g. Windows)
netMode := getNetworkingMode ( )
if netMode == "" {
// If not overriden, use the namespace mode
netMode = namespaceMode
_ , err = dm . runContainerInPod ( pod , container , netMode , namespaceMode , pidMode , podIP , imageRef , restartCount )
if err != nil {
// TODO(bburns) : Perhaps blacklist a container after N failures?
return kubecontainer . ErrRunContainer , err . Error ( )
return nil , ""
// pruneInitContainers ensures that before we begin creating init containers, we have reduced the number
// of outstanding init containers still present. This reduces load on the container garbage collector
// by only preserving the most recent terminated init container.
func ( dm * DockerManager ) pruneInitContainersBeforeStart ( pod * v1 . Pod , podStatus * kubecontainer . PodStatus , initContainersToKeep map [ kubecontainer . DockerID ] int ) {
// only the last execution of each init container should be preserved, and only preserve it if it is in the
// list of init containers to keep.
initContainerNames := sets . NewString ( )
for _ , container := range pod . Spec . InitContainers {
initContainerNames . Insert ( container . Name )
for name := range initContainerNames {
count := 0
for _ , status := range podStatus . ContainerStatuses {
if status . Name != name || ! initContainerNames . Has ( status . Name ) || status . State != kubecontainer . ContainerStateExited {
count ++
// keep the first init container for this name
if count == 1 {
// if there is a reason to preserve the older container, do so
if _ , ok := initContainersToKeep [ kubecontainer . DockerID ( status . ID . ID ) ] ; ok {
// prune all other init containers that match this container name
// TODO: we may not need aggressive pruning
glog . V ( 4 ) . Infof ( "Removing init container %q instance %q %d" , status . Name , status . ID . ID , count )
if err := dm . client . RemoveContainer ( status . ID . ID , dockertypes . ContainerRemoveOptions { RemoveVolumes : true } ) ; err != nil {
if _ , ok := err . ( containerNotFoundError ) ; ok {
count --
utilruntime . HandleError ( fmt . Errorf ( "failed to remove pod init container %q: %v; Skipping pod %q" , status . Name , err , format . Pod ( pod ) ) )
// TODO: report serious errors
// remove any references to this container
if _ , ok := dm . containerRefManager . GetRef ( status . ID ) ; ok {
dm . containerRefManager . ClearRef ( status . ID )
} else {
glog . Warningf ( "No ref for pod '%q'" , pod . Name )
// findActiveInitContainer returns the status of the last failed container, the next init container to
// start, or done if there are no further init containers. Status is only returned if an init container
// failed, in which case next will point to the current container.
func findActiveInitContainer ( pod * v1 . Pod , podStatus * kubecontainer . PodStatus ) ( next * v1 . Container , status * kubecontainer . ContainerStatus , done bool ) {
if len ( pod . Spec . InitContainers ) == 0 {
return nil , nil , true
for i := len ( pod . Spec . InitContainers ) - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i -- {
container := & pod . Spec . InitContainers [ i ]
status := podStatus . FindContainerStatusByName ( container . Name )
switch {
case status == nil :
case status . State == kubecontainer . ContainerStateRunning :
return nil , nil , false
case status . State == kubecontainer . ContainerStateExited :
switch {
// the container has failed, we'll have to retry
case status . ExitCode != 0 :
return & pod . Spec . InitContainers [ i ] , status , false
// all init containers successful
case i == ( len ( pod . Spec . InitContainers ) - 1 ) :
return nil , nil , true
// all containers up to i successful, go to i+1
default :
return & pod . Spec . InitContainers [ i + 1 ] , nil , false
return & pod . Spec . InitContainers [ 0 ] , nil , false
// verifyNonRoot returns an error if the container or image will run as the root user.
func ( dm * DockerManager ) verifyNonRoot ( container * v1 . Container ) error {
if securitycontext . HasRunAsUser ( container ) {
if securitycontext . HasRootRunAsUser ( container ) {
return fmt . Errorf ( "container's runAsUser breaks non-root policy" )
return nil
imgRoot , err := dm . isImageRoot ( container . Image )
if err != nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "can't tell if image runs as root: %v" , err )
if imgRoot {
return fmt . Errorf ( "container has no runAsUser and image will run as root" )
return nil
// isImageRoot returns true if the user directive is not set on the image, the user is set to 0
// or the user is set to root. If there is an error inspecting the image this method will return
// false and return the error.
func ( dm * DockerManager ) isImageRoot ( image string ) ( bool , error ) {
img , err := dm . client . InspectImageByRef ( image )
if err != nil {
return false , err
if img == nil || img . Config == nil {
return false , fmt . Errorf ( "unable to inspect image %s, nil Config" , image )
user := GetUserFromImageUser ( img . Config . User )
// if no user is defined container will run as root
if user == "" {
return true , nil
// do not allow non-numeric user directives
uid , err := strconv . Atoi ( user )
if err != nil {
return false , fmt . Errorf ( "non-numeric user (%s) is not allowed" , user )
// user is numeric, check for 0
return uid == 0 , nil
// GetUserFromImageUser splits the user out of an user:group string.
func GetUserFromImageUser ( id string ) string {
if id == "" {
return id
// split instances where the id may contain user:group
if strings . Contains ( id , ":" ) {
return strings . Split ( id , ":" ) [ 0 ]
// no group, just return the id
return id
// If all instances of a container are garbage collected, doBackOff will also return false, which means the container may be restarted before the
// backoff deadline. However, because that won't cause error and the chance is really slim, we can just ignore it for now.
// If a container is still in backoff, the function will return a brief backoff error and a detailed error message.
func ( dm * DockerManager ) doBackOff ( pod * v1 . Pod , container * v1 . Container , podStatus * kubecontainer . PodStatus , backOff * flowcontrol . Backoff ) ( bool , error , string ) {
var cStatus * kubecontainer . ContainerStatus
// Use the finished time of the latest exited container as the start point to calculate whether to do back-off.
// TODO(random-liu): Better define backoff start point; add unit and e2e test after we finalize this. (See github issue #22240)
for _ , c := range podStatus . ContainerStatuses {
if c . Name == container . Name && c . State == kubecontainer . ContainerStateExited {
cStatus = c
if cStatus != nil {
glog . Infof ( "checking backoff for container %q in pod %q" , container . Name , pod . Name )
ts := cStatus . FinishedAt
// found a container that requires backoff
dockerName := KubeletContainerName {
PodFullName : kubecontainer . GetPodFullName ( pod ) ,
PodUID : pod . UID ,
ContainerName : container . Name ,
stableName , _ , _ := BuildDockerName ( dockerName , container )
if backOff . IsInBackOffSince ( stableName , ts ) {
if ref , err := kubecontainer . GenerateContainerRef ( pod , container ) ; err == nil {
dm . recorder . Eventf ( ref , v1 . EventTypeWarning , events . BackOffStartContainer , "Back-off restarting failed docker container" )
err := fmt . Errorf ( "Back-off %s restarting failed container=%s pod=%s" , backOff . Get ( stableName ) , container . Name , format . Pod ( pod ) )
glog . Infof ( "%s" , err . Error ( ) )
return true , kubecontainer . ErrCrashLoopBackOff , err . Error ( )
backOff . Next ( stableName , ts )
return false , nil , ""
// getPidMode returns the pid mode to use on the docker container based on pod.Spec.HostPID.
func getPidMode ( pod * v1 . Pod ) string {
pidMode := ""
if pod . Spec . HostPID {
pidMode = namespaceModeHost
return pidMode
// getIPCMode returns the ipc mode to use on the docker container based on pod.Spec.HostIPC.
func getIPCMode ( pod * v1 . Pod ) string {
ipcMode := ""
if pod . Spec . HostIPC {
ipcMode = namespaceModeHost
return ipcMode
func ( dm * DockerManager ) DeleteContainer ( containerID kubecontainer . ContainerID ) error {
return dm . containerGC . deleteContainer ( containerID . ID )
// GetNetNS returns the network namespace path for the given container
func ( dm * DockerManager ) GetNetNS ( containerID kubecontainer . ContainerID ) ( string , error ) {
inspectResult , err := dm . client . InspectContainer ( containerID . ID )
if err != nil {
glog . Errorf ( "Error inspecting container: '%v'" , err )
return "" , err
if inspectResult . State . Pid == 0 {
// Docker reports pid 0 for an exited container. We can't use it to
// check the network namespace, so return an empty string instead.
glog . V ( 4 ) . Infof ( "Cannot find network namespace for the terminated container %q" , containerID . ID )
return "" , nil
netnsPath := fmt . Sprintf ( DockerNetnsFmt , inspectResult . State . Pid )
return netnsPath , nil
func ( dm * DockerManager ) GetPodContainerID ( pod * kubecontainer . Pod ) ( kubecontainer . ContainerID , error ) {
for _ , c := range pod . Containers {
if c . Name == PodInfraContainerName {
return c . ID , nil
return kubecontainer . ContainerID { } , fmt . Errorf ( "Pod %s unknown to docker." , kubecontainer . BuildPodFullName ( pod . Name , pod . Namespace ) )
// Garbage collection of dead containers
func ( dm * DockerManager ) GarbageCollect ( gcPolicy kubecontainer . ContainerGCPolicy , allSourcesReady bool ) error {
return dm . containerGC . GarbageCollect ( gcPolicy , allSourcesReady )
func ( dm * DockerManager ) GetPodStatus ( uid kubetypes . UID , name , namespace string ) ( * kubecontainer . PodStatus , error ) {
podStatus := & kubecontainer . PodStatus { ID : uid , Name : name , Namespace : namespace }
// Now we retain restart count of container as a docker label. Each time a container
// restarts, pod will read the restart count from the registered dead container, increment
// it to get the new restart count, and then add a label with the new restart count on
// the newly started container.
// However, there are some limitations of this method:
// 1. When all dead containers were garbage collected, the container status could
// not get the historical value and would be *inaccurate*. Fortunately, the chance
// is really slim.
// 2. When working with old version containers which have no restart count label,
// we can only assume their restart count is 0.
// Anyhow, we only promised "best-effort" restart count reporting, we can just ignore
// these limitations now.
var containerStatuses [ ] * kubecontainer . ContainerStatus
// We have added labels like pod name and pod namespace, it seems that we can do filtered list here.
// However, there may be some old containers without these labels, so at least now we can't do that.
// TODO(random-liu): Do only one list and pass in the list result in the future
// TODO(random-liu): Add filter when we are sure that all the containers have the labels
containers , err := dm . client . ListContainers ( dockertypes . ContainerListOptions { All : true } )
if err != nil {
return podStatus , err
// Loop through list of running and exited docker containers to construct
// the statuses. We assume docker returns a list of containers sorted in
// reverse by time.
// TODO: optimization: set maximum number of containers per container name to examine.
for _ , c := range containers {
if len ( c . Names ) == 0 {
dockerName , _ , err := ParseDockerName ( c . Names [ 0 ] )
if err != nil {
if dockerName . PodUID != uid {
result , ip , err := dm . inspectContainer ( c . ID , name , namespace )
if err != nil {
if _ , ok := err . ( containerNotFoundError ) ; ok {
// https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/22541
// Sometimes when docker's state is corrupt, a container can be listed
// but couldn't be inspected. We fake a status for this container so
// that we can still return a status for the pod to sync.
result = & kubecontainer . ContainerStatus {
ID : kubecontainer . DockerID ( c . ID ) . ContainerID ( ) ,
Name : dockerName . ContainerName ,
State : kubecontainer . ContainerStateUnknown ,
glog . Errorf ( "Unable to inspect container %q: %v" , c . ID , err )
} else {
return podStatus , err
containerStatuses = append ( containerStatuses , result )
if containerProvidesPodIP ( dockerName ) && ip != "" {
podStatus . IP = ip
podStatus . ContainerStatuses = containerStatuses
return podStatus , nil
// getVersionInfo returns apiVersion & daemonVersion of docker runtime
func ( dm * DockerManager ) getVersionInfo ( ) ( versionInfo , error ) {
apiVersion , err := dm . APIVersion ( )
if err != nil {
return versionInfo { } , err
daemonVersion , err := dm . Version ( )
if err != nil {
return versionInfo { } , err
return versionInfo {
apiVersion : apiVersion ,
daemonVersion : daemonVersion ,
} , nil
// Truncate the message if it exceeds max length.
func truncateMsg ( msg string , max int ) string {
if len ( msg ) <= max {
return msg
glog . V ( 2 ) . Infof ( "Truncated %s" , msg )
const truncatedMsg = "..TRUNCATED.."
begin := ( max - len ( truncatedMsg ) ) / 2
end := len ( msg ) - ( max - ( len ( truncatedMsg ) + begin ) )
return msg [ : begin ] + truncatedMsg + msg [ end : ]