2017-01-31 16:45:59 -08:00
/ *
Copyright 2015 The Kubernetes Authors .
Licensed under the Apache License , Version 2.0 ( the "License" ) ;
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* /
package e2e
import (
metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
2017-02-03 14:41:32 +01:00
2017-01-31 16:45:59 -08:00
testutils "k8s.io/kubernetes/test/utils"
. "github.com/onsi/ginkgo"
. "github.com/onsi/gomega"
const (
// How long a node is allowed to go from "Ready" to "NotReady" after a
// reboot is issued before the test is considered failed.
rebootNodeNotReadyTimeout = 2 * time . Minute
// How long a node is allowed to go from "NotReady" to "Ready" after a
// reboot is issued and it is found to be "NotReady" before the test is
// considered failed.
rebootNodeReadyAgainTimeout = 5 * time . Minute
// How long pods have to be "ready" after the reboot.
rebootPodReadyAgainTimeout = 5 * time . Minute
var _ = framework . KubeDescribe ( "Reboot [Disruptive] [Feature:Reboot]" , func ( ) {
var f * framework . Framework
BeforeEach ( func ( ) {
// These tests requires SSH to nodes, so the provider check should be identical to there
// (the limiting factor is the implementation of util.go's framework.GetSigner(...)).
// Cluster must support node reboot
framework . SkipUnlessProviderIs ( framework . ProvidersWithSSH ... )
} )
AfterEach ( func ( ) {
if CurrentGinkgoTestDescription ( ) . Failed {
// Most of the reboot tests just make sure that addon/system pods are running, so dump
// events for the kube-system namespace on failures
2017-02-03 14:41:32 +01:00
namespaceName := metav1 . NamespaceSystem
2017-01-31 16:45:59 -08:00
By ( fmt . Sprintf ( "Collecting events from namespace %q." , namespaceName ) )
2017-02-03 14:41:32 +01:00
events , err := f . ClientSet . Core ( ) . Events ( namespaceName ) . List ( metav1 . ListOptions { } )
2017-01-31 16:45:59 -08:00
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
for _ , e := range events . Items {
framework . Logf ( "event for %v: %v %v: %v" , e . InvolvedObject . Name , e . Source , e . Reason , e . Message )
// In GKE, our current tunneling setup has the potential to hold on to a broken tunnel (from a
// rebooted/deleted node) for up to 5 minutes before all tunnels are dropped and recreated. Most tests
// make use of some proxy feature to verify functionality. So, if a reboot test runs right before a test
// that tries to get logs, for example, we may get unlucky and try to use a closed tunnel to a node that
// was recently rebooted. There's no good way to framework.Poll for proxies being closed, so we sleep.
// TODO(cjcullen) reduce this sleep (#19314)
if framework . ProviderIs ( "gke" ) {
By ( "waiting 5 minutes for all dead tunnels to be dropped" )
time . Sleep ( 5 * time . Minute )
} )
f = framework . NewDefaultFramework ( "reboot" )
It ( "each node by ordering clean reboot and ensure they function upon restart" , func ( ) {
// clean shutdown and restart
// We sleep 10 seconds to give some time for ssh command to cleanly finish before the node is rebooted.
testReboot ( f . ClientSet , "nohup sh -c 'sleep 10 && sudo reboot' >/dev/null 2>&1 &" , nil )
} )
It ( "each node by ordering unclean reboot and ensure they function upon restart" , func ( ) {
// unclean shutdown and restart
// We sleep 10 seconds to give some time for ssh command to cleanly finish before the node is shutdown.
testReboot ( f . ClientSet , "nohup sh -c 'sleep 10 && echo b | sudo tee /proc/sysrq-trigger' >/dev/null 2>&1 &" , nil )
} )
It ( "each node by triggering kernel panic and ensure they function upon restart" , func ( ) {
// kernel panic
// We sleep 10 seconds to give some time for ssh command to cleanly finish before kernel panic is triggered.
testReboot ( f . ClientSet , "nohup sh -c 'sleep 10 && echo c | sudo tee /proc/sysrq-trigger' >/dev/null 2>&1 &" , nil )
} )
It ( "each node by switching off the network interface and ensure they function upon switch on" , func ( ) {
// switch the network interface off for a while to simulate a network outage
// We sleep 10 seconds to give some time for ssh command to cleanly finish before network is down.
testReboot ( f . ClientSet , "nohup sh -c 'sleep 10 && (sudo ifdown eth0 || sudo ip link set eth0 down) && sleep 120 && (sudo ifup eth0 || sudo ip link set eth0 up)' >/dev/null 2>&1 &" , nil )
} )
It ( "each node by dropping all inbound packets for a while and ensure they function afterwards" , func ( ) {
// tell the firewall to drop all inbound packets for a while
// We sleep 10 seconds to give some time for ssh command to cleanly finish before starting dropping inbound packets.
// We still accept packages send from localhost to prevent monit from restarting kubelet.
tmpLogPath := "/tmp/drop-inbound.log"
testReboot ( f . ClientSet , dropPacketsScript ( "INPUT" , tmpLogPath ) , catLogHook ( tmpLogPath ) )
} )
It ( "each node by dropping all outbound packets for a while and ensure they function afterwards" , func ( ) {
// tell the firewall to drop all outbound packets for a while
// We sleep 10 seconds to give some time for ssh command to cleanly finish before starting dropping outbound packets.
// We still accept packages send to localhost to prevent monit from restarting kubelet.
tmpLogPath := "/tmp/drop-outbound.log"
testReboot ( f . ClientSet , dropPacketsScript ( "OUTPUT" , tmpLogPath ) , catLogHook ( tmpLogPath ) )
} )
} )
func testReboot ( c clientset . Interface , rebootCmd string , hook terminationHook ) {
// Get all nodes, and kick off the test on each.
nodelist := framework . GetReadySchedulableNodesOrDie ( c )
if hook != nil {
defer func ( ) {
framework . Logf ( "Executing termination hook on nodes" )
hook ( framework . TestContext . Provider , nodelist )
} ( )
result := make ( [ ] bool , len ( nodelist . Items ) )
wg := sync . WaitGroup { }
wg . Add ( len ( nodelist . Items ) )
failed := false
for ix := range nodelist . Items {
go func ( ix int ) {
defer wg . Done ( )
n := nodelist . Items [ ix ]
result [ ix ] = rebootNode ( c , framework . TestContext . Provider , n . ObjectMeta . Name , rebootCmd )
if ! result [ ix ] {
failed = true
} ( ix )
// Wait for all to finish and check the final result.
wg . Wait ( )
if failed {
for ix := range nodelist . Items {
n := nodelist . Items [ ix ]
if ! result [ ix ] {
framework . Logf ( "Node %s failed reboot test." , n . ObjectMeta . Name )
framework . Failf ( "Test failed; at least one node failed to reboot in the time given." )
func printStatusAndLogsForNotReadyPods ( c clientset . Interface , ns string , podNames [ ] string , pods [ ] * v1 . Pod ) {
printFn := func ( id , log string , err error , previous bool ) {
prefix := "Retrieving log for container"
if previous {
prefix = "Retrieving log for the last terminated container"
if err != nil {
framework . Logf ( "%s %s, err: %v:\n%s\n" , prefix , id , err , log )
} else {
framework . Logf ( "%s %s:\n%s\n" , prefix , id , log )
podNameSet := sets . NewString ( podNames ... )
for _ , p := range pods {
if p . Namespace != ns {
if ! podNameSet . Has ( p . Name ) {
if ok , _ := testutils . PodRunningReady ( p ) ; ok {
framework . Logf ( "Status for not ready pod %s/%s: %+v" , p . Namespace , p . Name , p . Status )
// Print the log of the containers if pod is not running and ready.
for _ , container := range p . Status . ContainerStatuses {
cIdentifer := fmt . Sprintf ( "%s/%s/%s" , p . Namespace , p . Name , container . Name )
log , err := framework . GetPodLogs ( c , p . Namespace , p . Name , container . Name )
printFn ( cIdentifer , log , err , false )
// Get log from the previous container.
if container . RestartCount > 0 {
printFn ( cIdentifer , log , err , true )
// rebootNode takes node name on provider through the following steps using c:
// - ensures the node is ready
// - ensures all pods on the node are running and ready
// - reboots the node (by executing rebootCmd over ssh)
// - ensures the node reaches some non-ready state
// - ensures the node becomes ready again
// - ensures all pods on the node become running and ready again
// It returns true through result only if all of the steps pass; at the first
// failed step, it will return false through result and not run the rest.
func rebootNode ( c clientset . Interface , provider , name , rebootCmd string ) bool {
// Setup
2017-02-03 14:41:32 +01:00
ns := metav1 . NamespaceSystem
2017-01-31 16:45:59 -08:00
ps := testutils . NewPodStore ( c , ns , labels . Everything ( ) , fields . OneTermEqualSelector ( api . PodHostField , name ) )
defer ps . Stop ( )
// Get the node initially.
framework . Logf ( "Getting %s" , name )
node , err := c . Core ( ) . Nodes ( ) . Get ( name , metav1 . GetOptions { } )
if err != nil {
framework . Logf ( "Couldn't get node %s" , name )
return false
// Node sanity check: ensure it is "ready".
if ! framework . WaitForNodeToBeReady ( c , name , framework . NodeReadyInitialTimeout ) {
return false
// Get all the pods on the node that don't have liveness probe set.
// Liveness probe may cause restart of a pod during node reboot, and the pod may not be running.
pods := ps . List ( )
podNames := [ ] string { }
for _ , p := range pods {
probe := false
for _ , c := range p . Spec . Containers {
if c . LivenessProbe != nil {
probe = true
if ! probe {
podNames = append ( podNames , p . ObjectMeta . Name )
framework . Logf ( "Node %s has %d assigned pods with no liveness probes: %v" , name , len ( podNames ) , podNames )
// For each pod, we do a sanity check to ensure it's running / healthy
// or succeeded now, as that's what we'll be checking later.
if ! framework . CheckPodsRunningReadyOrSucceeded ( c , ns , podNames , framework . PodReadyBeforeTimeout ) {
printStatusAndLogsForNotReadyPods ( c , ns , podNames , pods )
return false
// Reboot the node.
if err = framework . IssueSSHCommand ( rebootCmd , provider , node ) ; err != nil {
framework . Logf ( "Error while issuing ssh command: %v" , err )
return false
// Wait for some kind of "not ready" status.
if ! framework . WaitForNodeToBeNotReady ( c , name , rebootNodeNotReadyTimeout ) {
return false
// Wait for some kind of "ready" status.
if ! framework . WaitForNodeToBeReady ( c , name , rebootNodeReadyAgainTimeout ) {
return false
// Ensure all of the pods that we found on this node before the reboot are
// running / healthy, or succeeded.
if ! framework . CheckPodsRunningReadyOrSucceeded ( c , ns , podNames , rebootPodReadyAgainTimeout ) {
newPods := ps . List ( )
printStatusAndLogsForNotReadyPods ( c , ns , podNames , newPods )
return false
framework . Logf ( "Reboot successful on node %s" , name )
return true
type terminationHook func ( provider string , nodes * v1 . NodeList )
func catLogHook ( logPath string ) terminationHook {
return func ( provider string , nodes * v1 . NodeList ) {
for _ , n := range nodes . Items {
cmd := fmt . Sprintf ( "cat %v && rm %v" , logPath , logPath )
if _ , err := framework . IssueSSHCommandWithResult ( cmd , provider , & n ) ; err != nil {
framework . Logf ( "Error while issuing ssh command: %v" , err )
func dropPacketsScript ( chainName , logPath string ) string {
return strings . Replace ( fmt . Sprintf ( `
nohup sh - c '
set - x
sleep 10
while true ; do sudo iptables - I $ { CHAIN } 1 - s 127.0 .0 .1 - j ACCEPT && break ; done
while true ; do sudo iptables - I $ { CHAIN } 2 - j DROP && break ; done
sleep 120
while true ; do sudo iptables - D $ { CHAIN } - j DROP && break ; done
while true ; do sudo iptables - D $ { CHAIN } - s 127.0 .0 .1 - j ACCEPT && break ; done
' > % v 2 > & 1 &
` , logPath ) , "${CHAIN}" , chainName , - 1 )